Lucas Scharenbroich 4e779e71d2 Tile rendering reorganization
This significantly simplifies the dispatch process by creating a
proper backing store for the tiles.  Most values that were
calcualted on the fly are now stored as constants in the tile

Also, all tile updated are run through the dirty tile list which
solved a checken-and-egg problem of which order to do sprites vs
new tiles and affords a lot of optimizations since tile rendering
is deferred and each tile is only drawn at most once per frame.
2021-10-21 08:50:07 -05:00

177 lines
6.5 KiB

; Initialize the system for fun!
; Mostly memory allocation
; * 13 banks of memory for the blitter
; * 1 bank of memory for the second background
; * 1 bank of memory for the second background alt/mask
; * $01/2000 - $01/9FFF for the shadow screen
; * $00/2000 - $00/9FFF for the fixed background
; * 10 pages of direct page in Bank $00
; - 1 page for scratch space
; - 1 page for pointer to the second background
; - 8 pages for the dynamic tiles
mx %00
InitMemory PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$008000 ; size (32k)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010111 ; Fixed location
PushLong #$002000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx Buff00
sta Buff00+2
PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$008000 ; size (32k)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010111 ; Fixed location
PushLong #$012000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx Buff01
sta Buff01+2
PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$000A00 ; size (10 pages)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010101 ; Page-aligned, fixed bank
PushLong #$000000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx BlitterDP
; Allocate banks of memory for BG1
jsr AllocOneBank2
sta BG1DataBank
jsr AllocOneBank2
sta BG1AltBank
; Allocate the 13 banks of memory we need and store in double-length array
]step equ 0
lup 13
jsr AllocOneBank2
sta BlitBuff+]step+2
stz BlitBuff+]step
]step equ ]step+4
; Fill in a table with the adddress of all 208 scanlines across all 13 banks. Also fill in
; a shorter table that just holds the starting address of the 26 tile block rows.
ldx #0
ldy #0
lda BlitBuff+2,y ; Copy the high word first
]step equ 0
lup 16
sta BTableHigh+]step,x ; 16 lines per bank
sta BTableHigh+]step+{208*2},x ; 16 lines per bank
]step equ ]step+2
lda BlitBuff,y
sta BTableLow,x
sta BTableLow+{208*2},x
]step equ 2
lup 15
adc #$1000
sta BTableLow+]step,x
sta BTableLow+]step+{208*2},x
]step equ ]step+2
adc #16*2 ; move to the next chunk of BTableHigh and BTableLow
adc #4 ; move to the next bank address
cmp #4*13
bcs :exit1
brl :bloop
ldx #0
ldy #0
lda BlitBuff+2,y ; Copy the high word first
sta BRowTableHigh,x ; Two rows per bank
sta BRowTableHigh+{26*2},x
sta BRowTableHigh+2,x
sta BRowTableHigh+{26*2}+2,x
lda BlitBuff,y
sta BRowTableLow,x
sta BRowTableLow+{26*2},x
adc #$8000
sta BRowTableLow+2,x
sta BRowTableLow+{26*2}+2,x
adc #4
adc #4 ; move to the next bank address
cmp #4*13
bcs :exit
brl :bloop2
Buff00 ds 4
Buff01 ds 4
; Bank allocator (for one full, fixed bank of memory. Can be immediately deferenced)
AllocOneBank PushLong #0
PushLong #$10000
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00011100
PushLong #0
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
xba ; swap accumulator bytes to XX00
sta :bank+2 ; store as bank for next op (overwrite $XX00)
:bank ldal $000001,X ; recover the bank address in A=XX/00
; Variation that returns the pointer in the X/A registers (X = low, A = high)
AllocBank ENT
jsr AllocOneBank2
AllocOneBank2 PushLong #0
PushLong #$10000
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00011100
PushLong #0
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)