/*************************************** Tool to pre-process video data for Space Ace IIgs Copyright (c) 1995-2015 by Rebecca Ann Heineman It is released under an MIT Open Source license. Please see LICENSE for license details. Yes, you can use it in a commercial title without paying anything, just give me a credit. Please? It's not like I'm asking you for money! ***************************************/ #include "packvideo.h" /*************************************** Convert the IIgs palette to RGBAWord8_t ***************************************/ static void BURGER_API ConvertPalette(RGBAWord8_t *pOutput,const Word8 *pInput) { Word uIndex = 0; do { pOutput->m_uRed = Renderer::RGB4ToRGB8Table[pInput[1]&0xFU]; pOutput->m_uGreen = Renderer::RGB4ToRGB8Table[pInput[0]>>4U]; pOutput->m_uBlue = Renderer::RGB4ToRGB8Table[pInput[0]&0xFU]; pOutput->m_uAlpha = 0xFF; pInput+=2; ++pOutput; } while (++uIndex<16); } /*************************************** Convert the RGBAWord8_t palette to IIgs ***************************************/ static void BURGER_API ConvertPalette(Word8 *pOutput,const RGBAWord8_t *pInput) { Word uIndex = 0; do { Word uTemp = pInput->m_uGreen&0xF0U; uTemp |= (pInput->m_uBlue>>4U); pOutput[0] = static_cast(uTemp); pOutput[1] = static_cast(pInput->m_uRed>>4U); ++pInput; pOutput+=2; } while (++uIndex<16); } /*************************************** Test if the IIgs palette has changed ***************************************/ static Word BURGER_API ComparePalette(const Word8 *pInput1,const Word8 *pInput2) { return MemoryCompare(pInput1,pInput2,32); } /*************************************** Convert bitmap to IIgs format 8 bits per pixel converted to 4 bits per pixel ***************************************/ static void BURGER_API ConvertPixelsToIIgs(Word8 *pOutput,const Image *pInput) { WordPtr uStride = pInput->GetStride()-320; const Word8 *pPixels = pInput->GetImage(); WordPtr j=200; do { WordPtr i=320/2; do { Word uTemp = pPixels[0]<<4U; uTemp |= (pPixels[1]&0xFU); pOutput[0] = static_cast(uTemp); pPixels+=2; ++pOutput; } while (--i); pPixels+=uStride; } while (--j); } /*************************************** Compress a IIgs keyframe The compression only packs runs of a minimum of 3 matching bytes to reduce mode switching during decompression ***************************************/ static void BURGER_API CompressKeyFrame(OutputMemoryStream *pOutput,const Word8 *pInput) { // Number of bytes to process WordPtr uInputLength = 320*200/2; do { // If two bytes or less, just store and exit if (uInputLength<3) { pOutput->Append(static_cast(uInputLength)); pOutput->Append(pInput,uInputLength); break; } // Check for repeater of at LEAST three bytes Word uMatchTest = pInput[0]; // Is there a run? if ((pInput[1] == uMatchTest) && (pInput[2] == uMatchTest)) { // Maximum length of a matched run WordPtr uMaximumRun = 127; if (uInputLength<127) { uMaximumRun = uInputLength; // 1-127 } WordPtr uRun = 3-1; while (++uRunAppend(static_cast(0x80|uRun)); pOutput->Append(static_cast(uMatchTest)); uInputLength-=uRun; pInput += uRun; } else { // Raw run, minimum size of 2 bytes WordPtr uMaximumRun = 127; if (uInputLength<127) { uMaximumRun = uInputLength; } // Preload the next byte uMatchTest = pInput[1]; WordPtr uRun = 2-1; while (++uRunAppend(static_cast(uRun)); pOutput->Append(pInput,uRun); uInputLength-=uRun; pInput += uRun; } } while (uInputLength); // Mark the end of compressed data pOutput->Append(static_cast(0)); } /*************************************** Compress a IIgs animation frame ***************************************/ static void BURGER_API CompressAnimFrame(OutputMemoryStream *pOutput,const Word8 *pPreviousFrame,const Word8 *pCurrentFrame) { // Number of bytes to process WordPtr uInputLength = 320*200/2; do { // Check if there were any differences between the frames to create a skip token WordPtr uMaximumRun = 127; // Skip token maximum value if (uInputLength=3)) { // Output a "skip" data token pOutput->Append(static_cast(uRun)); pPreviousFrame+=uRun; pCurrentFrame+=uRun; uInputLength-=uRun; } else { // Maximum length of a matched run uMaximumRun = 255; if (uInputLength<255) { uMaximumRun = uInputLength; // 1-255 } Word uMatchTest = pCurrentFrame[0]; uRun = 1; while (uRun=4) { // Encode the run length pOutput->Append(static_cast(0)); pOutput->Append(static_cast(uRun)); pOutput->Append(static_cast(uMatchTest)); uInputLength -= uRun; pCurrentFrame += uRun; pPreviousFrame += uRun; } else { // Raw run uMaximumRun = 127; if (uInputLength<127) { uMaximumRun = uInputLength; } uRun = 0; while (++uRunAppend(static_cast(1)); --uInputLength; ++pCurrentFrame; ++pPreviousFrame; // If it's only a single byte run and it's the same as the previous // frame? Just skip } else if ((uRun==2) && (pCurrentFrame[0]==pPreviousFrame[0]) && (pCurrentFrame[1]==pPreviousFrame[1])) { pOutput->Append(static_cast(2)); uInputLength-=2; pCurrentFrame+=2; pPreviousFrame+=2; } else { // Perform a raw data transfer // Run 1-128 pOutput->Append(static_cast(0x80|uRun)); pOutput->Append(pCurrentFrame,uRun); uInputLength-=uRun; pCurrentFrame += uRun; pPreviousFrame+=uRun; } } } } while (uInputLength>=2); // Simple check if there's only one byte left if (uInputLength==1) { if (pCurrentFrame[0]==pPreviousFrame[0]) { pOutput->Append(static_cast(1)); } else { pOutput->Append(static_cast(0x81)); pOutput->Append(pCurrentFrame[0]); } } } /*************************************** Process a video file into space ace format ***************************************/ static Word ExtractVideo(OutputMemoryStream *pOutput,const Word8 *pInput,WordPtr uInputLength) { InputMemoryStream InputMem(pInput,uInputLength,TRUE); Image MyImage; FileGIF Giffy; Word8 IIgsPalette[32]; Word8 NewIIgsPalette[32]; Word uResult = 10; if (!Giffy.Load(&MyImage,&InputMem)) { if ((MyImage.GetWidth()!=320) || (MyImage.GetHeight()!=200)) { printf("Input file is not 320 x 200"); } else { // Initialize the IIgs palette to invalid values MemoryFill(IIgsPalette,255,sizeof(IIgsPalette)); Word8 *pCurrentFrame = static_cast(Alloc(320*200/2)); Word8 *pPreviousFrame = static_cast(Alloc(320*200/2)); int i = 1; do { // Process a frame // Save space for the chunk size WordPtr uOutputMark = pOutput->GetSize(); pOutput->Append(static_cast(0)); // Convert the palette to IIgs format ConvertPalette(NewIIgsPalette,Giffy.GetPalette()); // Set the default chunk type Word8 uTypeFlag = 0x01; // Is there a palette update? if (ComparePalette(NewIIgsPalette,IIgsPalette)) { MemoryCopy(IIgsPalette,NewIIgsPalette,sizeof(IIgsPalette)); uTypeFlag |= 0x80U; } // Initial frame? if (i==1) { uTypeFlag |= 0x60; } // Send the data type byte pOutput->Append(static_cast(uTypeFlag)); if (uTypeFlag&0x80U) { pOutput->Append(IIgsPalette,32); } ConvertPixelsToIIgs(pCurrentFrame,&MyImage); if (uTypeFlag&0x40) { CompressKeyFrame(pOutput,pCurrentFrame); } else { CompressAnimFrame(pOutput,pPreviousFrame,pCurrentFrame); } MemoryCopy(pPreviousFrame,pCurrentFrame,320*200/2); // Update the chunk size Word16 uChuckShort; LittleEndian::Store(&uChuckShort,static_cast(pOutput->GetSize()-uOutputMark)); pOutput->Overwrite(&uChuckShort,2,uOutputMark); ++i; } while (!Giffy.LoadNextFrame(&MyImage,&InputMem)); Free(pCurrentFrame); Free(pPreviousFrame); // Append an "End of data" marker pOutput->Append(static_cast(0xFF00U)); uResult = 0; } } else { printf("Gif input file error!\n"); } return uResult; } /*************************************** Convert a Space Ace file to an animated GIF file ***************************************/ static char Name[] = "filexxx.gif"; static Word EncapsulateToGIF(OutputMemoryStream *pOutput,Filename *pOutputFilename,const Word8 *pInput,WordPtr uInputLength) { // Too small? if (uInputLength<2) { return 10; } FileGIF GIF; Image MyImage; // Create an initial image MyImage.Init(320,200,Image::PIXELTYPE8BIT); MyImage.ClearBitmap(); MemoryClear(GIF.GetPalette(),sizeof(GIF.GetPalette()[0])*256); // // Decompress a chunk // Word uFrame = 0; for (;;) { Word uChunkSize = LittleEndian::LoadAny(reinterpret_cast(pInput)); if (uChunkSize>=0xFF00) { printf("End of data, frames = %u\n",uFrame); break; } ++uFrame; if (uChunkSize>uInputLength) { printf("Premature end of data\n"); return 10; } if (uChunkSize<2) { printf("Chunk size too small\n"); return 10; } printf("Chunk is %u bytes\n",uChunkSize); const Word8 *pWork = pInput+2; uInputLength -= uChunkSize; pInput+= uChunkSize; uChunkSize-=2; // Get the palette token if (uChunkSize) { Word uType = pWork[0]; ++pWork; --uChunkSize; printf("Token = 0x%02X\n",uType); if (uType&0x80) { // Clear out the palette MemoryClear(GIF.GetPalette(),sizeof(GIF.GetPalette()[0])*256); ConvertPalette(GIF.GetPalette(),pWork); pWork+=32; uChunkSize-=32; } // Full image or animation frame? if (uType&0x40) { Word uTemp; Word8 *pDest = MyImage.GetImage(); for (;;) { uTemp = pWork[0]; ++pWork; if (!uTemp) { break; } if (uTemp&0x80) { uTemp&=0x7f; if (uTemp) { // Run length compressed loop Word uSecond = pWork[0]; ++pWork; Word uFirst = uSecond>>4U; uSecond&=0xF; do { pDest[0] = static_cast(uFirst); pDest[1] = static_cast(uSecond); pDest+=2; } while (--uTemp); } } else { // Uncompressed loop do { Word uColor = pWork[0]; ++pWork; pDest[0] = static_cast(uColor>>4U); pDest[1] = static_cast(uColor&0xF); pDest+=2; } while (--uTemp); } } } else { Word uTemp; Word8 *pDest = MyImage.GetImage(); Word8 *pEnd = pDest+(320*200); do { uTemp = pWork[0]; ++pWork; if (!uTemp) { uTemp = pWork[0]; ++pWork; if (uTemp) { // Run length compressed loop Word uSecond = pWork[0]; ++pWork; Word uFirst = uSecond>>4U; uSecond&=0xF; do { pDest[0] = static_cast(uFirst); pDest[1] = static_cast(uSecond); pDest+=2; } while (--uTemp); } } else if (uTemp&0x80) { uTemp&=0x7f; if (uTemp) { // Uncompressed loop do { Word uColor = pWork[0]; ++pWork; pDest[0] = static_cast(uColor>>4U); pDest[1] = static_cast(uColor&0xF); pDest+=2; } while (--uTemp); } } else { pDest+=(uTemp*2); } } while (pDest(uFrame),LEADINGZEROS|3); String Name2(TempName.GetPtr()); Name2.Remove(Name2.GetLength()-1); Name2.Append(Namex,3); TempName.Set(Name2.GetPtr()); TempName.SetFileExtension("gif"); printf("Frame %s\n",TempName.GetPtr()); pOutput->SaveFile(&TempName); pOutput->Clear(); } return 0; } /*************************************** Main dispatcher ***************************************/ int BURGER_ANSIAPI main(int argc,const char **argv) { ConsoleApp MyApp(argc,argv); CommandParameterBooleanTrue DoVideo("Process Video","v"); CommandParameterBooleanTrue ConvertToGIF("Convert to GIF","g"); const CommandParameter *MyParms[] = { &DoVideo, &ConvertToGIF }; #if 0 Filename DeathName; DeathName.SetFromNative("D:\\projects\\burger\\games\\spaceace\\iigs\\assets\\death\\death07.gif"); FileGIF Giffy; InputMemoryStream InputMem; if (!InputMem.Open(&DeathName)) { Image MyImage; if (!Giffy.Load(&MyImage,&InputMem)) { OutputMemoryStream OutputMem; int i = 1; do { OutputMem.Clear(); Giffy.Save(&OutputMem,&MyImage); char name[256]; sprintf(name,"D:\\projects\\burger\\games\\spaceace\\iigs\\assets\\death\\death07x%d.gif",i); DeathName.SetFromNative(name); OutputMem.SaveFile(&DeathName); ++i; } while (!Giffy.LoadNextFrame(&MyImage,&InputMem)); } } #endif argc = MyApp.GetArgc(); argv = MyApp.GetArgv(); argc = CommandParameter::Process(argc,argv,MyParms,sizeof(MyParms)/sizeof(MyParms[0]), "Usage: packvideo InputFile OutputFile\n\n" "Preprocess video data for Space Ace IIgs.\nCopyright by Rebecca Ann Heineman\n",3); if (argc<0) { Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } else { MyApp.SetArgc(argc); Filename InputName; InputName.SetFromNative(argv[1]); WordPtr uInputLength; Word8 *pInput = static_cast(FileManager::LoadFile(&InputName,&uInputLength)); if (!pInput) { printf("Can't open %s!\n",argv[1]); Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } else { // Convert gif to data if (DoVideo.GetValue()) { OutputMemoryStream Output; if (ExtractVideo(&Output,pInput,uInputLength)) { printf("Can't convert %s!\n",argv[1]); Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } else { Filename OutputName; OutputName.SetFromNative(argv[2]); if (Output.SaveFile(&OutputName)) { printf("Can't save %s!\n",argv[2]); Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } } // Convert raw video to GIF } else if (ConvertToGIF.GetValue()) { Filename OutputName; OutputName.SetFromNative(argv[2]); OutputMemoryStream Output; if (EncapsulateToGIF(&Output,&OutputName,pInput,uInputLength)) { printf("Can't convert %s!\n",argv[1]); Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } else { // if (Output.SaveFile(&OutputName)) { // printf("Can't save %s!\n",argv[2]); // Globals::SetErrorCode(10); // } } } else { printf("No conversion selected for %s!\n",argv[1]); Globals::SetErrorCode(10); } Free(pInput); } } return Globals::GetErrorCode(); }