MariGNOtti ========== MariGNOtti is a network driver for GNO/ME 2.0.6. It provides a translation layer between BSD sockets and Marinetti. Think of it as a replacement for GSTCP. Installation: ------------- 1. copy the `marignotti`, `ftp`, `sic`, and `whois` executables to your `/usr/local/bin` directory. * `ftp` is an update of the gno 2.0.6 ftp (it adds passive ftp support). * `whois` is an updated version (from FreeBSD 9.0). The gno 2.0.6 version is from FreeBSD 2.1. * `sic` is a very simple irc client. Example: sic -h -p 6667 -n myname (a bunch of messages) :j << join a room 2. copy the `etc/services` file to `/etc/services` (if it does not exist). 3. edit and copy the `etc/resolve.conf` file to `/etc/resolve.conf` (if it does not exist). This file is your DNS server 4. If you don not have a DNS server, edit `/etc/hosts` to include your favorite sites. Usage: ------ Run marignotti in the background (`marignotti &`). To quit, bring it to the foreground (`fg`) and hit `control-C`. If you are using the Sweet-16 emulator version 3.0, `marignotti -d` will print some debugging information to the debugger console. `marignotti -dd` will enable extra debugging information (including the contents of reads and writes). What it does: ------------- While marignotti is running in the background, it translates BSD socket calls into Marinetti tool calls. It also handles blocking IO, socket options, select, etc. Architecture: ------------- BSD sockets are, by default, blocking whereas everything Marinetti does (other than the inital network connection) is non-blocking. To handle blocking behavior, each socket has a semaphore. The main thread performs all the polling and uses the semaphore to signal the other threads when they can proceed. Supported: ---------- `socket` -- only support for `PF_UNIX`, `SOCK_STREAM`, and `SOCK_DGRAM`. `connect` -- but non-blocking connects are not yet supported. `bind` -- currently a no-op since the old `whois` used it. `read`/`recv`/`recvfrom` -- supports blocking, non-blocking, timeouts, and `RCVLOWAT`. The address parameter of `recvfrom` is not supported. OOB is not supported. `write`/`send`/`sendto` -- does not support `SNDLOWAT`, OOB, or the address parameter of `sendto`. `close` -- does not support `SOLINGER` type functionality. `shutdown` -- sets flags but the flags are not completely implemented. `ioctl` -- support for `FIONREAD` (bytes available to read) and `FIONBIO` (set/clear non-blocking). `setsockopt` -- `SO_SNDLOWAT`, `SO_RCVLOWAT`, `SO_SNDTIMEO`, and `SO_RCVTIMEO` are supported. `SO_OOBINLINE` errors unless it's true. `SO_DEBUG`, `SO_REUSEADDR`, `SO_REUSEPORT`, `SO_KEEPALIVE` set a flag but have no other effect. `getsockopt` -- support for `SO_TYPE`, `SO_DEBUG`, `SO_REUSEADDR`, `SO_REUSEPORT`, `SO_KEEPALIVE`, `SO_OOBINLINE`, `SO_SNDLOWAT`, `SO_RCVLOWAT`, `SO_SNDTIMEO`, `SO_RCVTIMEO`, `SO_NREAD`, `SO_NWRITE` `getsockopt` -- support for `SO_OOBINLINE`, `SO_SNDLOWAT`, `SO_RCVLOWAT`, `SO_SNDTIMEO`, `SO_RCVTIMEO`, `SNDLOWAT` and `SNDTIMEO` set flags but don not have any other effect. `OOBINLINE` is only be supported when true. Not (yet) supported: -------------------- - OOB (out of band) data (and will never be supported). - raw sockets (`SOCK_RAW`) - TCP servers (`listen`/`accept`). Should be simple, though. - UDP servers