2020-11-30 06:38:20 -06:00

152 lines
4.7 KiB

; Initialize the system for fun!
; Mostly memory allocation
; * 13 banks of memory for the blitter
; * 1 bank of memory for the second background
; * 1 bank of memory for the second background mask
; * $01/2000 - $01/9FFF for the shadow screen
; * $00/2000 - $00/9FFF for the fixed background
; * 10 pages of direct page in Bank $00
; - 1 page for scratch space
; - 1 page for pointer to the second background
; - 8 pages for the dynamic tiles
mx %00
MemInit PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$008000 ; size (32k)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010111 ; Fixed location
PushLong #$002000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx Buff00
sta Buff00+2
PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$008000 ; size (32k)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010111 ; Fixed location
PushLong #$012000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx Buff01
sta Buff01+2
PushLong #0 ; space for result
PushLong #$000A00 ; size (10 pages)
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00010101 ; Page-aligned, fixed bank
PushLong #$000000
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
stx ZeroPage
sta ZeroPage+2
; Allocate the 13 banks of memory we need and store in double-length array
]step equ 0
lup 13
jsr AllocOneBank2
sta BlitBuff+]step+2
sta BlitBuffMid+]step+2
stz BlitBuff+]step
stz BlitBuffMid+]step
]step equ ]step+4
Buff00 ds 4
Buff01 ds 4
ZeroPage ds 4
; Array of addressed for the banks that hold the blitter. This is actually a double-length
; array, which is a pattern that is used a lot in GTE. Whenever we have a situation where
; we need to wrap around an array, we can to this be doubling the array length and using an
; unrolled loop that starts in the middle instead of doing some kind of "mod N" or loop
; splitting.
BlitBuff ds 4*13
BlitBuffMid ds 4*13
; Bank allocator (for one full, fixed bank of memory. Can be immediately deferenced)
AllocOneBank PushLong #0
PushLong #$10000
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00011100
PushLong #0
_NewHandle ; returns LONG Handle on stack
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
xba ; swap accumulator bytes to XX00
sta :bank+2 ; store as bank for next op (overwrite $XX00)
:bank ldal $000001,X ; recover the bank address in A=XX/00
; Variation that return pointer in the X/A registers (X = low, A = high)
AllocOneBank2 PushLong #0
PushLong #$10000
PushWord UserId
PushWord #%11000000_00011100
PushLong #0
plx ; base address of the new handle
pla ; high address 00XX of the new handle (bank)
; Set up the interrupts
; oldOneVect = GetVector( oneSecHnd );
; SetVector( oneSecHnd, (Pointer) ONEHANDLER );
; IntSource( oSecEnable );
; SetHeartBeat( VBLTASK );
IntInit rts
; IntSource( oSecDisable ); /* disable one second interrupts */
; SetVector( oneSecHnd, oldOneVect ); /* reset to the old handler */
ShutDown rts