lst off rel xc xc use morse.equ use e16.window use e16.event use e16.types use e16.control use e16.resources * lst on kWindowID equ $1000 kPlayID equ 1 kStopID equ 2 kAboutAlert equ 1 tbx on beep_left equ 0 beep_right equ 1 noise_left equ 2 noise_right equ 3 timer_1 equ 4 timer_3 equ 5 timer_7 equ 6 bic mac if #=]1 and ]1!$ffff else err 1 ; immediate only. fin <<< docwait mac if MX<2 err 1 ; 8-bit m only fin wait lda >SoundCtrl bmi wait <<< docmode mac docwait * lda >SoundAddr bic #%01000000 ; DOC mode ora #%00100000 ; auto-incr sta >SoundCtrl <<< main mx %00 phk plb sta MyID jsr init jsr mainloop jsr shutdown _GSOS:Quit :QuitDCB brk $ea :QuitDCB dw 2 adrl 0 dw 0 draw_window pha pha _GetPort _DrawControls rtl mainloop pha pha ; result psl #0 psl #0 psl #draw_window psl #0 psw #refIsResource psl #kWindowID psw #rWindParam1 _NewWindow2 lda 3,s sta window+2 lda 1,s sta window * pll window * psl window _ShowWindow _InitCursor stz quit lda #$0001ffff sta event+owmTaskMask lda #^$0001ffff sta event+owmTaskMask+2 :loop pha psw #-1 psl #event _TaskMaster pla cmp #:table_size+1 bcs :loop asl jsr (:table,x) lda quit beq :loop :rts rts :table dw :idle ; null dw :rts ; mouse down dw :rts ; mouse up dw :rts ; key down dw :rts ; auto key down dw :rts dw :rts ; update dw :rts dw :rts ; activate dw :rts ; switch dw :rts ; desk acc. dw :rts ; driver dw :rts ; app 1 dw :rts ; app 2 dw :rts ; app 3 dw :rts ; app 4 dw :rts ; wInDesk dw menu ; wInMenuBar dw :rts ; wClickCalled dw :rts ; wInContent dw :rts ; wInDrag dw :rts ; wInGrow dw bye ; wInGoAway dw :rts ; wInZoom dw :rts ; wInInfo dw menu ; wInSpecial menu 250-255 dw :rts ; wInDeskItem menu 1-249 dw :rts ; wInFrame dw :rts ; wInactMenu dw :rts ; wClosedNDA dw :rts ; wCalledSysEdit dw :rts ; wTrackZoom dw :rts ; wHitFrame dw control ; wInControl dw :rts ; wInControlMenu :table_size = {*-:table}/2 :idle lda _finished beq :rts stz _finished brl stopped bye lda #1 sta quit rts menu lda event+owmTaskData sec sbc #250 cmp #:table_size+1 bcs :xmenu asl tax jsr (:table,x) :xmenu psw #0 psw event+owmTaskData+2 _HiliteMenu :rts rts :table dw :rts ; 250 undo dw :rts ; 251 cut dw :rts ; 252 copy dw :rts ; 253 paste dw :rts ; 254 clear dw :rts ; 255 close dw bye ; 256 - quit dw about :table_size = {*-:table}/2 about pha psw #awResource psl #0 psl #kAboutAlert _AlertWindow pla rts control lda event+owmTaskData4 ; id of control selected. cmp #:table_size+1 bcs :rts asl tax jmp (:table,x) :rts rts :table dw :rts ; 0 - none dw play dw stop :table_size = {*-:table}/2 play * copy text to the buffer and start audio. pha pha psw #%00000000000_00_001 ; c-string, ptr psl #_buffer psl #256 psw #0 ; style psl #0 ; style ref psl #0 ; teHandle. _TEGetText pla * sta :len pla bcs :err jsr buffer_to_buffer bcc :err ; * can use key filter to block invalid characters.... * copy/convert :buffer to _buffer -still needed for space elimination, * disable text edit? * disable play button * enable stop button * queue up playing psw #inactiveHilite psl window ; window psl #kPlayID _HiliteCtlByID psw #noHilite psl window ; window psl #kStopID _HiliteCtlByID jsr start_audio :err rts buffer_to_buffer :c equ 0 lda #0 ldx #0 ldy #0 stz :c sep $20 :loop lda _buffer,x beq :eof bmi :space cmp #' '+1 bcc :space phx tax bit valid,x plx bvc :space sta _buffer,y inx iny stz :c bra :loop :space inx lda :c bne :loop inc :c lda #' ' sta _buffer,y iny bra :loop :eof sta _buffer,y rep $20 tya ; len cmp #1 rts stop jsr stop_audio stopped * enable controls psw #noHilite psl window ; window psl #kPlayID _HiliteCtlByID psw #inactiveHilite psl window ; window psl #kStopID _HiliteCtlByID rts start_audio mx %00 stz _index stz _template stz _template+2 stz _on stz _active stz _finished sep $30 docmode * start osc 0-3 w/ volume 0. lda #$40 sta >SoundAddr lda #0 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData lda #$01 ; silent channel to fix GS+ audio deficiencies. sta >SoundData sta >SoundData lda #$a0 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_0_00_1 ; free-run, disabled sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_00_1 ; free-run, disabled sta >SoundData lda #%0000_0_00_0 ; free-run, enabled sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_00_0 ; free-run, enabled sta >SoundData * volume, again. lda #$40 sta >SoundAddr lda #$ff sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * trigger the timing oscillator. lda #$a0+timer_1 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_1_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled, interrupt sta >SoundData rep $30 inc _active rts shutdown mx %00 jsr stop_audio psw #$b psl old_irq _SetVector psw #refIsHandle psl tools _ShutDownTools psw MyID _MMShutDown _TLShutDown rts stop_audio mx %00 stz _active * shut off all oscillators. sep $30 docmode lda #$a0 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_0_01_1 ; one-shot, disabled, nointerrupt sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData rep #$30 stz _finished rts audio_irq mx %11 lda >_active bne :ok clc rtl :ok phb phk plb docmode rep $30 lsr _template+2 ror _template sep $30 bcc :off * lda _on * bne :trigger1 * ldx #$ff * stx _on jsr beep_on * jsr setvolume :trigger1 ; osc 5 interrupt on lda #$a0+timer_1 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_1_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled, interrupt sta >SoundData bra :exit :off * turn off sound generators. * stz _on * ldx #0 * jsr setvolume jsr beep_off * check for advance... lda _template bne :trigger1 rep $30 ldx _index lda _buffer,x and #$7f beq :fini inx stx _index cmp #' '+1 blt :space asl asl tax lda table,x sta _template lda table+2,x sta _template+2 sep $30 * bra :trigger3 ; inter-char delay. :trigger3 ; osc 6 interrupt on lda #$a0+timer_3 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_1_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled, interrupt sta >SoundData bra :exit :fini mx %00 * stz _index stz _active inc _finished bra :exit :space mx %00 stz _template ; should already be 0. stz _template+2 sep $30 * bra :trigger7 ; inter-word delay :trigger7 ; osc 7 interrupt on lda #$a0+timer_7 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_1_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled, interrupt sta >SoundData bra :exit :exit plb clc rtl beep_on mx %11 lda _on bne :rts lda #$a0 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_0_00_0 ; free-run, enabled sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_00_0 ; free-run, enabled sta >SoundData inc _on :rts rts beep_off ; changes to one-shot mode so it will expire at the end of the sample mx %11 lda _on beq :rts lda #$a0 sta >SoundAddr lda #%0000_0_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_01_0 ; one-shot, enabled sta >SoundData stz _on :rts rts setvolume mx %11 lda #$40 sta >SoundAddr txa sta >SoundData sta >SoundData rts init mx %00 _TLStartUp pha pha psw MyID psw #refIsResource psl #1 _StartUpTools pll tools pha pha psw #refIsResource psl #1 psl #0 _NewMenuBar2 _SetSysBar psl #0 _SetMenuBar psw #1 _FixAppleMenu pha _FixMenuBar pla _DrawMenuBar jsr init_audio rts init_audio pha pha psw #$b _GetVector pll old_irq psw #$b psl #audio_irq _SetVector sep $30 docmode * halt all oscillators. ldy #$20-7 lda #$a0 sta >SoundAddr * osc 1-4 are free-run, halted, stereo pairs. lda #%0000_0_00_1 ; free-run, halted sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_00_1 ; free-run, halted sta >SoundData lda #%0000_0_00_1 ; free-run, halted sta >SoundData lda #%0001_0_00_1 ; free-run, halted sta >SoundData * 5-7 are one-shot, interrupt enabled, halted. lda #%0000_1_01_1 ; one-shot, halted, interrupt enabled. sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * all others - halted. lda #%0000_0_01_1 ; one-shot, halted ]loop sta >SoundData dey bne ]loop * volume 0 ldy #$20 lda #$40 sta >SoundAddr lda #0 ]loop sta >SoundData dey bne ]loop * 32 oscillators. lda #$e1 sta >SoundAddr lda #31*2 sta >SoundData * osc 1/2 are 256 bytes, running at the natural rate. * osc 5/6/7 are 256 bytes, running at 1 / 3 / 6 time units * frequency low registers lda #$00 sta >SoundAddr lda #<$0200 ; low sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * lda #>$0180 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData lda #<5103 sta >SoundData lda #<1701 sta >SoundData lda #<729 sta >SoundData * freq high lda #$20 sta >SoundAddr lda #>$0200 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * lda #>$0180 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData lda #>5103 sta >SoundData lda #>1701 sta >SoundData lda #>729 sta >SoundData * wave table pointer lda #$80 sta >SoundAddr lda #$00 ; page 0 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData inc ; page 1 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * inc ; page 2 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * wave table size registers lda #$c0 sta >SoundAddr * 1-4 use 256 byte date, 9-bit shift. lda #%00000000 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * 5-7 use 256 byte data, 16-bit shift lda #%00_000_111 sta >SoundData sta >SoundData sta >SoundData * now load data... docwait ora #%01100000 ; ram mode, incr sta >SoundCtrl lda #0 sta >SoundAddr sta >SoundAddr+1 ldx #0 ]loop lda beep_f5,x sta >SoundData inx bne ]loop *]loop lda noise,x * sta >SoundData * inx * bne ]loop * 256 silent bytes for the timer. lda #$80 ]loop sta >SoundData inx bne ]loop rep #$30 rts lst off put tables old_irq ds 4 tools ds 4 window ds 4 MyID ds 2 quit ds 2 event ds wmTaskRecSize _active ds 2 _finished ds 2 _on ds 2 _template ds 4 _index ds 2 _buffer ds 256 *_buffer asc 'Apple 2 forever',00 dat 8 sav morse16.l * lst on sym