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2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
module dataController_top(
// clocks:
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input clk32, // 32.5 MHz pixel clock
input clk8_en_p,
input clk8_en_n,
input E_rising,
input E_falling,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// system control:
input _systemReset,
// 68000 CPU control:
output _cpuReset,
output [2:0] _cpuIPL,
// 68000 CPU memory interface:
input [15:0] cpuDataIn,
input [3:0] cpuAddrRegHi, // A12-A9
input [2:0] cpuAddrRegMid, // A6-A4
input [1:0] cpuAddrRegLo, // A2-A1
input _cpuUDS,
input _cpuLDS,
input _cpuRW,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
output [15:0] cpuDataOut,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// peripherals:
input selectSCSI,
input selectSCC,
input selectIWM,
input selectVIA,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input _cpuVMA,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input videoBusControl,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
input cpuBusControl,
input [15:0] memoryDataIn,
output [15:0] memoryDataOut,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input memoryLatch,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// keyboard:
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
input [10:0] ps2_key,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
output capslock,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// mouse:
input [24:0] ps2_mouse,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// serial:
input serialIn,
output serialOut,
input serialCTS,
output serialRTS,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// RTC
input [32:0] timestamp,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// video:
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
output pixelOut,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
input _hblank,
input _vblank,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input loadPixels,
output vid_alt,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// audio
output [10:0] audioOut, // 8 bit audio + 3 bit volume
output snd_alt,
input loadSound,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// misc
output memoryOverlayOn,
input [1:0] insertDisk,
input [1:0] diskSides,
output [1:0] diskEject,
output [1:0] diskMotor,
output [1:0] diskAct,
output [21:0] dskReadAddrInt,
input dskReadAckInt,
output [21:0] dskReadAddrExt,
input dskReadAckExt,
// connections to io controller
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
input [1:0] img_mounted,
input [31:0] img_size,
2020-05-10 17:37:01 +00:00
output [31:0] io_lba,
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
output [1:0] io_rd,
output [1:0] io_wr,
input io_ack,
input [7:0] sd_buff_addr,
input [15:0] sd_buff_dout,
output [15:0] sd_buff_din,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
input sd_buff_wr
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// add binary volume levels according to volume setting
assign audioOut =
(snd_vol[0]?audio_x1:11'd0) +
(snd_vol[1]?audio_x2:11'd0) +
// three binary volume levels *1, *2 and *4, sign expanded
wire [10:0] audio_x1 = { {3{audio_latch[7]}}, audio_latch };
wire [10:0] audio_x2 = { {2{audio_latch[7]}}, audio_latch, 1'b0 };
wire [10:0] audio_x4 = { audio_latch[7] , audio_latch, 2'b00};
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
reg loadSoundD;
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
always @(posedge clk32)
if (clk8_en_n) loadSoundD <= loadSound;
// read audio data and convert to signed for further volume adjustment
reg [7:0] audio_latch;
always @(posedge clk32) begin
if(clk8_en_p && loadSoundD) begin
if(snd_ena) audio_latch <= 8'h00;
else audio_latch <= memoryDataIn[15:8] - 8'd128;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// CPU reset generation
// For initial CPU reset, RESET and HALT must be asserted for at least 100ms = 800,000 clocks of clk8
reg [19:0] resetDelay; // 20 bits = 1 million
wire isResetting = resetDelay != 0;
initial begin
// force a reset when the FPGA configuration is completed
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
resetDelay <= 20'hFFFFF;
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
always @(posedge clk32 or negedge _systemReset) begin
if (_systemReset == 1'b0) begin
resetDelay <= 20'hFFFFF;
else if (clk8_en_p && isResetting) begin
resetDelay <= resetDelay - 1'b1;
assign _cpuReset = isResetting ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
// interconnects
wire SEL;
wire _viaIrq, _sccIrq, sccWReq;
wire [15:0] viaDataOut;
wire [15:0] iwmDataOut;
wire [7:0] sccDataOut;
wire [7:0] scsiDataOut;
wire mouseX1, mouseX2, mouseY1, mouseY2, mouseButton;
// interrupt control
assign _cpuIPL =
reg [15:0] cpu_data;
always @(posedge clk32) if (cpuBusControl && memoryLatch) cpu_data <= memoryDataIn;
// CPU-side data output mux
assign cpuDataOut = selectIWM ? iwmDataOut :
selectVIA ? viaDataOut :
selectSCC ? { sccDataOut, 8'hEF } :
selectSCSI ? { scsiDataOut, 8'hEF } :
(cpuBusControl && memoryLatch) ? memoryDataIn : cpu_data;
// Memory-side
assign memoryDataOut = cpuDataIn;
ncr5380 scsi(
.dack(cpuAddrRegHi[0]), // A9
// connections to io controller
.img_mounted( img_mounted ),
.img_size( img_size ),
.io_lba ( io_lba ),
.io_rd ( io_rd ),
.io_wr ( io_wr ),
.io_ack ( io_ack ),
// count vblanks, and set 1 second interrupt after 60 vblanks
reg [5:0] vblankCount;
reg _lastVblank;
always @(posedge clk32) begin
if (clk8_en_n) begin
_lastVblank <= _vblank;
if (_vblank == 1'b0 && _lastVblank == 1'b1) begin
if (vblankCount != 59) begin
vblankCount <= vblankCount + 1'b1;
else begin
vblankCount <= 6'h0;
wire onesec = vblankCount == 59;
// VIA
wire [2:0] snd_vol;
wire snd_ena;
wire [7:0] via_pa_i, via_pa_o, via_pa_oe;
wire [7:0] via_pb_i, via_pb_o, via_pb_oe;
wire viaIrq;
assign _viaIrq = ~viaIrq;
//port A
assign via_pa_i = {sccWReq, ~via_pa_oe[6:0] | via_pa_o[6:0]};
assign snd_vol = ~via_pa_oe[2:0] | via_pa_o[2:0];
assign snd_alt = ~(~via_pa_oe[3] | via_pa_o[3]);
assign memoryOverlayOn = ~via_pa_oe[4] | via_pa_o[4];
assign SEL = ~via_pa_oe[5] | via_pa_o[5];
assign vid_alt = ~via_pa_oe[6] | via_pa_o[6];
//port B
assign via_pb_i = {1'b1, _hblank, mouseY2, mouseX2, mouseButton, 2'b11, rtcdat_o};
assign snd_ena = ~via_pb_oe[7] | via_pb_o[7];
assign viaDataOut[7:0] = 8'hEF;
via6522 via(
.clock (clk32),
.rising (E_rising),
.falling (E_falling),
.reset (!_cpuReset),
.addr (cpuAddrRegHi),
.wen (selectVIA && !_cpuVMA && !_cpuRW),
.ren (selectVIA && !_cpuVMA && _cpuRW),
.data_in (cpuDataIn[15:8]),
.data_out (viaDataOut[15:8]),
.phi2_ref (),
//-- pio --
.port_a_o (via_pa_o),
.port_a_t (via_pa_oe),
.port_a_i (via_pa_i),
.port_b_o (via_pb_o),
.port_b_t (via_pb_oe),
.port_b_i (via_pb_i),
//-- handshake pins
.ca1_i (_vblank),
.ca2_i (onesec),
.cb1_i (kbdclk),
.cb2_i (cb2_i),
.cb2_o (cb2_o),
.cb2_t (cb2_t),
.irq (viaIrq)
wire _rtccs = ~via_pb_oe[2] | via_pb_o[2];
wire rtcck = ~via_pb_oe[1] | via_pb_o[1];
wire rtcdat_i = ~via_pb_oe[0] | via_pb_o[0];
wire rtcdat_o;
rtc pram (
.clk (clk32),
.reset (!_cpuReset),
.timestamp (timestamp),
._cs (_rtccs),
.ck (rtcck),
.dat_i (rtcdat_i),
.dat_o (rtcdat_o)
reg kbdclk;
reg [10:0] kbdclk_count;
reg kbd_transmitting, kbd_wait_receiving, kbd_receiving;
reg [2:0] kbd_bitcnt;
wire cb2_i = kbddata_o;
wire cb2_o, cb2_t;
wire kbddat_i = ~cb2_t | cb2_o;
reg kbddata_o;
reg [7:0] kbd_to_mac;
reg kbd_data_valid;
// Keyboard transmitter-receiver
always @(posedge clk32) begin
if (clk8_en_p) begin
if ((kbd_transmitting && !kbd_wait_receiving) || kbd_receiving) begin
kbdclk_count <= kbdclk_count + 1'd1;
if (kbdclk_count == 12'd1300) begin // ~165usec
kbdclk <= ~kbdclk;
kbdclk_count <= 0;
if (kbdclk) begin
// shift before the falling edge
if (kbd_transmitting) kbd_out_data <= { kbd_out_data[6:0], kbddat_i };
if (kbd_receiving) kbddata_o <= kbd_to_mac[7-kbd_bitcnt];
end else begin
kbdclk_count <= 0;
kbdclk <= 1;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// Keyboard control
always @(posedge clk32) begin
reg kbdclk_d;
if (!_cpuReset) begin
kbd_bitcnt <= 0;
kbd_transmitting <= 0;
kbd_wait_receiving <= 0;
kbd_data_valid <= 0;
end else if (clk8_en_p) begin
if (kbd_in_strobe) begin
kbd_to_mac <= kbd_in_data;
kbd_data_valid <= 1;
kbd_out_strobe <= 0;
kbdclk_d <= kbdclk;
// Only the Macintosh can initiate communication over the keyboard lines. On
// power-up of either the Macintosh or the keyboard, the Macintosh is in
// charge, and the external device is passive. The Macintosh signals that it's
// ready to begin communication by pulling the keyboard data line low.
if (!kbd_transmitting && !kbd_receiving && !kbddat_i) begin
kbd_transmitting <= 1;
kbd_bitcnt <= 0;
// The last bit of the command leaves the keyboard data line low; the
// Macintosh then indicates it's ready to receive the keyboard's response by
// setting the data line high.
if (kbd_wait_receiving && kbddat_i && kbd_data_valid) begin
kbd_wait_receiving <= 0;
kbd_receiving <= 1;
kbd_transmitting <= 0;
// send/receive bits at rising edge of the keyboard clock
if (~kbdclk_d & kbdclk) begin
kbd_bitcnt <= kbd_bitcnt + 1'd1;
if (kbd_bitcnt == 3'd7) begin
if (kbd_transmitting) begin
kbd_out_strobe <= 1;
kbd_wait_receiving <= 1;
if (kbd_receiving) begin
kbd_receiving <= 0;
kbd_data_valid <= 0;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// IWM
iwm i(
// SCC
scc s(
.cs(selectSCC && (_cpuLDS == 1'b0 || _cpuUDS == 1'b0)),
// .cs(selectSCC && (_cpuLDS == 1'b0 || _cpuUDS == 1'b0) && cpuBusControl),
// .we(!_cpuRW),
2021-03-20 12:16:45 +00:00
// Video
videoShifter vs(
// Mouse
ps2_mouse mouse(
wire [7:0] kbd_in_data;
wire kbd_in_strobe;
reg [7:0] kbd_out_data;
reg kbd_out_strobe;
// Keyboard
ps2_kbd kbd(
.data_out(kbd_out_data), // data from mac
.data_in(kbd_in_data), // data to mac
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00