// // // Copyright (c) 2017,2021 Alexey Melnikov // // This program is GPL Licensed. See COPYING for the full license. // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps // // LINE_LENGTH: Length of display line in pixels // Usually it's length from HSync to HSync. // May be less if line_start is used. // // HALF_DEPTH: If =1 then color dept is 4 bits per component // // altera message_off 10720 // altera message_off 12161 module video_mixer #( parameter LINE_LENGTH = 768, parameter HALF_DEPTH = 0, parameter GAMMA = 0 ) ( input CLK_VIDEO, // should be multiple by (ce_pix*4) output reg CE_PIXEL, // output pixel clock enable input ce_pix, // input pixel clock or clock_enable input scandoubler, input hq2x, // high quality 2x scaling inout [21:0] gamma_bus, // color input [DWIDTH:0] R, input [DWIDTH:0] G, input [DWIDTH:0] B, // Positive pulses. input HSync, input VSync, input HBlank, input VBlank, // video output signals output reg [7:0] VGA_R, output reg [7:0] VGA_G, output reg [7:0] VGA_B, output reg VGA_VS, output reg VGA_HS, output reg VGA_DE ); localparam DWIDTH = HALF_DEPTH ? 3 : 7; localparam DWIDTH_SD = GAMMA ? 7 : DWIDTH; localparam HALF_DEPTH_SD = GAMMA ? 0 : HALF_DEPTH; generate if(GAMMA && HALF_DEPTH) begin wire [7:0] R_in = {R,R}; wire [7:0] G_in = {G,G}; wire [7:0] B_in = {B,B}; end else begin wire [DWIDTH:0] R_in = R; wire [DWIDTH:0] G_in = G; wire [DWIDTH:0] B_in = B; end endgenerate wire hs_g, vs_g; wire hb_g, vb_g; wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] R_gamma, G_gamma, B_gamma; generate if(GAMMA) begin assign gamma_bus[21] = 1; gamma_corr gamma( .clk_sys(gamma_bus[20]), .clk_vid(CLK_VIDEO), .ce_pix(ce_pix), .gamma_en(gamma_bus[19]), .gamma_wr(gamma_bus[18]), .gamma_wr_addr(gamma_bus[17:8]), .gamma_value(gamma_bus[7:0]), .HSync(HSync), .VSync(VSync), .HBlank(HBlank), .VBlank(VBlank), .RGB_in({R_in,G_in,B_in}), .HSync_out(hs_g), .VSync_out(vs_g), .HBlank_out(hb_g), .VBlank_out(vb_g), .RGB_out({R_gamma,G_gamma,B_gamma}) ); end else begin assign gamma_bus[21] = 0; assign {R_gamma,G_gamma,B_gamma} = {R_in,G_in,B_in}; assign {hs_g, vs_g, hb_g, vb_g} = {HSync, VSync, HBlank, VBlank}; end endgenerate wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] R_sd; wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] G_sd; wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] B_sd; wire hs_sd, vs_sd, hb_sd, vb_sd, ce_pix_sd; scandoubler #(.LENGTH(LINE_LENGTH), .HALF_DEPTH(HALF_DEPTH_SD)) sd ( .clk_vid(CLK_VIDEO), .hq2x(hq2x), .ce_pix(ce_pix), .hs_in(hs_g), .vs_in(vs_g), .hb_in(hb_g), .vb_in(vb_g), .r_in(R_gamma), .g_in(G_gamma), .b_in(B_gamma), .ce_pix_out(ce_pix_sd), .hs_out(hs_sd), .vs_out(vs_sd), .hb_out(hb_sd), .vb_out(vb_sd), .r_out(R_sd), .g_out(G_sd), .b_out(B_sd) ); wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] rt = (scandoubler ? R_sd : R_gamma); wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] gt = (scandoubler ? G_sd : G_gamma); wire [DWIDTH_SD:0] bt = (scandoubler ? B_sd : B_gamma); always @(posedge CLK_VIDEO) begin reg [7:0] r,g,b; reg hde,vde,hs,vs, old_vs; reg old_hde; reg old_ce; reg ce_osc, fs_osc; old_ce <= ce_pix; ce_osc <= ce_osc | (old_ce ^ ce_pix); old_vs <= vs; if(~old_vs & vs) begin fs_osc <= ce_osc; ce_osc <= 0; end CE_PIXEL <= scandoubler ? ce_pix_sd : fs_osc ? (~old_ce & ce_pix) : ce_pix; if(!GAMMA && HALF_DEPTH) begin r <= {rt,rt}; g <= {gt,gt}; b <= {bt,bt}; end else begin r <= rt; g <= gt; b <= bt; end hde <= scandoubler ? ~hb_sd : ~hb_g; vde <= scandoubler ? ~vb_sd : ~vb_g; vs <= scandoubler ? vs_sd : vs_g; hs <= scandoubler ? hs_sd : hs_g; if(CE_PIXEL) begin VGA_R <= r; VGA_G <= g; VGA_B <= b; VGA_VS <= vs; VGA_HS <= hs; old_hde <= hde; if(old_hde ^ hde) VGA_DE <= vde & hde; end end endmodule