entity generated_m4a5 is generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "X_PACKAGE"); port (TCK: in bit; TDI: in bit; TDO: out bit; TMS: in bit); use STD_1149_1_2001.all; attribute Component_Conformance of m4a5 : entity is "STD_1149_1_2001"; attribute PIN_MAP of m4a5 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP; constant X_PACKAGE:PIN_MAP_STRING := "TCK : 1," & "TDI : 2," & "TDO : 3," & "TMS : 4"; attribute Tap_Scan_In of TDI: signal is true; attribute Tap_Scan_Mode of TMS: signal is true; attribute Tap_Scan_Out of TDO: signal is true; attribute Tap_Scan_Clock of TCK: signal is (6.0e06, BOTH); attribute Instruction_Length of m4a5: entity is 6; attribute Instruction_Opcode of m4a5: entity is "BYPASS (111111)"; attribute Instruction_Capture of m4a5: entity is "XXXX01"; attribute Boundary_Length of m4a5: entity is 1; attribute Boundary_Register of m4a5: entity is "0 (BC_1, *, control, 0)"; end m4a5;