module hdmi_config ( // Host Side input iCLK, input iRST_N, input dvi_mode, input audio_96k, // I2C Side output I2C_SCL, inout I2C_SDA ); // Internal Registers/Wires reg mI2C_GO = 0; wire mI2C_END; wire mI2C_ACK; reg [15:0] LUT_DATA; reg [7:0] LUT_INDEX = 0; i2c #(50_000_000, 20_000) i2c_av ( .CLK(iCLK), .I2C_SCL(I2C_SCL), // I2C CLOCK .I2C_SDA(I2C_SDA), // I2C DATA .I2C_DATA({8'h72,init_data[LUT_INDEX]}), // DATA:[SLAVE_ADDR,SUB_ADDR,DATA]. 0x72 is the Slave Address of the ADV7513 chip! .START(mI2C_GO), // START transfer .END(mI2C_END), // END transfer .ACK(mI2C_ACK) // ACK ); ////////////////////// Config Control //////////////////////////// always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin reg [1:0] mSetup_ST = 0; if(!iRST_N) begin LUT_INDEX <= 0; mSetup_ST <= 0; mI2C_GO <= 0; end else begin if(init_data[LUT_INDEX] != 16'hFFFF) begin case(mSetup_ST) 0: begin mI2C_GO <= 1; mSetup_ST <= 1; end 1: if(~mI2C_END) mSetup_ST <= 2; 2: begin mI2C_GO <= 0; if(mI2C_END) begin mSetup_ST <= 0; if(!mI2C_ACK) LUT_INDEX <= LUT_INDEX + 8'd1; end end endcase end end end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// Config Data LUT ////////////////////////// wire [15:0] init_data[58] = '{ 16'h9803, // ADI required Write. {8'hD6, 8'b1100_0000}, // [7:6] HPD Control... // 00 = HPD is from both HPD pin or CDC HPD // 01 = HPD is from CDC HPD // 10 = HPD is from HPD pin // 11 = HPD is always high 16'h4110, // Power Down control 16'h9A70, // ADI required Write. 16'h9C30, // ADI required Write. {8'h9D, 8'b0110_0001}, // [7:4] must be b0110!. // [3:2] b00 = Input clock not divided. b01 = Clk divided by 2. b10 = Clk divided by 4. b11 = invalid! // [1:0] must be b01! 16'hA2A4, // ADI required Write. 16'hA3A4, // ADI required Write. 16'hE0D0, // ADI required Write. 16'h35_40, 16'h36_D9, 16'h37_0A, 16'h38_00, 16'h39_2D, 16'h3A_00, {8'h16, 8'b0011_1000}, // Output Format 444 [7]=0. // [6] must be 0! // Colour Depth for Input Video data [5:4] b11 = 8-bit. // Input Style [3:2] b10 = Style 1 (ignored when using 444 input). // DDR Input Edge falling [1]=0 (not using DDR atm). // Output Colour Space RGB [0]=0. {8'h17, 8'b01100010}, // Aspect ratio 16:9 [1]=1, 4:3 [1]=0 {8'h18, 8'b0100_0110}, // CSC disabled [7]=0. // CSC Scaling Factor [6:5] b10 = +/- 4.0, -16384 - 16380. // CSC Equation 3 [4:0] b00110. {8'h3B, 8'b0000_0000}, // Pixel repetition [6:5] b00 AUTO. [4:3] b00 x1 mult of input clock. [2:1] b00 x1 pixel rep to send to HDMI Rx. 16'h4000, // General Control Packet Enable {8'h48, 8'b0000_1000}, // [6]=0 Normal bus order! // [5] DDR Alignment. // [4:3] b01 Data right justified (for YCbCr 422 input modes). 16'h49A8, // ADI required Write. 16'h4C00, // ADI required Write. {8'h55, 8'b0001_0000}, // [7] must be 0!. Set RGB444 in AVinfo Frame [6:5], Set active format [4]. // AVI InfoFrame Valid [4]. // Bar Info [3:2] b00 Bars invalid. b01 Bars vertical. b10 Bars horizontal. b11 Bars both. // Scan Info [1:0] b00 (No data). b01 TV. b10 PC. b11 None. 16'h7301, {8'h94, 8'b1000_0000}, // [7]=1 HPD Interrupt ENabled. 16'h9902, // ADI required Write. 16'h9B18, // ADI required Write. 16'h9F00, // ADI required Write. {8'hA1, 8'b0000_0000}, // [6]=1 Monitor Sense Power Down DISabled. 16'hA408, // ADI required Write. 16'hA504, // ADI required Write. 16'hA600, // ADI required Write. 16'hA700, // ADI required Write. 16'hA800, // ADI required Write. 16'hA900, // ADI required Write. 16'hAA00, // ADI required Write. 16'hAB40, // ADI required Write. {8'hAF, 6'b0000_01,~dvi_mode,1'b0}, // [7]=0 HDCP Disabled. // [6:5] must be b00! // [4]=0 Current frame is unencrypted // [3:2] must be b01! // [1]=1 HDMI Mode. // [0] must be b0! 16'hB900, // ADI required Write. {8'hBA, 8'b0110_0000}, // [7:5] Input Clock delay... // b000 = -1.2ns. // b001 = -0.8ns. // b010 = -0.4ns. // b011 = No delay. // b100 = 0.4ns. // b101 = 0.8ns. // b110 = 1.2ns. // b111 = 1.6ns. 16'hBB00, // ADI required Write. 16'hDE9C, // ADI required Write. 16'hE460, // ADI required Write. 16'hFA7D, // Nbr of times to search for good phase // (Audio stuff on Programming Guide, Page 66)... {8'h0A, 8'b0000_0000}, // [6:4] Audio Select. b000 = I2S. // [3:2] Audio Mode. (HBR stuff, leave at 00!). {8'h0B, 8'b0000_1110}, // {8'h0C, 8'b0000_0100}, // [7] 0 = Use sampling rate from I2S stream. 1 = Use samp rate from I2C Register. // [6] 0 = Use Channel Status bits from stream. 1 = Use Channel Status bits from I2C register. // [2] 1 = I2S0 Enable. // [1:0] I2S Format: 00 = Standard. 01 = Right Justified. 10 = Left Justified. 11 = AES. {8'h0D, 8'b0001_0000}, // [4:0] I2S Bit (Word) Width for Right-Justified. {8'h14, 8'b0000_0010}, // [3:0] Audio Word Length. b0010 = 16 bits. {8'h15, audio_96k, 7'b010_0000}, // I2S Sampling Rate [7:4]. b0000 = (44.1KHz). b0010 = 48KHz. // Input ID [3:1] b000 (0) = 24-bit RGB 444 or YCrCb 444 with Separate Syncs. // Audio Clock Config 16'h0100, // audio_96k ? 16'h0230 : 16'h0218, // Set N Value 12288/6144 16'h0300, // 16'h0701, // 16'h0822, // Set CTS Value 74250 16'h090A, // 16'hFFFF // END }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endmodule