2021-01-23 20:09:42 +08:00

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// 3-tap IIR filter for 2 channels.
// Copyright (C) 2020 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// Can be converted to 2-tap (coeff_x2 = 0, coeff_y2 = 0) or 1-tap (coeff_x1,2 = 0, coeff_y1,2 = 0)
module IIR_filter
parameter use_params = 1, // set to 1 to use following parameters, 0 for input port variables.
parameter stereo = 1, // 0 for mono (input_l)
parameter coeff_x = 0.00000774701983513660, // Base gain value for X. Float. Range: 0.0 ... 0.999(9)
parameter coeff_x0 = 3, // Gain scale factor for X0. Integer. Range -7 ... +7
parameter coeff_x1 = 3, // Gain scale factor for X1. Integer. Range -7 ... +7
parameter coeff_x2 = 1, // Gain scale factor for X2. Integer. Range -7 ... +7
parameter coeff_y0 = -2.96438150626551080000, // Coefficient for Y0. Float. Range -3.999(9) ... 3.999(9)
parameter coeff_y1 = 2.92939452735121100000, // Coefficient for Y1. Float. Range -3.999(9) ... 3.999(9)
parameter coeff_y2 = -0.96500747158831091000 // Coefficient for Y2. Float. Range -3.999(9) ... 3.999(9)
input clk,
input reset,
input ce, // must be double of calculated rate for stereo!
input sample_ce, // desired output sample rate
input [39:0] cx,
input [7:0] cx0,
input [7:0] cx1,
input [7:0] cx2,
input [23:0] cy0,
input [23:0] cy1,
input [23:0] cy2,
input [15:0] input_l, input_r, // signed samples
output [15:0] output_l, output_r // signed samples
localparam [39:0] pcoeff_x = coeff_x * 40'h8000000000;
localparam [31:0] pcoeff_y0 = coeff_y0 * 24'h200000;
localparam [31:0] pcoeff_y1 = coeff_y1 * 24'h200000;
localparam [31:0] pcoeff_y2 = coeff_y2 * 24'h200000;
wire [39:0] vcoeff = use_params ? pcoeff_x : cx;
wire [23:0] vcoeff_y0 = use_params ? pcoeff_y0[23:0] : cy0;
wire [23:0] vcoeff_y1 = use_params ? pcoeff_y1[23:0] : cy1;
wire [23:0] vcoeff_y2 = use_params ? pcoeff_y2[23:0] : cy2;
wire [59:0] inp_mul = $signed(inp) * $signed(vcoeff);
wire [39:0] x = inp_mul[59:20];
wire [39:0] y = x + tap0;
wire [39:0] tap0;
iir_filter_tap iir_tap_0
.cx(use_params ? coeff_x0[7:0] : cx0),
wire [39:0] tap1;
iir_filter_tap iir_tap_1
.cx(use_params ? coeff_x1[7:0] : cx1),
wire [39:0] tap2;
iir_filter_tap iir_tap_2
.cx(use_params ? coeff_x2[7:0] : cx2),
wire [15:0] y_clamp = (~y[39] & |y[38:35]) ? 16'h7FFF : (y[39] & ~&y[38:35]) ? 16'h8000 : y[35:20];
reg ch = 0;
reg [15:0] out_l, out_r, out_m;
reg [15:0] inp, inp_m;
always @(posedge clk) if (ce) begin
if(!stereo) begin
ch <= 0;
inp <= input_l;
out_l <= y_clamp;
out_r <= y_clamp;
else begin
ch <= ~ch;
if(ch) begin
out_m <= y_clamp;
inp <= inp_m;
else begin
out_l <= out_m;
out_r <= y_clamp;
inp <= input_l;
inp_m <= input_r;
reg [31:0] out;
always @(posedge clk) if (sample_ce) out <= {out_l, out_r};
assign {output_l, output_r} = out;
module iir_filter_tap
input clk,
input reset,
input ce,
input ch,
input [7:0] cx,
input [23:0] cy,
input [39:0] x,
input [39:0] y,
input [39:0] z,
output [39:0] tap
wire signed [60:0] y_mul = $signed(y[36:0]) * $signed(cy);
function [39:0] x_mul;
input [39:0] x;
x_mul = 0;
if(cx[0]) x_mul = x_mul + {{4{x[39]}}, x[39:4]};
if(cx[1]) x_mul = x_mul + {{3{x[39]}}, x[39:3]};
if(cx[2]) x_mul = x_mul + {{2{x[39]}}, x[39:2]};
if(cx[7]) x_mul = ~x_mul; //cheap NEG
(* ramstyle = "logic" *) reg [39:0] intreg[2];
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
if(reset) {intreg[0],intreg[1]} <= 80'd0;
else if(ce) intreg[ch] <= x_mul(x) - y_mul[60:21] + z;
assign tap = intreg[ch];
// simplified IIR 1-tap.
module DC_blocker
input clk,
input ce, // 48/96 KHz
input mute,
input sample_rate,
input [15:0] din,
output [15:0] dout
wire [39:0] x = {din[15], din, 23'd0};
wire [39:0] x0 = x - (sample_rate ? {{11{x[39]}}, x[39:11]} : {{10{x[39]}}, x[39:10]});
wire [39:0] y1 = y - (sample_rate ? {{10{y[39]}}, y[39:10]} : {{09{y[39]}}, y[39:09]});
wire [39:0] y0 = x0 - x1 + y1;
reg [39:0] x1, y;
always @(posedge clk) if(ce) begin
x1 <= x0;
y <= ^y0[39:38] ? {{2{y0[39]}},{38{y0[38]}}} : y0;
assign dout = mute ? 16'd0 : y[38:23];