# Troubleshooting 1.0-c :toc: macro ## Review the LOG.txt There should logs that indicate what BlueSCSI did at startup. ## Green LED Flashes on and off 3x This indicates BlueSCSI could not find any files on the SD card or communicate with the SD card. Ensure your files are named properly (case sensitive) following the naming convetion in the readme. If you recived a kit - verify all connections and that the outside of the SD holder is grounded. ## Slow performance Ensure you are using a good SD card. SD card quality can vary widely. Format your card as ExFat - users have seen quite a jump in performance. ## (Kit Only) Verify you are not using a fake https://github.com/keirf/Greaseweazle/wiki/STM32-Fakes[How to tell if your STM32 is fake]