diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 94b2c1a..f0439d2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -17,11 +17,179 @@ Join us in #bluescsi on [Discord](https://discord.gg/sTTYbGYy) Or open an issue on this repo. -# Setup +## Compatibility -[Wiki](https://github.com/erichelgeson/ArdSCSino-stm32/wiki#setup-arduino-ide) +If your computer is not listed below - it may be compatible but there is no guarantee it will work. This device is designed and tested to work with pre-PowerPC Macs. -# Parts List +### Compatible -[Wiki](https://github.com/erichelgeson/ArdSCSino-stm32/wiki#parts) +#### Tested by Me +SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic II, Color Classic, LC I/II/III + +#### Reported by others + +[IIcx](https://68kmla.org/forums/topic/61045-arduino-scsi-device-work-in-progress/?do=findComment&comment=663077) + +### Incompatible + +Plus + +## Performance + +1012KB/Sec Write +900KB/Sec Read +1.01ms Seek + +## Assembly + +1. Solder on the surface mount SD Card holder. Using the [Drag Solder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyele3CIs-U&start=34) technique. + - Once on, check continuity of all connections. Fixing this after the BluePill is on will be difficult. +1. Solder the dioeds to the bottom of the board. Be sure they are flush as possible to the bottom. +1. Solder the header pins on to the BluePill. Then the blue pill to the BlueSCSI PCB. + - Correct orientation is having the USB should be over the SD Card holder. +1. Solder on the Resistor nets. Pin one is marked on the board and the resistors. +1. SOlder on the Termination Jumpers & place the jupmpers on. +1. Solder the 50 Pin headers on. +1. Optional - Solder on the berg connector. Only needed if your machine does not supply enough power via the SCSI bus. +1. Optional - Solder on the debug headers near the SD card. Only nessissarry if re-programming. + +### Version 1.0-b BOM + +STM32F103C8T6 (U1) aka BluePill board. Beware of fake/scams. Look for reviews. Amazon, ebay, etc. + +Mouser Cart https://www.mouser.com/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?State=EDIT&ProjectGUID=db967d46-a51a-4a0e-a350-8f503b2f02cf + +* 2x 330 (RN2, RN4) Resistor nets https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/652-4610X-1LF-330 + +* 2x 220 (RN1, RN3) Resistor nets https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/652-4610X-1LF-220 + +* 2x Diodes https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/583-1N5818-T + +* SD Card Holder (J1) https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/538-104031-0811 + +* Headers https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/872-920-0011-01 + +Not available on Mouser: + +50 PIN SCSI header https://lcsc.com/product-detail/IDC-Connectors_BOOMELE-Boom-Precision-Elec-C30006_C30006.html + - May substitute with 2 rows of headers from above. + - **Note on Right angle connectors** - it appears Right angle headers are notched differently then the pin out. Be sure to note PIN 1/red stripe on the cable match up. + +### Optional + +Floppy/Berg Power header https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/571-1718254 + - Required if your machine does not supply power via TERM POWER. For example a Mac Plus or Mac with a Analog/PSU board that has not been recapped. + +## Usage + +Hard Disk image files are placed in the root directory of a `FAT32` (or `ExFat`) formatted SD card. + +The naming convention is as follows (file name max 32 characters). Note you may mount multiple drives at a time to different SCSI ID's. + +`HDxy_512.hda` +``` +HD - Hard Disk +x - SCSI ID to attach to. 0-7 (though 7 on a Macintosh is the System) +y - LUN id usually 0. +512 - Sector size. Usually 512. 256, 512, & 1024 supported. +``` + +### Examples: + +`HD10_512.hda` - Hard Disk at SCSI ID 1, LUN 0, sector size of 512. +`HD51_512 System 6.0.8L LC.hda` - Hard Disk at SCSI ID 5, LUN 1, sector size of 512. Text between block size and .hda is ignored. + +### Bad + +`HD99_712 foo bar fizz buzz bang.hda` Over 32 chars and invalid SCSI/LUN/Block size.... + +If no image files are found PC13 will pulse on and off. Check the log file for any errors. + +### Termination + +To enable termination place the two jumpers on the TERM block. Termination should be enabled if it is the last device in the chain - which is normally how it is used. + +## Troubleshooting + +### Log Files + +If your device is not working - check the `LOG.txt` in the root of the SD card. + +### Verify you are not using a fake + +How to tell if your STM32 is fake: https://github.com/keirf/Greaseweazle/wiki/STM32-Fakes + +### Performance is slower than expected + +Try a different SD card. Cheap/old SD cards can affect performance. + +# Development + +Below is for users who wish to edit or develop on the BluePill - normal users should not need to worry about this. + +## PlatformIO + +Open the project in [PlatforIO](https://platformio.org/) and everything is pre-configured. + +## Setup Arduino IDE (Depricated, Do Not Use) + +You only need to setup the Arduino IDE if you are planning on developing and contributing to the project. Otherwise flash a provided `.bin` file. + +1. Install `Arduino IDE` version `1.8.x` - https://www.arduino.cc/en/software + 1. Instructions may require extra steps to allow for serial/usb access depending on your OS. Read all instructions carefully. +1. Follow these instructions _**carefully**_ as well - https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/wiki/Installation + 1. **Use the 1.0.0 core** - not the master - https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/releases/tag/v1.0.0 + 1. Note I used the `Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM) Cortext-M3)` version `1.6.12` + 1. Additional Help https://sites.google.com/site/ericmklaus/projects-1/stm32f103-minimum-system-development-board/arduino-ide-for-stm32103-board + 1. Some additional hints here - https://github.com/ztto/ArdSCSino-stm32/issues/5 + 1. If you get a warning about an unsigned binary - open the System Preferences -> Security -> allow stm32... +1. Install SdFat - Tools -> Manage Libraries -> `SdFat by Bill Greiman` version `2.0.2` +1. Make sure the correct board is selected `Generic STM32F103C series` - Copy the latest `.ino` file into a sketch and compile. +1. Flash using your preferred method. + +## Flashing + +When flashing you have two options: + +Flash by setting up the IDE and re-compiling and programming. If you are a developer and plan to contribute this method is what you should use. + +You may also flash the `.bin` file directly from STM32CubeProgrammer. If you are not a developer and just wish to get the code to the BluePill, use this (as development environment setup can be a bit tricky!) + +### Using STLink v2 (prefered) + +0. Remove SD Card +0. Make sure the STLink is up to date - [Latest Firmware](https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-programmers/stsw-link007.license=1610785194992.product=STSW-LINK007.version=2.37.26.html) +1. Connect pins `SWDIO`(2), `GND`(4), `SWCLK`(6), and `3.3v`(8) from the programmer to the Blue Pill. NOTE: These are not the same as Serial ports. +1. Using Arduino Studio Select Tools -> Upload Method -> STLink. +1. You should see the LED PC_13 flashing indicating no SD Card detected. +1. Insert SD Card, boot on your favorite Mac! + +#### Trouble Shooting + +If the device is not detected you may need to hold reset, click program, once it is detected release reset. + +If you are unable to get the device in DFU mode for programming you may need to use [STM32CubeProgrammer](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html) to erase the chip. + +### Using UART Serial + +I used these - but any USB->TTL device should work https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D6LLX19/ + +0. Remove SD Card if you have one installed. +1. Set the BOOT0 jumper to 1 +1. Connect to your UART flashing device via the debug pins, then connect to your computer. +1. Click the reset button on the BluePill to reset and enter programming mode. +1. In Arduino Studio click Upload + - Note you may have to click Upload more than once, or try restarting more than once. +1. You should see the LED flashing if you have no SD Card. +1. Unplug UART device. +1. Set the BOOT0 jumper to 0 +1. Insert SD Card, boot on your favorite Mac! + +### Using USB HID + +Note: I have not been able to get this method to work. + +## Making Gerber files + +https://support.jlcpcb.com/article/44-how-to-export-kicad-pcb-to-gerber-files