#ifdef __ORCAC__ segment "ftpftp1 "; #pragma noroot #endif static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ftp.c 5.38 (Berkeley) 4/22/91"; #ifdef __GNO__ #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __GNO__ #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftp.var.h" #include "cmds.h" #include "main.h" #include "domacro.h" #include "ruserpass.h" #include "ftp.h" struct sockaddr_in hisctladdr; struct sockaddr_in data_addr; int data = -1; int abrtflag = 0; int ptflag = 0; struct sockaddr_in myctladdr; off_t restart_point = 0; #ifndef __GNO__ extern int connected, errno; #endif FILE *cin, *cout; char *hookup (char *host, int port) { struct hostent *hp = 0; int s, len, tos; static char hostnamebuf[80]; bzero((char *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr)); hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); if (hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr != -1) { hisctladdr.sin_family = AF_INET; strncpy(hostnamebuf, host, sizeof(hostnamebuf)); } else { hp = gethostbyname(host); if (hp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ftp: %s: ", host); perror ("gethostbyname"); code = -1; return((char *) 0); } hisctladdr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0], (caddr_t)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_length); strncpy(hostnamebuf, hp->h_name, sizeof(hostnamebuf)); } hostname = hostnamebuf; s = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); code = -1; return (0); } hisctladdr.sin_port = port; while (connect(s, (struct __SOCKADDR *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr)) < 0) { if (hp && hp->h_addr_list[1]) { int oerrno = errno; fprintf(stderr, "ftp: connect to address %s: ", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); errno = oerrno; perror((char *) 0); hp->h_addr_list++; bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0], (caddr_t)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_length); fprintf(stdout, "Trying %s...\n", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); close(s); s = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); code = -1; return (0); } continue; } perror("ftp: connect"); code = -1; goto bad; } len = sizeof (myctladdr); if (getsockname(s, (struct __SOCKADDR *)&myctladdr, &len) < 0) { perror("ftp: getsockname"); code = -1; goto bad; } cin = fdopen(s, "rb"); cout = fdopen(s, "wb"); if (cin == NULL || cout == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ftp: fdopen failed.\n"); if (cin) fclose(cin); if (cout) fclose(cout); code = -1; goto bad; } if (verbose) printf("Connected to %s.\n", hostname); if (getreply(0) > 2) { /* read startup message from server */ if (cin) fclose(cin); if (cout) fclose(cout); code = -1; goto bad; } return (hostname); bad: close(s); return ((char *)0); } char *getlogin (void) { return (getenv ("USER")); } int login (char *host) { static char tmp[80]; char *user, *pass, *acct; int n, aflag = 0; user = pass = acct = 0; if (ruserpass(host, &user, &pass, &acct) < 0) { code = -1; return(0); } while (user == NULL) { char *myname = getlogin(); if (myname == NULL) { struct passwd *pp = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pp != NULL) myname = pp->pw_name; } if (myname) printf("Name (%s:%s): ", host, myname); else printf("Name (%s): ", host); fgets(tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, stdin); tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; if (*tmp == '\0') user = myname; else user = tmp; } n = command("USER %s", user); if (n == CONTINUE) { if (pass == NULL) pass = getpass("Password:"); n = command("PASS %s", pass); } if (n == CONTINUE) { aflag++; acct = getpass("Account:"); n = command("ACCT %s", acct); } if (n != COMPLETE) { fprintf(stderr, "Login failed.\n"); return (0); } if (!aflag && acct != NULL) command("ACCT %s", acct); if (proxy) return(1); for (n = 0; n < macnum; ++n) { if (!strcmp("init", macros[n].mac_name)) { strcpy(line, "$init"); makeargv(); domacro(margc, margv); break; } } return (1); } #pragma databank 1 void cmdabort (int sig, int code) { extern jmp_buf ptabort; printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); abrtflag++; if (ptflag) longjmp(ptabort, 1); } #pragma databank 0 #pragma debug 0 /* assume at least #pragma optimize 8 */ /*VARARGS*/ int command (char *string, ...) { va_list ap; char *fmt; static char buf[255]; int r; sig_t oldintr; abrtflag = 0; if (cout == NULL) { perror ("No control connection for command"); code = -1; return (0); } oldintr = signal (SIGINT, cmdabort); va_start (ap, string); vsprintf (buf, string, ap); va_end(ap); if (debug) { printf("---> "); if (strncmp("PASS ", buf, 5) == 0) printf("PASS XXXX\n"); else printf("%s\n", buf); fflush(stdout); } fprintf (cout, "%s\r\n", buf); fflush(cout); cpend = 1; r = getreply(!strncmp(string, "QUIT", 4)); if (abrtflag && oldintr != SIG_IGN) (*oldintr)(SIGINT, 0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return(r); } /* find some way to put #pragma options back */ char reply_string[BUFSIZ]; /* last line of previous reply */ #include int getreply (int expecteof) { int c, n; int dig; char *cp; int originalcode = 0, continuation = 0; sig_t oldintr; int pflag = 0; char *pt = pasv; oldintr = signal (SIGINT, cmdabort); for (;;) { dig = n = code = 0; cp = reply_string; while ((c = getc(cin)) != '\n') { if (c == IAC) { /* handle telnet commands */ switch (c = getc(cin)) { case WILL: case WONT: c = getc(cin); fprintf(cout, "%c%c%c", IAC, DONT, c); fflush(cout); break; case DO: case DONT: c = getc(cin); fprintf(cout, "%c%c%c", IAC, WONT, c); fflush(cout); break; default: break; } continue; } dig++; if (c == EOF) { if (expecteof) { signal(SIGINT,oldintr); code = 221; return (0); } lostpeer(0,0); if (verbose) { printf("421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection\n"); fflush(stdout); } code = 421; return(4); } if (c != '\r' && (verbose > 0 || (verbose > -1 && n == '5' && dig > 4))) { if (proxflag && (dig == 1 || dig == 5 && verbose == 0)) printf("%s:",hostname); putchar(c); } if (dig < 4 && isdigit(c)) code = code * 10 + (c - '0'); if (!pflag && code == 227) pflag = 1; if (dig > 4 && pflag == 1 && isdigit(c)) pflag = 2; if (pflag == 2) { if (c != '\r' && c != ')') *pt++ = c; else { *pt = '\0'; pflag = 3; } } if (dig == 4 && c == '-') { if (continuation) code = 0; continuation++; } if (n == 0) n = c; if (cp < &reply_string[sizeof(reply_string) - 1]) *cp++ = c; } if (verbose > 0 || verbose > -1 && n == '5') { putchar(c); fflush (stdout); } if (continuation && code != originalcode) { if (originalcode == 0) originalcode = code; continue; } cp[0] = '\0'; if (n != '1') cpend = 0; signal(SIGINT,oldintr); if (code == 421 || originalcode == 421) lostpeer(0,0); if (abrtflag && oldintr != cmdabort && oldintr != SIG_IGN) (*oldintr)(SIGINT, 0); return (n - '0'); } } int empty (struct fd_set *mask, int sec) { struct timeval t; t.tv_sec = (long) sec; t.tv_usec = 0; return(select(32, mask, (struct fd_set *) 0, (struct fd_set *) 0, &t)); } jmp_buf sendabort; #pragma databank 1 void abortsend (int sig, int code) { mflag = 0; abrtflag = 0; printf("\nsend aborted\nwaiting for remote to finish abort\n"); fflush(stdout); longjmp(sendabort, 1); } #pragma databank 0 #define HASHBYTES 1024 void sendrequest (char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, int printnames) { struct stat st; struct timeval start, stop; int c, d; FILE *fin, *dout = 0; sig_t oldintr, oldintp; long bytes = 0, hashbytes = HASHBYTES; char *lmode, *bufp; static char buf[BUFSIZ]; int (*closefunc)(FILE *); if (verbose && printnames) { if (local && *local != '-') printf("local: %s ", local); if (remote) printf("remote: %s\n", remote); } if (proxy) { proxtrans(cmd, local, remote); return; } if (curtype != type) changetype(type, 0); closefunc = NULL; oldintr = NULL; oldintp = NULL; lmode = "wb"; if (setjmp(sendabort)) { while (cpend) { getreply(0); } if (data >= 0) { close(data); data = -1; } if (oldintr) signal(SIGINT,oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE,oldintp); code = -1; return; } oldintr = signal(SIGINT, abortsend); if (strcmp(local, "-") == 0) fin = stdin; else if (*local == '|') { oldintp = signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); fin = popen(local + 1, "r"); if (fin == NULL) { perror(local + 1); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); code = -1; return; } closefunc = pclose; } else { switch (curtype) { case TYPE_I: case TYPE_L: fin = fopen(local, "rb"); break; case TYPE_A: fin = fopen(local, "r"); break; default: /* shouldn't ever happen */ fin = NULL; break; } if (fin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } closefunc = fclose; if (fstat(fileno(fin), &st) < 0 || (st.st_mode&S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: not a plain file.\n", local); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); fclose(fin); code = -1; return; } } if (initconn()) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); code = -1; if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); return; } if (setjmp(sendabort)) goto abort; if (restart_point && (strcmp(cmd, "STOR") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "APPE") == 0)) { if (fseek(fin, (long) restart_point, 0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); restart_point = 0; if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); return; } if (command("REST %ld", (long) restart_point) != CONTINUE) { restart_point = 0; if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); return; } restart_point = 0; lmode = "r+wb"; } if (remote) { if (command("%s %s", cmd, remote) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); return; } } else if (command("%s", cmd) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); return; } dout = dataconn(lmode); if (dout == NULL) goto abort; gettimeofday(&start, (struct timezone *)0); oldintp = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); switch (curtype) { case TYPE_I: case TYPE_L: errno = d = 0; while ((c = read(fileno(fin), buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0) { bytes += c; for (bufp = buf; c > 0; c -= d, bufp += d) if ((d = write(fileno(dout), bufp, c)) <= 0) break; if (hash) { while (bytes >= hashbytes) { putchar('#'); hashbytes += HASHBYTES; } fflush(stdout); } } if (hash && bytes > 0) { if (bytes < HASHBYTES) putchar('#'); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } if (c < 0) fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); if (d < 0) { if (errno != EPIPE) perror("netout"); bytes = -1; } break; case TYPE_A: while ((c = getc(fin)) != EOF) { if (c == '\n') { while (hash && (bytes >= hashbytes)) { putchar('#'); fflush(stdout); hashbytes += HASHBYTES; } if (ferror(dout)) break; putc('\r', dout); bytes++; } putc(c, dout); bytes++; /* if (c == '\r') { */ /* (void) putc('\0', dout); /* this violates rfc */ /* bytes++; */ /* } */ } if (hash) { if (bytes < hashbytes) putchar('#'); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } if (ferror(fin)) fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); if (ferror(dout)) { if (errno != EPIPE) perror("netout"); bytes = -1; } break; } gettimeofday(&stop, (struct timezone *)0); if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); fclose(dout); getreply(0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); if (bytes > 0) ptransfer("sent", bytes, &start, &stop); return; abort: gettimeofday(&stop, (struct timezone *)0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); if (!cpend) { code = -1; return; } if (data >= 0) { close(data); data = -1; } if (dout) fclose(dout); getreply(0); code = -1; if (closefunc != NULL && fin != NULL) (*closefunc)(fin); if (bytes > 0) ptransfer("sent", bytes, &start, &stop); } segment "ftpftp2 "; jmp_buf recvabort; #pragma databank 1 void abortrecv (int sig, int code) { mflag = 0; abrtflag = 0; printf("\nreceive aborted\nwaiting for remote to finish abort\n"); fflush(stdout); longjmp(recvabort, 1); } #pragma databank 0 void recvrequest (char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, char *lmode, int printnames) { FILE *fout, *din = 0; sig_t oldintr, oldintp; int is_retr, tcrflag, bare_lfs = 0; static int bufsize; static char *buf; long bytes = 0, hashbytes = HASHBYTES; int c, d; struct timeval start, stop; struct stat st; int (*closefunc)(FILE *); is_retr = strcmp(cmd, "RETR") == 0; if (is_retr && verbose && printnames) { if (local && *local != '-') printf("local: %s ", local); if (remote) printf("remote: %s\n", remote); } if (proxy && is_retr) { proxtrans(cmd, local, remote); return; } closefunc = NULL; oldintr = NULL; oldintp = NULL; tcrflag = !crflag && is_retr; if (setjmp(recvabort)) { while (cpend) { getreply(0); } if (data >= 0) { close(data); data = -1; } if (oldintr) signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } oldintr = signal(SIGINT, abortrecv); if (strcmp(local, "-") && *local != '|') { if (access(local, 2) < 0) { char *dir; if (errno != ENOENT && errno != EACCES) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } dir = rindex(local, (int) '/'); if (dir != NULL) *dir = 0; d = access(dir ? local : ".", 2); if (dir != NULL) *dir = '/'; if (d < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } if (!runique && errno == EACCES && chmod(local, 0600) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } if (runique && errno == EACCES && (local = gunique(local)) == NULL) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } } else if (runique && (local = gunique(local)) == NULL) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } } if (!is_retr) { if (curtype != TYPE_A) changetype(TYPE_A, 0); } else if (curtype != type) changetype(type, 0); if (initconn()) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); code = -1; return; } if (setjmp(recvabort)) goto abort; if (is_retr && restart_point && command("REST %ld", (long) restart_point) != CONTINUE) return; if (remote) { if (command("%s %s", cmd, remote) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } } else { if (command("%s", cmd) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } } din = dataconn("rb"); if (din == NULL) goto abort; if (strcmp(local, "-") == 0) fout = stdout; else if (*local == '|') { oldintp = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); fout = popen(local + 1, "w"); if (fout == NULL) { perror(local+1); goto abort; } closefunc = pclose; } else { fout = fopen(local, lmode); if (fout == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); goto abort; } closefunc = fclose; } if (fstat(fileno(fout), &st) < 0 || st.st_blksize == 0) st.st_blksize = BUFSIZ; if (st.st_blksize > bufsize) { if (buf) free(buf); buf = malloc((unsigned)st.st_blksize); if (buf == NULL) { perror("malloc"); bufsize = 0; goto abort; } bufsize = st.st_blksize; } gettimeofday(&start, (struct timezone *)0); switch (curtype) { case TYPE_I: case TYPE_L: if (restart_point && lseek(fileno(fout), (long) restart_point, L_SET) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fout); return; } errno = d = 0; while ((c = read(fileno(din), buf, bufsize)) > 0) { if ((d = write(fileno(fout), buf, c)) != c) break; bytes += c; if (hash) { while (bytes >= hashbytes) { putchar('#'); hashbytes += HASHBYTES; } fflush(stdout); } } if (hash && bytes > 0) { if (bytes < HASHBYTES) putchar('#'); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } if (c < 0) { if (errno != EPIPE) perror("netin"); bytes = -1; } if (d < c) { if (d < 0) fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: short write\n", local); } break; case TYPE_A: if (restart_point) { int i, n, ch; if (fseek(fout, 0L, L_SET) < 0) goto done; n = restart_point; for (i = 0; i++ < n;) { if ((ch = getc(fout)) == EOF) goto done; if (ch == '\n') i++; } if (fseek(fout, 0L, L_INCR) < 0) { done: fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fout); return; } } while ((c = getc(din)) != EOF) { if (c == '\n') bare_lfs++; while (c == '\r') { while (hash && (bytes >= hashbytes)) { putchar('#'); fflush(stdout); hashbytes += HASHBYTES; } bytes++; if ((c = getc(din)) != '\n' || tcrflag) { if (ferror(fout)) goto break2; putc('\r', fout); if (c == '\0') { bytes++; goto contin2; } if (c == EOF) goto contin2; } } putc(c, fout); bytes++; contin2: ; } break2: if (bare_lfs) { printf("WARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode\n", bare_lfs); printf("File may not have transferred correctly.\n"); } if (hash) { if (bytes < hashbytes) putchar('#'); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } if (ferror(din)) { if (errno != EPIPE) perror("netin"); bytes = -1; } if (ferror(fout)) fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); break; } if (closefunc != NULL) (*closefunc)(fout); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); gettimeofday(&stop, (struct timezone *)0); fclose(din); getreply(0); if (bytes > 0 && is_retr) ptransfer("received", bytes, &start, &stop); return; abort: /* abort using RFC959 recommended IP,SYNC sequence */ gettimeofday(&stop, (struct timezone *)0); if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintr); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); if (!cpend) { code = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } abort_remote(din); code = -1; if (data >= 0) { close(data); data = -1; } if (closefunc != NULL && fout != NULL) (*closefunc)(fout); if (din) fclose(din); if (bytes > 0) ptransfer("received", bytes, &start, &stop); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); } /* * Need to start a listen on the data channel before we send the command, * otherwise the server's connect may fail. */ int initconn (void) { unsigned char *p, *a; int result, len, tmpno = 0; int on = 1; int a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2; if (passivemode) { data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); return(1); } if (options & SO_DEBUG && setsockopt(data, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DEBUG, (char *)&on, sizeof (on)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt (ignored)"); if (command("PASV") != COMPLETE) { printf("Passive mode refused.\n"); return(1); } /* * What we've got at this point is a string of comma separated * one-byte unsigned integer values, separated by commas. * The first four are the an IP address. The fifth is the MSB * of the port number, the sixth is the LSB. From that we'll * prepare a sockaddr_in. */ if (sscanf(pasv,"%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&a1,&a2,&a3,&a4,&p1,&p2) != 6) { printf("Passive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen!\n"); return(1); }; data_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; #ifdef __GNO__ // s_addr is a 32-bit value which overflows the // int shift. data_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = a1; data_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = a2; data_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = a3; data_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = a4; #else data_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl((a1 << 24) | (a2 << 16) | (a3 << 8) | a4); #endif data_addr.sin_port = htons((p1 << 8) | p2); if (connect(data, (struct __SOCKADDR *) &data_addr, sizeof(data_addr)) < 0) { perror("ftp: connect"); return(1); } #if defined(IP_TOS) && defined(IPTOS_THROUGHPUT) on = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; if (setsockopt(data, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&on, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)"); #endif return(0); } noport: data_addr = myctladdr; if (sendport) data_addr.sin_port = 0; /* let system pick one */ if (data != -1) close(data); data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); if (tmpno) sendport = 1; return (1); } if (!sendport) if (setsockopt(data, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof (on)) < 0) { perror("ftp: setsockopt (reuse address)"); goto bad; } if (bind(data, (struct __SOCKADDR *)&data_addr, sizeof (data_addr)) < 0) { perror("ftp: bind"); goto bad; } if (options & SO_DEBUG && setsockopt(data, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DEBUG, (char *)&on, sizeof (on)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt (ignored)"); len = sizeof (data_addr); if (getsockname(data, (struct __SOCKADDR *)&data_addr, &len) < 0) { perror("ftp: getsockname"); goto bad; } if (listen(data, 1) < 0) perror("ftp: listen"); if (sendport) { a = (unsigned char *)&data_addr.sin_addr; p = (unsigned char *)&data_addr.sin_port; #define UC(b) (((unsigned int)b)&0xff) result = command("PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", UC(a[0]), UC(a[1]), UC(a[2]), UC(a[3]), UC(p[0]), UC(p[1])); if (result == ERROR && sendport == -1) { sendport = 0; tmpno = 1; goto noport; } return (result != COMPLETE); } if (tmpno) sendport = 1; return (0); bad: close(data), data = -1; if (tmpno) sendport = 1; return (1); } FILE *dataconn (char *lmode) { struct sockaddr_in from; int s, fromlen = sizeof (from), tos; if (passivemode) return (fdopen(data, lmode)); s = accept(data, (struct __SOCKADDR *) &from, &fromlen); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: accept"); close(data), data = -1; return (NULL); } close(data); data = s; return (fdopen(data, lmode)); } void ptransfer(char *direction, long bytes, struct timeval *t0, struct timeval *t1) { struct timeval td; float s, bs; if (verbose) { tvsub(&td, t1, t0); s = td.tv_sec + (td.tv_usec / 1000000.); #define nz(x) ((x) == 0 ? 1. : (x)) bs = bytes / nz(s); printf("%ld bytes %s in %.2g seconds (%.2g Kbytes/s)\n", bytes, direction, s, bs / 1024.); } } void tvadd (struct timeval *tsum, struct timeval *t0) { tsum->tv_sec += t0->tv_sec; tsum->tv_usec += t0->tv_usec; if (tsum->tv_usec > 1000000) tsum->tv_sec++, tsum->tv_usec -= 1000000; } void tvsub (struct timeval *tdiff, struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t0) { tdiff->tv_sec = t1->tv_sec - t0->tv_sec; tdiff->tv_usec = t1->tv_usec - t0->tv_usec; if (tdiff->tv_usec < 0) tdiff->tv_sec--, tdiff->tv_usec += 1000000; } #pragma databank 1 void psabort (int sig, int code) { extern int abrtflag; abrtflag++; } #pragma databank 0 void pswitch (int flag) { extern int proxy, abrtflag; sig_t oldintr; static struct comvars { int connect; char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; struct sockaddr_in mctl; struct sockaddr_in hctl; FILE *in; FILE *out; int tpe; int curtpe; int cpnd; int sunqe; int runqe; int mcse; int ntflg; char nti[17]; char nto[17]; int mapflg; char mi[MAXPATHLEN]; char mo[MAXPATHLEN]; } proxstruct, tmpstruct; struct comvars *ip, *op; abrtflag = 0; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, psabort); if (flag) { if (proxy) return; ip = &tmpstruct; op = &proxstruct; proxy++; } else { if (!proxy) return; ip = &proxstruct; op = &tmpstruct; proxy = 0; } ip->connect = connected; connected = op->connect; if (hostname) { strncpy(ip->name, hostname, sizeof(ip->name) - 1); ip->name[strlen(ip->name)] = '\0'; } else ip->name[0] = 0; hostname = op->name; ip->hctl = hisctladdr; hisctladdr = op->hctl; ip->mctl = myctladdr; myctladdr = op->mctl; ip->in = cin; cin = op->in; ip->out = cout; cout = op->out; ip->tpe = type; type = op->tpe; ip->curtpe = curtype; curtype = op->curtpe; ip->cpnd = cpend; cpend = op->cpnd; ip->sunqe = sunique; sunique = op->sunqe; ip->runqe = runique; runique = op->runqe; ip->mcse = mcase; mcase = op->mcse; ip->ntflg = ntflag; ntflag = op->ntflg; strncpy(ip->nti, ntin, 16); (ip->nti)[strlen(ip->nti)] = '\0'; strcpy(ntin, op->nti); strncpy(ip->nto, ntout, 16); (ip->nto)[strlen(ip->nto)] = '\0'; strcpy(ntout, op->nto); ip->mapflg = mapflag; mapflag = op->mapflg; strncpy(ip->mi, mapin, MAXPATHLEN - 1); (ip->mi)[strlen(ip->mi)] = '\0'; strcpy(mapin, op->mi); strncpy(ip->mo, mapout, MAXPATHLEN - 1); (ip->mo)[strlen(ip->mo)] = '\0'; strcpy(mapout, op->mo); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (abrtflag) { abrtflag = 0; (*oldintr)(SIGINT, 0); } } jmp_buf ptabort; int ptabflg; #pragma databank 1 void abortpt (int sig, int code) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); ptabflg++; mflag = 0; abrtflag = 0; longjmp(ptabort, 1); } #pragma databank 0 void proxtrans (char *cmd, char *local, char *remote) { sig_t oldintr; int secndflag = 0, prox_type, nfnd; extern jmp_buf ptabort; char *cmd2; struct fd_set mask; void abortpt (int sig, int code); if (strcmp(cmd, "RETR")) cmd2 = "RETR"; else cmd2 = runique ? "STOU" : "STOR"; if ((prox_type = type) == 0) { if (unix_server && unix_proxy) prox_type = TYPE_I; else prox_type = TYPE_A; } if (curtype != prox_type) changetype(prox_type, 1); if (command("PASV") != COMPLETE) { printf("proxy server does not support third party transfers.\n"); return; } pswitch(0); if (!connected) { printf("No primary connection\n"); pswitch(1); code = -1; return; } if (curtype != prox_type) changetype(prox_type, 1); if (command("PORT %s", pasv) != COMPLETE) { pswitch(1); return; } if (setjmp(ptabort)) goto abort; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, abortpt); if (command("%s %s", cmd, remote) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); pswitch(1); return; } sleep(2); pswitch(1); secndflag++; if (command("%s %s", cmd2, local) != PRELIM) goto abort; ptflag++; getreply(0); pswitch(0); getreply(0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); pswitch(1); ptflag = 0; printf("local: %s remote: %s\n", local, remote); return; abort: signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); ptflag = 0; if (strcmp(cmd, "RETR") && !proxy) pswitch(1); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "RETR") && proxy) pswitch(0); if (!cpend && !secndflag) { /* only here if cmd = "STOR" (proxy=1) */ if (command("%s %s", cmd2, local) != PRELIM) { pswitch(0); if (cpend) abort_remote((FILE *) NULL); } pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) code = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } if (cpend) abort_remote((FILE *) NULL); pswitch(!proxy); if (!cpend && !secndflag) { /* only if cmd = "RETR" (proxy=1) */ if (command("%s %s", cmd2, local) != PRELIM) { pswitch(0); if (cpend) abort_remote((FILE *) NULL); pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) code = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } } if (cpend) abort_remote((FILE *) NULL); pswitch(!proxy); if (cpend) { FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(fileno(cin), &mask); if ((nfnd = empty(&mask, 10)) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("abort"); } if (ptabflg) code = -1; lostpeer(0,0); } getreply(0); getreply(0); } if (proxy) pswitch(0); pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) code = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); } char *gunique (char *local) { static char new[MAXPATHLEN]; char *cp; int d, count=0; char ext = '1'; cp = rindex(local, (int) '/'); if (cp) *cp = '\0'; d = access(cp ? local : ".", 2); if (cp) *cp = '/'; if (d < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, strerror(errno)); return((char *) 0); } strcpy(new, local); cp = new + strlen(new); *cp++ = '.'; while (!d) { if (++count == 100) { printf("runique: can't find unique file name.\n"); return((char *) 0); } *cp++ = ext; *cp = '\0'; if (ext == '9') ext = '0'; else ext++; if ((d = access(new, 0)) < 0) break; if (ext != '0') cp--; else if (*(cp - 2) == '.') *(cp - 1) = '1'; else { *(cp - 2) = *(cp - 2) + 1; cp--; } } return(new); } void abort_remote (FILE *din) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; int nfnd; struct fd_set mask; /* * send IAC in urgent mode instead of DM because 4.3BSD places oob mark * after urgent byte rather than before as is protocol now */ sprintf(buf, "%c%c%c", IAC, IP, IAC); if (send(fileno(cout), buf, 3, MSG_OOB) != 3) perror("abort"); fprintf(cout,"%cABOR\n", DM); fflush(cout); FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(fileno(cin), &mask); if (din) { FD_SET(fileno(din), &mask); } if ((nfnd = empty(&mask, 10)) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("abort"); } if (ptabflg) code = -1; lostpeer(0,0); } if (din && FD_ISSET(fileno(din), &mask)) { while (read(fileno(din), buf, BUFSIZ) > 0) /* LOOP */; } if (getreply(0) == ERROR && code == 552) { /* 552 needed for nic style abort */ getreply(0); } getreply(0); }