#include "Marinetti.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "telnet.h" extern void ScrollRegion(word,word); extern void ScrollDown(void); extern void PrintChar(int the_char, unsigned int andMask); extern void ClearScreen(void); extern void ClearScreenFrom(int Y); extern void ClearLine(int Y); extern void ClearLineFrom(int Y, int X); extern void GrafOn(void) inline(0x0a04, 0xe10000); extern void GrafOff(void) inline(0x0b04, 0xe10000); extern pascal void SetColorTable(Word, ColorTable) inline(0x0E04,dispatcher); extern pascal void SysBeep2(Word) inline(0x3803,dispatcher); extern pascal void SetAllSCBs(Word) inline(0x1404,dispatcher); extern pascal void SetMasterSCB(Word) inline(0x1604,dispatcher); extern pascal void InitColorTable(ColorTable) inline(0x0D04,dispatcher); Word MyID; Word __gno; Word modeTelnet = 1; Word flagEcho = 1; // if *I* echo void init_ansi(void); Word ResolveHost(const char *name, cvtRecPtr cvt); Word GetChar(word ipid, unsigned char *c); Word UngetChar(char c); void display_str(const char *txt, word cnt); void display_pstr(const char *); void display_cstr(const char *); void display_err(Word); void send_event(EventRecord *, Word); #pragma databank 1 /* * called to print connect/disconnect messages from * Marinetti. msg is a pstring. */ void printCallBack(const char *msg) { word i; i = *msg; if (i) { display_str("\x1b" "[1m", 4); // bold on display_str(msg + 1, i); // show the string display_str("\x1b" "[0m\n\r", 6); // bold off } } #pragma databank 0 extern word esc; extern word Xpos; extern word Ypos; void init_screen(void) { #define WHITE 0x0fff #define YELLOW 0x0ff0 #define BLACK 0x0000 #define BLUE 0x000f #define GREEN 0x00f0 #define RED 0x0f00 static ColorTable ct = { BLACK, // background RED, // underline / blink BLUE, // bold GREEN, // foreground BLACK, RED, BLUE, GREEN, BLACK, RED, BLUE, GREEN, BLACK, RED, BLUE, GREEN, }; int i; // linearize memory, disable shadowing. asm { lda #0x00C1 sep #0x20 ora >0xe0c029 sta >0xe0c029 rep #0x20 lda #0x0008 sep #0x20 ora >0xe0c035 sta >0xe0c035 rep #0x20 } SetMasterSCB(0xc080); SetAllSCBs(0xc080); //InitColorTable(ct); for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) SetColorTable(i, ct); ClearScreen(); GrafOn(); } /* * this is (more or less) a state machine. * old state (and character) are passed in * new state is returned. * * 0 = starting state. */ #define SB_IAC 0xfaff Word do_iac(Word state, char c, Word ipid) { static char buffer[64]; static int cnt; if (state == 0) return c == IAC ? IAC : 0; // FF must be escaped as FF FF within SB. // SB_IAC means the first FF has been processed. if (state == SB) { if (c == IAC) return SB_IAC; buffer[cnt++] = c; return SB; } if (state == SB_IAC) { // it was an escped FF if (c == IAC) { buffer[cnt++] = IAC; return SB; } else state = IAC; // process below... } if (state == IAC) switch (c) { case DONT: case DO: case WONT: case WILL: return c; case SB: cnt = 0; return c; case SE: // buffer is the data between // IAC SB <...> IAC SE if (buffer[0] == TELOPT_TTYPE && buffer[1] == TELQUAL_SEND) { static char msg[] = { IAC, SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, TELQUAL_IS, 'V', 'T', '1', '0', '0', IAC, SE }; TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, msg, sizeof(msg), true, false); } else if (buffer[0] == TELOPT_NAWS && buffer[1] == TELQUAL_SEND) { static char msg[] = { IAC, SB, TELOPT_NAWS, 0, 80, 0, 24, IAC, SE }; TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, msg, sizeof(msg), true, false); } else if (buffer[0] == TELOPT_TSPEED && buffer[1] == TELQUAL_SEND) { static char msg[] = { IAC, SB, TELOPT_TSPEED, '9', '6', '0', '0', ',', '9', '6', '0', '0', IAC, SE }; TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, msg, sizeof(msg), true, false); } cnt = 0; return 0; default: return 0; } if (state == DO) { buffer[0] = IAC; buffer[1] = WONT; buffer[2] = c; if (c == TELOPT_TTYPE || c == TELOPT_SGA || c == TELOPT_NAWS || c == TELOPT_TSPEED) { buffer[1] = WILL; } TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, buffer, 3, true, false); } if (state == DONT) { buffer[0] = IAC; buffer[1] = WONT; buffer[2] = c; TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, buffer, 3, true, false); } if (state == WILL || state == WONT) { buffer[0] = IAC; buffer[1] = DONT; buffer[2] = c; if (c == TELOPT_ECHO) { buffer[1] = DO; } cnt = 3; TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, buffer, cnt, true, false); } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static EventRecord event; static srBuffer sr; static rrBuff rr; static char str[16]; static cvtRec cvt; static QuitRecGS qDCB = {2, 0, 0x4000}; Word iLoaded; Word iConnected; Word iStarted; Word Quit; Word ipid; Handle dp; int i; Word key; Word err; unsigned char c; //int fd; int iac_state; Xpos = Ypos = 0; esc = 0; //iac = 0; iLoaded = iStarted = iConnected = false; __gno = false; MyID = MMStartUp(); kernStatus(); if (!_toolErr) __gno = true; TextStartUp(); SetOutputDevice(1,3); SetOutGlobals(0x7f, 0); dp = NewHandle(0x0100, MyID, attrBank | attrPage |attrNoCross | attrFixed | attrLocked, 0x000000); HLock(dp); EMStartUp((Word)*dp, 0x14, 0, 0, 0, 0, MyID); if (argc != 2) { ErrWriteCString("Usage: marlene host[:port]\r\n"); goto _exit; } init_screen(); init_ansi(); TCPIPStatus(); if (_toolErr) { display_str("\n\rLoading Marinetti...\n\r", 23); LoadOneTool(0x36, 0x200); //load Marinetti if (_toolErr) { ErrWriteCString("Unable to load Marinetti\r\n"); goto _exit; } iLoaded = true; } // Marinetti now loaded if (!TCPIPStatus()) { display_str("\n\rStarting Marinetti...\n\r", 24); TCPIPStartUp(); iStarted = true; } if (!TCPIPGetConnectStatus()) { display_str("\n\rConnecting Marinetti...\n\r", 26); TCPIPConnect(printCallBack); if (_toolErr) { ErrWriteCString("Unable to establish network connection\r\n"); goto _exit; } iConnected = true; } // marinetti is now connected if (!ResolveHost(argv[1], &cvt)) { ErrWriteCString("Unable to resolve address\r\n"); goto _exit; } if (!cvt.cvtPort) cvt.cvtPort = 23; ipid = TCPIPLogin(MyID, cvt.cvtIPAddress, cvt.cvtPort, 0, 0x0040); display_str("\n\rConnecting to ", 16); display_str(str, TCPIPConvertIPToCAscii(cvt.cvtIPAddress, str, 0)); TCPIPOpenTCP(ipid); // wait for the connection to occur. while (1) { TCPIPPoll(); err = TCPIPStatusTCP(ipid, &sr); if (err) { display_err(err); goto _exit1; } if (sr.srState == tcpsESTABLISHED) break; //if (sr.srState == tcpsCLOSED) goto _exit1; GetNextEvent(keyDownMask | autoKeyMask ,&event); if (event.what != keyDownEvt) continue; if (!(event.modifiers & appleKey)) continue; if ((Word)event.message == '.') goto _exit1; if ((Word)event.message == 'q') goto _exit1; if ((Word)event.message == 'Q') goto _exit1; } display_str("\n\rConnected\n\r", 13); //fd = open ("tcp.log", O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0777); Quit = false; iac_state = 0; while (!Quit) { TCPIPPoll(); // check for incoming data... // 0xffff = no data // 0 = data // otherwise = marinetti error. err = GetChar(ipid, &c); if (err && (err != 0xffff)) { display_err(err); Quit++; continue; } if (err == 0) { //if (fd > 0) write(fd, &c, 1); if (iac_state) iac_state = do_iac(iac_state, c, ipid); else if (modeTelnet && c == IAC) iac_state = do_iac(0, c, ipid); else display_str(&c, 1); } GetNextEvent(keyDownMask | autoKeyMask, &event); if (event.what != keyDownEvt) continue; c = key = event.message; if (event.modifiers & appleKey) { switch (key) { case 'Q': // quit case 'q': Quit++; break; case 'V': // paste case 'v': break; case 'Z': // suspend (gnome) case 'z': if (__gno) { static struct sgttyb sb; static int err; gtty(1,&sb); sb.sg_flags &= ~RAW; stty(1,&sb); GrafOff(); Kkill(Kgetpid(), SIGSTOP, &err); sb.sg_flags |= RAW; stty(1,&sb); GrafOn(); } break; } continue; } else send_event(&event, ipid); } _exit1: //if (fd > 0) close(fd); TCPIPCloseTCP(ipid); TCPIPPoll(); // wait until closed... TCPIPLogout(ipid); // be nice and while (GetNextEvent(keyDownMask | autoKeyMask, &event)); display_str("\n\rPress any key to exit.\n\r", 26); while (!GetNextEvent(keyDownMask | autoKeyMask, &event)); _exit: if (iConnected) TCPIPDisconnect(false, printCallBack); if (iStarted) TCPIPShutDown(); if (iLoaded) UnloadOneTool(0x36); EMShutDown(); GrafOff(); TextShutDown(); QuitGS(&qDCB); }