#pragma nda NDAOpen NDAClose NDAAction NDAInit 30 0xffff "--Quote Server\\H**" #pragma lint -1 #pragma optimize -1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qserver.h" Handle LoadQuote(word mID, Word rfile); Word LoadConfig(Word MemID); void UnloadConfig(void); void DoConfig(Word MemID); const char *ReqName = "\pTCP/IP~kelvin~qserver~"; /* variables */ WindowPtr MyWindow; Boolean FlagTCP; Boolean FlagQS; Boolean FlagQDAux; Boolean FlagFM; Boolean FlagTE; Boolean FlagSF; Boolean FlagLoadTCP; Handle HandleFM; Handle HandleTE; Handle HandleSF; Word MyID; Word MyRID; Word Ipid; word rFile; Handle rPath; word rCount; struct qentry { Word ipid; Word state; Longword tick; }; #define QSIZE 16 struct qentry queue[QSIZE]; word total; word current; void fixstats(void) { static char stats[16]; Word i; i = ksprintf(stats + 1, "%D : %D", current, total); stats[0] = i; // pascal string SetInfoRefCon((LongWord)stats, MyWindow); DrawInfoBar(MyWindow); } void InsertString(word length, char *cp) { Handle handle; TERecord **temp; longword oldStart, oldEnd; handle = (Handle)GetCtlHandleFromID(MyWindow, CtrlTE); temp = (TERecord **)handle; (**temp).textFlags &= (~fReadOnly); TEGetSelection((pointer)&oldStart, (pointer)&oldEnd, handle); TESetSelection((Pointer)-1, (Pointer)-1, handle); TEInsert(teDataIsTextBlock, (Ref)cp, length, NULL, NULL, /* no style info */ handle); (**temp).textFlags |= fReadOnly; TESetSelection((Pointer)oldStart, (Pointer)oldEnd, handle); } enum { STATE_NULL = 0, STATE_ESTABLISH, // waiting to establish STATE_QUOTE, // send the quote... STATE_SEND, // waiting for data to send STATE_CLOSE }; void QServer(void) { static srBuff srBuffer; word delta; int i; delta = false; TCPIPPoll(); for (i = 0; i < QSIZE; i++) { word ipid; ipid = queue[i].ipid; if (!ipid) continue; TCPIPStatusTCP(ipid, &srBuffer); if (_toolErr) { queue[i].ipid = 0; queue[i].state = 0; current--; delta = true; continue; } if (srBuffer.srState == TCPSCLOSED) { TCPIPLogout(ipid); queue[i].ipid = 0; queue[i].state = 0; current--; delta = true; continue; } switch (queue[i].state) { case STATE_ESTABLISH: if (srBuffer.srState != TCPSESTABLISHED) break; queue[i].state = STATE_QUOTE; // drop through and send the quote. case STATE_QUOTE: { Handle h; h = LoadQuote(MyID, rFile); if (h) { HLock(h); TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, *h, GetHandleSize(h), false, false); DisposeHandle(h); } else { TCPIPWriteTCP(ipid, "Your quote here!\r\n", 18, false, false); } } queue[i].state = STATE_SEND; break; case STATE_SEND: if (srBuffer.srSndQueued == 0) { TCPIPCloseTCP(ipid); queue[i].state = STATE_CLOSE; } break; } } // check for a new connection. if (current < QSIZE) { word child; int i; child = TCPIPAcceptTCP(Ipid, 0); if (!_toolErr) for (i = 0; i < QSIZE; i++) { if (!queue[i].ipid) { static char buffer[16]; static char line[32]; int j; TCPIPStatusTCP(child, &srBuffer); queue[i].ipid = child; if (srBuffer.srState == TCPSESTABLISHED) queue[i].state = STATE_SEND; else queue[i].state = STATE_ESTABLISH; queue[i].tick = GetTick(); current++; total++; delta = true; TCPIPConvertIPToASCII(srBuffer.srDestIP, buffer, 0); j = ksprintf(line, "%p:%D\r", buffer, srBuffer.srDestPort); InsertString(j, line); break; } } } if (delta) fixstats(); // statistics changed. } int StartServer(void) { int i; word oFile; word oDepth; static char err[256]; total = current = 0; if (!rPath) { InsertString(32, "Fatal: No quote file specified.\r"); return false; } HLock(rPath); rFile = OpenResourceFile(readEnable, NULL, (pointer)*rPath); if (_toolErr) { InsertString(ksprintf(err, "Fatal: Unable to open %g\r", *rPath), err); return false; } oFile = GetCurResourceFile(); SetCurResourceFile(rFile); oDepth = SetResourceFileDepth(1); rCount = CountResources(rTextForLETextBox2); SetCurResourceFile(oFile); SetResourceFileDepth(oDepth); if (!rCount) { InsertString(ksprintf(err, "Fatal: Invalid quote file %g\r", *rPath), err); CloseResourceFile(rFile); return false; } SetRandSeed(GetTick()); for (i = 0; i < QSIZE; i++) { queue[i].ipid = 0; queue[i].state = 0; } Ipid = TCPIPLogin(MyID, 0, 0, 0, 64); TCPIPSetSourcePort(Ipid, PORT_QOTD); TCPIPListenTCP(Ipid); FlagQS = true; HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartQS); HiliteCtlByID(noHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopQS); fixstats(); HUnlock(rPath); InsertString(16, "QServer started\r"); return true; } int StopServer(void) { int i; // close any q entries for (i = 0; i < QSIZE; i++) { int ipid; ipid = queue[i].ipid; if (ipid) { TCPIPAbortTCP(ipid); TCPIPLogout(ipid); queue[i].ipid = 0; } } TCPIPCloseTCP(Ipid); TCPIPLogout(Ipid); FlagQS = false; Ipid = 0; HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopQS); HiliteCtlByID(noHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartQS); CloseResourceFile(rFile); SetInfoRefCon((LongWord)"\pServer stopped", MyWindow); DrawInfoBar(MyWindow); InsertString(16, "QServer stopped\r"); return true; } // activate/inactivate controls based on Marinetti status void UpdateStatus(Boolean redraw) { if (FlagTCP) // TCP started { // deactivate HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartM); HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopQS); // activate HiliteCtlByID(noHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopM); HiliteCtlByID(noHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartQS); SetInfoRefCon((LongWord)"\pNetwork Connected", MyWindow); } else { // activate HiliteCtlByID(noHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartM); // deactivate HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopM); HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStartQS); HiliteCtlByID(inactiveHilite, MyWindow, CtrlStopQS); SetInfoRefCon((LongWord)"\pNetwork Disconnected", MyWindow); } if (redraw) DrawInfoBar(MyWindow); } #pragma databank 1 /* * watch for */ pascal word HandleRequest(word request, longword dataIn, longword dataOut) { Word oldRApp; oldRApp = GetCurResourceApp(); SetCurResourceApp(MyID); if (request == TCPIPSaysNetworkUp) { FlagTCP = true; UpdateStatus(true); } if (request == TCPIPSaysNetworkDown) { if (FlagQS) StopServer(); FlagTCP = false; Ipid = 0; UpdateStatus(true); } SetCurResourceApp(oldRApp); } pascal void MarinettiCallback(char *str) { if (MyWindow) { SetInfoRefCon((LongWord)str, MyWindow); DrawInfoBar(MyWindow); } } #pragma databank 0 pascal void DrawInfo(void *rect, const char *str, GrafPortPtr w) { if (str) { SetForeColor(0x00); SetBackColor(0x0f); MoveTo(8,22); DrawString(str); } } void DrawWindow(void) { DrawControls(GetPort()); } // returns 1 on success, 0 on error. Word LoadNDATools(Word MyID) { if (!QDAuxStatus() || _toolErr) { LoadOneTool(0x12,0); if (!_toolErr) QDAuxStartUp(); if (_toolErr) { AlertWindow(awCString, NULL, (Ref)"24~Unable to start QuickDraw Aux.~^Too Bad"); return 0; } FlagQDAux = true; } if (!FMStatus() || _toolErr) { Handle h; LoadOneTool(0x1b, 0); if (!_toolErr) HandleFM = NewHandle(0x0100, MyID, 0xc005, 0); if (!_toolErr) FMStartUp(MyID, (Word)*HandleFM); if (_toolErr) { if (HandleFM) DisposeHandle(HandleFM); AlertWindow(awCString, NULL, (Ref)"24~Unable to start Font Manager.~^Too Bad"); return 0; } FlagFM = true; } if (!TEStatus() || _toolErr) { LoadOneTool(0x22,0x0); if (!_toolErr) HandleTE = NewHandle(0x0100, MyID, 0xc005, 0); if (!_toolErr) TEStartUp(MyID, (Word)*HandleTE); if (_toolErr) { if (HandleTE) DisposeHandle(HandleTE); AlertWindow(awCString, NULL, (Ref)"24~Unable to start Text Edit.~^Too Bad"); return 0; } FlagTE = true; } if (!SFStatus() || _toolErr) { LoadOneTool(0x17,0); if (!_toolErr) HandleSF = NewHandle(0x0100, MyID, 0xc005, 0); if (!_toolErr) SFStartUp(MyID, (Word)*HandleSF); if (_toolErr) { if (HandleSF) DisposeHandle(HandleSF); AlertWindow(awCString, NULL, (Ref)"24~Unable to start Standard Filer.~^Too Bad"); return 0; } FlagSF = true; } if (!TCPIPStatus() || _toolErr) { LoadOneTool(0x36,0x0200); if (!_toolErr) TCPIPStartUp(); if (_toolErr) { AlertWindow(awCString, NULL, (Ref)"24~Unable to start Marinetti.~^Too Bad"); return 0; } FlagLoadTCP = true; } return 1; } void UnloadNDATools(void) { if (FlagLoadTCP && !TCPIPGetConnectStatus()) { TCPIPShutDown(); UnloadOneTool(0x36); } if (FlagSF) { SFShutDown(); UnloadOneTool(0x17); DisposeHandle(HandleSF); } if (FlagTE) { TEShutDown(); UnloadOneTool(0x22); DisposeHandle(HandleTE); } if (FlagFM) { FMShutDown(); UnloadOneTool(0x1b); DisposeHandle(HandleFM); } if (FlagQDAux) { QDAuxShutDown(); UnloadOneTool(0x12); } } GrafPortPtr NDAOpen(void) { Boolean ok = true; const char *err = NULL; if (!LoadNDATools(MyID)) return NULL; LoadConfig(MyID); // Check if Marinetti Active. FlagTCP = TCPIPGetConnectStatus(); if (ok) { Pointer myPath; Word oldLevel; Word oldPrefs; Word oldRApp; LevelRecGS levelDCB; SysPrefsRecGS prefsDCB; Handle H; // load our resource. -- see TN.iigs #71 oldRApp = GetCurResourceApp(); ResourceStartUp(MyID); myPath = LGetPathname2(MyID, 1); levelDCB.pCount = 2; GetLevelGS(&levelDCB); oldLevel = levelDCB.level; levelDCB.level = 0; SetLevelGS(&levelDCB); prefsDCB.pCount = 1; GetSysPrefsGS(&prefsDCB); oldPrefs = prefsDCB.preferences; prefsDCB.preferences = (prefsDCB.preferences & 0x1fff) | 0x8000; SetSysPrefsGS(&prefsDCB); MyRID = OpenResourceFile(readEnable, NULL, myPath); // MyWindow = NewWindow2(NULL, 0, DrawWindow, NULL, refIsResource, rQSWindow, rWindParam1); SetInfoDraw(DrawInfo, MyWindow); UpdateStatus(false); AcceptRequests(ReqName, MyID, &HandleRequest); SetSysWindow(MyWindow); ShowWindow(MyWindow); SelectWindow(MyWindow); // prefsDCB.preferences = oldPrefs; SetSysPrefsGS(&prefsDCB); levelDCB.level = oldLevel; SetLevelGS(&levelDCB); SetCurResourceApp(oldRApp); return MyWindow; } return NULL; } void NDAClose(void) { // if running, shut down. if (FlagQS) StopServer(); CloseWindow(MyWindow); MyWindow = NULL; AcceptRequests(ReqName, MyID, NULL); UnloadConfig(); CloseResourceFile(MyRID); ResourceShutDown(); } void NDAInit(Word code) { if (code) { MyWindow = NULL; FlagTCP = false; FlagQS = false; FlagQDAux = false; FlagFM = false; FlagTE = false; FlagSF = false; HandleFM = NULL; HandleTE = NULL; HandleSF = NULL; FlagLoadTCP = false; MyID = MMStartUp(); Ipid = 0; MyRID = 0; } else { UnloadNDATools(); } } word NDAAction(void *param, int code) { word eventCode; static EventRecord event = { 0 }; static word counter = 0; if (code == runAction) { if (FlagQS) QServer(); return 1; } else if (code == eventAction) { BlockMove((Pointer)param, (Pointer)&event, 16); event.wmTaskMask = 0x001FFFFF; eventCode = TaskMasterDA(0, &event); switch(eventCode) { case updateEvt: BeginUpdate(MyWindow); DrawWindow(); EndUpdate(MyWindow); break; case wInControl: switch (event.wmTaskData4) { /* start marinetti */ case CtrlStartM: // if (TCPIPGetConnectStatus()) { FlagTCP = true; UpdateStatus(true); } else { TCPIPConnect(MarinettiCallback); } break; /* stop marinetti */ case CtrlStopM: if (!TCPIPGetConnectStatus()) { FlagTCP = false; UpdateStatus(true); } else { if (FlagQS) StopServer(); // if option key down, force a shutdown. TCPIPDisconnect(event.modifiers & optionKey, MarinettiCallback); } break; /* start the server */ case CtrlStartQS: StartServer(); break; /* stop the server */ case CtrlStopQS: StopServer(); break; case CtrlConfig: DoConfig(MyID); break; } // todo - Command-A selects all. } } else if (code == copyAction) { TECopy(NULL); return 1; // yes we handled it. } return 0; }