* * ORCA/M Format!!! * ADB/Keyboard Event Handling * Based on Secrets of Wolf-3d code * from Eric Shepherd * Thanks Burger Becky * Thanks Jesse Blue * case on longa on longi on mcopy 13:AInclude:M16.MiscTool mcopy 13:AInclude:M16.ADB Dummy2 start ASMCODE end KeyArray start ASMCODE ds 128 end RemoveKeyboardDriver start ASMCODE using Globals phb phk plb pea toBRamSetupVector ;Restore the previous vector lda VecBRamSetup+3 and #$ff pha lda VecBRamSetup+1 pha _SetVector ldx #1 ;Restart internal keyboard scanning ldy #clearModes lda #1 ;Clear mode flag jsr CallSendInfo pea $2 ;Remove my handler for keyboard _SRQRemove plb rtl end AddKeyboardDriver start ASMCODE using Globals phb phk plb * * Clear the KeyArray * ldx #128-2 clear stz KeyArray,x dex dex bpl clear * * Install SRQ Completion Handler * * Disable ADB Auto Polling ldx #1 ldy #setModes lda #1 ; Disable autopoll (see firmware manual) jsr CallSendInfo * * Install SRQ Completion Routine * pea SRQCompRoutine|-16 pea SRQCompRoutine pea $2 ; Keyboard ADB Device ID _SRQPoll * ldx #$1409 * jsl $e10000 * * Intercept BRamSetup vector, incase we need to reinstall * the handler * pha pha pea toBRamSetupVector _GetVector ; preserve original vector address pla sta VecBRamSetup+1 pla sep #$20 sta VecBRamSetup+3 rep #$31 * Hook in our vector handler pea toBRamSetupVector pea VecBRamSetup|-16 pea VecBRamSetup _SetVector plb rtl ; Back to C * end for the AddKeyboardDriver end CallSendInfo start sta >ADBTemp phx pea ADBTemp|-16 pea ADBTemp phy _SendInfo * ldx #$0909 * jsl $e10000 rts ADBTemp ds 6 end * * SRQ Completion Routine * SRQCompRoutine start ASMCODE using Globals longa off longi off DataPtr equ 9 phd ; save direct page tsc ; move dp on to stack tcd ; so we can get data length lda [DataPtr] ;# bytes? beq SRExit ;No data longa on longi on rep #$30 ldy #1 lda [DataPtr],y tay ; save a copy and #$7f7f cmp #$7f7f ; reset key? beq SRSpecial ; yes, handle tya ; Get it back and #$ff00 ; First byte xba ; Swap to LOB tax ; Save in X tya and #$00ff ; Second Byte bra SRMerge1 SRExit pld rtl * * Handle Reset Key if need be * SRSpecial tya ldx #$00ff ; invalid SRMerge1 phx ; Save 2nd jsr ProcessReset * Update the key states jsr PostIt plx ; Get 2nd pha ; save new #1 txa jsr PostIt plx * Forward Keys to ADB txa ; First Byte jsr PassADBKeyIfOk pla ; Second Byte jsr PassADBKeyIfOk sep #$30 pld rtl * * Update Keystate Array * longa on longi on PostIt pha ; Save Key sep #$10 longa off cmp #$80 ; set/clear c and #$7f ; keycode idx tax lda #$00 rol a ; key state eor #$01 ; 0 for key up sta >KeyArray,x rep #$30 longa on pla rts KeyModTbl anop dc i'$0002' ;Control key dc i'$0080' ;Apple key dc i'$0001' ;Shift key dc i'$0004' ;Caps Lock dc i'$0040' ;Option key * * Pass Keys to ADB when appropriate * PassADBKeyIfOK cmp #$00E0 ; Pfx Code? bge PAExit cmp #$0036 ; Spec Case? blt PASendADB cmp #$003B bge PASendADB tax ; Code to X sec sbc #$0036 ; Table Index asl a tay ; Idx to Y jsr GetModKeyReg ; Get KeyMods and KeyModTbl,y ; Down? bne PAExit ; yes txa PASendADB ldx #$0001 ldy #keyCode jsr CallSendInfo PAExit rts ProcessReset anop * The ProcessReset routine should look to see * if it’s a key up event on key code $7F7F. * If it is, and the Control and Command keys * are also down, the resetSys command should * be sent to the ADB, to cause the system to * reboot. tay and #$7f7f cmp #$7f7f bne PR tya and #$80 ; key up? bne PRNoReset jsr GetModKeyReg tax and #$02 ; control key ? bne PRResetSystem ; Do a reset PRNoReset ldy #$00ff ; Zap Reset Key tya rts ; Reset Hit ldx #0 txa ldy #resetSys jsr CallSendInfo PR tya rts end * * Return the keyboard modifer register * GetModKeyReg start ASMCODE sep #$20 ;8 bit lda >$00C025 ;Get the register rep #$20 ;16 bit and #$ff ;Fix Acc rts ;Exit end * * This code is a tail patch to BRam setup since the BRam setup * code will reset the ADB system to auto-poll the keyboard. * This is bad. * VecBRamSetup start ASMCODE using Globals jsl >$000000 ;Call the real code php ;Save mxc rep #$30 ;16 bit mode ldx #$0001 ;1 data byte ldy #setModes ;Set ADB device mode lda #$0001 ;Disable keyboard autopoll (Page 189 Firmware ref) jsr CallSendInfo ;Call ADB plp ;Restore MX rtl ;Exit end toBRamSetupVector start ASMCODE ds 4 end