*New makefile
*Refer to local versions of telnet-related headers, rather than system ones
*Use termcap instead of termios
*Change hostname lookup in telnetd back to older code (which assumes IPv4, but that's all GNO supports anyway)
1) ANSIfy.
2) Clean up ifdefs so that
a) ones that never/always apply are appropriately either
fully removed, or just the #if junk is removed.
b) change #if defined(FOO) for appropiate values of FOO.
3) WARNS=2 fixing
4) GC other unused stuff
This code can now be unifdef(1)ed to make non-crypto telnet.
git-svn-id: http://svn0.us-east.freebsd.org/base/head/contrib/telnet@87139 ccf9f872-aa2e-dd11-9fc8-001c23d0bc1f