#include "marignotti.h" #include #include #include "s16debug.h" #pragma optimize 79 #pragma noroot #define TABLE_SIZE 16 #define TABLE_MASK 15 static struct Entry *table[TABLE_SIZE]; // ipids waiting to close + logout. static struct Entry *dlist; static void destroy_entry(Entry *e, Boolean abort); void init_table(void) { dlist = NULL; memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); } void destroy_table(void) { Entry *e; Entry *next; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { SEI(); e = table[i]; table[i] = 0; CLI(); while (e) { IncBusy(); next = e->next; destroy_entry(e, true); e = next; DecBusy(); } } e = dlist; while (e) { next = e->next; destroy_entry(e, true); e = next; } } static void destroy_entry(Entry *e, Boolean abort) { if (abort) TCPIPAbortTCP(e->ipid); TCPIPLogout(e->ipid); sdelete(e->semaphore); free(e); } Entry *find_entry(Word ipid) { Entry *e; IncBusy(); e = table[ipid & TABLE_MASK]; while (e) { if (e->ipid == ipid) break; e = e->next; } DecBusy(); return e; } Entry *create_entry(Word ipid) { Entry *e; e = NULL; IncBusy(); e = calloc(sizeof(Entry), 1); DecBusy(); if (!e) return NULL; e->semaphore = screate(0); if (e->semaphore < 0) { IncBusy(); free(e); DecBusy(); return NULL; } e->ipid = ipid; e->_OOBINLINE = 1; e->_SNDLOWAT = 1024; e->_RCVLOWAT = 1; SEI(); e->next = table[ipid & TABLE_MASK]; table[ipid & TABLE_MASK] = e; CLI(); return e; } void process_table(void) { Word terr; Word t; LongWord tick; unsigned i; Entry *e; Entry *next; Entry *prev; for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { prev = NULL; e = table[i]; while (e) { Word command; next = e->next; command = e->command; if (command) { Word expired; Word sig; Word state; tick = GetTick(); IncBusy(); expired = 0; if (e->timeout != 0 && tick > e->timeout) expired = 1; terr = TCPIPStatusTCP(e->ipid, &e->sr); t = _toolErr; if (t) terr = t; e->terr = terr; if (Debug > 2) { s16_debug_printf("- ipid: %d command %d", e->ipid, command); s16_debug_srbuff(&e->sr); } state = e->sr.srState; sig = 0; switch(command) { case kCommandRead: // block until data available. if (e->sr.srRcvQueued >= e->cookie || expired || terr) { sig = 1; } break; case kCommandWrite: // block until data sent. if (e->sr.srSndQueued <= e->cookie || expired || terr) { sig = 1; } break; case kCommandConnect: // block until connection established. if (state >= TCPSESTABLISHED || state == TCPSCLOSED) { sig = 1; } if (expired) { sig = 1; } break; case kCommandDisconnect: // block until connection closed. if (state == TCPSCLOSED) { sig = 1; } break; case kCommandDisconnectAndLogout: // move to other list // since it's no longer a valid fd if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { table[i] = next; } // add to the dlist. e->next = dlist; dlist = e; e = NULL; break; } if (sig) { s16_debug_printf("sending signal to %d", e->semaphore); e->command = kCommandNone; ssignal(e->semaphore); } DecBusy(); } // e->command if (e) prev = e; e = next; } } // now process the disconnect list. e = dlist; prev = NULL; while (e) { next = e->next; IncBusy(); terr = TCPIPStatusTCP(e->ipid, &e->sr); t = _toolErr; if (t) terr = t; DecBusy(); if (e->sr.srState == TCPSCLOSED) { destroy_entry(e, false); e = NULL; // remove.. if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { dlist = next; } } if (e) prev = e; e = next; } }