# BlueSCSI 1.0-b to 1.0-c :toc: macro ## Introduction 1.0-c was a small change to fix an issue with machines that provide low or no `TERMPOWER` over the SCSI bus. If you received a fully-assembled BlueSCSI after April 1st, 2021 then this was done for you. If you have a kit labeled 1.0-b you can make these modifications to become a 1.0-c. ## Steps ### Disconnect `TERMPOWER` from 220 Pull Up Jumper Use a cutting tool to cut the small trace between the `TERMPOWR` and 220 Pull Up Jumper pictured below. Make sure continuity from `TERMPOWER` to the diode still flows correctly but is disconnected from the jumper. image::images/1.0-b-bodge-1.jpg[] ### Connect 5V to 220 Pull Up Jumper Now we will provide pull up from the 5V provided by the BluePill. image::images/1.0-b-bodge-2.png[] ### Complete! That’s it! 5V to the Pull Up resistors will now work when powered externally.