mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 05:29:03 +00:00
152 lines
4.6 KiB
152 lines
4.6 KiB
module addrController_top
// clocks:
input clk,
input cep, // 8.125 MHz CPU clock
input cen, // 8.125 MHz CPU clock
// system config:
input turbo, // 0 = normal, 1 = faster
input configROMSize, // 0 = 64K ROM, 1 = 128K ROM
input [1:0] configRAMSize, // 0 = 128K, 1 = 512K, 2 = 1MB, 3 = 4MB RAM
// 68000 CPU memory interface:
input [23:0] cpuAddr,
input _cpuUDS,
input _cpuLDS,
input _cpuRW,
output [21:0] memoryAddr,
output _memoryUDS,
output _memoryLDS,
output _romOE,
output _ramOE,
output _ramWE,
output dioBusControl,
output cpuBusControl,
// peripherals:
output selectSCSI,
output selectSCC,
output selectIWM,
output selectVIA,
// video:
input _vblank,
input _hblank,
input snd_alt,
output loadSound,
// misc
input memoryOverlayOn,
// interface to read dsk image from ram
input [21:0] dskReadAddrInt,
output dskReadAckInt,
input [21:0] dskReadAddrExt,
output dskReadAckExt
// -------------- audio engine (may be moved into seperate module) ---------------
assign loadSound = audioReq & sndReadAck;
reg [21:0] audioAddr;
reg audioReq;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg vblankD;
reg hblankD;
reg swap;
reg sndReadAckD;
sndReadAckD <= sndReadAck;
if(sndReadAckD & ~sndReadAck) begin // prepare for next audio cycle
vblankD <= _vblank;
hblankD <= _hblank;
audioReq <= 0;
// falling adge of _vblank = begin of vblank phase
if(vblankD && !_vblank) swap <= 1;
if(hblankD && !_hblank) begin
if(swap) audioAddr <= snd_alt ? 22'h3FA100 : 22'h3FFD00;
else audioAddr <= audioAddr + 22'd2;
swap <= 0;
audioReq <= 1;
// interleaved RAM access for CPU and periphery
reg [3:0] cycle;
wire [1:0] busCycle = cycle[1:0];
wire [1:0] subCycle = cycle[3:2];
always @(posedge clk) if(cep) cycle <= cycle + 2'd1;
assign cpuBusControl = turbo ? busCycle[0] : (busCycle == 1);
assign dioBusControl = (busCycle == 2);
assign dskReadAckInt = dioBusControl && (subCycle == 0);
assign dskReadAckExt = dioBusControl && (subCycle == 1);
wire sndReadAck = (busCycle == 0);
// interconnects
wire selectRAM, selectROM;
// RAM/ROM control signals
wire extraRomRead = dskReadAckInt || dskReadAckExt;
assign _romOE = ~(extraRomRead || (cpuBusControl && selectROM && _cpuRW));
assign _ramOE = ~(loadSound || (cpuBusControl && selectRAM && _cpuRW));
assign _ramWE = ~(cpuBusControl && selectRAM && !_cpuRW);
assign _memoryUDS = cpuBusControl ? _cpuUDS : 1'b0;
assign _memoryLDS = cpuBusControl ? _cpuLDS : 1'b0;
wire [21:0] addrMux = loadSound ? audioAddr : cpuAddr[21:0];
wire [21:0] macAddr;
assign macAddr[15:0] = addrMux[15:0];
// video and sound always addresses ram
wire ram_access = (cpuBusControl && selectRAM) || loadSound;
wire rom_access = (cpuBusControl && selectROM);
// simulate smaller RAM/ROM sizes
assign macAddr[16] = rom_access && configROMSize == 1'b0 ? 1'b0 : // force A16 to 0 for 64K ROM access
assign macAddr[17] = ram_access && configRAMSize == 2'b00 ? 1'b0 : // force A17 to 0 for 128K RAM access
rom_access && configROMSize == 1'b1 ? 1'b0 : // force A17 to 0 for 128K ROM access
rom_access && configROMSize == 1'b0 ? 1'b1 : // force A17 to 1 for 64K ROM access (64K ROM image is at $20000)
assign macAddr[18] = ram_access && configRAMSize == 2'b00 ? 1'b0 : // force A18 to 0 for 128K RAM access
rom_access ? 1'b0 : // force A18 to 0 for ROM access
assign macAddr[19] = ram_access && configRAMSize[1] == 1'b0 ? 1'b0 : // force A19 to 0 for 128K or 512K RAM access
rom_access ? 1'b0 : // force A19 to 0 for ROM access
assign macAddr[20] = ram_access && configRAMSize != 2'b11 ? 1'b0 : // force A20 to 0 for all but 4MB RAM access
rom_access ? 1'b0 : // force A20 to 0 for ROM access
assign macAddr[21] = ram_access && configRAMSize != 2'b11 ? 1'b0 : // force A21 to 0 for all but 4MB RAM access
rom_access ? 1'b0 : // force A21 to 0 for ROM access
assign memoryAddr =
dskReadAckInt ? dskReadAddrInt + 22'h100000: // first dsk image at 1MB
dskReadAckExt ? dskReadAddrExt + 22'h200000: // second dsk image at 2MB
// address decoding
addrDecoder ad(