@N: CD630 :"C:\users\matze\documents\github\68030tk\logic\68030-68000-bus.vhd":13:7:13:14|Synthesizing work.bus68030.behavioral Post processing for work.bus68030.behavioral @W: CL169 :"C:\users\matze\documents\github\68030tk\logic\68030-68000-bus.vhd":219:2:219:3|Pruning register CLK_REF(1 downto 0) @N: CL201 :"C:\users\matze\documents\github\68030tk\logic\68030-68000-bus.vhd":219:2:219:3|Trying to extract state machine for register SM_AMIGA Extracted state machine for register SM_AMIGA State machine has 8 reachable states with original encodings of: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 @N: CL201 :"C:\users\matze\documents\github\68030tk\logic\68030-68000-bus.vhd":115:34:115:36|Trying to extract state machine for register cpu_est Extracted state machine for register cpu_est State machine has 11 reachable states with original encodings of: 0000 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1010 1011 1100 1111