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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using SpriteCompiler.AI;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SpriteCompiler.Adapters;
namespace AI.Test
public class EightPuzzleNode : HeuristicSearchNode<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>
public EightPuzzleNode(EightPuzzleNode node, EightPuzzleBoard state) : base(node, state)
public class EightPuzzleGoalTest : IGoalTest<EightPuzzleBoard>
private readonly EightPuzzleBoard goal;
public EightPuzzleGoalTest(EightPuzzleBoard goal)
this.goal = new EightPuzzleBoard(goal);
public bool IsGoal(EightPuzzleBoard state)
return state.Equals(goal);
public class EightPuzzleSuccessorFunction : ISuccessorFunction<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard>
public IEnumerable<Tuple<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard>> Successors(EightPuzzleBoard board)
foreach (var direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)).Cast<Direction>())
if (board.CanMoveGap(direction))
yield return Tuple.Create(direction, new EightPuzzleBoard(board).MoveGap(direction));
public class EightPuzzleStepCost : IStepCostFunction<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>
public IntegerCost StepCost(EightPuzzleBoard fromState, Direction action, EightPuzzleBoard toState)
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return IntegerCost.ONE;
public class ManhattanHeuristic : IHeuristicFunction<EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>
private readonly EightPuzzleBoard goal;
public ManhattanHeuristic(EightPuzzleBoard goal)
this.goal = new EightPuzzleBoard(goal);
public IntegerCost Eval(EightPuzzleBoard state)
int cost = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
var goalLocation = goal.GetLocationOf(i);
var stateLocation = state.GetLocationOf(i);
cost += Math.Abs(goalLocation[0] - stateLocation[0]);
cost += Math.Abs(goalLocation[1] - stateLocation[1]);
return cost;
public class MisplacedHeuristic : IHeuristicFunction<EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>
private readonly EightPuzzleBoard goal;
public MisplacedHeuristic(EightPuzzleBoard goal)
this.goal = new EightPuzzleBoard(goal);
public IntegerCost Eval(EightPuzzleBoard state)
return goal.CountMismatches(state);
public class EightPuzzleNodeExpander : InformedNodeExpander<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>
public override EightPuzzleNode CreateNode(EightPuzzleNode parent, EightPuzzleBoard state)
return new EightPuzzleNode(parent, state);
public override EightPuzzleNode CreateNode(EightPuzzleBoard state)
return CreateNode(null, state);
public class SearchTest
// These are the three search problem to run using IDS, A*(h1) and A*(h2)
private ISearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost> problem_none;
private ISearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost> problem_h1;
private ISearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost> problem_h2;
public void SetUp()
// These objects define the abstract search problem
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var goalTest = new EightPuzzleGoalTest(EightPuzzleBoard.GOAL);
var stepCost = new EightPuzzleStepCost();
var successorFn = new EightPuzzleSuccessorFunction();
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var heuristic1 = new MisplacedHeuristic(EightPuzzleBoard.GOAL);
var heuristic2 = new ManhattanHeuristic(EightPuzzleBoard.GOAL);
// Create three search problem objects. One without a heuristic and two with the different
// heuristics
problem_none = new SearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>(goalTest, stepCost, successorFn);
problem_h1 = new SearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>(goalTest, stepCost, successorFn, heuristic1);
problem_h2 = new SearchProblem<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, IntegerCost>(goalTest, stepCost, successorFn, heuristic2);
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private void PrintSolution(IEnumerable<EightPuzzleNode> solution)
if (solution == null)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("No solution");
foreach (var node in solution.Skip(1))
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public void EightPuzzleTest()
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// Number of trials to run
int N = 100;
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// Maximum depth of the solution
int dmax = 10;
// Now we define the search algorithm and the type of node expansion. Russell & Norvig discuss
// two type of expansion strategies: tree search and graph search. One will avoid cycles in the search
// space and the other will not.
// They state that a tree search was used to generate Figure 4.8;
var expander = new InstrumentedNodeExpander<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>(new EightPuzzleNodeExpander());
var treeSearch = new TreeSearch<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>(expander);
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var ids = new IterativeDeepeningSearch<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>(treeSearch, dmax);
var aStarH1 = new AStarSearch<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>(treeSearch, () => new QueueAdapter<EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>());
var aStarH2 = new AStarSearch<Direction, EightPuzzleBoard, EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>(treeSearch, () => new QueueAdapter<EightPuzzleNode, IntegerCost>());
// Depth runs from 0 to dmax
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int[,] d = new int[dmax + 1, 3];
int[,] n = new int[dmax + 1, 3];
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for (int _d = 1; _d <= dmax; _d++)
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for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
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// Invoke the search on the problem with a particular starting state. Scramble creates a new instance
var initialState = EightPuzzleBoard.GOAL.Scramble(_d);
var solution = ids.Search(problem_none, new EightPuzzleBoard(initialState));
var depth = solution.Count() - 1;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("IDS Solution has depth " + depth + " and expanded " + expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED] + " nodes");
d[depth, 0] += 1;
n[depth, 0] += expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED];
var solution = aStarH1.Search(problem_h1, new EightPuzzleBoard(initialState));
var depth = solution.Count() - 1;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("A* (h1) Solution has depth " + depth + " nodes and expanded " + expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED] + " nodes");
d[depth, 1] += 1;
n[depth, 1] += expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED];
// PrintSolution(solution);
var solution = aStarH2.Search(problem_h2, new EightPuzzleBoard(initialState));
var depth = solution.Count() - 1;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("A* (h2) Solution has depth " + depth + " nodes and expanded " + expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED] + " nodes");
d[depth, 2] += 1;
n[depth, 2] += expander[IntrumentedParameters.NODES_EXPANDED];
// PrintSolution(solution);
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Trace.WriteLine("| Search Cost Branching Factor |");
Trace.WriteLine("| d| IDS | A*(h1) | A*(h2) || IDS | A*(h1) | A*(h2) |");
for (int i = 1; i <= dmax; i++)
var bf0 = ComputeBranchingFactor((float)n[i, 0] / (float)d[i, 0], i);
var bf1 = ComputeBranchingFactor((float)n[i, 1] / (float)d[i, 1], i);
var bf2 = ComputeBranchingFactor((float)n[i, 2] / (float)d[i, 2], i);
Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("|{0,2}|{1,-8} |{2,7} |{3,7} ||{4,8:0.00} |{5,7:0.00} |{6,7:0.00} |", i,
n[i, 0] / Math.Max(d[i, 0], 1), n[i, 1] / Math.Max(d[i, 1], 1), n[i, 2] / Math.Max(d[i, 2], 1), bf0, bf1, bf2));
/// <summary>
/// Uses Newton iteration to solve for the effective branching factor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">number of nodes expanded</param>
/// <param name="d">depth of the solution</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private float ComputeBranchingFactor(float n, float d)
float x = 3.0f; // Initial guess
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
float f = (float)Math.Pow(x, d + 1.0f) - 1.0f - x * n + n;
float df = (d + 1.0f) * (float)Math.Pow(x, d) - n;
x = x - (f / df);
return x;