Lucas Scharenbroich 94dafd2093 Checkpoint
2023-06-25 21:45:34 -05:00

652 lines
25 KiB

; Subroutines that deal with the horizontal scrolling in the "lite" blitter. The
; advantage of the lite blitter is that the entire code field is in one bank, so
; there is no need to chunk up the updates into 16-line pieces. The entire height
; of the playfield can be done with a single unrolled loop.
; A = starting virtual line in the code field (0 - 207)
; X = number of lines to render (0 - 200)
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
:exit_offset equ tmp4
sta :virt_line_x2 ; Keep track of it
sta :lines_left_x2
lda LastPatchOffset ; If zero, there are no saved opcodes
sta :exit_offset
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
:draw_count_x2 equ tmp3
:exit_offset equ tmp4
:base_address equ tmp5
:exit_address equ tmp6
:draw_count_x6 equ blttmp+10
; We do need to split the update into two parts so that we can handle the wrap-around portion
ldx :lines_left_x2
lda #208*2
sbc :virt_line_x2 ; calculate number of lines to the end of the buffer
cmp :lines_left_x2
bcs :one_pass ; if there's room, do it in one shot
; If the virtual screen wraps around the bank, then we need to split the update up
; into two pieces to efficiently restore the values without having to do the
; virtual_line -> physical_line conversion each time.
jsr :one_pass ; Go through with this draw count
stz :virt_line_x2
lda :lines_left_x2
sbc :draw_count_x2 ; this many left to draw. Fall through to finish up
sta :draw_count_x2 ; this is the number of lines we will do right now
adc :draw_count_x2
sta :draw_count_x6
sep #$20 ; Set the data bank to the code field
lda BTableHigh
rep #$21 ; clear the carry while we're here...
ldx :virt_line_x2
ldal BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the first code field line
sta :base_address
adc #_LOW_SAVE
sta :low_save_addr
lda :base_address
adc :exit_offset ; Add some offsets to get the base address in the code field line
sta :exit_address
CopyXToYPrep :do_restore
ldx :low_save_addr
ldy :exit_address
:do_restore jsr $0000 ; Jump in to do SCREEN_HEIGHT lines
stz LastPatchOffset ; Clear the value once completed
; Based on the current value of StartX in the direct page, patch up the code fields
; to render the correct data. Note that we do *not* do the OpcodeRestore in this
; routine. The reason is that the restore *must* be applied using the (StartX, StartY)
; values from the previous frame, which requires logic that is not relevant to setting
; up the code field.
; This function is where the reverse-mapping aspect of the code field is compensated
; for. In the initialize case where X = 0, the exit point is at the *end* of
; the code buffer line
; +----+----+ ... +----+----+----+
; | 82 | 80 | | 04 | 02 | 00 |
; +----+----+ ... +----+----+----+
; ^ x=0
; As the screen scrolls right-to-left, the exit position moves to earlier memory
; locations until wrapping around from 163 to 0.
; The net calculation are
; x_exit = (164 - x) % 164
; x_enter = (164 - x - width) % 164
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
; If there are saved opcodes that have not been restored, do not run this routine
lda LastPatchOffset
beq *+3
; This code is fairly succinct. See the corresponding code in Vert.s for more detailed comments.
lda StartYMod208 ; This is the base line of the virtual screen
sta :virt_line_x2 ; Keep track of it
lda ScreenHeight
sta :lines_left_x2
; Calculate the exit and entry offsets into the code fields. This is a bit tricky, because odd-aligned
; rendering causes the left and right edges to move in a staggered fashion.
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | 04 | 06 | 08 | 0A | 0C | | 44 | 46 | 48 | 4A |
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | |
; +---- screen width --------------+
; entry | | exit
; Here is an example of a screen 64 bytes wide. When everything is aligned to an even offset
; then the entry point is column $08 and the exit point is column $48
; If we move the screen forward one byte (which means the pointers move backwards) then the low-byte
; of column $06 will be on the right edge of the screen and the high-byte of column $46 will left-edge
; of the screen. Since the one-byte edges are handled specially, the exit point shifts one column, but
; the entry point does not.
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | 04 | 06 | 08 | 0A | 0C | | 44 | 46 | 48 | 4A |
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | | | |
; +--|------ screen width -------|--+
; entry | | exit
; When the screen is moved one more byte forward, then the entry point will move to the
; next column.
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | 04 | 06 | 08 | 0A | 0C | | 44 | 46 | 48 | 4A |
; ... +----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+----+----+----+----+
; | |
; +------ screen width ------------+
; entry | | exit
; So, in short, the entry tile position is rounded up from the x-position and the exit
; tile position is rounded down.
; Now, the left edge of the screen is pushed last, so we need to exit one instruction *after*
; the location (163 - StartX % 164)
; x = 0
; | PEA $0000 |
; +-----------+
; | PEA $0000 |
; +-----------+
; | JMP loop | <-- Exit here
; +-----------+
; x = 1 and 2
; | PEA $0000 |
; +-----------+
; | PEA $0000 | <-- Exit Here
; +-----------+
; | JMP loop |
; +-----------+
lda StartXMod164
; Alternate entry point if the virt_line_x2 and lines_left_x2 and XMod164 values are passed in externally
;:stk_save equ tmp0
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
:draw_count_x2 equ tmp3
:exit_offset equ tmp4
:entry_offset equ tmp5
:exit_bra equ tmp6
:exit_address equ tmp7
:base_address equ tmp8
:opcode equ tmp9
:odd_entry_offset equ tmp10
:draw_count_x3 equ blttmp ; steal even mode direct page temp space...
:draw_count_x6 equ blttmp+2
:entry_jmp_addr equ blttmp+4
:low_save_addr equ blttmp+6
:draw_count_x3 equ blttmp+8
:draw_count_x6 equ blttmp+10
:entry_odd_addr equ blttmp+12
:exit_odd_addr equ blttmp+14
bit #$0001
jne :odd_case ; Specialized routines for even/odd cases
; If the exit byte is even, then the left edge is odd-aligned and we exit at this word.
lda CodeFieldEvenBRA-2,x
sta :exit_bra
lda Col2CodeOffset-2,x ; offset from :base that is the exit location
sta :exit_offset
sta LastPatchOffset ; Cache as a flag for later
; Calculate the entry point into the code field by calculating the right edge
txa ; lda StartXMod164
adc ScreenWidth ; move to the right edge
cmp #164 ; Keep the value in range
bcc *+5
sbc #164
; Lookup the relative offset that we will be entering the code field. Need to adjust the Col2CodeOffset
; to account for the position of the BRL instruction
lda Col2CodeOffset-2,x ; offset from _LOOP (0 to 249 step 3)
adc #-_ENTRY_JMP+3
sta :opcode
; Now update the code field to get ready to execute. We set the bank register to the code
; field to make updates faster. The primary actions to do are.
; 1. Saves the low operand byte in the code field (opcode is always $F4)
; 2. Writes the BRA instruction to exit the code field
; 3. Writes the JMP entry point to enter the code field
; We do need to split the update into two parts so that we can handle the wrap-around portion
ldx :lines_left_x2
lda #208*2
sbc :virt_line_x2 ; calculate number of lines to the end of the buffer
cmp :lines_left_x2
bcs :one_pass_even ; if there's room, do it in one shot
; Since the screen height can be up to 200 lines and the virtual buffer size is 208, the common
; case will be that the blit will wrap around the end of the code field
jsr :one_pass_even ; Go through with this draw count
stz :virt_line_x2
lda :lines_left_x2
sbc :draw_count_x2 ; this many left to draw. Fall through to finish up
sta :draw_count_x2 ; this is the number of lines we will do right now
adc :draw_count_x2
sta :draw_count_x6
sta :draw_count_x3
phb ; Save the existing bank
sep #$20 ; Set the data bank to the code field
lda BTableHigh
rep #$21 ; clear the carry while we're here...
ldx :virt_line_x2
ldal BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the code field line
sta :base_address ; Will use this address a few times
adc #_ENTRY_JMP ; Add the offsets in order to get absolaute addresses
sta :entry_jmp_addr
sta :low_save_addr
lda :base_address
adc :exit_offset ; Add the offset to get the absolute address in the code field line
sta :exit_address
; First step is to set the BRA instruction to exit the code field at the proper location. There
; are two sub-steps to do here; we need to save the 8-bit value that exists at the location+1 and
; then overwrite it with the branch instruction.
sec ; These macros preform subtractions that do not underflow
CopyXToYPrep :do_save_entry_e
LiteSetConstPrep :do_set_bra_e
stal :do_setopcode_e+1
stal :do_set_rel_e+1
sep #$20
ldy :entry_jmp_addr
lda #$82
:do_setopcode_e jsr $0000 ; Copy in the BRL opcode into the entry point
rep #$20
ldx :exit_address
ldy :low_save_addr
:do_save_entry_e jsr $0000 ; Copy a word from offset x to y
ldy :exit_address
lda :exit_bra
:do_set_bra_e jsr $0000 ; Set the BRA instruction in the code field to exit
ldy :entry_jmp_addr
lda :opcode
:do_set_rel_e jsr $0000 ; Set the relative offset for all BRL instructions
; Odd case if very close to the even case, except that the code is entered a word later. It is still
; exited at the same word. There is extra work done because we have to save the third byte of the
; exit location to fill in the left edge and we have to patch a different BRL to enter the code field
; afte the right-edge byte is pushed onto the screen
lda CodeFieldOddBRA,x
sta :exit_bra
lda Col2CodeOffset,x
sta :exit_offset
sta LastPatchOffset ; Cache as a flag for later
txa ; StartXMod164 - 1
adc ScreenWidth
cmp #164 ; Keep the value in range
bcc *+5
sbc #164
lda Col2CodeOffset,x
adc #-_ENTRY_JMP+3 ; In this case it gets loaded in the X-register
sta :opcode
lda Col2CodeOffset-2,x
adc #-_ENTRY_ODD+3
sta :odd_entry_offset
; Main loop
ldx :lines_left_x2
lda #208*2
sbc :virt_line_x2 ; calculate number of lines to the end of the buffer
cmp :lines_left_x2
bcs :one_pass_odd ; if there's room, do it in one shot
jsr :one_pass_odd
stz :virt_line_x2
lda :lines_left_x2
sbc :draw_count_x2 ; this many left to draw. Fall through to finish up
sta :draw_count_x2 ; this is the number of lines we will do right now
adc :draw_count_x2
sta :draw_count_x6
sta :draw_count_x3
phb ; Save the existing bank
sep #$20
lda BTableHigh ; Get the bank
rep #$21
ldx :virt_line_x2
ldal BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the first code field line
sta :base_address ; Save it to use as the base address
adc #_ENTRY_JMP ; Add the offsets in order to get absolute addresses
sta :entry_jmp_addr
sta :entry_odd_addr
sta :exit_odd_addr
sta :low_save_addr
lda :base_address
adc :exit_offset ; Add some offsets to get the base address in the code field line
sta :exit_address
; Setup the jumps into the unrolled loops
CopyXToYPrep :do_save_entry_o
stal :do_save_high_byte+1
LiteSetConstPrep :do_set_bra_o
stal :do_setopcode_o+1
stal :do_set_rel_o+1
stal :do_odd_code_entry+1
sep #$20
ldy :entry_jmp_addr
lda #$A2
:do_setopcode_o jsr $0000 ; Copy in the LDX opcode into the entry point
ldx :exit_address
ldy :exit_odd_addr
:do_save_high_byte jsr $0000 ; Copy high byte of the exit location into the odd handling path
rep #$20
ldx :exit_address
ldy :low_save_addr
:do_save_entry_o jsr $0000 ; Save the low word of the exit into a save location for restore later
ldx :exit_address
lda :exit_bra
:do_set_bra_o jsr $0000 ; Insert a BRA instruction over the saved word
ldy :entry_jmp_addr
lda :opcode ; Store the same relative address to use for loading the entry word data
:do_set_rel_o jsr $0000
; The odd case need to do a bit of extra work
ldy :entry_odd_addr
lda :odd_entry_offset
:do_odd_code_entry jsr $0000 ; Fill in the BRL argument for the odd entry
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
:exit_offset equ tmp4
; Avoid local var collisions
:virt_line_pos_x2 equ tmp11
:total_left_x2 equ tmp12
:current_count_x2 equ tmp13
:ptr equ tmp14
sta :virt_line_pos_x2
sta :total_left_x2
lda StartXMod164Tbl
sta :ptr
lda StartXMod164Tbl+2
sta :ptr+2
; Patch our the ranges from the StartXMod164Tbl array starting at the first virtual line
lda [:ptr],y
and #$FF00 ; Determine how many sequential lines to restore
min :total_left_x2 ; Don't draw more than the number of lines that are left to process
sta :current_count_x2 ; Save a copy for later
sta :lines_left_x2 ; Set the parameter
sty :virt_line_x2 ; Set the parameter
lda LastOffsetTbl,y
sta :exit_offset
jsr _RestoreBG0OpcodesAltLite
lda :virt_line_pos_x2
adc :current_count_x2
cmp #208*2 ; Do the modulo check in this loop
bcc *+5
sbc #208*2
sta :virt_line_pos_x2
lda :total_left_x2
sbc :current_count_x2
sta :total_left_x2
bne :loop
; This is a variant of the above routine that allows each x-position to be set independently from a table of value. This is
; quite a bit slower than the other routine since we cannot store constant values for each line.
; This routine operates at a higher level and does not try to be super optimized for the case where every line has a different
; set of parameters. Instead, we optimize for the case where there are a few large ranges of the screen moving at different
; rates, e.g. a fixed status bar area on top, a slow-scrolling area in the middle and a fast are in the foreground.
; The table that drives this is dense and has the following format for each word
; Bits 0 - 7: X mod 164 value
; Bits 8 - 15: Number of scanline to persist this mod value
; So, if the first 10 entries has a mod value of 5, they would look like: $0905, $0805, $0705, ... $0105, $0005
; This allows the code to start an an arbitrary location and immeditely sync up with the modulo list. It also allows
; the code to easily skip ranges of constant values using the existing _ApplyBG0XPos function as a subroutine.
; NOTE: This function is *exactly* the same as _ApplyScanlineBG0XPos with the exception that it calls
; _ApplyBG0XPosAltLite instead of _ApplyBG0XPosAlt. Should unify with an subroutine selector
; Copies of the local variables in _ApplyBG0XPos
:virt_line_x2 equ tmp1
:lines_left_x2 equ tmp2
:exit_offset equ tmp4
; Avoid local var collision with _ApplyBG0XPos
:virt_line_pos_x2 equ tmp11
:total_left_x2 equ tmp12
:current_count_x2 equ tmp13
:ptr equ tmp14
lda StartXMod164Tbl
sta :ptr
lda StartXMod164Tbl+2
sta :ptr+2
ora :ptr
bne *+3 ; null pointer check
lda StartYMod208 ; This is the base line of the virtual screen
sta :virt_line_pos_x2
lda ScreenHeight
sta :total_left_x2
; Patch our the ranges from the StartXMod164Tbl array starting at the first virtual line
lda [:ptr],y
and #$FF00 ; Determine how many sequential lines have this mod value
min :total_left_x2 ; Don't draw more than the number of lines that are left to process
sta :current_count_x2 ; Save a copy for later
sta :lines_left_x2 ; Set the parameter
sty :virt_line_x2 ; Set the parameter
txa ; Put the X mod 164 value in the accumulator
and #$00FF
jsr _ApplyBG0XPosAltLite
lda :exit_offset ; Get the direct address in the code field that was overwritten
ldy :virt_line_pos_x2
sta LastOffsetTbl,y ; Stash it for use by the per-scanline resotre function
adc :current_count_x2
cmp #208*2 ; Do the modulo check in this loop
bcc *+5
sbc #208*2
sta :virt_line_pos_x2
lda :total_left_x2
sbc :current_count_x2
sta :total_left_x2
bne :loop
; Copy from the offset at X to the offset at Y
; Y = code field offset
; X = value
CopyXToYPrep mac
lda #x2y_bottom
sbc blttmp+10 ; Copy from above, :draw_count_x6 equ blttmp+10
stal ]1+1 ; A jmp/jsr instruction
]line equ 199
lup 200
lda {]line*_LINE_SIZE},x
sta {]line*_LINE_SIZE},y
]line equ ]line-1
x2y_bottom rts
; Set a constant 8-bit value across the code field
; Y = code field offset
LiteSetConstPrep mac
lda #lsc_bottom
sbc blttmp+8 ; Copy from above, :draw_count_x3 equ blttmp+8
stal ]1+1 ; A jmp/jsr instruction
]line equ 199
lup 200
sta {]line*_LINE_SIZE},y
]line equ ]line-1
lsc_bottom rts