# # This file tells Git about engine files that never really belong in source control. They are usually build products, log # files and intermediate files generated from a compiler or the engine runtime. # # # NOTE: # Paths that start with / match paths relative to the root (where the .gitignore file is) # Paths that end with / will match a folder and all files under it (but not a regular file with no extension) # Use * for wildcards. Wildcards stop at path separators # Use ** for a wildcard that spans path separators # Paths in this file should use forward slash characters, not back slashes # Use \ to escape special characters like ! and # # Use ! to negate a previous pattern. But it doesn't work if the parent sub-folder was masked out already. # # Ignore project files in the root **/bin **/temp **/ipch # Allow this folder to be saved !/tools/bin # IDE droppings *.pdb *.user *.suo *.opensdf *.sdf # Ignore Mac desktop services store files .DS_Store