2017-10-22 09:22:56 +08:00

309 lines
8.8 KiB

/* IWM
Mapped to $DFE1FF - $DFFFFF
The 16 IWM one-bit registers are {8'hDF, 8'b111xxxx1, 8'hFF}:
0 $0 ca0L CA0 off (0)
1 $200 ca0H CA0 on (1)
2 $400 ca1L CA1 off (0)
3 $600 ca1H CA1 on (1)
4 $800 ca2L CA2 off (0)
5 $A00 ca2H CA2 on (1)
6 $C00 ph3L LSTRB off (low)
7 $E00 ph3H LSTRB on (high)
8 $1000 mtrOff ENABLE disk enable off
9 $1200 mtrOn ENABLE disk enable on
10 $1400 intDrive SELECT select internal drive
11 $1600 extDrive SELECT select external drive
12 $1800 q6L Q6 off
13 $1A00 q6H Q6 on
14 $1C00 q7L Q7 off, read register
15 $1E00 q7H Q7 on, write register
Notes from IWM manual:
Serial data is shifted in/out MSB first, with a bit transferred every 2 microseconds.
When writing data, a 1 is written as a transition on writeData at a bit cell boundary time, and a 0 is written as no transition.
When reading data, a falling transition within a bit cell window is considered to be a 1, and no falling transition is considered a 0.
When reading data, the read data register will latch the shift register when a 1 is shifted into the MSB.
The read data register will be cleared 14 fclk periods (about 2 microseconds) after a valid data read takes place-- a valid data read
being defined as both /DEV being low and D7 (the MSB) outputting a one from the read data register for at least one fclk period.
module iwm
input clk,
input cep,
input cen,
input clk8,
input _reset,
input selectIWM,
input _cpuRW,
input _cpuLDS,
input [15:0] dataIn,
input [3:0] cpuAddrRegHi,
input SEL, // from VIA
output [15:0] dataOut,
input [1:0] insertDisk,
output [1:0] diskEject,
input [1:0] diskSides,
output [1:0] diskMotor,
output [1:0] diskAct,
// interface to fetch data for internal drive
output [21:0] dskReadAddrInt,
input dskReadAckInt,
output [21:0] dskReadAddrExt,
input dskReadAckExt,
input [7:0] dskReadData
wire [7:0] dataInLo = dataIn[7:0];
reg [7:0] dataOutLo;
assign dataOut = { 8'hBE, dataOutLo };
// IWM state
reg ca0, ca1, ca2, lstrb, selectExternalDrive, q6, q7;
reg ca0Next, ca1Next, ca2Next, lstrbNext, selectExternalDriveNext, q6Next, q7Next;
wire advanceDriveHead; // prevents overrun when debugging, does not exit on a real Mac!
reg [7:0] writeData;
reg [7:0] readDataLatch;
wire _iwmBusy, _writeUnderrun;
assign _iwmBusy = 1'b1; // for writes, a value of 1 here indicates the IWM write buffer is empty
assign _writeUnderrun = 1'b1;
// floppy disk drives
reg diskEnableExt, diskEnableInt;
reg diskEnableExtNext, diskEnableIntNext;
wire newByteReadyInt;
wire [7:0] readDataInt;
wire senseInt = readDataInt[7]; // bit 7 doubles as the sense line here
wire newByteReadyExt;
wire [7:0] readDataExt;
wire senseExt = readDataExt[7]; // bit 7 doubles as the sense line here
floppy floppyInt
floppy floppyExt
wire [7:0] readData = selectExternalDrive ? readDataExt : readDataInt;
wire newByteReady = selectExternalDrive ? newByteReadyExt : newByteReadyInt;
reg [4:0] iwmMode;
/* IWM mode register: S C M H L
S Clock speed:
0 = 7 MHz
1 = 8 MHz
Should always be 1 for Macintosh.
C Bit cell time:
0 = 4 usec/bit (for 5.25 drives)
1 = 2 usec/bit (for 3.5 drives) (Macintosh mode)
M Motor-off timer:
0 = leave drive on for 1 sec after program turns
it off
1 = no delay (Macintosh mode)
Should be 0 for 5.25 and 1 for 3.5.
H Handshake protocol:
0 = synchronous (software must supply proper
timing for writing data)
1 = asynchronous (IWM supplies timing) (Macintosh Mode)
Should be 0 for 5.25 and 1 for 3.5.
L Latch mode:
0 = read-data stays valid for about 7 usec
1 = read-data stays valid for full byte time (Macintosh mode)
Should be 0 for 5.25 and 1 for 3.5.
// any read/write access to IWM bit registers will change their values
always @(*) begin
ca0Next <= ca0;
ca1Next <= ca1;
ca2Next <= ca2;
lstrbNext <= lstrb;
diskEnableExtNext <= diskEnableExt;
diskEnableIntNext <= diskEnableInt;
selectExternalDriveNext <= selectExternalDrive;
q6Next <= q6;
q7Next <= q7;
if (selectIWM == 1'b1 && _cpuLDS == 1'b0) begin
case (cpuAddrRegHi[3:1])
3'h0: // ca0
ca0Next <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h1: // ca1
ca1Next <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h2: // ca2
ca2Next <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h3: // lstrb
lstrbNext <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h4: // disk enable
if (selectExternalDrive)
diskEnableExtNext <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
diskEnableIntNext <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h5: // external drive
selectExternalDriveNext <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h6: // Q6
q6Next <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
3'h7: // Q7
q7Next <= cpuAddrRegHi[0];
// update IWM bit registers
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
ca0 <= 0;
ca1 <= 0;
ca2 <= 0;
lstrb <= 0;
diskEnableExt <= 0;
diskEnableInt <= 0;
selectExternalDrive <= 0;
q6 <= 0;
q7 <= 0;
else if(cen) begin
ca0 <= ca0Next;
ca1 <= ca1Next;
ca2 <= ca2Next;
lstrb <= lstrbNext;
diskEnableExt <= diskEnableExtNext;
diskEnableInt <= diskEnableIntNext;
selectExternalDrive <= selectExternalDriveNext;
q6 <= q6Next;
q7 <= q7Next;
// read IWM state
always @(*) begin
dataOutLo = 8'hEF;
// reading any IWM address returns state as selected by Q7 and Q6
case ({q7Next,q6Next})
2'b00: // data-in register (from disk drive) - MSB is 1 when data is valid
dataOutLo <= readDataLatch;
2'b01: // IWM status register - read only
dataOutLo <= { (selectExternalDriveNext ? senseExt : senseInt), 1'b0, diskEnableExt & diskEnableInt, iwmMode };
2'b10: // handshake - read only
dataOutLo <= { _iwmBusy, _writeUnderrun, 6'b000000 };
2'b11: // IWM mode register when not enabled (write-only), or (write?) data register when enabled
dataOutLo <= 0;
// write IWM state
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
iwmMode <= 0;
writeData <= 0;
else if(cen) begin
if (_cpuRW == 0 && selectIWM == 1'b1 && _cpuLDS == 1'b0) begin
// writing to any IWM address modifies state as selected by Q7 and Q6
case ({q7Next,q6Next})
2'b11: begin
if (diskEnableExt | diskEnableInt)
writeData <= dataInLo;
iwmMode <= dataInLo[4:0];
// Manage incoming bytes from the disk drive
wire iwmRead = (_cpuRW == 1'b1 && selectIWM == 1'b1 && _cpuLDS == 1'b0);
reg iwmReadPrev;
reg [3:0] readLatchClearTimer;
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
readDataLatch <= 0;
readLatchClearTimer <= 0;
iwmReadPrev <= 0;
else if(cen) begin
// a countdown timer governs how long after a data latch read before the latch is cleared
if (readLatchClearTimer != 0) begin
readLatchClearTimer <= readLatchClearTimer - 1'b1;
// the conclusion of a valid CPU read from the IWM will start the timer to clear the latch
if (iwmReadPrev && !iwmRead && readDataLatch[7]) begin
readLatchClearTimer <= 4'hD; // clear latch 14 clocks after the conclusion of a valid read
// when the drive indicates that a new byte is ready, latch it
// NOTE: the real IWM must self-synchronize with the incoming data to determine when to latch it
if (newByteReady) begin
readDataLatch <= readData;
else if (readLatchClearTimer == 1'b1) begin
readDataLatch <= 0;
iwmReadPrev <= iwmRead;
assign advanceDriveHead = readLatchClearTimer == 1'b1; // prevents overrun when debugging, does not exist on a real Mac!