Lucas Scharenbroich 95058fb969 Checkpoint for sprite rewrite
All of the sprite rendering has been deferred down to the level of
the tile drawing. Sprites are no longer drawn/erased, but instead
a sprite sheet is generated in AddSprite and referenced by the

Because there is no longer a single off-screen buffer that holds
a copy of all the rendered sprites, the TileStore size must be
expanded to hold a reference to the sprite data address fo each
tile.  This increase in data structure size require the TileStore
to be put into its own bank and appropriate code restructuring.

The benefits to the rewrite are significant:

  1. Sprites are never drawn/erased off-screen.  They are only
     ever drawn directly to the screen or play field.
  2. The concept of "damaged" sprites is gone.  Every dirty tile
     automatically renders just to portion of a sprite that it

These two properties result in a substantial increase in throughput.
2022-02-18 12:12:32 -06:00

831 lines
33 KiB

; Template and equates for GTE blitter
mx %00
DP_ADDR equ entry_1-base+1 ; offset to patch in the direct page for dynamic tiles
BG1_ADDR equ entry_2-base+1 ; offset to patch in the Y-reg for BG1 (dp),y addressing
STK_ADDR equ entry_3-base+1 ; offset to patch in the stack (SHR) right edge address
DP_ENTRY equ entry_1-base
TWO_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_2-base
ONE_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_3-base
CODE_ENTRY_OPCODE equ entry_jmp-base
CODE_ENTRY equ entry_jmp-base+1 ; low byte of the page-aligned jump address
ODD_ENTRY equ odd_entry-base+1
CODE_TOP equ loop-base
CODE_LEN equ top-base
CODE_EXIT equ even_exit-base
OPCODE_SAVE equ odd_save-base ; spot to save the code field opcode when patching exit BRA
OPCODE_HIGH_SAVE equ odd_save-base+2 ; save the third byte
FULL_RETURN equ full_return-base ; offset that returns from the blitter
ENABLE_INT equ enable_int-base ; offset that re-enable interrupts and continues
SNIPPET_BASE equ snippets-base
; Locations that need the page offset added
PagePatches da {long_0-base+2}
da {long_1-base+2}
da {long_2-base+2}
da {long_3-base+2}
da {long_4-base+2}
da {long_5-base+2}
da {long_6-base+2}
da {odd_entry-base+2}
da {loop_exit_1-base+2}
da {loop_exit_2-base+2}
da {loop_back-base+2}
da {loop_exit_3-base+2}
da {even_exit-base+2}
da {jmp_rtn_1-base+2}
; da {jmp_rtn_2-base+2}
]index equ 0
lup 82 ; All the snippet addresses. The two JMP
da {snippets-base+{]index*32}+31} ; instructino are at the end of each of
da {snippets-base+{]index*32}+28} ; the 32-byte buffers
]index equ ]index+1
PagePatchNum equ *-PagePatches
; Location that need a bank byte set for long addressing modes
BankPatches da {long_0-base+3}
da {long_1-base+3}
da {long_2-base+3}
da {long_3-base+3}
da {long_4-base+3}
da {long_5-base+3}
da {long_6-base+3}
BankPatchNum equ *-BankPatches
; Set the physical location of the virtual screen on the physical screen. The
; screen size must by a multiple of 8
; A = XXYY where XX is the left edge [0, 159] and YY is the top edge [0, 199]
; X = width (in bytes)
; Y = height (in lines)
; This subroutine stores the screen positions in the direct page space and fills
; in the double-length ScreenAddrR table that holds the address of the right edge
; of the playfield. This table is used to set addresses in the code banks when the
; virtual origin is changed.
; We are not concerned about the raw performance of this function because it should
; usually only be executed once during app initialization. It doesn't get called
; with any significant frequency.
SetScreenRect sty ScreenHeight ; Save the screen height and width
stx ScreenWidth
tax ; Temp save of the accumulator
and #$00FF
sta ScreenY0
adc ScreenHeight
sta ScreenY1
txa ; Restore the accumulator
and #$00FF
sta ScreenX0
adc ScreenWidth
sta ScreenX1
lda ScreenHeight ; Divide the height in scanlines by 8 to get the number tiles
sta ScreenTileHeight
lda ScreenWidth ; Divide width in bytes by 4 to get the number of tiles
sta ScreenTileWidth
lda ScreenY0 ; Calculate the address of the first byte
asl ; of the right side of the playfield
lda ScreenAddr,x ; This is the address for the left edge of the physical screen
adc ScreenX1
pha ; Save for second loop
ldx #0
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr :loop
pla ; Reset the address and continue filling in the
ldy ScreenHeight ; second half of the table
:loop clc
sta RTable,x
adc #160
bne :loop
; Calculate the screen locations for each tile corner
lda ScreenY0 ; Calculate the address of the first byte
asl ; of the right side of the playfield
lda ScreenAddr,x ; This is the address for the left edge of the physical screen
adc ScreenX0
ldx #0
ldy #0
sta TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x
adc #4 ; Go to the next tile
cpy #41 ; If we've done 41 columns, move to the next line
bcc :nohop
ldy #0
adc #{8*160}-{4*41}
bcc :tsloop
; Return
; Generalized routine that calculates the on-screen address of the tiles and takes the
; StartX and StartY values into consideration. This routine really exists to support
; the dirty tile rendering mode and the tiles *must* be aligned with the playfield.
; That is, StartX % 4 == 0 and StartY % 8 == 0. If these conditions are not met, then
; screen will not render correctly.
NextColPtr equ tmp0
RowAddrPtr equ tmp1
OnScreenAddr equ tmp2
Counter equ tmp3
jsr _OriginToTileStore ; Get the (col,row) of the tile in the upper-left corner of the playfield
; Manually add the offsets to the NextCol and TileStoreYTable array address and put in a direct page
; location so we can free up the registers.
adc #NextCol
sta NextColPtr
adc #TileStoreYTable
sta RowAddrPtr
; Calculate the on-screen address of the upper-left corner of the playfiled
lda ScreenY0 ; Calculate the address of the first byte
asl ; of the right side of the playfield
lda ScreenAddr,x ; This is the address for the left edge of the physical screen
adc ScreenX0
sta OnScreenAddr
; Now, loop through the tile store
sta Counter
ldy #0
lda (NextColPtr),y ; Need to recalculate each time since the wrap-around could
clc ; happen anywhere
adc (RowAddrPtr) ;
tax ; NOTE: Try to rework to use new TileStore2DLookup array
lda OnScreenAddr
sta TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x
adc #4 ; Go to the next tile
cpy #2*41 ; If we've done 41 columns, move to the next line
bcc :nohop
inc RowAddrPtr ; Advance the row address (with wrap-around)
inc RowAddrPtr
ldy #0 ; Reset the column counter
adc #{8*160}-{4*41}
sta OnScreenAddr ; Save the updated on-screen address
dec Counter
bne :tsloop
; Clear the SHR screen and then infill the defined field
FillScreen lda #0
jsr _ClearToColor
ldy ScreenY0
asl a
lda ScreenAddr,x
adc ScreenX0
lda ScreenWidth
lda #$FFFF
:xloop stal $E10000,x ; X is the absolute address
bne :xloop
cpy ScreenY1
bcc :yloop
; Special subroutine to divide the accumulator by 164 and return remainder in the Accumulator
; 164 = $A4 = 1010_0100
Mod164 cmp #%1010010000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%1010010000000000
cmp #%0101001000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0101001000000000
cmp #%0010100100000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0010100100000000
cmp #%0001010010000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0001010010000000
cmp #%0000101001000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000101001000000
cmp #%0000010100100000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000010100100000
cmp #%0000001010010000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000001010010000
cmp #%0000000101001000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000101001000
cmp #%0000000010100100
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000010100100
; Special subroutine to divide the accumulator by 208 and return remainder in the Accumulator
; 208 = $D0 = 1101_0000
; There are probably faster hacks to divide a 16-bit unsigned value by 208
; https://www.drdobbs.com/parallel/optimizing-integer-division-by-a-constan/184408499
; https://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/06/division-of-integers-by-constants/
Mod208 cmp #%1101000000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%1101000000000000
cmp #%0110100000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0110100000000000
cmp #%0011010000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0011010000000000
cmp #%0001101000000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0001101000000000
cmp #%0000110100000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000110100000000
cmp #%0000011010000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000011010000000
cmp #%0000001101000000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000001101000000
cmp #%0000000110100000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000110100000
cmp #%0000000011010000
bcc *+5
sbc #%0000000011010000
; Patch an 8-bit or 16-bit valueS into the bank. These are a set up unrolled loops to
; quickly patch in a constanct value, or a value from an array into a given set of
; templates.
; Because we have structured everything as parallel code blocks, most updates to the blitter
; reduce to storing a constant value and have an amortized cost of just a single store.
; The utility of these routines is that they also handle setting just a range of lines
; within a single bank.
; X = number of lines * 2, 0 to 32
; Y = starting line * $1000
; A = value
; Set M to 0 or 1
SetConst ; Need a blank line here, otherwise the :tbl local variable resolveds backwards
jmp (:tbl,x)
:tbl da :bottom-00,:bottom-03,:bottom-06,:bottom-09
da :bottom-12,:bottom-15,:bottom-18,:bottom-21
da :bottom-24,:bottom-27,:bottom-30,:bottom-33
da :bottom-36,:bottom-39,:bottom-42,:bottom-45
da :bottom-48
:top sta $F000,y
sta $E000,y
sta $D000,y
sta $C000,y
sta $B000,y
sta $A000,y
sta $9000,y
sta $8000,y
sta $7000,y
sta $6000,y
sta $5000,y
sta $4000,y
sta $3000,y
sta $2000,y
sta $1000,y
sta: $0000,y
:bottom rts
; SetDPAddrs
; A = absolute address (largest)
; Y = offset
; Initializes a bank of direct page offsets
lda #$0800
sta $F000,y
lda #$0700
sta $E000,y
lda #$0600
sta $D000,y
lda #$0500
sta $C000,y
lda #$0400
sta $B000,y
lda #$0300
sta $A000,y
lda #$0200
sta $9000,y
lda #$0100
sta: $8000,y
lda #$0800
sta $7000,y
lda #$0700
sta $6000,y
lda #$0600
sta $5000,y
lda #$0500
sta $4000,y
lda #$0400
sta $3000,y
lda #$0300
sta $2000,y
lda #$0200
sta $1000,y
lda #$0100
sta: $0000,y
; SetAbsAddrs
; A = absolute address (largest)
; Y = offset
; X = number of lines
; Stores a value and decrements by $1000 for each line
SetAbsAddrs sec
jmp (:tbl,x)
:tbl da :bottom-00,:bottom-03,:bottom-09,:bottom-15
da :bottom-21,:bottom-27,:bottom-33,:bottom-39
da :bottom-45,:bottom-51,:bottom-57,:bottom-63
da :bottom-69,:bottom-75,:bottom-81,:bottom-87
da :bottom-93
:top sta $F000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $E000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $D000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $C000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $B000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $A000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $9000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $8000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $7000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $6000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $5000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $4000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $3000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $2000,y
sbc #$1000
sta $1000,y
sbc #$1000
sta: $0000,y
:bottom rts
; Fill up a full bank with blitter templates. Currently we can fit 16 lines per bank, so need
; a total of 13 banks to hold the 208 lines for full-screen support
; A = high word of bank table
; Y = index * 4 of the bank to initialize
:bankArray equ tmp0
:target equ tmp2
:nextBank equ tmp4
stx :bankArray
sta :bankArray+2
stz :target
lda [:bankArray],y
sta :target+2
iny ; move to the next item
iny ; middle byte
cpy #4*13 ; if greater than the array length, wrap back to zero
bcc :ok
ldy #1
:ok lda [:bankArray],y ; Get the middle and high bytes of the address
sta :nextBank
jsr :BuildLine2
lda :target
adc #$1000
sta :target
bcc :next
pei :target+1
; Change the patched value to one of DP_ENTRY, TWO_LYR_ENTRY or ONE_LYR_ENTRY based on the capabilities
; that the engine needs.
lda #$F000+{DP_ENTRY} ; Set the address from each line to the next
ldy #CODE_EXIT+1
ldx #15*2
jsr SetAbsAddrs
ldy #DP_ADDR
jsr SetDPAddrs
ldy #$F000+CODE_EXIT ; Patch the last line with a JML to go to the next bank
lda #{$005C+{DP_ENTRY}*256}
sta [:target],y
ldy #$F000+CODE_EXIT+2
lda :nextBank
sta [:target],y
ldy #$8000+CODE_EXIT ; Patch one line per bank to enable interrupts
lda #{$004C+{ENABLE_INT}*256}
sta [:target],y
; This is the relocation subroutine, it is responsible for copying the template to a
; memory location and patching up the necessary instructions.
; X = low word of address (must be a multiple of $1000)
; A = high word of address (bank)
stx :target
sta :target+2
lda #CODE_LEN ; round up to an even number of bytes
and #$FFFE
beq :nocopy
:loop lda base,y
sta [:target],y
bpl :loop
:nocopy lda #0 ; copy is complete, now patch up the addresses
sep #$20
ldx #0
lda :target+2 ; patch in the bank for the absolute long addressing mode
:dobank ldy BankPatches,x
sta [:target],y
cpx #BankPatchNum
bcc :dobank
ldx #0
:dopage ldy PagePatches,x ; patch the page addresses by adding the page offset to each
lda [:target],y
adc :target+1
sta [:target],y
cpx #PagePatchNum
bcc :dopage
rep #$20
; Start of the template code. This code is replicated 16 times per bank and spans
; 13 banks for a total of 208 lines, which is what is required to render 26 tiles
; to cover the full screen vertical scrolling.
; The 'base' location is always assumed to be on a 4kb ($1000) boundary. We make sure that
; the code is assembled on a page boundary to help with alignment
ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary
entry_1 ldx #0000 ; Used for LDA 00,x addressing (Dynamic Tiles)
entry_2 ldy #0000 ; Used for LDA (00),y addressing (Second Layer; BG1)
entry_3 lda #0000 ; Sets screen address (right edge)
entry_jmp jmp $0100
dfb $00 ; if the screen is odd-aligned, then the opcode is set to
; $AF to convert to a LDA long instruction. This puts the
; first two bytes of the instruction field in the accumulator
; and falls through to the next instruction.
; We structure the line so that the entry point only needs to
; update the low-byte of the address, the means it takes only
; an amortized 4-cycles per line to set the entry point break
right_odd bit #$000B ; Check the bottom nibble to quickly identify a PEA instruction
bne r_is_not_pea ; This costs 5 cycles in the fast-path
xba ; fast code for PEA
r_jmp_rtn sep #$20 ; shared return code path by all methods
two_byte_rtn pha
rep #$61 ; Clear Carry, Overflow and M bits #$20
odd_entry jmp $0100 ; unconditionally jump into the "next" instruction in the
; code field. This is OK, even if the entry point was the
; last instruction, because there is a JMP at the end of
; the code field, so the code will simply jump to that
; instruction directly.
; As with the original entry point, because all of the
; code field is page-aligned, only the low byte needs to
; be updated when the scroll position changes
r_is_not_pea bit #$0040 ; Check bit 6 to distinguish between JMP and all of the LDA variants
bne r_is_jmp
long_1 stal *+6-base ; Everything else is a two-byte LDA opcode + PHA
sep #$20 ; Lift 8-bit mode here to save a cycle in the LDA
dfb $00,$00
bra two_byte_rtn
r_is_jmp sep #$41 ; Set the C and V flags which tells a snippet to push only the low byte
long_2 ldal entry_jmp+1-base
long_3 stal *+5-base
jmp $0000 ; Jumps into the exception code, which returns to r_jmp_rtn
; The next labels are special, in that they are entry points into special subroutines. They are special
; because they are within the first 256 bytes of each code field, which allows them to be selectable
; by patching the low byte of the JMP instructions.
; Return to caller -- the even_exit JMP from the previous line will jump here when a render is complete
full_return jml blt_return ; Full exit
; The even/odd branch of this line's exception handler will return here. This is mostly
; a space-saving measure to allow for more code in the exeption handers themselves, but
; also simplifies the relocation process since we only have to update a single address
; in each exception handler, rather than two.
; Once working, this code should be able to be interleaved with the r_jmp_rtn code
; above to eliminate a couple of branches
bvs r_jmp_rtn
jmp_rtn_1 jmp l_jmp_rtn-base ; Could inline the code and save 3 cycles / line
; If we switch even/odd exit points, could fall through
; to the even_exit JMP at the head of the PEA field to
; save 6 cycles.
; Re-enable interrupts and continue -- the even_exit JMP from the previous line will jump here every
; 8 or 16 lines in order to give the system time to handle interrupts.
enable_int ldal stk_save+1 ; restore the stack
sep #$20 ; 8-bit mode
ldal STATE_REG ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 0
and #$CF
nop ; Give a couple of cycles
ora #$10 ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 1
rep #$20
bra entry_1
; This is the spot that needs to be page-aligned. In addition to simplifying the entry address
; and only needing to update a byte instad of a word, because the code breaks out of the
; code field with a BRA instruction, we keep everything within a page to avoid the 1-cycle
; page-crossing penalty of the branch.
ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary
loop_exit_1 jmp odd_exit-base ; +0 Alternate exit point depending on whether the left edge is
loop_exit_2 jmp even_exit-base ; +3 odd-aligned
loop lup 82 ; +6 Set up 82 PEA instructions, which is 328 pixels and consumes 246 bytes
pea $0000 ; This is 41 8x8 tiles in width. Need to have N+1 tiles for screen overlap
loop_back jmp loop-base ; +252 Ensure execution continues to loop around
loop_exit_3 jmp even_exit-base ; +255
odd_exit ldal l_is_jmp+1-base
bit #$000B
bne :chk_jmp
sep #$20
long_6 ldal l_is_jmp+3-base ; get the high byte of the PEA operand
; Fall-through when we have to push a byte on the left edge. Must be 8-bit on entry. Optimized
; for the PEA $0000 case -- only 19 cycles to handle the edge, so pretty good
rep #$20
; JMP opcode = $4C, JML opcode = $5C
even_exit jmp $1000 ; Jump to the next line.
ds 1 ; space so that the last line in a bank can be patched into a JML
bit #$0040
bne l_is_jmp
long_4 stal *+4-base
dfb $00,$00
l_jmp_rtn xba
sep #$20
rep #$61 ; Clear everything C, V and M
bra even_exit
l_is_jmp sec ; Set the C flag (V is always cleared at this point) which tells a snippet to push only the high byte
odd_save dfb $00,$00,$00 ; The odd exit 3-byte sequence is always stashed here
; Special epilogue: skip a number of bytes and jump back into the code field. This is useful for
; large, floating panels in the attract mode of a game, or to overlay solid
; dialog while still animating the play field
epilogue_1 tsc
sbc #0
jmp $0000 ; This jumps back into the code field
:out jmp $0000 ; This jumps to the next epilogue chain element
ds 1
; These are the special code snippets -- there is a 1:1 relationship between each snippet space
; and a 3-byte entry in the code field. Thus, each snippet has a hard-coded JMP to return to
; the next code field location
; The snippet is required to handle the odd-alignment in-line; there is no facility for
; patching or intercepting these values due to their complexity. The only requirements
; are:
; 1. Carry Clear -> 16-bit write and return to the next code field operand
; 2. Carry Set
; a. Overflow set -> Low 8-bit write and return to the next code field operand
; b. Overflow clear -> High 8-bit write and exit the line
; c. Always clear the Carry flags. It's actually OK to leave the overflow bit in
; its passed state, because having the carry bit clear prevents evaluation of
; the V bit.
; Snippet Samples:
; Standard Two-level Mix (23 bytes)
; Optimal = 18 cycles (LDA/AND/ORA/PHA/JMP)
; 16-bit write = 20 cycles
; 8-bit low = 28 cycles
; 8-bit high = 27 cycles
; start lda (00),y ; 6
; and #MASK ; 3
; ora #DATA ; 3 = 12 cycles to load the data
; bcs alt_exit ; 2/3
; pha ; 4
; out jmp next ; 3 Fast-path completes in 5 additional cycles
; alt_exit jmp jmp_rtn ; 3
; For dynamic masked tiles, we re-write bytes 2 - 8 as this, which mostly
; avoids an execution speed pentaly for having to fill in the two extra bytes
; with an instruction
; start lda (00),y ; 6
; and $80,x ; 5
; ora $00,x ; 5 = 16 cycles to load the data
; bcs alt_exit ; 2/3
; pha
; ...
; A theoretical exception handler that performed a full 3-level blend would be
; start lda 0,s
; and [00],y
; ora (00),y
; and $80,x
; ora $00,x
; and #MASK
; ora #DATA
; bcs alt_exit
; pha ; 4
; out brl next ; 4 Fast-path completes in 5 additional cycles
; alt_exit bvs r_edge ; 2/3
; clc ; 2
; brl l_jmp_rtn ; 3
; r_edge rep #$41
; brl r_jmp_rtn ; 3
; Each snippet is provided 32 bytes of space. The constant code is filled in from the end and
; it is the responsibility of the code that fills in the hander to create valid program in the
; first 23 bytes are available to be manipulated.
; Note that the code that's assembled in the first bytes of these snippets is just an example. Every
; routine that created an exception handler *MUST* write a full set of instructions since there is
; no guarantee of what was written previously.
ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary
]index equ 0
snippets lup 82
ds 2 ; space for all exception handlers
and #$0000 ; the mask operand will be set when the tile is drawn
ora #$0000 ; the data operand will be set when the tile is drawn
ds 15 ; extra padding
bcs :byte ; if C = 0, just push the data and return
pha ; 1 byte
jmp loop+3+{3*]index}-base ; 3 bytes
:byte jmp jmp_rtn-base ; 3 bytes
]index equ ]index+1