Lucas Scharenbroich 2507724a49 More sprite streamlining
* Added a TS_LAST_VBUFF cached value in the tile store
* Added a fast path for single sprite w/fast test
* Improved raster timing granularity for visual profiling

All of the code paths are generally good.  Both the _RenderSprites
and _ApplyDirtyTiles functions take a fair bit of raster time. Will
continue to try and streamline the data structures and code to
reduce overhead.`
2022-02-22 02:35:21 -06:00

170 lines
7.5 KiB

; Global addresses and engine values
SHADOW_REG equ $E0C035
STATE_REG equ $E0C068
BORDER_REG equ $E0C034 ; 0-3 = border, 4-7 Text color
KBD_REG equ $E0C000
MOD_REG equ $E0C025
SHADOW_SCREEN equ $012000
SHR_SCREEN equ $E12000
SHR_SCB equ $E19D00
; Direct page locations used by the engine
ScreenHeight equ 0 ; Height of the playfield in scan lines
ScreenWidth equ 2 ; Width of the playfield in bytes
ScreenY0 equ 4 ; First vertical line on the physical screen of the playfield
ScreenY1 equ 6 ; End of playfield on the physical screen. If the height is 20 and Y0 is
ScreenX0 equ 8 ; 100, then ScreenY1 = 120.
ScreenX1 equ 10
ScreenTileHeight equ 12 ; Height of the playfield in 8x8 blocks
ScreenTileWidth equ 14 ; Width of the playfield in 8x8 blocks
StartX equ 16 ; Which code buffer byte is the left edge of the screen. Range = 0 to 167
StartY equ 18 ; Which code buffer line is the top of the screen. Range = 0 to 207
EngineMode equ 20 ; Defined the mode/capabilities that are enabled
; bit 0: 0 = Single Background, 1 = Parallax
DirtyBits equ 22 ; Identify values that have changed between frames
BG1DataBank equ 24 ; Data bank that holds BG1 layer data
BG1AltBank equ 26 ; Alternate BG1 bank
BlitterDP equ 28 ; Direct page address the holder blitter data
OldStartX equ 30
OldStartY equ 32
LastPatchOffset equ 34 ; Offset into code field that was patched with BRA instructions
StartXMod164 equ 36
StartYMod208 equ 38
BG1StartX equ 40 ; Logical offset of the second background
BG1StartXMod164 equ 42
BG1StartY equ 44
BG1StartYMod208 equ 46
OldBG1StartX equ 48
OldBG1StartY equ 50
BG1OffsetIndex equ 52
BG0TileOriginX equ 54 ; Coordinate in the tile map that corresponds to the top-left corner
BG0TileOriginY equ 56
OldBG0TileOriginX equ 58
OldBG0TileOriginY equ 60
BG1TileOriginX equ 62 ; Coordinate in the tile map that corresponds to the top-left corner
BG1TileOriginY equ 64
OldBG1TileOriginX equ 66
OldBG1TileOriginY equ 68
TileMapWidth equ 70
TileMapHeight equ 72
TileMapPtr equ 74
FringeMapPtr equ 78
BG1TileMapWidth equ 82
BG1TileMapHeight equ 84
BG1TileMapPtr equ 86
SCBArrayPtr equ 90 ; Used for palette binding
SpriteBanks equ 94 ; Bank bytes for the sprite data and sprite mask
LastRender equ 96 ; Record which reder function was last executed
; gap
SpriteMap equ 100 ; Bitmap of open sprite slots.
ActiveSpriteCount equ 102
BankLoad equ 104
TileStoreBankAndBank01 equ 106
TileStoreBankAndTileDataBank equ 108
Next equ 110
activeSpriteList equ 128 ; 32 bytes for the active sprite list (can persist across frames)
AppSpace equ 160 ; 16 bytes of space reserved for application use
tiletmp equ 178 ; 16 bytes of temp storage for the tile renderers
blttmp equ 192 ; 32 bytes of local cache/scratch space for blitter
tmp8 equ 224 ; another 16 bytes of temporary space to be used as scratch
tmp9 equ 226
tmp10 equ 228
tmp11 equ 230
tmp12 equ 232
tmp13 equ 234
tmp14 equ 236
tmp15 equ 238
tmp0 equ 240 ; 16 bytes of temporary space to be used as scratch
tmp1 equ 242
tmp2 equ 244
tmp3 equ 246
tmp4 equ 248
tmp5 equ 250
tmp6 equ 252
tmp7 equ 254
DIRTY_BIT_BG0_X equ $0001
DIRTY_BIT_BG0_Y equ $0002
DIRTY_BIT_BG1_X equ $0004
DIRTY_BIT_BG1_Y equ $0008
; Script definition
YIELD equ $8000
JUMP equ $4000
SET_DYN_TILE equ $0006
CALLBACK equ $0010
; ReadControl return value bits
PAD_BUTTON_B equ $01
PAD_BUTTON_A equ $02
PAD_KEY_DOWN equ $04
; Tile constants
TILE_SPRITE_BIT equ $8000 ; Set if this tile intersects an active sprite
TILE_PRIORITY_BIT equ $4000 ; Put tile on top of sprite
TILE_MASK_BIT equ $1000
TILE_DYN_BIT equ $0800
TILE_VFLIP_BIT equ $0400
TILE_HFLIP_BIT equ $0200
; Sprite constants
SPRITE_HIDE equ $2000
SPRITE_16X16 equ $1800
SPRITE_16X8 equ $1000
SPRITE_8X16 equ $0800
SPRITE_8X8 equ $0000
SPRITE_VFLIP equ $0400
SPRITE_HFLIP equ $0200
MAX_TILES equ {26*41} ; Number of tiles in the code field (41 columns * 26 rows)
TILE_STORE_SIZE equ {MAX_TILES*2} ; The tile store contains a tile descriptor in each slot
TS_TILE_ID equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*0 ; tile descriptor for this location
TS_DIRTY equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*1 ; Flag. Used to prevent a tile from being queued multiple times per frame
TS_SPRITE_FLAG equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*2 ; Bitfield of all sprites that intersect this tile. 0 if no sprites.
TS_TILE_ADDR equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*3 ; cached value, the address of the tiledata for this tile
TS_CODE_ADDR_LOW equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*4 ; const value, address of this tile in the code fields
TS_WORD_OFFSET equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*6 ; const value, word offset value for this tile if LDA (dp),y instructions re used
TS_BASE_ADDR equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*7 ; const value, because there are two rows of tiles per bank, this is set to $0000 ot $8000.
TS_SCREEN_ADDR equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*8 ; cached value of on-screen location of tile. Used for DirtyRender.
TS_VBUFF_ARRAY_ADDR equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*9 ; const value to an aligned 32-byte array starting at $8000 in TileStore bank
TS_TILE_DISP equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*10 ; derived from TS_TILE_ID to optimize tile dispatch in the Render function
TS_LAST_VBUFF equ TILE_STORE_SIZE*11 ; a cached copy of one of the valid VBUFF values in the array