REL DSK MAINSEG use Locator.Macs use Load.Macs use Mem.Macs use Misc.Macs use Util.Macs use EDS.GSOS.Macs use GTE.Macs use ../../src/Defs.s mx %00 TSZelda EXT ; tileset buffer MAX_SPRITES equ 16 ScreenX equ 0 ScreenY equ 2 Tmp0 equ 4 Tmp1 equ 6 KeyState equ 8 Selected equ 10 Flips equ 12 DTile equ 14 Tmp2 equ 16 ; Typical init phk plb sta MyUserId ; GS/OS passes the memory manager user ID for the application into the program _MTStartUp ; GTE requires the miscellaneous toolset to be running jsr GTEStartUp ; Load and install the GTE User Tool ; Initialize the graphics screen to a 256x160 playfield pea #320 pea #200 _GTESetScreenMode ; Load a tileset pea #^TSZelda pea #TSZelda _GTELoadTileSet ; Set the palette ldx #11*2 :ploop lda palette,x stal $E19E00,x dex dex bpl :ploop bra sprt palette dw $0000,$08C1,$0C41,$0F93,$0777,$0FDA,$00A0,$0000,$0D20,$0FFF,$023E sprt ; Create stamps for the sprites we are going to use HERO_SPRITE equ SPRITE_16X16+1 pea HERO_SPRITE ; sprint id pea VBUFF_SPRITE_START ; vbuff address _GTECreateSpriteStamp ; Create sprites stz Tmp0 stz Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 :sloop pea HERO_SPRITE ; sprite id lda PlayerX,x pha lda PlayerY,x pha pei Tmp1 _GTEAddSprite pei Tmp1 ; update the sprite in this slot pea $0000 ; with these flags (h/v flip) pea VBUFF_SPRITE_START ; and use this stamp _GTEUpdateSprite inc Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 inx inx stx Tmp0 cpx #MAX_SPRITES*2 bcc :sloop ; Manually fill in the 41x26 tiles of the TileStore with a test pattern of trees ; lda #TILE_DYN_BIT+TILE_PRIORITY_BIT+0 ; fill the screen the the dynamic tile slot 0 lda #TILE_DYN_BIT+0 ; fill the screen the the dynamic tile slot 0 jsr _fillTileStore ; brl :no_trees ldx #0 ldy #0 jsr _drawTree ldx #3 ldy #0 jsr _drawTreeH ldx #0 ldy #3 jsr _drawTreeV ldx #3 ldy #3 jsr _drawTreeHV ldx #9 ldy #0 jsr _drawTree ldx #9 ldy #3 jsr _drawTree ldx #12 ldy #0 jsr _drawTree ldx #12 ldy #3 jsr _drawTree ldx #6 ldy #0 jsr _drawTreeFront ldx #6 ldy #3 jsr _drawTreeFront ldx #6 ldy #6 jsr _drawTreeFront ldx #3 ldy #6 jsr _drawTreeFront ldx #0 ldy #6 jsr _drawTreeFront :no_trees ; Set up the dynamic tile lda #65 sta DTile pei DTile pea $0000 _GTECopyTileToDynamic ; Copy DTile into the first dynamic tile slot ; Initialize the frame counter stz FrameCount ; Set the screen coordinates lda #128 sta ScreenX lda #128 sta ScreenY stz Selected stz Flips ; Very simple actions :evt_loop pha ; space for result, with pattern _GTEReadControl pla and #$00FF cmp #'q' bne :2 brl :exit :2 ; cmp KeyState ; beq :evt_loop ; sta KeyState ; cmp #0 ; beq :evt_loop ; cmp #' ' ; bne :evt_loop ; only advance one frame at a time ; brl :next :3 cmp #'1' bcc :3a cmp #'9' bcs :3a sec sbc #'1' asl sta Selected brl :next :3a cmp #'r' bne :3b lda Flips clc adc #SPRITE_HFLIP and #SPRITE_VFLIP+SPRITE_HFLIP sta Flips pei Selected ; update the sprite in this slot pei Flips ; with these flags (h/v flip) pea VBUFF_SPRITE_START ; and use this stamp _GTEUpdateSprite :3b cmp #'x' bne :3d ldx Selected lda PlayerX,x clc adc PlayerU,x sta PlayerX,x lda PlayerY,x clc adc PlayerV,x sta PlayerY,x brl :next :3d cmp #'z' bne :3e ldx Selected lda PlayerX,x sec sbc PlayerU,x sta PlayerX,x lda PlayerY,x sec sbc PlayerV,x sta PlayerY,x brl :next :3e cmp #'s' bne :4 ldx Selected inc PlayerY,x brl :next :4 cmp #'w' bne :5 ldx Selected dec PlayerY,x brl :next :5 cmp #'d' bne :6 ldx Selected inc PlayerX,x brl :next :6 cmp #'a' bne :7 ldx Selected dec PlayerX,x brl :next :7 cmp #$15 ; left = $08, right = $15, up = $0B, down = $0A bne :8 inc ScreenX bra :next :8 cmp #$08 bne :9 dec ScreenX brl :next :9 cmp #$0B bne :10 inc ScreenY brl :next :10 cmp #$0A bne :11 dec ScreenY :11 cmp #'y' bne :next lda DTile inc and #$007F sta DTile pha pea $0000 _GTECopyTileToDynamic :next ; inc ScreenX pei ScreenX pei ScreenY _GTESetBG0Origin ; brl no_animate stz Tmp0 stz Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 loopX lda PlayerX,x clc adc PlayerU,x sta PlayerX,x bpl is_posx cmp #-15 bcs do_y lda PlayerU,x eor #$FFFF inc sta PlayerU,x bra do_y is_posx cmp #128 bcc do_y lda PlayerU,x eor #$FFFF inc sta PlayerU,x do_y lda PlayerY,x clc adc PlayerV,x sta PlayerY,x bpl is_posy cmp #-15 bcs do_z lda PlayerV,x eor #$FFFF inc sta PlayerV,x bra do_z is_posy cmp #160 bcc do_z lda PlayerV,x eor #$FFFF inc sta PlayerV,x do_z inc Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 inx inx stx Tmp0 cpx #MAX_SPRITES*2 bcc loopX no_animate stz Tmp0 stz Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 loopY pei Tmp1 lda PlayerX,x pha lda PlayerY,x pha _GTEMoveSprite inc Tmp1 ldx Tmp0 inx inx stx Tmp0 cpx #MAX_SPRITES*2 bcc loopY _GTERender inc FrameCount ; Debug stuff pha _GTEGetSeconds pla cmp LastSecond beq :no_fps sta LastSecond lda FrameCount ldx #0 ldy #$FFFF jsr DrawWord stz FrameCount :no_fps ; tdc ; ldx #160*32 ; jsr DrawWord brl :evt_loop ; Shut down everything :exit _GTEShutDown _QuitGS qtRec qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 ; Array of sprite positions and velocities PlayerX dw 8,14,29,34,45,67,81,83,92,101,39,22,7,74,111,9 PlayerY dw 72,24,13,56,35,72,23,8,93,123,134,87,143,14,46,65 PlayerU dw 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 PlayerV dw 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,4,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 ; Load the GTE User Tool and install it GTEStartUp pea $0000 _LoaderStatus pla pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 pea $0000 ; result space lda MyUserId pha pea #^ToolPath pea #ToolPath pea $0001 ; do not load into special memory _InitialLoad bcc :ok1 brk $01 :ok1 ply pla ; Address of the loaded tool plx ply ply pea $8000 ; User toolset pea $00A0 ; Set the tool set number phx pha ; Address of function pointer table _SetTSPtr bcc :ok2 brk $02 :ok2 clc ; Give GTE a page of direct page memory tdc adc #$0100 pha pea #ENGINE_MODE_DYN_TILES ; Enable Dynamic Tiles lda MyUserId ; Pass the userId for memory allocation pha _GTEStartUp bcc :ok3 brk $03 :ok3 rts _fillTileStore sta Tmp2 stz Tmp0 :oloop stz Tmp1 :iloop pei Tmp1 pei Tmp0 pei Tmp2 _GTESetTile lda Tmp2 eor #TILE_PRIORITY_BIT sta Tmp2 lda Tmp1 inc sta Tmp1 cmp #41 bcc :iloop lda Tmp0 inc sta Tmp0 cmp #26 bcc :oloop rts ; Tile 65 Tile 66 ; Tile 97 Tile 98 _drawTreeFront phx phy pea #65+TILE_PRIORITY_BIT inx phx phy pea #66+TILE_PRIORITY_BIT iny phx phy pea #98+TILE_PRIORITY_BIT dex phx phy pea #97+TILE_PRIORITY_BIT _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile rts _drawTree phx phy pea #65 inx phx phy pea #66 iny phx phy pea #98 dex phx phy pea #97 _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile rts _drawTreeH phx phy pea #66+TILE_HFLIP_BIT inx phx phy pea #65+TILE_HFLIP_BIT iny phx phy pea #97+TILE_HFLIP_BIT dex phx phy pea #98+TILE_HFLIP_BIT _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile rts _drawTreeV phx phy pea #97+TILE_VFLIP_BIT inx phx phy pea #98+TILE_VFLIP_BIT iny phx phy pea #66+TILE_VFLIP_BIT dex phx phy pea #65+TILE_VFLIP_BIT _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile rts _drawTreeHV phx phy pea #98+TILE_VFLIP_BIT+TILE_HFLIP_BIT inx phx phy pea #97+TILE_VFLIP_BIT+TILE_HFLIP_BIT iny phx phy pea #65+TILE_VFLIP_BIT+TILE_HFLIP_BIT dex phx phy pea #66+TILE_VFLIP_BIT+TILE_HFLIP_BIT _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile _GTESetTile rts MyUserId ds 2 ToolPath str '1/Tool160' FrameCount ds 2 LastSecond dw 0 PUT App.Msg.s PUT font.s