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synced 2025-02-17 01:30:52 +00:00
274 lines
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274 lines
8.8 KiB
* Read an exported Tiled project in JSON format and produce Merlin32 output files with
* GTE-compatible setup code wrapped around it.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { abort } = require('process');
const process = require('process');
const StringBuilder = require('string-builder');
const parser = require('xml2json');
const png2iigs = require('./png2iigs');
() => process.exit(0),
(e) => {
function toHex(h, width=4) {
return h.toString(16).padStart(width, '0');
function hexToRbg(hex) {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? [parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16)] : null;
async function readTileSet(workdir, tileset) {
// Load up the PNG image
const pngfile = path.resolve(path.join(workdir, tileset.image.source));
console.log(`Reading PNG file from ${pngfile}`);
const png = await png2iigs.readPNG(pngfile);
// Find the index of the transparent color (if defined)
console.log(`Looking for transparency...`);
let transparentIndex = -1;
if (tileset.image.trans) {
const color = hexToRbg(tileset.image.trans);
console.log(`Found color ${color} as transparent marker`);
transparentIndex = png2iigs.findColorIndex(png, color);
if (typeof transparentIndex !== 'number') {
console.log('Could not find color in palette');
transparentIndex = -1;
} else {
console.log(`Transparent color palette index is ${transparentIndex}`);
console.log(`Converting PNG to IIgs bitmap format...`);
const buff = png2iigs.pngToIIgsBuff(png);
console.log(`Building tiles...`);
const tiles = png2iigs.buildTiles(buff, png.width / 2, transparentIndex);
// Return the tiles
return tiles;
function emitHeader() {
const sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.appendLine('; Tiled Map Export');
sb.appendLine('; This is a generated file. Do not modify.');
return sb.toString();
async function loadTileset(workdir, tileset) {
const source = tileset.source;
const filename = path.isAbsolute(source) ? source : path.join(workdir, source);
const contents = fs.readFileSync(filename);
return JSON.parse(parser.toJson(contents));
function getArg(argv, arg, fn, defaultValue) {
for (let i = 0; i < argv.length; i += 1) {
if (argv[i] === arg) {
if (fn) {
return fn(argv[i+1]);
return true; // Return true if the argument was found
return defaultValue;
function writeTiles(filename, tiles) {
const tileSource = png2iigs.buildMerlinCodeForTiles(tiles);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, tileSource);
* Command line arguments
* --output-dir : sets the output folder to write all assets into
async function main(argv) {
// Read in the JSON data
const fullpath = path.resolve(argv[0]);
const workdir = path.dirname(fullpath);
const outdir = getArg(argv, '--output-dir', x => x, workdir);
console.log(`Reading Tiled JSON file from ${fullpath}`);
const raw = fs.readFileSync(fullpath);
console.log(`Parsing JSON file...`);
const doc = JSON.parse(raw);
// Make sure it's a map format we can handle
if (doc.infinite) {
throw new Error('Cannot import infinite maps.');
// Require 8x8 tiles
if (doc.tileheight !== 8 || doc.tilewidth !== 8) {
throw new Error('Only 8x8 tiles are supported');
// The total map size must be less than 32768 tiles because we limit the map to one data bank
// and the tiles are stored in GTE as 16-bit values.
if (doc.height * doc.width >= 32768) {
throw new Error('The tile map must have less than 32,768 tiles');
// Look at the tile layers. We support a maximum of two tile layers.
const tileLayers = doc.layers.filter(l => l.type === 'tilelayer');
if (tileLayers.length === 0) {
throw new Error('There must be at least one tile layer defined for the map');
if (tileLayers.length > 2) {
throw new Error('The map cannot have more than two tile layers');
// Sort the tile layers by ID. The lower ID is considered to be the "front" layer
tileLayers.sort((first, second) => first.id - second.id);
// Load up any/all tilesets
const tileSets = await Promise.all(doc.tilesets.map(tileset => loadTileset(workdir, tileset)));
// Save all of the tilesets
let bg0TileSet = null;
for (const record of tileSets) {
console.log(`Importing tileset "${record.tileset.name}"`);
const tiles = await readTileSet(workdir, record.tileset);
const outputFilename = path.resolve(path.join(outdir, record.tileset.name + '.s'));
console.log(`Writing tiles to ${outputFilename}`);
writeTiles(outputFilename, tiles);
console.log(`Writing complete`);
bg0TileSet = tiles;
// Ok, looks good. Write out the source code for the layers
console.log('Generating data for front layer (BG0): ' + tileLayers[0].name);
const header = emitHeader();
const bg0 = emitBG0Layer(tileLayers[0], bg0TileSet);
const bg0OutputFilename = path.resolve(path.join(outdir, tileLayers[0].name + '.s'));
console.log(`Writing BG0 data to ${bg0OutputFilename}`);
fs.writeFileSync(bg0OutputFilename, header + '\n' + bg0);
console.log(`Writing complete`);
if (tileLayers.length > 1) {
console.log('Generating data for back layer (BG1): ' + tileLayers[1].name);
const bg1 = emitBG1Layer(tileLayers[1], bg0TileSet);
const bg1OutputFilename = path.resolve(path.join(outdir, tileLayers[1].name + '.s'));
console.log(`Writing BG1 data to ${bg1OutputFilename}`);
fs.writeFileSync(bg1OutputFilename, header + '\n' + bg1);
console.log(`Writing complete`);
function emitBG1Layer(layer, tileset) {
const sb = new StringBuilder();
const label = layer.name.split(' ').join('_').split('.').join('_');
const initCode = `
lda #${layer.width}
sta BG1TileMapWidth
lda #${layer.height}
sta BG1TileMapHeight
lda #${label}
sta BG1TileMapPtr
lda #^${label}
sta BG1TileMapPtr+2
emitLayerData(sb, layer, tileset);
return sb.toString();
function emitBG0Layer(layer, tileset) {
const sb = new StringBuilder();
const label = layer.name.split(' ').join('_').split('.').join('_');
const initCode = `
lda #${layer.width}
sta TileMapWidth
lda #${layer.height}
sta TileMapHeight
lda #${label}
sta TileMapPtr
lda #^${label}
sta TileMapPtr+2
emitLayerData(sb, layer, tileset);
return sb.toString();
function emitLayerData(sb, layer, tileset) {
// Print out the data in groups of N
// Merlin32 errors out with errno 3221226505 is the line is too long (>1047 characters)
const N = 64;
const chunks = [];
const tileIDs = layer.data;
for (let i = 0; i < tileIDs.length; i += N) {
chunks.push(tileIDs.slice(i, i + N).map(tID => convertTileID(tID, tileset)))
// Tiled starts numbering its tiles at 1. This is OK since Tile 0 is reserved in
// GTE, also
for (const chunk of chunks) {
sb.appendLine(' dw ' + chunk.map(id => '$' + toHex(id, 4)).join(','));
return sb;
* Map the bit flags used in Tiled to compatible values in GTE
function convertTileID(tileId, tileset) {
const GTE_MASK_BIT = 0x1000;
const GTE_VFLIP_BIT = 0x0400;
const GTE_HFLIP_BIT = 0x0200;
const TILED_VFLIP_BIT = 0x40000000;
const TILED_HFLIP_BIT = 0x80000000;
const TILED_DFLIP_BIT = 0x20000000;
// We don't support the flipped diagonally flag or tile values greater than 511
if ((tileId & TILED_DFLIP_BIT) !== 0) {
throw new Error('Diagonally flipped bits are not supported: tileId = ' + tileId.toString(16));
const hflip = (tileId & TILED_HFLIP_BIT) !== 0;
const vflip = (tileId & TILED_VFLIP_BIT) !== 0;
// Mask out the flip bits
const tileIndex = tileId & 0x1FFFFFFF;
if (tileIndex > 511) {
throw new Error('A maximum of 511 tiles are supported');
// The tileId start at one, but the tile set starts at zero. It's ok when we export,
// because a special zero tile is inserted, but we have to manually adjust here
const mask_bit = !tileset[tileIndex - 1].isSolid;
return (tileId & 0x1FFFFFFF) + (mask_bit ? GTE_MASK_BIT : 0) + (hflip ? GTE_HFLIP_BIT : 0) + (vflip ? GTE_VFLIP_BIT : 0);
} |