; Bank of memory that holds the core sprite and tile store data structures put ../Defs.s put TileStoreDefs.s ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; put ../blitter/Template.s ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TileStore ENT ds {TILE_STORE_SIZE*TILE_STORE_NUM} ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; A list of dirty tiles that need to be updated in a given frame ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary DirtyTileCount ENT ds 2 DirtyTiles ENT ds TILE_STORE_SIZE ; At most this many tiles can possibly be updated at once ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary _Sprites ENT ds SPRITE_REC_SIZE*MAX_SPRITES ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; A double-sized table of lookup values. It is double-width and double-height so that, ; if we know a tile's address position of (X + 41*Y), then any relative tile store address ; can be looked up by adding a constant value. ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary TileStoreLookupYTable ENT ]line equ 0 lup TS_LOOKUP_HEIGHT dw ]line ]line equ ]line+{2*TS_LOOKUP_SPAN} --^ ; Width of tile store is 41 elements TileStoreData mac dw ]1+0,]1+2,]1+4,]1+6,]1+8,]1+10,]1+12,]1+14 dw ]1+16,]1+18,]1+20,]1+22,]1+24,]1+26,]1+28,]1+30 dw ]1+32,]1+34,]1+36,]1+38,]1+40,]1+42,]1+44,]1+46 dw ]1+48,]1+50,]1+52,]1+54,]1+56,]1+58,]1+60,]1+62 dw ]1+64,]1+66,]1+68,]1+70,]1+72,]1+74,]1+76,]1+78 dw ]1+80 <<< ; Create a lookup table with two runs of offsets, plus an overlap area on the end (41+41+1 = 83 = TS_LOOKUP_SPAN) TileStoreLookup ENT ; First copy ]row equ 0 lup TILE_STORE_HEIGHT TileStoreData ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH TileStoreData ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH dw ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH,]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH+2 ]row equ ]row+1 --^ ; Second copy ]row equ 0 lup TILE_STORE_HEIGHT TileStoreData ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH TileStoreData ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH dw ]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH,]row*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH+2 ]row equ ]row+1 --^ ; Last two rows TileStoreData 0*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH TileStoreData 0*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH dw 0*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH,0*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH+2 TileStoreData 1*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH TileStoreData 1*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH dw 1*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH,1*2*TILE_STORE_WIDTH+2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Other data tables ; Col2CodeOffset ; ; Takes a column number (0 - 81) and returns the offset into the blitter code ; template. ; ; This is used for rendering tile data into the code field. For example, is we assume that ; we are filling in the operands for a bunch of PEA values, we could do this ; ; ldy tileColumn*2 ; lda #DATA ; ldx Col2CodeOffset,y ; sta $0001,x ; ; The table values are pre-reversed so that loop can go in logical order 0, 2, 4, ... ; and the resulting offsets will map to the code instructions in right-to-left order. ; ; Remember, because the data is pushed on to the stack, the last instruction, which is ; in the highest memory location, pushed data that apepars on the left edge of the screen. ]step equ 0 dw CODE_TOP ; There is a spot where we load Col2CodeOffet-2,x Col2CodeOffset ENT lup 82 dw CODE_TOP+{{81-]step}*PER_TILE_SIZE} ]step equ ]step+1 --^ dw CODE_TOP+{81*PER_TILE_SIZE} ; A parallel table to Col2CodeOffset that holds the offset to the exception handler address for each column ]step equ 0 dw SNIPPET_BASE JTableOffset ENT lup 82 dw SNIPPET_BASE+{{81-]step}*SNIPPET_SIZE} ]step equ ]step+1 --^ dw SNIPPET_BASE+{81*SNIPPET_SIZE} ; Table of BRA instructions that are used to exit the code field. Separate tables for ; even and odd aligned cases. ; ; The even exit point is closest to the code field. The odd exit point is 3 bytes further ; ; These tables are reversed to be parallel with the JTableOffset and Col2CodeOffset tables above. The ; physical word index that each instruction is intended to be placed at is in the comment. CodeFieldEvenBRA ENT bra *+6 ; 81 -- need to skip over the JMP loop that passed control back bra *+9 ; 80 bra *+12 ; 79 bra *+15 ; 78 bra *+18 ; 77 bra *+21 ; 76 bra *+24 ; 75 bra *+27 ; 74 bra *+30 ; 73 bra *+33 ; 72 bra *+36 ; 71 bra *+39 ; 70 bra *+42 ; 69 bra *+45 ; 68 bra *+48 ; 67 bra *+51 ; 66 bra *+54 ; 65 bra *+57 ; 64 bra *+60 ; 63 bra *+63 ; 62 bra *+66 ; 61 bra *+69 ; 60 bra *+72 ; 59 bra *+75 ; 58 bra *+78 ; 57 bra *+81 ; 56 bra *+84 ; 55 bra *+87 ; 54 bra *+90 ; 53 bra *+93 ; 52 bra *+96 ; 51 bra *+99 ; 50 bra *+102 ; 49 bra *+105 ; 48 bra *+108 ; 47 bra *+111 ; 46 bra *+114 ; 45 bra *+117 ; 44 bra *+120 ; 43 bra *+123 ; 42 bra *+126 ; 41 bra *-123 ; 40 bra *-120 ; 39 bra *-117 ; 38 bra *-114 ; 37 bra *-111 ; 36 bra *-108 ; 35 bra *-105 ; 34 bra *-102 ; 33 bra *-99 ; 32 bra *-96 ; 31 bra *-93 ; 30 bra *-90 ; 29 bra *-87 ; 28 bra *-84 ; 27 bra *-81 ; 26 bra *-78 ; 25 bra *-75 ; 24 bra *-72 ; 23 bra *-69 ; 22 bra *-66 ; 21 bra *-63 ; 20 bra *-60 ; 19 bra *-57 ; 18 bra *-54 ; 17 bra *-51 ; 16 bra *-48 ; 15 bra *-45 ; 14 bra *-42 ; 13 bra *-39 ; 12 bra *-36 ; 11 bra *-33 ; 10 bra *-30 ; 9 bra *-27 ; 8 bra *-24 ; 7 bra *-21 ; 6 bra *-18 ; 5 bra *-15 ; 4 bra *-12 ; 3 bra *-9 ; 2 bra *-6 ; 1 bra *-3 ; 0 CodeFieldOddBRA ENT bra *+9 ; 81 -- need to skip over two JMP instructions bra *+12 ; 80 bra *+15 ; 79 bra *+18 ; 78 bra *+21 ; 77 bra *+24 ; 76 bra *+27 ; 75 bra *+30 ; 74 bra *+33 ; 73 bra *+36 ; 72 bra *+39 ; 71 bra *+42 ; 70 bra *+45 ; 69 bra *+48 ; 68 bra *+51 ; 67 bra *+54 ; 66 bra *+57 ; 65 bra *+60 ; 64 bra *+63 ; 64 bra *+66 ; 62 bra *+69 ; 61 bra *+72 ; 60 bra *+75 ; 59 bra *+78 ; 58 bra *+81 ; 57 bra *+84 ; 56 bra *+87 ; 55 bra *+90 ; 54 bra *+93 ; 53 bra *+96 ; 52 bra *+99 ; 51 bra *+102 ; 50 bra *+105 ; 49 bra *+108 ; 48 bra *+111 ; 47 bra *+114 ; 46 bra *+117 ; 45 bra *+120 ; 44 bra *+123 ; 43 bra *+126 ; 42 bra *+129 ; 41 bra *-126 ; 40 bra *-123 ; 39 bra *-120 ; 38 bra *-117 ; 37 bra *-114 ; 36 bra *-111 ; 35 bra *-108 ; 34 bra *-105 ; 33 bra *-102 ; 32 bra *-99 ; 31 bra *-96 ; 30 bra *-93 ; 29 bra *-90 ; 28 bra *-87 ; 27 bra *-84 ; 26 bra *-81 ; 25 bra *-78 ; 24 bra *-75 ; 23 bra *-72 ; 22 bra *-69 ; 21 bra *-66 ; 20 bra *-63 ; 19 bra *-60 ; 18 bra *-57 ; 17 bra *-54 ; 16 bra *-51 ; 15 bra *-48 ; 14 bra *-45 ; 13 bra *-42 ; 12 bra *-39 ; 11 bra *-36 ; 10 bra *-33 ; 9 bra *-30 ; 8 bra *-27 ; 7 bra *-24 ; 6 bra *-21 ; 5 bra *-18 ; 4 bra *-15 ; 3 bra *-12 ; 2 bra *-9 ; 1 bra *-6 ; 0 -- branch back 6 to skip the JMP even path ]step equ $2000 ScreenAddr ENT lup 200 dw ]step ]step = ]step+160 --^ ; Table of offsets into each row of a Tile Store table. We currently have two tables defined; one ; that is the backing store for the tiles rendered into the code field, and another that holds ; backlink information on the sprite entries that overlap various tiles. ; ; This table is double-length to support accessing off the end modulo its legth TileStoreYTable ENT ]step equ 0 lup 26 dw ]step ]step = ]step+{41*2} --^ ]step equ 0 lup 26 dw ]step ]step = ]step+{41*2} --^ ; Create a table to look up the "next" column with modulo wraparound. Basically a[i] = i ; and the table is double-length. Use constant offsets to pick an amount to advance NextCol ENT ]step equ 0 lup 41 dw ]step ]step = ]step+2 --^ ]step equ 0 lup 41 dw ]step ]step = ]step+2 --^ ; This is a double-length table that holds the right-edge adresses of the playfield on the physical ; screen. At most, it needs to hold 200 addresses for a full height playfield. It is double-length ; so that code can pick any offset and copy values without needing to check for a wrap-around. If the ; playfield is less than 200 lines tall, then any values after 2 * PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT are undefined. RTable ENT ds 400 ds 400 ; Array of addresses for the banks that hold the blitter. BlitBuff ENT ds 4*13 ; The blitter table (BTable) is a double-length table that holds the full 4-byte address of each ; line of the blit fields. We decompose arrays of pointers into separate high and low words so ; that everything can use the same indexing offsets BTableHigh ENT ds 208*2*2 BTableLow ENT ds 208*2*2 ; A shorter table that just holds the blitter row addresses BRowTableHigh ENT ds 26*2*2 BRowTableLow ENT ds 26*2*2 ; A double-length table of addresses for the BG1 bank. The BG1 buffer is 208 rows of 256 bytes each and ; the first row starts $1800 bytes in to center the buffer in the bank ]step equ $1800 BG1YTable ENT lup 208 dw ]step ]step = ]step+256 --^ ]step equ 256 lup 208 dw ]step ]step = ]step+256 --^ ; Repeat BG1YOffsetTable ENT lup 2 dw 1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 ; dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --^ ; Other Toolset variables OneSecondCounter ENT dw 0 OldOneSecVec ENT ds 4 Timers ENT ds TIMER_REC_SIZE*MAX_TIMERS Overlays ENT dw 0 ; count ds 8 ; only support one or now (start_line, end_line, function call) ; From the IIgs ref DefaultPalette ENT dw $0000,$0777,$0841,$072C dw $000F,$0080,$0F70,$0D00 dw $0FA9,$0FF0,$00E0,$04DF dw $0DAF,$078F,$0CCC,$0FFF ; 0. Full Screen : 40 x 25 320 x 200 (32,000 bytes (100.0%)) ; 1. Sword of Sodan : 34 x 24 272 x 192 (26,112 bytes ( 81.6%)) ; 2. ~NES : 32 x 25 256 x 200 (25,600 bytes ( 80.0%)) ; 3. Task Force : 32 x 22 256 x 176 (22,528 bytes ( 70.4%)) ; 4. Defender of the World : 35 x 20 280 x 160 (22,400 bytes ( 70.0%)) ; 5. Rastan : 32 x 20 256 x 160 (20,480 bytes ( 64.0%)) ; 6. Game Boy Advanced : 30 x 20 240 x 160 (19,200 bytes ( 60.0%)) ; 7. Ancient Land of Y's : 36 x 16 288 x 128 (18,432 bytes ( 57.6%)) ; 8. Game Boy Color : 20 x 18 160 x 144 (11,520 bytes ( 36.0%)) ; 9. Agony (Amiga) : 36 x 24 288 x 192 (27,648 bytes ( 86.4%)) ; 10. Atari Lynx : 20 x 13 160 x 102 (8,160 bytes ( 25.5%)) ScreenModeWidth ENT dw 160,136,128,128,140,128,120,144,80,144,80,160 ScreenModeHeight ENT dw 200,192,200,176,160,160,160,128,144,192,102,1 ; VBuff arrays for each sprite. We need at least a 3x3 block for each sprite and the shape of the ; array must match the TileStore structure. The TileStore is 41 blocks wide. ; ; It is *critical* that this array be placed in a memory location that is greater than the largest ; TileStore offset because the engine maintaines a per-sprite pointer equal to the VBuff array ; address minut the TileStore offset for the top-left corner of that sprite. This allows all of ; the sprites to share the same table, but the result of the subtraction has to be positive. ; ; Each block of data contains fixed offsets for the relative position of vbuff addresses. There ; are multiple copies of the array to handle cases where a sprite needs to transition across the ; boundary. ; ; For example. If a sprite is drawn in the last column, but is two blocks wide, the TileIndex ; value for the first column is $52 and the second column is $00. Since the pointer to the ; VBuffArray is pre-adjusted by the first column's size, the first offset value will be read ; from (VBuffArray - $52)[$52] = VBuffArray[0], which is correct. However, the second column will be ; read from (VBuffArray - $52)[$00] which is one row off from the correct value's location. ; ; The wrapping also need to account for vertical wrapping. Consider a 16x16 sprite with its top-left ; conder inside the physical tile that is the bottom-right-most tile in the Tile Store. So, the ; lookup index for this tile is (26*41*2)-2 = 2130. When using the lookup table, each step to the ; right or down will cause wrap-around. So the lookup addresses look like this ; ; +------+------+ +------+------+ ; | $852 | $800 | | $000 | $004 | ; +------+------+ --> +------+------+ ; | $052 | $000 | | $030 | $034 | ; +------+------+ +------+------+ ; ; We need to maintain 9 different lookup table variations, which is equal to the number of tile ; in the largest sprite (3x3 tiles = 9 different border cases) ;COL_BYTES equ 4 ; VBUFF_TILE_COL_BYTES ;ROW_BYTES equ 384 ; VBUFF_TILE_ROW_BYTES ; Define the offset values ;___NA_NA___ equ 0 ;ROW_0_COL_0 equ {{0*COL_BYTES}+{0*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_0_COL_1 equ {{1*COL_BYTES}+{0*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_0_COL_2 equ {{2*COL_BYTES}+{0*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_1_COL_0 equ {{0*COL_BYTES}+{1*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_1_COL_1 equ {{1*COL_BYTES}+{1*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_1_COL_2 equ {{2*COL_BYTES}+{1*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_2_COL_0 equ {{0*COL_BYTES}+{2*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_2_COL_1 equ {{1*COL_BYTES}+{2*ROW_BYTES}} ;ROW_2_COL_2 equ {{2*COL_BYTES}+{2*ROW_BYTES}} ; Allocate an amount of space equal to a TileStore block because we could have vertical wrap around. ; The rest of the values are in just the first few rows following this block ; ; The first block of 4 values is the "normal" case, (X in [0, N-3], Y in [0, M-3]), so no wrap around is needed ; The second block is (X = N-1, Y in [0, M-3]) ; The third block is (X = N-2, Y in [0, M-3]) ; The fourth block is (X in [0, N-3], Y = M-1) ; The fifth block is (X = N-1, Y = M-1) ; The sixth block is (X = N-2, Y = M-1) ; The seventh block is (X in [0, N-3], Y = M-2) ; The eighth block is (X = N-1, Y = M-2) ; The ninth block is (X = N-2, Y = M-2) VBuffVertTableSelect ENT ; 51 entries dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,48,24 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,48,24 VBuffHorzTableSelect ENT dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,8 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,8 VBuffStart ds TILE_STORE_SIZE VBuffArray ENT ds {TILE_STORE_WIDTH*2}*3 ; Convert sprite index to a bit position _SpriteBits ENT dw $0001,$0002,$0004,$0008,$0010,$0020,$0040,$0080,$0100,$0200,$0400,$0800,$1000,$2000,$4000,$8000 _SpriteBitsNot ENT dw $FFFE,$FFFD,$FFFB,$FFF7,$FFEF,$FFDF,$FFBF,$FF7F,$FEFF,$FDFF,$FBFF,$F7FF,$EFFF,$DFFF,$BFFF,$7FFF ; Doubly linked list that allows the sprites to be traversed in SPRITE_CLIP_TOP order. The prev/next ; index links are stored in the parallel _Sprites structure; just the extra head and tail index values ; are stored here. A negative value is used as a setinel _SortedHead ENT dw $FFFF ;_SortedTail dw $FFFF ; Steps to the different sprite stamps _stamp_step ENT dw 0,12,24,36 BG1YCache ENT ds 32 ; Scaling tables for the BG1 rotation tables. ScalingTables ENT dw Scale0,Scale1,Scale2,Scale3 dw Scale4,Scale5,Scale6,Scale7 dw Scale8,Scale9,Scale10,Scale11 dw Scale12,Scale13,Scale14,Scale15 Scale0 dw $0050,$0054,$0058,$005C,$0060,$0064,$0068,$006C,$0070,$0074,$0078,$007C,$0080,$0084,$0088,$008C,$0090,$0094,$0098,$009C,$00A0,$0002,$0006,$000A,$000E,$0012,$0016,$001A,$001E,$0022,$0026,$002A,$002E,$0032,$0036,$003A,$003E,$0042,$0046,$004A,$004E,$0052,$0056,$005A,$005E,$0062,$0066,$006A,$006E,$0072,$0076,$007A,$007E,$0082,$0086,$008A,$008E,$0092,$0096,$009A,$009E,$00A2,$0004,$0008,$000C,$0010,$0014,$0018,$001C,$0020,$0024,$0028,$002C,$0030,$0034,$0038,$003C,$0040,$0044,$0048,$004C,$0050 Scale1 dw $0072,$0074,$0078,$007A,$007E,$0082,$0084,$0088,$008A,$008E,$0092,$0094,$0098,$009A,$009E,$0000,$0002,$0006,$0008,$000C,$000E,$0012,$0016,$0018,$001C,$001E,$0022,$0026,$0028,$002C,$002E,$0032,$0036,$0038,$003C,$003E,$0042,$0044,$0048,$004C,$004E,$0052,$0054,$0058,$005C,$005E,$0062,$0064,$0068,$006A,$006E,$0072,$0074,$0078,$007A,$007E,$0082,$0084,$0088,$008A,$008E,$0092,$0094,$0098,$009A,$009E,$00A0,$0002,$0006,$0008,$000C,$000E,$0012,$0016,$0018,$001C,$001E,$0022,$0026,$0028,$002C,$002E Scale2 dw $0086,$0088,$008C,$008E,$0090,$0094,$0096,$0098,$009C,$009E,$00A0,$0002,$0004,$0006,$000A,$000C,$000E,$0012,$0014,$0016,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0022,$0024,$0026,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0032,$0034,$0036,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0042,$0044,$0046,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0052,$0054,$0056,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0062,$0064,$0066,$006A,$006C,$006E,$0072,$0074,$0076,$007A,$007C,$007E,$0082,$0084,$0086,$008A,$008C,$008E,$0092,$0094,$0096,$009A,$009C,$009E,$00A2,$0002,$0004,$0008,$000A,$000C,$0010,$0012,$0014,$0018,$001A Scale3 dw $0094,$0098,$009A,$009C,$009E,$00A0,$0000,$0002,$0006,$0008,$000A,$000C,$000E,$0010,$0014,$0016,$0018,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0024,$0026,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0034,$0036,$0038,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0042,$0044,$0046,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0052,$0054,$0056,$0058,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0068,$006A,$006C,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0076,$0078,$007A,$007C,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0086,$0088,$008A,$008C,$0090,$0092,$0094,$0096,$0098,$009A,$009E,$00A0,$00A2,$0002,$0004,$0006,$0008,$000C Scale4 dw $0000,$0002,$0004,$0006,$0008,$000A,$000C,$000E,$0010,$0012,$0014,$0016,$0018,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0022,$0024,$0026,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0036,$0038,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0046,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0056,$0058,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0068,$006A,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0076,$0078,$007A,$007C,$007E,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0086,$0088,$008A,$008C,$008E,$0090,$0092,$0094,$0096,$0098,$009A,$009C,$009E,$00A0,$00A2 Scale5 dw $0008,$000A,$000C,$000E,$0010,$0010,$0012,$0014,$0016,$0018,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0020,$0022,$0024,$0026,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0036,$0038,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0046,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0056,$0058,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0068,$006A,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0076,$0078,$007A,$007C,$007E,$0080,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0086,$0088,$008A,$008C,$008E,$0090,$0090,$0092,$0094,$0096,$0098 Scale6 dw $0010,$0010,$0012,$0014,$0016,$0018,$0018,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0020,$0022,$0024,$0026,$0028,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0036,$0038,$0038,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0046,$0048,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0056,$0058,$0058,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0068,$0068,$006A,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0076,$0078,$0078,$007A,$007C,$007E,$0080,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0086,$0088,$0088,$008A,$008C,$008E,$0090,$0090 Scale7 dw $0016,$0016,$0018,$001A,$001A,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0020,$0022,$0024,$0026,$0026,$0028,$002A,$002A,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0036,$0036,$0038,$003A,$003A,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0046,$0046,$0048,$004A,$004A,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0056,$0056,$0058,$005A,$005A,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0066,$0068,$006A,$006A,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0076,$0076,$0078,$007A,$007A,$007C,$007E,$0080,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0086,$0086,$0088,$008A,$008A Scale8 dw $001A,$001C,$001C,$001E,$0020,$0020,$0022,$0024,$0024,$0026,$0028,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002C,$002E,$0030,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0034,$0036,$0038,$0038,$003A,$003C,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0044,$0046,$0048,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0054,$0056,$0058,$0058,$005A,$005C,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0064,$0066,$0068,$0068,$006A,$006C,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0070,$0072,$0074,$0074,$0076,$0078,$0078,$007A,$007C,$007C,$007E,$0080,$0080,$0082,$0084,$0084,$0086 Scale9 dw $0020,$0020,$0022,$0022,$0024,$0026,$0026,$0028,$0028,$002A,$002C,$002C,$002E,$002E,$0030,$0032,$0032,$0034,$0034,$0036,$0038,$0038,$003A,$003A,$003C,$003E,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0044,$0044,$0046,$0046,$0048,$004A,$004A,$004C,$004C,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0054,$0054,$0056,$0056,$0058,$005A,$005A,$005C,$005C,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0062,$0064,$0066,$0066,$0068,$0068,$006A,$006C,$006C,$006E,$006E,$0070,$0072,$0072,$0074,$0074,$0076,$0078,$0078,$007A,$007A,$007C,$007E,$007E,$0080,$0080 Scale10 dw $0024,$0024,$0026,$0028,$0028,$002A,$002A,$002C,$002C,$002E,$002E,$0030,$0030,$0032,$0034,$0034,$0036,$0036,$0038,$0038,$003A,$003A,$003C,$003C,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0042,$0044,$0044,$0046,$0046,$0048,$0048,$004A,$004C,$004C,$004E,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0052,$0054,$0054,$0056,$0058,$0058,$005A,$005A,$005C,$005C,$005E,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0064,$0064,$0066,$0066,$0068,$0068,$006A,$006A,$006C,$006C,$006E,$0070,$0070,$0072,$0072,$0074,$0074,$0076,$0076,$0078,$0078,$007A,$007C,$007C Scale11 dw 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Scale13 dw $0036,$0036,$0036,$0038,$0038,$0038,$003A,$003A,$003A,$003C,$003C,$003C,$003E,$003E,$003E,$0040,$0040,$0040,$0042,$0042,$0042,$0044,$0044,$0044,$0046,$0046,$0046,$0048,$0048,$0048,$004A,$004A,$004A,$004C,$004C,$004C,$004E,$004E,$004E,$0050,$0050,$0050,$0052,$0052,$0052,$0054,$0054,$0054,$0056,$0056,$0056,$0058,$0058,$0058,$005A,$005A,$005A,$005C,$005C,$005C,$005E,$005E,$005E,$0060,$0060,$0060,$0062,$0062,$0062,$0064,$0064,$0064,$0066,$0066,$0066,$0068,$0068,$0068,$006A,$006A,$006A,$006C Scale14 dw 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