// // hps_io.v // // Copyright (c) 2014 Till Harbaum // Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Alexey Melnikov // // This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // altera message_off 10665 // // Use buffer to access SD card. It's time-critical part. // // WIDE=1 for 16 bit file I/O // VDNUM 1-4 module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=0, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0) ( input clk_sys, inout [45:0] HPS_BUS, // parameter STRLEN and the actual length of conf_str have to match input [(8*STRLEN)-1:0] conf_str, // buttons up to 32 output reg [31:0] joystick_0, output reg [31:0] joystick_1, output reg [31:0] joystick_2, output reg [31:0] joystick_3, output reg [31:0] joystick_4, output reg [31:0] joystick_5, // analog -127..+127, Y: [15:8], X: [7:0] output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_0, output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_1, output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_2, output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_3, output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_4, output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_5, // paddle 0..255 output reg [7:0] paddle_0, output reg [7:0] paddle_1, output reg [7:0] paddle_2, output reg [7:0] paddle_3, output reg [7:0] paddle_4, output reg [7:0] paddle_5, // spinner [7:0] -128..+127, [8] - toggle with every update output reg [8:0] spinner_0, output reg [8:0] spinner_1, output reg [8:0] spinner_2, output reg [8:0] spinner_3, output reg [8:0] spinner_4, output reg [8:0] spinner_5, output [1:0] buttons, output forced_scandoubler, output direct_video, output reg [63:0] status, input [63:0] status_in, input status_set, input [15:0] status_menumask, input info_req, input [7:0] info, //toggle to force notify of video mode change input new_vmode, // SD config output reg [VD:0] img_mounted, // signaling that new image has been mounted output reg img_readonly, // mounted as read only. valid only for active bit in img_mounted output reg [63:0] img_size, // size of image in bytes. valid only for active bit in img_mounted // SD block level access input [31:0] sd_lba, input [VD:0] sd_rd, // only single sd_rd can be active at any given time input [VD:0] sd_wr, // only single sd_wr can be active at any given time output reg sd_ack, // do not use in new projects. // CID and CSD are fake except CSD image size field. input sd_conf, output reg sd_ack_conf, // SD byte level access. Signals for 2-PORT altsyncram. output reg [AW:0] sd_buff_addr, output reg [DW:0] sd_buff_dout, input [DW:0] sd_buff_din, output reg sd_buff_wr, input [15:0] sd_req_type, // ARM -> FPGA download output reg ioctl_download = 0, // signal indicating an active download output reg [15:0] ioctl_index, // menu index used to upload the file output reg ioctl_wr, output reg [26:0] ioctl_addr, // in WIDE mode address will be incremented by 2 output reg [DW:0] ioctl_dout, output reg ioctl_upload = 0, // signal indicating an active upload input [DW:0] ioctl_din, output reg ioctl_rd, output reg [31:0] ioctl_file_ext, input ioctl_wait, // [15]: 0 - unset, 1 - set. [1:0]: 0 - none, 1 - 32MB, 2 - 64MB, 3 - 128MB // [14]: debug mode: [8]: 1 - phase up, 0 - phase down. [7:0]: amount of shift. output reg [15:0] sdram_sz, // RTC MSM6242B layout output reg [64:0] RTC, // Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 output reg [32:0] TIMESTAMP, // UART flags output reg [7:0] uart_mode, output reg [31:0] uart_speed, // ps2 keyboard emulation output ps2_kbd_clk_out, output ps2_kbd_data_out, input ps2_kbd_clk_in, input ps2_kbd_data_in, input [2:0] ps2_kbd_led_status, input [2:0] ps2_kbd_led_use, output ps2_mouse_clk_out, output ps2_mouse_data_out, input ps2_mouse_clk_in, input ps2_mouse_data_in, // ps2 alternative interface. // [8] - extended, [9] - pressed, [10] - toggles with every press/release output reg [10:0] ps2_key = 0, // [24] - toggles with every event output reg [24:0] ps2_mouse = 0, output reg [15:0] ps2_mouse_ext = 0, // 15:8 - reserved(additional buttons), 7:0 - wheel movements inout [21:0] gamma_bus, // for core-specific extensions inout [35:0] EXT_BUS ); assign EXT_BUS[31:16] = HPS_BUS[31:16]; assign EXT_BUS[35:33] = HPS_BUS[35:33]; localparam MAX_W = $clog2((512 > (STRLEN+1)) ? 512 : (STRLEN+1))-1; localparam DW = (WIDE) ? 15 : 7; localparam AW = (WIDE) ? 7 : 8; localparam VD = VDNUM-1; wire io_strobe= HPS_BUS[33]; wire io_enable= HPS_BUS[34]; wire fp_enable= HPS_BUS[35]; wire io_wide = (WIDE) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; wire [15:0] io_din = HPS_BUS[31:16]; reg [15:0] io_dout; assign HPS_BUS[37] = ioctl_wait; assign HPS_BUS[36] = clk_sys; assign HPS_BUS[32] = io_wide; assign HPS_BUS[15:0] = EXT_BUS[32] ? EXT_BUS[15:0] : fp_enable ? fp_dout : io_dout; reg [15:0] cfg; assign buttons = cfg[1:0]; //cfg[2] - vga_scaler handled in sys_top //cfg[3] - csync handled in sys_top assign forced_scandoubler = cfg[4]; //cfg[5] - ypbpr handled in sys_top assign direct_video = cfg[10]; // command byte read by the io controller wire [15:0] sd_cmd = { 2'b00, (VDNUM>=4) ? sd_wr[3] : 1'b0, (VDNUM>=3) ? sd_wr[2] : 1'b0, (VDNUM>=2) ? sd_wr[1] : 1'b0, (VDNUM>=4) ? sd_rd[3] : 1'b0, (VDNUM>=3) ? sd_rd[2] : 1'b0, (VDNUM>=2) ? sd_rd[1] : 1'b0, 4'h5, sd_conf, 1'b1, sd_wr[0], sd_rd[0] }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [15:0] vc_dout; video_calc video_calc ( .clk_100(HPS_BUS[43]), .clk_vid(HPS_BUS[42]), .clk_sys(clk_sys), .ce_pix(HPS_BUS[41]), .de(HPS_BUS[40]), .hs(HPS_BUS[39]), .vs(HPS_BUS[38]), .vs_hdmi(HPS_BUS[44]), .f1(HPS_BUS[45]), .new_vmode(new_vmode), .par_num(byte_cnt[3:0]), .dout(vc_dout) ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign gamma_bus[20:0] = {clk_sys, gamma_en, gamma_wr, gamma_wr_addr, gamma_value}; reg gamma_en; reg gamma_wr; reg [9:0] gamma_wr_addr; reg [7:0] gamma_value; reg [31:0] ps2_key_raw = 0; wire pressed = (ps2_key_raw[15:8] != 8'hf0); wire extended = (~pressed ? (ps2_key_raw[23:16] == 8'he0) : (ps2_key_raw[15:8] == 8'he0)); reg [MAX_W:0] byte_cnt; always@(posedge clk_sys) begin : uio_block reg [15:0] cmd; reg [2:0] b_wr; reg [3:0] stick_idx; reg [3:0] pdsp_idx; reg ps2skip = 0; reg [3:0] stflg = 0; reg [63:0] status_req; reg old_status_set = 0; reg old_info = 0; reg [7:0] info_n = 0; reg [15:0] tmp1; reg [7:0] tmp2; old_status_set <= status_set; if(~old_status_set & status_set) begin stflg <= stflg + 1'd1; status_req <= status_in; end old_info <= info_req; if(~old_info & info_req) info_n <= info; sd_buff_wr <= b_wr[0]; if(b_wr[2] && (~&sd_buff_addr)) sd_buff_addr <= sd_buff_addr + 1'b1; b_wr <= (b_wr<<1); if(PS2DIV) {kbd_rd,kbd_we,mouse_rd,mouse_we} <= 0; gamma_wr <= 0; if(~io_enable) begin if(cmd == 4 && !ps2skip) ps2_mouse[24] <= ~ps2_mouse[24]; if(cmd == 5 && !ps2skip) begin ps2_key <= {~ps2_key[10], pressed, extended, ps2_key_raw[7:0]}; if(ps2_key_raw == 'hE012E07C) ps2_key[9:0] <= 'h37C; // prnscr pressed if(ps2_key_raw == 'h7CE0F012) ps2_key[9:0] <= 'h17C; // prnscr released if(ps2_key_raw == 'hF014F077) ps2_key[9:0] <= 'h377; // pause pressed end if(cmd == 'h22) RTC[64] <= ~RTC[64]; if(cmd == 'h24) TIMESTAMP[32] <= ~TIMESTAMP[32]; cmd <= 0; byte_cnt <= 0; sd_ack <= 0; sd_ack_conf <= 0; io_dout <= 0; ps2skip <= 0; img_mounted <= 0; end else if(io_strobe) begin io_dout <= 0; if(~&byte_cnt) byte_cnt <= byte_cnt + 1'd1; if(byte_cnt == 0) begin cmd <= io_din; case(io_din) 'h19: sd_ack_conf <= 1; 'h17, 'h18: sd_ack <= 1; 'h29: io_dout <= {4'hA, stflg}; 'h2B: io_dout <= 1; 'h2F: io_dout <= 1; 'h32: io_dout <= gamma_bus[21]; 'h36: begin io_dout <= info_n; info_n <= 0; end 'h39: io_dout <= 1; endcase sd_buff_addr <= 0; if(io_din == 5) ps2_key_raw <= 0; end else begin case(cmd) // buttons and switches 'h01: cfg <= io_din; 'h02: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_0[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_0[31:16] <= io_din; 'h03: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_1[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_1[31:16] <= io_din; 'h10: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_2[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_2[31:16] <= io_din; 'h11: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_3[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_3[31:16] <= io_din; 'h12: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_4[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_4[31:16] <= io_din; 'h13: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_5[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_5[31:16] <= io_din; // store incoming ps2 mouse bytes 'h04: begin if(PS2DIV) begin mouse_data <= io_din[7:0]; mouse_we <= 1; end if(&io_din[15:8]) ps2skip <= 1; if(~&io_din[15:8] && ~ps2skip && !byte_cnt[MAX_W:2]) begin case(byte_cnt[1:0]) 1: ps2_mouse[7:0] <= io_din[7:0]; 2: ps2_mouse[15:8] <= io_din[7:0]; 3: ps2_mouse[23:16] <= io_din[7:0]; endcase case(byte_cnt[1:0]) 1: ps2_mouse_ext[7:0] <= {io_din[14], io_din[14:8]}; 2: ps2_mouse_ext[11:8] <= io_din[11:8]; 3: ps2_mouse_ext[15:12]<= io_din[11:8]; endcase end end // store incoming ps2 keyboard bytes 'h05: begin if(&io_din[15:8]) ps2skip <= 1; if(~&io_din[15:8] & ~ps2skip) ps2_key_raw[31:0] <= {ps2_key_raw[23:0], io_din[7:0]}; if(PS2DIV) begin kbd_data <= io_din[7:0]; kbd_we <= 1; end end // reading config string, returning a byte from string 'h14: if(byte_cnt < STRLEN + 1) io_dout[7:0] <= conf_str[(STRLEN - byte_cnt)<<3 +:8]; // reading sd card status 'h16: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:3]) begin case(byte_cnt[2:0]) 1: io_dout <= sd_cmd; 2: io_dout <= sd_lba[15:0]; 3: io_dout <= sd_lba[31:16]; 4: io_dout <= sd_req_type; endcase end // send SD config IO -> FPGA // flag that download begins // sd card knows data is config if sd_dout_strobe is asserted // with sd_ack still being inactive (low) 'h19, // send sector IO -> FPGA // flag that download begins 'h17: begin sd_buff_dout <= io_din[DW:0]; b_wr <= 1; end // reading sd card write data 'h18: begin if(~&sd_buff_addr) sd_buff_addr <= sd_buff_addr + 1'b1; io_dout <= sd_buff_din; end // joystick analog 'h1a: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:2]) begin case(byte_cnt[1:0]) 1: {pdsp_idx,stick_idx} <= io_din[7:0]; // first byte is joystick index 2: case(stick_idx) 0: joystick_analog_0 <= io_din; 1: joystick_analog_1 <= io_din; 2: joystick_analog_2 <= io_din; 3: joystick_analog_3 <= io_din; 4: joystick_analog_4 <= io_din; 5: joystick_analog_5 <= io_din; 15: case(pdsp_idx) 0: paddle_0 <= io_din[7:0]; 1: paddle_1 <= io_din[7:0]; 2: paddle_2 <= io_din[7:0]; 3: paddle_3 <= io_din[7:0]; 4: paddle_4 <= io_din[7:0]; 5: paddle_5 <= io_din[7:0]; 8: spinner_0 <= {~spinner_0[8],io_din[7:0]}; 9: spinner_1 <= {~spinner_1[8],io_din[7:0]}; 10: spinner_2 <= {~spinner_2[8],io_din[7:0]}; 11: spinner_3 <= {~spinner_3[8],io_din[7:0]}; 12: spinner_4 <= {~spinner_4[8],io_din[7:0]}; 13: spinner_5 <= {~spinner_5[8],io_din[7:0]}; endcase endcase endcase end // notify image selection 'h1c: begin img_mounted <= io_din[VD:0] ? io_din[VD:0] : 1'b1; img_readonly <= io_din[7]; end // send image info 'h1d: if(byte_cnt<5) img_size[{byte_cnt-1'b1, 4'b0000} +:16] <= io_din; // status, 64bit version 'h1e: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:3]) begin case(byte_cnt[2:0]) 1: status[15:00] <= io_din; 2: status[31:16] <= io_din; 3: status[47:32] <= io_din; 4: status[63:48] <= io_din; endcase end // reading keyboard LED status 'h1f: io_dout <= {|PS2WE, 2'b01, ps2_kbd_led_status[2], ps2_kbd_led_use[2], ps2_kbd_led_status[1], ps2_kbd_led_use[1], ps2_kbd_led_status[0], ps2_kbd_led_use[0]}; // reading ps2 keyboard/mouse control 'h21: if(PS2DIV) begin if(byte_cnt == 1) begin io_dout <= kbd_data_host; kbd_rd <= 1; end else if(byte_cnt == 2) begin io_dout <= mouse_data_host; mouse_rd <= 1; end end //RTC 'h22: RTC[(byte_cnt-6'd1)<<4 +:16] <= io_din; //Video res. 'h23: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:4]) io_dout <= vc_dout; //RTC 'h24: TIMESTAMP[(byte_cnt-6'd1)<<4 +:16] <= io_din; //status set 'h29: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:3]) begin case(byte_cnt[2:0]) 1: io_dout <= status_req[15:00]; 2: io_dout <= status_req[31:16]; 3: io_dout <= status_req[47:32]; 4: io_dout <= status_req[63:48]; endcase end //menu mask 'h2E: if(byte_cnt == 1) io_dout <= status_menumask; //sdram size set 'h31: if(byte_cnt == 1) sdram_sz <= io_din; // Gamma 'h32: gamma_en <= io_din[0]; 'h33: begin gamma_wr_addr <= {(byte_cnt[1:0]-1'b1),io_din[15:8]}; {gamma_wr, gamma_value} <= {1'b1,io_din[7:0]}; if (byte_cnt[1:0] == 3) byte_cnt <= 1; end // UART 'h3b: if(!byte_cnt[MAX_W:2]) begin case(byte_cnt[1:0]) 1: tmp2 <= io_din[7:0]; 2: tmp1 <= io_din; 3: {uart_speed, uart_mode} <= {io_din, tmp1, tmp2}; endcase end endcase end end end /////////////////////////////// PS2 /////////////////////////////// generate if(PS2DIV) begin reg clk_ps2; always @(posedge clk_sys) begin integer cnt; cnt <= cnt + 1'd1; if(cnt == PS2DIV) begin clk_ps2 <= ~clk_ps2; cnt <= 0; end end reg [7:0] kbd_data; reg kbd_we; wire [8:0] kbd_data_host; reg kbd_rd; ps2_device keyboard ( .clk_sys(clk_sys), .wdata(kbd_data), .we(kbd_we), .ps2_clk(clk_ps2), .ps2_clk_out(ps2_kbd_clk_out), .ps2_dat_out(ps2_kbd_data_out), .ps2_clk_in(ps2_kbd_clk_in || !PS2WE), .ps2_dat_in(ps2_kbd_data_in || !PS2WE), .rdata(kbd_data_host), .rd(kbd_rd) ); reg [7:0] mouse_data; reg mouse_we; wire [8:0] mouse_data_host; reg mouse_rd; ps2_device mouse ( .clk_sys(clk_sys), .wdata(mouse_data), .we(mouse_we), .ps2_clk(clk_ps2), .ps2_clk_out(ps2_mouse_clk_out), .ps2_dat_out(ps2_mouse_data_out), .ps2_clk_in(ps2_mouse_clk_in || !PS2WE), .ps2_dat_in(ps2_mouse_data_in || !PS2WE), .rdata(mouse_data_host), .rd(mouse_rd) ); end else begin assign ps2_kbd_clk_out = 0; assign ps2_kbd_data_out = 0; assign ps2_mouse_clk_out = 0; assign ps2_mouse_data_out = 0; end endgenerate /////////////////////////////// DOWNLOADING /////////////////////////////// localparam FIO_FILE_TX = 8'h53; localparam FIO_FILE_TX_DAT = 8'h54; localparam FIO_FILE_INDEX = 8'h55; localparam FIO_FILE_INFO = 8'h56; reg [15:0] fp_dout; always@(posedge clk_sys) begin : fio_block reg [15:0] cmd; reg [2:0] cnt; reg has_cmd; reg [26:0] addr; reg wr; ioctl_rd <= 0; ioctl_wr <= wr; wr <= 0; if(~fp_enable) has_cmd <= 0; else begin if(io_strobe) begin if(!has_cmd) begin cmd <= io_din; has_cmd <= 1; cnt <= 0; end else begin case(cmd) FIO_FILE_INFO: if(~cnt[1]) begin case(cnt) 0: ioctl_file_ext[31:16] <= io_din; 1: ioctl_file_ext[15:00] <= io_din; endcase cnt <= cnt + 1'd1; end FIO_FILE_INDEX: begin ioctl_index <= io_din[15:0]; end FIO_FILE_TX: begin cnt <= cnt + 1'd1; case(cnt) 0: if(io_din[7:0] == 8'hAA) begin ioctl_addr <= 0; ioctl_upload <= 1; ioctl_rd <= 1; end else if(io_din[7:0]) begin addr <= 0; ioctl_download <= 1; end else begin if(ioctl_download) ioctl_addr <= addr; ioctl_download <= 0; ioctl_upload <= 0; end 1: begin ioctl_addr[15:0] <= io_din; addr[15:0] <= io_din; end 2: begin ioctl_addr[26:16] <= io_din[10:0]; addr[26:16] <= io_din[10:0]; end endcase end FIO_FILE_TX_DAT: if(ioctl_download) begin ioctl_addr <= addr; ioctl_dout <= io_din[DW:0]; wr <= 1; addr <= addr + (WIDE ? 2'd2 : 2'd1); end else begin ioctl_addr <= ioctl_addr + (WIDE ? 2'd2 : 2'd1); fp_dout <= ioctl_din; ioctl_rd <= 1; end endcase end end end end endmodule ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module ps2_device #(parameter PS2_FIFO_BITS=5) ( input clk_sys, input [7:0] wdata, input we, input ps2_clk, output reg ps2_clk_out, output reg ps2_dat_out, output reg tx_empty, input ps2_clk_in, input ps2_dat_in, output [8:0] rdata, input rd ); (* ramstyle = "logic" *) reg [7:0] fifo[1<= 1)&&(tx_state < 9)) begin ps2_dat_out <= tx_byte[0]; // data bits tx_byte[6:0] <= tx_byte[7:1]; // shift down if(tx_byte[0]) parity <= !parity; end // transmission of parity if(tx_state == 9) ps2_dat_out <= parity; // transmission of stop bit if(tx_state == 10) ps2_dat_out <= 1; // stop bit is 1 // advance state machine if(tx_state < 11) tx_state <= tx_state + 1'd1; else tx_state <= 0; end end end if(~old_clk & ps2_clk) ps2_clk_out <= 1; if(old_clk & ~ps2_clk) ps2_clk_out <= ((tx_state == 0) && (rx_state<2)); end endmodule ///////////////// calc video parameters ////////////////// module video_calc ( input clk_100, input clk_vid, input clk_sys, input ce_pix, input de, input hs, input vs, input vs_hdmi, input f1, input new_vmode, input [3:0] par_num, output reg [15:0] dout ); always @(posedge clk_sys) begin case(par_num) 1: dout <= {|vid_int, vid_nres}; 2: dout <= vid_hcnt[15:0]; 3: dout <= vid_hcnt[31:16]; 4: dout <= vid_vcnt[15:0]; 5: dout <= vid_vcnt[31:16]; 6: dout <= vid_htime[15:0]; 7: dout <= vid_htime[31:16]; 8: dout <= vid_vtime[15:0]; 9: dout <= vid_vtime[31:16]; 10: dout <= vid_pix[15:0]; 11: dout <= vid_pix[31:16]; 12: dout <= vid_vtime_hdmi[15:0]; 13: dout <= vid_vtime_hdmi[31:16]; default dout <= 0; endcase end reg [31:0] vid_hcnt = 0; reg [31:0] vid_vcnt = 0; reg [7:0] vid_nres = 0; reg [1:0] vid_int = 0; always @(posedge clk_vid) begin integer hcnt; integer vcnt; reg old_vs= 0, old_de = 0, old_vmode = 0; reg [3:0] resto = 0; reg calch = 0; if(ce_pix) begin old_vs <= vs; old_de <= de; if(~vs & ~old_de & de) vcnt <= vcnt + 1; if(calch & de) hcnt <= hcnt + 1; if(old_de & ~de) calch <= 0; if(old_vs & ~vs) begin vid_int <= {vid_int[0],f1}; if(~f1) begin if(hcnt && vcnt) begin old_vmode <= new_vmode; //report new resolution after timeout if(resto) resto <= resto + 1'd1; if(vid_hcnt != hcnt || vid_vcnt != vcnt || old_vmode != new_vmode) resto <= 1; if(&resto) vid_nres <= vid_nres + 1'd1; vid_hcnt <= hcnt; vid_vcnt <= vcnt; end vcnt <= 0; hcnt <= 0; calch <= 1; end end end end reg [31:0] vid_htime = 0; reg [31:0] vid_vtime = 0; reg [31:0] vid_pix = 0; always @(posedge clk_100) begin integer vtime, htime, hcnt; reg old_vs, old_hs, old_vs2, old_hs2, old_de, old_de2; reg calch = 0; old_vs <= vs; old_hs <= hs; old_vs2 <= old_vs; old_hs2 <= old_hs; vtime <= vtime + 1'd1; htime <= htime + 1'd1; if(~old_vs2 & old_vs) begin vid_pix <= hcnt; vid_vtime <= vtime; vtime <= 0; hcnt <= 0; end if(old_vs2 & ~old_vs) calch <= 1; if(~old_hs2 & old_hs) begin vid_htime <= htime; htime <= 0; end old_de <= de; old_de2 <= old_de; if(calch & old_de) hcnt <= hcnt + 1; if(old_de2 & ~old_de) calch <= 0; end reg [31:0] vid_vtime_hdmi; always @(posedge clk_100) begin integer vtime; reg old_vs, old_vs2; old_vs <= vs_hdmi; old_vs2 <= old_vs; vtime <= vtime + 1'd1; if(~old_vs2 & old_vs) begin vid_vtime_hdmi <= vtime; vtime <= 0; end end endmodule