2022-04-25 16:34:54 -05:00

125 lines
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; Basic tile functions
; Low-level function to take a tile descriptor and return the address in the tiledata
; bank. This is not too useful in the fast-path because the fast-path does more
; incremental calculations, but it is handy for other utility functions
; A = tile descriptor
; The address is the TileID * 128 + (HFLIP * 64)
GetTileAddr ENT
jsr _GetTileAddr
asl ; Multiply by 2
bit #2*TILE_HFLIP_BIT ; Check if the horizontal flip bit is set
beq :no_flip
inc ; Set the LSB
:no_flip asl ; x4
asl ; x8
asl ; x16
asl ; x32
asl ; x64
asl ; x128
; Ignore the horizontal flip bit
asl ; Multiply by 2
asl ; x4
asl ; x8
asl ; x16
asl ; x32
asl ; x64
asl ; x128
; Initialize the tile storage data structures. This takes care of populating the tile records with the
; appropriate constant values.
:col equ tmp0
:row equ tmp1
:vbuff equ tmp2
; Fill in the TileStoreYTable. This is just a table of offsets into the Tile Store for each row. There
; are 26 rows with a stride of 41
ldy #0
lda #0
sta TileStoreYTable,y
adc #41*2
cpy #26*2
bcc :yloop
; Next, initialize the Tile Store itself
lda #25
sta :row
lda #40
sta :col
lda #$8000
sta :vbuff
; The first set of values in the Tile Store are changed during each frame based on the actions
; that are happening
lda #0
stal TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x ; clear the tile store with the special zero tile
stal TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; no sprites are set at the beginning
stal TileStore+TS_DIRTY,x ; none of the tiles are dirty
; lda DirtyTileProcs ; Fill in with the first dispatch address
; stal TileStore+TS_DIRTY_TILE_DISP,x
; lda TileProcs ; Same for non-dirty, non-sprite base case
; stal TileStore+TS_BASE_TILE_DISP,x
lda :vbuff ; array of sprite vbuff addresses per tile
stal TileStore+TS_VBUFF_ARRAY_ADDR,x
adc #32
sta :vbuff
; The next set of values are constants that are simply used as cached parameters to avoid needing to
; calculate any of these values during tile rendering
lda :row ; Set the long address of where this tile
asl ; exists in the code fields
lda BRowTableHigh,y
stal TileStore+TS_CODE_ADDR_HIGH,x ; High word of the tile address (just the bank)
lda BRowTableLow,y
stal TileStore+TS_BASE_ADDR,x ; May not be needed later if we can figure out the right constant...
lda :col ; Set the offset values based on the column
asl ; of this tile
stal TileStore+TS_WORD_OFFSET,x ; This is the offset from 0 to 82, used in LDA (dp),y instruction
lda Col2CodeOffset+2,y
adcl TileStore+TS_BASE_ADDR,x
stal TileStore+TS_CODE_ADDR_LOW,x ; Low word of the tile address in the code field
dec :col
bpl :hop
dec :row
lda #40
sta :col
bpl :loop