; Renders a frame of animation ; ; The rendering engine is built around the idea of compositing all of the moving components ; on to the Bank 01 graphics buffer and then revealing everything in a single, vertical pass. ; ; If there was just a scrolling screen with no sprites, the screen would just get rendered ; in a single pass, but it gets more complicated with sprites and various effects. ; ; Here is the high-level pipeline: ; ; 1. Identify row ranges with effects. These effects can be sprites or user-defined overlays ; 2. Turn shadowing off ; 3. Render the background for each effect row range (in any order) ; 4. Render the sprites (in any order) ; 5. Turn shadowing on ; 6. Render the background for each non-effect row, a pei slam for sprite rows, and ; the user-defined overlays (in sorted order) ; ; As a concrete example, consider: ; ; Rows 0 - 9 have a user-defined floating overlay for a score board ; Rows 10 - 100 are background only ; Rows 101 - 120 have one or more sprites ; Rows 121 - 140 are background only ; Rows 141 - 159 have a user-defined solid overlay for an animated platform ; ; A floating overlay means that some background data bay show through. A solid overlay means that ; the user-defined data covers the entire scan line. ; ; The renderer would proceed as: ; ; - shadow off ; - render_background(0, 10) ; - render_background(101, 121) ; - render_sprites() ; - shadow_on ; - render_user_overlay_1() ; - render_background(10, 101) ; - pei_slam(101, 121) ; - render_background(121, 141) ; - render_user_overlay_2() ; ; Generally speaking, a PEI Slam is faster that trying to do any sort of dirty-rectangle update by ; tracking sprinte bounding boxes. But, if an application would benefit from skipping some background ; drawing on sprite rows, that can be handled by using the low level routines to control the left/right ; edges of the rendered play field. ; The render function is the point of committment -- most of the APIs that set sprintes and ; update coordinates are lazy; they simply save the value and set a dirty flag in the ; DirtyBits word. ; ; This function examines the dirty bits and actually performs the work to update the code field ; and internal data structure to properly render the play field. Then the update pipeline is ; executed. Render ; TODO -- actually check the dirty bits and be selective on what gets updated. For example, if ; only the Y position changes, then we should only need to set new values on the ; virtual lines that were brought on screen. If the X position only changes by one ; byte, then we may have to change the CODE_ENTRY values or restore/set new OPCODE ; values, but not both. ; It's important to do _ApplyBG0YPos first because it calculates the value of StartY % 208 which is ; used in all of the other loops jsr _ApplyBG0YPos ; Set stack addresses for the virtual lines to the physical screen jsr _ApplyBG0XPos ; Patch the PEA instructions with exit BRA opcode jsr _ApplyBG1YPos ; Adjust the index values into the BG1 bank buffer jsr _ApplyBG1XPos ; Adjust the direct page pointers to the BG1 bank ; The code fields are locked in now and reder to be rendered jsr ShadowOff ldx #0 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen ldy #8 jsr _BltRange jsr ShadowOn ldx #0 ; Expose the top 8 rows ldy #8 jsr _PEISlam ldx #8 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen ldy ScreenHeight jsr _BltRange lda StartY ; Restore the fields back to their original state ldx ScreenHeight jsr _RestoreBG0Opcodes rts