/* ($000000 - $03FFFF) RAM 4MB, or Overlay ROM 4MB ($400000 - $4FFFFF) ROM 1MB 64K Mac 128K/512K ROM is $400000 - $40FFFF 128K Mac 512Ke/Plus ROM is $400000 - $41FFFF If ROM is mirrored when A17 is 1, then SCSI is assumed to be unavailable ($580000 - $580FFF) SCSI (Mac Plus only, not implemented here) ($600000 - $7FFFFF) Overlay RAM 2MB ($9FFFF8 - $BFFFFF) SCC The SCC is on the upper byte of the data bus, so you must use only even-addressed byte reads. When writing, you must use only odd-addressed byte writes (the MC68000 puts your data on both bytes of the bus, so it works correctly). A byte read of an odd SCC read address tries to reset the entire SCC. A word access to any SCC address will shift the phase of the computer's high-frequency timing by 128 ns. ($9FFFF8) SCC read channel B control ($9FFFFA) SCC read channel A control ($9FFFFC) SCC read channel B data in/out ($9FFFFE) SCC read channel A data in/out ($BFFFF9) SCC write channel B control ($BFFFFB) SCC write channel A control ($BFFFFD) SCC write channel B data in/out ($BFFFFF) SCC write channel A data in/out ($DFE1FF - $DFFFFF) IWM The IWM is on the lower byte of the data bus, so use odd-addressed byte accesses only. The 16 IWM registers are {8'hDF, 8'b111xxxx1, 8'hFF}: 0 $0 ph0L CA0 off (0) 1 $200 ph0H CA0 on (1) 2 $400 ph1L CA1 off (0) 3 $600 ph1H CA1 on (1) 4 $800 h2L CA2 off (0) 5 $A00 ph2H CA2 on (1) 6 $C00 ph3L LSTRB off (low) 7 $E00 ph3H LSTRB on (high) 8 $1000 mtrOff disk enable off 9 $1200 mtrOn disk enable on 10 $1400 intDrive select internal drive 11 $1600 extDrive select external drive 12 $1800 q6L Q6 off 13 $1A00 q6H Q6 on 14 $1C00 q7L Q7 off, read register 15 $1E00 q7H Q7 on, write register ($EFE1FE - $EFFFFE) VIA The VIA is on the upper byte of the data bus, so use even-addressed byte accesses only. The 16 VIA registers are {8'hEF, 8'b111xxxx1, 8'hFE}: 0 $0 vBufB register B 1 $200 ????? not used? 2 $400 vDirB register B direction register 3 $600 vDirA register A direction register 4 $800 vT1C timer 1 counter (low-order byte) 5 $A00 vT1CH timer 1 counter (high-order byte) 6 $C00 vT1L timer 1 latch (low-order byte) 7 $E00 vT1LH timer 1 latch (high-order byte) 8 $1000 vT2C timer 2 counter (low-order byte) 9 $1200 vT2CH timer 2 counter (high-order byte) 10 $1400 vSR shift register (keyboard) 11 $1600 vACR auxiliary control register 12 $1800 vPCR peripheral control register 13 $1A00 vIFR interrupt flag register 14 $1C00 vIER interrupt enable register 15 $1E00 vBufA register A ($F00000 - $F00005) memory phase read test ($F80000 - $FFFFEF) space for test software ($FFFFF0 - $FFFFFF) interrupt vectors Note: This can all be decoded using only the highest 4 address bits, if SCSI, phase read test, and test software are not used. 7 other address bits are used by peripherals to determine which register to access: A12-A9 - IWM and VIA A2-A0 - SCC */ module addrDecoder( input [23:0] address, input _cpuAS, input memoryOverlayOn, output reg selectRAM, output reg selectROM, output reg selectSCSI, output reg selectSCC, output reg selectIWM, output reg selectVIA ); always @(*) begin selectRAM = 0; selectROM = 0; selectSCSI = 0; selectSCC = 0; selectIWM = 0; selectVIA = 0; casez (address[23:20]) 4'b00??: begin if (memoryOverlayOn == 0) selectRAM = !_cpuAS; else begin if (address[23:20] == 0) begin // Mac Plus: repeated images of overlay ROM only extend to $0F0000 // Mac 512K: more repeated ROM images at $020000-$02FFFF selectROM = !_cpuAS; end end end 4'b0100: if( address[17] == 1'b0) // <- this detects SCSI!!! selectROM = !_cpuAS; 4'b0101: if (address[19:12] == 8'h80) selectSCSI = !_cpuAS; 4'b0110: if (memoryOverlayOn) selectRAM = !_cpuAS; 4'b10?1: selectSCC = !_cpuAS; 4'b1101: selectIWM = !_cpuAS; 4'b1110: selectVIA = !_cpuAS; default: ; // select nothing endcase end endmodule