/* * xrick/src/scr_pause.c * * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 BigOrno (bigorno@bigorno.net). All rights reserved. * * The use and distribution terms for this software are contained in the file * named README, which can be found in the root of this distribution. By * using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the * terms of this license. * * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. */ #include /* NULL */ #include "system.h" #include "game.h" #include "screens.h" #include "draw.h" #include "control.h" #include "ents.h" #ifdef IIGS #pragma noroot segment "screen"; #endif /* * Display the pause indicator */ void screen_pause(U8 pause) { if (pause == TRUE) { draw_tilesBank = 0; draw_tllst = screen_pausedtxt; draw_setfb(120, 80); #ifdef GFXPC draw_filter = 0xAAAA; #endif draw_tilesList(); } else { #ifdef GFXPC draw_filter = 0xFFFF; #endif draw_map(); ent_draw(); draw_drawStatus(); } game_rects = &draw_SCREENRECT; } /* eof */