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// Filename: rxuart.v
// Project: wbuart32, a full featured UART with simulator
// Purpose: Receive and decode inputs from a single UART line.
// To interface with this module, connect it to your system clock,
// pass it the 32 bit setup register (defined below) and the UART
// input. When data becomes available, the o_wr line will be asserted
// for one clock cycle. On parity or frame errors, the o_parity_err
// or o_frame_err lines will be asserted. Likewise, on a break
// condition, o_break will be asserted. These lines are self clearing.
// There is a synchronous reset line, logic high.
// Now for the setup register. The register is 32 bits, so that this
// UART may be set up over a 32-bit bus.
// i_setup[30] True if we are not using hardware flow control. This bit
// is ignored within this module, as any receive hardware flow
// control will need to be implemented elsewhere.
// i_setup[29:28] Indicates the number of data bits per word. This will
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// i_setup[27] Indicates whether or not to use one or two stop bits.
// Set this to one to expect two stop bits, zero for one.
// i_setup[26] Indicates whether or not a parity bit exists. Set this
// to 1'b1 to include parity.
// i_setup[25] Indicates whether or not the parity bit is fixed. Set
// to 1'b1 to include a fixed bit of parity, 1'b0 to allow the
// parity to be set based upon data. (Both assume the parity
// enable value is set.)
// i_setup[24] This bit is ignored if parity is not used. Otherwise,
// in the case of a fixed parity bit, this bit indicates whether
// mark (1'b1) or space (1'b0) parity is used. Likewise if the
// parity is not fixed, a 1'b1 selects even parity, and 1'b0
// selects odd.
// i_setup[23:0] Indicates the speed of the UART in terms of clocks.
// So, for example, if you have a 200 MHz clock and wish to
// run your UART at 9600 baud, you would take 200 MHz and divide
// by 9600 to set this value to 24'd20834. Likewise if you wished
// to run this serial port at 115200 baud from a 200 MHz clock,
// you would set the value to 24'd1736
// Thus, to set the UART for the common setting of an 8-bit word,
// one stop bit, no parity, and 115200 baud over a 200 MHz clock, you
// would want to set the setup value to:
// 32'h0006c8 // For 115,200 baud, 8 bit, no parity
// 32'h005161 // For 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
`default_nettype none
// States: (@ baud counter == 0)
// 0 First bit arrives
// ..7 Bits arrive
// 8 Stop bit (x1)
// 9 Stop bit (x2)
// c break condition
// d Waiting for the channel to go high
// e Waiting for the reset to complete
// f Idle state
`define RXU_BIT_ZERO 4'h0
`define RXU_BIT_ONE 4'h1
`define RXU_BIT_TWO 4'h2
`define RXU_BIT_THREE 4'h3
`define RXU_BIT_FOUR 4'h4
`define RXU_BIT_FIVE 4'h5
`define RXU_BIT_SIX 4'h6
`define RXU_BIT_SEVEN 4'h7
`define RXU_PARITY 4'h8
`define RXU_STOP 4'h9
`define RXU_SECOND_STOP 4'ha
// Unused 4'hb
// Unused 4'hc
`define RXU_BREAK 4'hd
`define RXU_RESET_IDLE 4'he
`define RXU_IDLE 4'hf
module rxuart(i_clk, i_reset, i_setup, i_uart_rx, o_wr, o_data, o_break,
o_parity_err, o_frame_err, o_ck_uart);
parameter [30:0] INITIAL_SETUP = 31'd868;
// 8 data bits, no parity, (at least 1) stop bit
input wire i_clk, i_reset;
/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
input wire [30:0] i_setup;
/* verilator lint_on UNUSED */
input wire i_uart_rx;
output reg o_wr;
output reg [7:0] o_data;
output reg o_break;
output reg o_parity_err, o_frame_err;
output wire o_ck_uart;
wire [27:0] clocks_per_baud, break_condition, half_baud;
wire [1:0] data_bits;
wire use_parity, parity_even, dblstop, fixd_parity;
reg [29:0] r_setup;
reg [3:0] state;
assign clocks_per_baud = { 4'h0, r_setup[23:0] };
// assign hw_flow_control = !r_setup[30];
assign data_bits = r_setup[29:28];
assign dblstop = r_setup[27];
assign use_parity = r_setup[26];
assign fixd_parity = r_setup[25];
assign parity_even = r_setup[24];
assign break_condition = { r_setup[23:0], 4'h0 };
assign half_baud = { 5'h00, r_setup[23:1] }-28'h1;
reg [27:0] baud_counter;
reg zero_baud_counter;
// Since this is an asynchronous receiver, we need to register our
// input a couple of clocks over to avoid any problems with
// metastability. We do that here, and then ignore all but the
// ck_uart wire.
reg q_uart, qq_uart, ck_uart;
initial q_uart = 1'b0;
initial qq_uart = 1'b0;
initial ck_uart = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
q_uart <= i_uart_rx;
qq_uart <= q_uart;
ck_uart <= qq_uart;
// In case anyone else wants this clocked, stabilized value, we
// offer it on our output.
assign o_ck_uart = ck_uart;
// Keep track of the number of clocks since the last change.
// This is used to determine if we are in either a break or an idle
// condition, as discussed further below.
reg [27:0] chg_counter;
initial chg_counter = 28'h00;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
chg_counter <= 28'h00;
else if (qq_uart != ck_uart)
chg_counter <= 28'h00;
else if (chg_counter < break_condition)
chg_counter <= chg_counter + 1;
// Are we in a break condition?
// A break condition exists if the line is held low for longer than
// a data word. Hence, we keep track of when the last change occurred.
// If it was more than break_condition clocks ago, and the current input
// value is a 0, then we're in a break--and nothing can be read until
// the line idles again.
initial o_break = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_break <= ((chg_counter >= break_condition)&&(~ck_uart))? 1'b1:1'b0;
// Are we between characters?
// The opposite of a break condition is where the line is held high
// for more clocks than would be in a character. When this happens,
// we know we have synchronization--otherwise, we might be sampling
// from within a data word.
// This logic is used later to hold the RXUART in a reset condition
// until we know we are between data words. At that point, we should
// be able to hold on to our synchronization.
reg line_synch;
initial line_synch = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
line_synch <= ((chg_counter >= break_condition)&&(ck_uart));
// Are we in the middle of a baud iterval? Specifically, are we
// in the middle of a start bit? Set this to high if so. We'll use
// this within our state machine to transition out of the IDLE
// state.
reg half_baud_time;
initial half_baud_time = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
half_baud_time <= (~ck_uart)&&(chg_counter >= half_baud);
// Allow our controlling processor to change our setup at any time
// outside of receiving/processing a character.
initial r_setup = INITIAL_SETUP[29:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (state >= `RXU_RESET_IDLE)
r_setup <= i_setup[29:0];
// Our monster state machine. YIKES!
// Yeah, this may be more complicated than it needs to be. The basic
// progression is:
// RESET -> RESET_IDLE -> (when line is idle) -> IDLE
// IDLE -> bit 0 -> bit 1 -> bit_{ndatabits} ->
// (optional) PARITY -> STOP -> (optional) SECOND_STOP
// -> IDLE
// ANY -> (on break) BREAK -> IDLE
// There are 16 states, although all are not used. These are listed
// at the top of this file.
// Logic inputs (12): (I've tried to minimize this number)
// state (4)
// i_reset
// line_synch
// o_break
// ckuart
// half_baud_time
// zero_baud_counter
// use_parity
// dblstop
// Logic outputs (4):
// state
initial state = `RXU_RESET_IDLE;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
state <= `RXU_RESET_IDLE;
else if (state == `RXU_RESET_IDLE)
if (line_synch)
// Goto idle state from a reset
state <= `RXU_IDLE;
else // Otherwise, stay in this condition 'til reset
state <= `RXU_RESET_IDLE;
end else if (o_break)
begin // We are in a break condition
state <= `RXU_BREAK;
end else if (state == `RXU_BREAK)
begin // Goto idle state following return ck_uart going high
if (ck_uart)
state <= `RXU_IDLE;
state <= `RXU_BREAK;
end else if (state == `RXU_IDLE)
begin // Idle state, independent of baud counter
if ((~ck_uart)&&(half_baud_time))
// We are in the center of a valid start bit
case (data_bits)
2'b00: state <= `RXU_BIT_ZERO;
2'b01: state <= `RXU_BIT_ONE;
2'b10: state <= `RXU_BIT_TWO;
2'b11: state <= `RXU_BIT_THREE;
end else // Otherwise, just stay here in idle
state <= `RXU_IDLE;
end else if (zero_baud_counter)
if (state < `RXU_BIT_SEVEN)
// Data arrives least significant bit first.
// By the time this is clocked in, it's what
// you'll have.
state <= state + 1;
else if (state == `RXU_BIT_SEVEN)
state <= (use_parity) ? `RXU_PARITY:`RXU_STOP;
else if (state == `RXU_PARITY)
state <= `RXU_STOP;
else if (state == `RXU_STOP)
begin // Stop (or parity) bit(s)
if (~ck_uart) // On frame error, wait 4 ch idle
state <= `RXU_RESET_IDLE;
else if (dblstop)
state <= `RXU_SECOND_STOP;
state <= `RXU_IDLE;
end else // state must equal RX_SECOND_STOP
if (~ck_uart) // On frame error, wait 4 ch idle
state <= `RXU_RESET_IDLE;
state <= `RXU_IDLE;
// Data bit capture logic.
// This is drastically simplified from the state machine above, based
// upon: 1) it doesn't matter what it is until the end of a captured
// byte, and 2) the data register will flush itself of any invalid
// data in all other cases. Hence, let's keep it real simple.
// The only trick, though, is that if we have parity, then the data
// register needs to be held through that state without getting
// updated.
reg [7:0] data_reg;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((zero_baud_counter)&&(state != `RXU_PARITY))
data_reg <= { ck_uart, data_reg[7:1] };
// Parity calculation logic
// As with the data capture logic, all that must be known about this
// bit is that it is the exclusive-OR of all bits prior. The first
// of those will follow idle, so we set ourselves to zero on idle.
// Then, as we walk through the states of a bit, all will adjust this
// value up until the parity bit, where the value will be read. Setting
// it then or after will be irrelevant, so ... this should be good
// and simplified. Note--we don't need to adjust this on reset either,
// since the reset state will lead to the idle state where we'll be
// reset before any transmission takes place.
reg calc_parity;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (state == `RXU_IDLE)
calc_parity <= 0;
else if (zero_baud_counter)
calc_parity <= calc_parity ^ ck_uart;
// Parity error logic
// Set during the parity bit interval, read during the last stop bit
// interval, cleared on BREAK, RESET_IDLE, or IDLE states.
initial o_parity_err = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((zero_baud_counter)&&(state == `RXU_PARITY))
if (fixd_parity)
// Fixed parity bit--independent of any dat
// value.
o_parity_err <= (ck_uart ^ parity_even);
else if (parity_even)
// Parity even: The XOR of all bits including
// the parity bit must be zero.
o_parity_err <= (calc_parity != ck_uart);
// Parity odd: the parity bit must equal the
// XOR of all the data bits.
o_parity_err <= (calc_parity == ck_uart);
end else if (state >= `RXU_BREAK)
o_parity_err <= 1'b0;
// Frame error determination
// For the purpose of this controller, a frame error is defined as a
// stop bit (or second stop bit, if so enabled) not being high midway
// through the stop baud interval. The frame error value is
// immediately read, so we can clear it under all other circumstances.
// Specifically, we want it clear in RXU_BREAK, RXU_RESET_IDLE, and
// most importantly in RXU_IDLE.
initial o_frame_err = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((zero_baud_counter)&&((state == `RXU_STOP)
||(state == `RXU_SECOND_STOP)))
o_frame_err <= (o_frame_err)||(~ck_uart);
else if ((zero_baud_counter)||(state >= `RXU_BREAK))
o_frame_err <= 1'b0;
// Our data bit logic doesn't need nearly the complexity of all that
// work above. Indeed, we only need to know if we are at the end of
// a stop bit, in which case we copy the data_reg into our output
// data register, o_data.
// We would also set o_wr to be true when this is the case, but ... we
// won't know if there is a frame error on the second stop bit for
// another baud interval yet. So, instead, we set up the logic so that
// we know on the next zero baud counter that we can write out. That's
// the purpose of pre_wr.
initial o_data = 8'h00;
reg pre_wr;
initial pre_wr = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
pre_wr <= 1'b0;
o_data <= 8'h00;
end else if ((zero_baud_counter)&&(state == `RXU_STOP))
pre_wr <= 1'b1;
case (data_bits)
2'b00: o_data <= data_reg;
2'b01: o_data <= { 1'b0, data_reg[7:1] };
2'b10: o_data <= { 2'b0, data_reg[7:2] };
2'b11: o_data <= { 3'b0, data_reg[7:3] };
end else if ((zero_baud_counter)||(state == `RXU_IDLE))
pre_wr <= 1'b0;
// Create an output strobe, true for one clock only, once we know
// all we need to know. o_data will be set on the last baud interval,
// o_parity_err on the last parity baud interval (if it existed,
// cleared otherwise, so ... we should be good to go here.)
initial o_wr = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((zero_baud_counter)||(state == `RXU_IDLE))
o_wr <= (pre_wr)&&(!i_reset);
o_wr <= 1'b0;
// The baud counter
// This is used as a "clock divider" if you will, but the clock needs
// to be reset before any byte can be decoded. In all other respects,
// we set ourselves up for clocks_per_baud counts between baud
// intervals.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
baud_counter <= clocks_per_baud-28'h01;
else if (zero_baud_counter)
baud_counter <= clocks_per_baud-28'h01;
else case(state)
`RXU_RESET_IDLE:baud_counter <= clocks_per_baud-28'h01;
`RXU_BREAK: baud_counter <= clocks_per_baud-28'h01;
`RXU_IDLE: baud_counter <= clocks_per_baud-28'h01;
default: baud_counter <= baud_counter-28'h01;
// zero_baud_counter
// Rather than testing whether or not (baud_counter == 0) within our
// (already too complicated) state transition tables, we use
// zero_baud_counter to pre-charge that test on the clock
// before--cleaning up some otherwise difficult timing dependencies.
initial zero_baud_counter = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (state == `RXU_IDLE)
zero_baud_counter <= 1'b0;
zero_baud_counter <= (baud_counter == 28'h01);