mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 05:29:03 +00:00
369 lines
10 KiB
369 lines
10 KiB
/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
/* based on minimigmac by Benjamin Herrenschmidt */
/* Read registers */
`define RREG_CDR 3'h0 /* Current SCSI data */
`define RREG_ICR 3'h1 /* Initiator Command */
`define RREG_MR 3'h2 /* Mode register */
`define RREG_TCR 3'h3 /* Target Command */
`define RREG_CSR 3'h4 /* SCSI bus status */
`define RREG_BSR 3'h5 /* Bus and status */
`define RREG_IDR 3'h6 /* Input data */
`define RREG_RST 3'h7 /* Reset */
/* Write registers */
`define WREG_ODR 3'h0 /* Output data */
`define WREG_ICR 3'h1 /* Initiator Command */
`define WREG_MR 3'h2 /* Mode register */
`define WREG_TCR 3'h3 /* Target Command */
`define WREG_SER 3'h4 /* Select Enable */
`define WREG_DMAS 3'h5 /* Start DMA Send */
`define WREG_DMATR 3'h6 /* Start DMA Target receive */
`define WREG_IDMAR 3'h7 /* Start DMA Initiator receive */
/* MR bit numbers */
`define MR_DMA_MODE 1
`define MR_ARB 0
/* ICR bit numbers */
`define ICR_A_RST 7
`define ICR_TEST_MODE 6
`define ICR_DIFF_ENBL 5
`define ICR_A_ACK 4
`define ICR_A_BSY 3
`define ICR_A_SEL 2
`define ICR_A_ATN 1
`define ICR_A_DATA 0
/* TCR bit numbers */
`define TCR_A_REQ 3
`define TCR_A_MSG 2
`define TCR_A_CD 1
`define TCR_A_IO 0
module ncr5380
input clk,
input ce,
input reset,
/* Bus interface. 3-bit address, to be wired
* appropriately upstream (to A4..A6) plus one
* more bit (A9) wired as dack.
input bus_cs,
input bus_we,
input [2:0] bus_rs,
input dack,
input [7:0] wdata,
output [7:0] rdata,
// connections to io controller
input [1:0] img_mounted,
input [31:0] img_size,
output [15:0] io_req_type,
output [31:0] io_lba,
output [1:0] io_rd,
output [1:0] io_wr,
input io_ack,
input [7:0] sd_buff_addr,
input [15:0] sd_buff_dout,
output [15:0] sd_buff_din,
input sd_buff_wr
reg [7:0] mr; /* Mode Register */
reg [7:0] icr; /* Initiator Command Register */
reg [3:0] tcr; /* Target Command Register */
wire [7:0] csr; /* SCSI bus status register */
/* Data in and out latches and associated
* control logic for DMA
wire [7:0] din;
reg [7:0] dout;
reg dphase;
reg dma_en;
/* --- Main host-side interface --- */
/* Register & DMA accesses decodes */
reg dma_rd;
reg dma_wr;
reg reg_wr;
wire i_dma_rd = bus_cs & dack & ~bus_we;
wire i_dma_wr = bus_cs & dack & bus_we;
wire i_reg_wr = bus_cs & ~dack & bus_we;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg old_dma_rd, old_dma_wr, old_reg_wr;
old_dma_rd <= i_dma_rd;
old_dma_wr <= i_dma_wr;
old_reg_wr <= i_reg_wr;
dma_rd <= 0;
dma_wr <= 0;
reg_wr <= 0;
if(~old_dma_wr & i_dma_wr) dma_wr <= 1;
else if(~old_dma_rd & i_dma_rd) dma_rd <= 1;
else if(~old_reg_wr & i_reg_wr) reg_wr <= 1;
/* System bus reads */
assign rdata = dack ? cur_data :
bus_rs == `RREG_CDR ? cur_data :
bus_rs == `RREG_ICR ? icr_read :
bus_rs == `RREG_MR ? mr :
bus_rs == `RREG_TCR ? { 4'h0, tcr } :
bus_rs == `RREG_CSR ? csr :
bus_rs == `RREG_BSR ? bsr :
bus_rs == `RREG_IDR ? cur_data :
bus_rs == `RREG_RST ? 8'hff :
/* DMA handhsaking logic. Two phase logic, in phase 0
* DRQ follows SCSI _REQ until we see DACK. In phase 1
* we just wait for SCSI _REQ to go down and go back to
* phase 0. We assert SCSI _ACK in phase 1.
always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
dphase <= 0;
end else begin
if (!dma_en) begin
dphase <= 0;
end else if (dphase == 0) begin
/* Be careful to do that in bus phase 1,
* not phase 0, or we would incorrectly
* assert bus_hold and lock up the system
if ((dma_rd || dma_wr) && scsi_req) begin
dphase <= 1;
end else if (!scsi_req) begin
dphase <= 0;
/* Data out latch (in DMA mode, this is one cycle after we've
* asserted ACK)
always@(posedge clk) if((reg_wr && bus_rs == `WREG_ODR) || dma_wr) dout <= wdata;
/* Current data register. Simplified logic: We loop back the
* output data if we are asserting the bus, else we get the
* input latch
wire [7:0] cur_data = out_en ? dout : din;
/* Logic for "asserting the bus" simplified */
wire out_en = icr[`ICR_A_DATA] | mr[`MR_ARB];
/* ICR read wires */
wire [7:0] icr_read = { icr[`ICR_A_RST],
icr[`ICR_A_DATA] };
/* ICR write */
always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
icr <= 0;
end else if (reg_wr && (bus_rs == `WREG_ICR)) begin
icr <= wdata;
/* MR write */
always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) mr <= 8'b0;
else if (reg_wr && (bus_rs == `WREG_MR)) mr <= wdata;
/* TCR write */
always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) tcr <= 4'b0;
else if (reg_wr && (bus_rs == `WREG_TCR)) tcr <= wdata[3:0];
/* DMA start send & receive registers. We currently ignore
* the direction.
always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
dma_en <= 0;
end else begin
if (!mr[`MR_DMA_MODE]) begin
dma_en <= 0;
end else if (reg_wr && (bus_rs == `WREG_DMAS)) begin
dma_en <= 1;
end else if (reg_wr && (bus_rs == `WREG_IDMAR)) begin
dma_en <= 1;
/* CSR (read only). We don't do parity */
assign csr = { scsi_rst, scsi_bsy, scsi_req, scsi_msg,
scsi_cd, scsi_io, scsi_sel, 1'b0 };
/* Bus and Status register */
/* BSR (read only). We don't do a few things... */
wire bsr_eodma = 1'b0; /* We don't do EOP */
wire bsr_dmarq = scsi_req & dma_en;
wire bsr_perr = 1'b0; /* We don't do parity */
wire bsr_irq = 1'b0; /* XXX ? Does MacOS use this ? */
wire bsr_pmatch =
tcr[`TCR_A_MSG] == scsi_msg &&
tcr[`TCR_A_CD ] == scsi_cd &&
tcr[`TCR_A_IO ] == scsi_io;
wire bsr_berr = 1'b0; /* XXX ? Does MacOS use this ? */
wire [7:0] bsr = { bsr_eodma, bsr_dmarq, bsr_perr, bsr_irq,
bsr_pmatch, bsr_berr, scsi_atn, scsi_ack };
/* --- Simulated SCSI Signals --- */
/* BSY logic (simplified arbitration, see notes) */
wire scsi_bsy =
icr[`ICR_A_BSY] |
scsi2_bsy |
scsi6_bsy |
/* Remains of simplified arbitration logic */
wire icr_aip = mr[`MR_ARB];
wire icr_la = 0;
reg dma_ack;
always @(posedge clk) if(ce) dma_ack <= dphase;
/* Other ORed SCSI signals */
wire scsi_sel = icr[`ICR_A_SEL];
wire scsi_rst = icr[`ICR_A_RST];
wire scsi_ack = icr[`ICR_A_ACK] | dma_ack;
wire scsi_atn = icr[`ICR_A_ATN];
wire scsi_cd = scsi2_cd;
wire scsi_io = scsi2_io;
wire scsi_msg = scsi2_msg;
wire scsi_req = scsi2_req;
assign din = scsi2_dout;
assign io_lba = io_lba_2;
assign sd_buff_din = sd_buff_din_2;
/* Other trivial lines set by target */
wire scsi_cd = (scsi2_bsy) ? scsi2_cd : scsi6_cd;
wire scsi_io = (scsi2_bsy) ? scsi2_io : scsi6_io;
wire scsi_msg = (scsi2_bsy) ? scsi2_msg : scsi6_msg;
wire scsi_req = (scsi2_bsy) ? scsi2_req : scsi6_req;
assign din = scsi2_bsy ? scsi2_dout :
scsi6_bsy ? scsi6_dout :
assign io_lba = (scsi2_bsy) ? io_lba_2 : io_lba_6;
assign sd_buff_din = (scsi2_bsy) ? sd_buff_din_2 : sd_buff_din_6;
assign io_req_type = 16'h0000; // Not used atm. Could be used for CD-ROM sector requests later. ElectronAsh.
// input signals from target 2
wire scsi2_bsy, scsi2_msg, scsi2_io, scsi2_cd, scsi2_req;
wire [7:0] scsi2_dout;
wire [31:0] io_lba_2;
wire [15:0] sd_buff_din_2;
// connect a target
scsi #(.ID(2)) scsi2
.clk ( clk ),
.rst ( scsi_rst ),
.sel ( scsi_sel ),
.atn ( scsi_atn ),
.ack ( scsi_ack ),
.bsy ( scsi2_bsy ),
.msg ( scsi2_msg ),
.cd ( scsi2_cd ),
.io ( scsi2_io ),
.req ( scsi2_req ),
.dout ( scsi2_dout ),
.din ( dout ),
// connection to io controller to read and write sectors
// to sd card
.io_lba ( io_lba_2 ),
.io_rd ( io_rd[1] ),
.io_wr ( io_wr[1] ),
.io_ack ( io_ack & scsi2_bsy ),
.sd_buff_addr( sd_buff_addr ),
.sd_buff_dout( sd_buff_dout ),
.sd_buff_din( sd_buff_din_2 ),
.sd_buff_wr( sd_buff_wr & scsi2_bsy )
// input signals from target 6
wire scsi6_bsy, scsi6_msg, scsi6_io, scsi6_cd, scsi6_req;
wire [7:0] scsi6_dout;
wire [31:0] io_lba_6;
wire [15:0] sd_buff_din_6;
scsi #(.ID(6)) scsi6
.clk ( clk ) , // input clk
.rst ( scsi_rst ) , // input rst
.sel ( scsi_sel ) , // input sel
.atn ( scsi_atn ) , // input atn
.ack ( scsi_ack ) , // input ack
.bsy ( scsi6_bsy ) , // output bsy
.msg ( scsi6_msg ) , // output msg
.cd ( scsi6_cd ) , // output cd
.io ( scsi6_io ) , // output io
.req ( scsi6_req ) , // output req
.dout ( scsi6_dout ) , // output [7:0] dout
.din ( dout ) , // input [7:0] din
// connection to io controller to read and write sectors
// to sd card
.img_mounted( img_mounted[0] ),
.img_blocks( img_size[31:9] ),
.io_lba ( io_lba_6 ) , // output [31:0] io_lba
.io_rd ( io_rd[0] ) , // output io_rd
.io_wr ( io_wr[0] ) , // output io_wr
.io_ack ( io_ack & scsi6_bsy ) , // input io_ack
.sd_buff_addr( sd_buff_addr ) , // input [8:0] sd_buff_addr
.sd_buff_dout( sd_buff_dout ) , // input [7:0] sd_buff_dout
.sd_buff_din( sd_buff_din_6 ) , // output [7:0] sd_buff_din
.sd_buff_wr( sd_buff_wr & scsi6_bsy ) // input sd_buff_wr