Lucas Scharenbroich 8bb17895a9 Rough outline of streamlined sprite subsystem
* Split the creation of the sprite stamps from adding the
  sprites themselves.  This allows for 48 stamps that can
  be pre-rendered and quickly reassigned to sprites for

* Inlined all calls to PushDirtyTile.  This both removed
  significant overhead from calling the small function and,
  since almost all callers we checking multiple tiles, we
  were able to avoid incrementing the count each time and
  just add a single incrments at the end.

* Switched from recording each tile that a sprite intersects
  with each from to only recording the top-left tile and the
  overlap size.  This reduced overhead for larger sprites
  and removed the needs for an end-of-list marker.

* Much more aggressive caching of Sprite and Tile Store
  values in order to streamline the inner tile dispatch

* Moving TileStore and Sprites (and other supporting
  data structures) into a separate data bank.  Needed just
  for size purposes and provide micro-optimizations by
  opening up the use of abs,y addressing modes.

* Revamped multi-sprite rendering code to avoid the need to
  copy any masks and all stacked sprites can be drawn
  via a sequence of and [addrX],y; ora (addrX),y where
  addrX is set once per tile.

* General streamlining to reduct overhead. This work was
  focused on removing as much per-tile overhead as possible.
2022-04-20 07:43:16 -05:00

1000 lines
33 KiB

; Renders a frame of animation
; The render function is the point of committment -- most of the APIs that set sprites and
; update coordinates are lazy; they simply save their values and set a dirty flag in the
; DirtyBits word.
; This function examines the dirty bits and actually performs the work to update the code field
; and internal data structure to properly render the play field. Then the update pipeline is
; executed.
; Everything is composited into the tiles in the playfield and then the screen is rendered in
; a single pass.
Render ENT
jsr _Render
; TODO -- actually check the dirty bits and be selective on what gets updated. For example, if
; only the Y position changes, then we should only need to set new values on the
; virtual lines that were brought on screen. If the X position only changes by one
; byte, then we may have to change the CODE_ENTRY values or restore/set new OPCODE
; values, but not both.
; It's important to do _ApplyBG0YPos first because it calculates the value of StartY % 208 which is
; used in all of the other loops
jsr _ApplyBG0YPos ; Set stack addresses for the virtual lines to the physical screen
jsr _ApplyBG1YPos
; _ApplyBG0Xpos need to be split because we have to set the offsets, then draw in any updated tiles, and
; finally patch out the code field. Right now, the BRA operand is getting overwritten by tile data.
jsr _ApplyBG0XPosPre
jsr _ApplyBG1XPosPre
jsr _RenderSprites ; Once the BG0 X and Y positions are committed, update sprite data
jsr _UpdateBG0TileMap ; and the tile maps. These subroutines build up a list of tiles
jsr _UpdateBG1TileMap ; that need to be updated in the code field
jsr _ApplyTiles ; This function actually draws the new tiles into the code field
jsr _ApplyBG0XPos ; Patch the code field instructions with exit BRA opcode
jsr _ApplyBG1XPos ; Update the direct page value based on the horizontal position
; The code fields are locked in now and ready to be rendered
; jsr _ShadowOff
; Shadowing is turned off. Render all of the scan lines that need a second pass. One
; optimization that can be done here is that the lines can be rendered in any order
; since it is not shown on-screen yet.
; ldx #0 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen
; ldy #8
; jsr _BltRange
; Turn shadowing back on
; jsr _ShadowOn
; Now render all of the remaining lines in top-to-bottom (or bottom-to-top) order
; lda ScreenY0 ; pass the address of the first line of the overlay
; clc
; adc #0
; asl
; tax
; lda ScreenAddr,x
; clc
; adc ScreenX0
; jsl Overlay
ldx #0 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr _BltRange
; ldx #0
; ldy ScreenHeight
; jsr _BltSCB
lda StartY ; Restore the fields back to their original state
ldx ScreenHeight
jsr _RestoreBG0Opcodes
lda StartY
sta OldStartY
lda StartX
sta OldStartX
lda BG1StartY
sta OldBG1StartY
lda BG1StartX
sta OldBG1StartX
stz DirtyBits
stz LastRender ; Mark that a full render was just performed
; This is a specialized render function that only updates the dirty tiles *and* draws them
; directly onto the SHR graphics buffer. The playfield is not used at all. In some way, this
; ignores almost all of the capabilities of GTE, but it does provide a convenient way to use
; the sprite subsystem + tile attributes for single-screen games which should be able to run
; close to 60 fps.
; Because we are register starved, there is a lot of inline code to quickly fetch the information
; needed to render sprites appropriately. If there was a way to efficiently maintain an ordered
; and compact array of per-tile VBUFF addresses, rather than the current sparse array, then
; the sprite handling code could be significantly streamlined. A note for anyone attempting
; this optimization:
; The _MarkDirtyTiles simply stores a sprite's per-tile VBUFF address and marks the tile
; as being occupied by the sprite with just 4 instructions
; sta (vbuff_array_ptr),y
; lda TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
; ora SpriteBit,y
; sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
; Then, we have an unrolled loop that does repeated tests of
; lsr
; bcc *+
; lda vbuff_array_ptr,y
; sta spriteVBuffArr
; The only gain to be had is if the sprites that are marked are in the high bits and there are no low-index
; sprites. Skipping over N bits of the SPRITE_FLAG takes only 5*N cycles. So, on average, we might waste
; 40 cycles looking for the proper bit.
; Any improvement to the existing code would need to be able to maintain a data structure and get the final
; values into the spriteVBuffArr for a total cost of under 75 cycles per tile.
RenderDirty ENT
jsr _RenderDirty
; In this renderer, we assume that there is no scrolling, so no need to update any information about
; the BG0/BG1 positions
lda LastRender ; If the full renderer was last called, we assume that
bne :norecalc ; the scroll positions have likely changed, so recalculate
lda #2 ; blue
jsr _SetBorderColor
jsr _RecalcTileScreenAddrs ; them to make sure sprites draw at the correct screen address
lda #3 ; purple
jsr _SetBorderColor
jsr _RenderSprites
lda #4 ; dk. green
jsr _SetBorderColor
jsr _ApplyDirtyTiles
lda #1
sta LastRender
bra :begin
; Retrieve the offset of the next dirty Tile Store items in the Y-register
jsr _PopDirtyTile2
; Call the generic dispatch with the Tile Store record pointer at by the Y-register.
jsr _RenderDirtyTile
; Loop again until the list of dirty tiles is empty
:begin ldy DirtyTileCount
bne :loop
; Only render solid tiles and sprites
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; This is a bitfield of all the sprites that intersect this tile, only care if non-zero or not
bne dirty_sprite
; The rest of this function handles that non-sprite blit, which is super fast since it blits directly from the
; tile data store to the graphics screen with no masking. The only extra work is selecting a blit function
; based on the tile flip flags.
pei TileStoreBankAndBank01 ; Special value that has the TileStore bank in LSB and $01 in MSB
lda TileStore+TS_DIRTY_TILE_DISP,x ; load and patch in the appropriate subroutine
stal :tiledisp+1
ldy TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
lda TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,y ; load the address of this tile's data (pre-calculated)
plb ; set the bank
; B is set to Bank 01
; A is set to the tile word offset (0 through 80 in steps of 4)
; Y is set to the top-left address of the tile in SHR screen
; X is set to the address of the tile data
:tiledisp jmp $0000 ; render the tile
; Use some temporary space for the spriteIdx array (maximum of 4 entries)
stkSave equ tmp9
screenAddr equ tmp10
tileAddr equ tmp11
spriteIdx equ tmp12
; Handler for the sprite path
pei TileStoreBankAndTileDataBank ; Special value that has the TileStore bank in LSB and TileData bank in MSB
; Cache a couple of values into the direct page, but preserve the Accumulator
ldy TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x ; load the address of this tile's data (pre-calculated)
sty tileAddr
ldy TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
sty screenAddr
; Now do all of the deferred work of actually drawing the sprites. We put considerable effort into
; figuring out if there is only one sprite or more than one since we optimize the former case as it
; is very common and can be done significantly faster.
; This is a big, unrolled chunk of code that packs the VBUFF addresses for the sprite positions marked
; in the bitfield into the spriteIdx array and then jumps to an optimized rendering function based on
; the number of sprites on the tile.
; After each set bit is identified, we check to see if that was the last one and immediately exit. Since
; a maximum of 4 sprites are processed per tile, this only results in (at most) 4 extra branch instructions.
ldy TileStore+TS_VBUFF_ARRAY_ADDR,x ; base address of the VBUFF sprite address array for this tile
bcc :loop_0_bit_1
ldx: $0000,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_1
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_1 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_2
ldx: $0002,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_2
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_3
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_4
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_5
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_6
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_7
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_8
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_9
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_10
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_11
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_12
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_13
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_14
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_15
jmp BlitOneSprite
; If we get to bit 15, then it *must* be a bit that is set
:loop_0_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_1_bit_1 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_2
ldx: $0002,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_2
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_3
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_4
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_5
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_6
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_7
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_8
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_9
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_10
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_11
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_12
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_13
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_14
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_15
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+2
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_2_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_3
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_4
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_5
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_6
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_7
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_8
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_9
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_10
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_11
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_12
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_13
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_14
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_15
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+4
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_3_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_4
ldx $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_5
ldx $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_6
ldx $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_7
ldx $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_8
ldx $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_9
ldx $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_10
ldx $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_11
ldx $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_12
ldx $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_13
ldx $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_14
ldx $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_15
ldx $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_15 ldx $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
DirtyTileProcs dw _TBDirtyTile_00,_TBDirtyTile_0H,_TBDirtyTile_V0,_TBDirtyTile_VH
;DirtyTileSpriteProcs dw _TBDirtySpriteTile_00,_TBDirtySpriteTile_0H,_TBDirtySpriteTile_V0,_TBDirtySpriteTile_VH
; Blit tiles directly to the screen.
]line equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]line*4},x
sta: $0000+{]line*160},y
ldal tiledata+{]line*4}+2,x
sta: $0002+{]line*160},y
]line equ ]line+1
]src equ 7
]dest equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]src*4},x
sta: $0000+{]dest*160},y
ldal tiledata+{]src*4}+2,x
sta: $0002+{]dest*160},y
]src equ ]src-1
]dest equ ]dest+1
; If there are two or more sprites at a tile, we can still be fast, but need to do extra work because
; the VBUFF values need to be read from the direct page. Thus, the direct page cannot be mapped onto
; the graphics screen. We use the stack instead, but have to do extra work to save and restore the
; stack value.
sta stkSave ; Save the stack on the direct page
ldy tileAddr
lda screenAddr ; Saved in direct page locations
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
lda stkSave
; There is only one sprite at this tile, so do a fast blit that directly combines a tile with a single
; sprite and renders directly to the screen
; NOTE: Expect X-register to already have been set to the correct VBUFF address
ldy tileAddr ; load the address of this tile's data
lda screenAddr ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2
adc #320
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2
adc #320
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2
adc #320
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2