mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:31:02 +00:00
706 lines
26 KiB
706 lines
26 KiB
-- Title : VIA 6522
-- Author : Gideon Zweijtzer <gideon.zweijtzer@gmail.com>
-- Description: This module implements the 6522 VIA chip.
-- A LOT OF REVERSE ENGINEERING has been done to make this module
-- as accurate as it is now. Thanks to gyurco for ironing out some
-- differences that were left unnoticed.
-- License: GPL 3.0 - Free to use, distribute and change to your own needs.
-- Leaving a reference to the author will be highly appreciated.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity via6522 is
port (
clock : in std_logic;
rising : in std_logic;
falling : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
wen : in std_logic;
ren : in std_logic;
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
phi2_ref : out std_logic;
-- pio --
port_a_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
port_a_t : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
port_a_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
port_b_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
port_b_t : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
port_b_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- handshake pins
ca1_i : in std_logic;
ca2_o : out std_logic;
ca2_i : in std_logic;
ca2_t : out std_logic;
cb1_o : out std_logic;
cb1_i : in std_logic;
cb1_t : out std_logic;
cb2_o : out std_logic;
cb2_i : in std_logic;
cb2_t : out std_logic;
irq : out std_logic );
end via6522;
architecture Gideon of via6522 is
type pio_t is
pra : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ddra : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
prb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ddrb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;
constant pio_default : pio_t := (others => (others => '0'));
constant latch_reset_pattern : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"5550";
--signal last_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"55";
signal pio_i : pio_t;
signal port_a_c : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal port_b_c : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal irq_mask : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal irq_flags : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal irq_events : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal irq_out : std_logic;
signal timer_a_latch : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := latch_reset_pattern;
signal timer_b_latch : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := latch_reset_pattern;
signal timer_a_count : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := latch_reset_pattern;
signal timer_b_count : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := latch_reset_pattern;
signal timer_a_out : std_logic;
signal timer_b_tick : std_logic;
signal acr, pcr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00";
signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00";
signal serport_en : std_logic;
signal ser_cb2_o : std_logic;
signal hs_cb2_o : std_logic;
signal cb1_t_int : std_logic;
signal cb1_o_int : std_logic;
signal cb2_t_int : std_logic;
signal cb2_o_int : std_logic;
alias ca2_event : std_logic is irq_events(0);
alias ca1_event : std_logic is irq_events(1);
alias serial_event : std_logic is irq_events(2);
alias cb2_event : std_logic is irq_events(3);
alias cb1_event : std_logic is irq_events(4);
alias timer_b_event : std_logic is irq_events(5);
alias timer_a_event : std_logic is irq_events(6);
alias ca2_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(0);
alias ca1_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(1);
alias serial_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(2);
alias cb2_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(3);
alias cb1_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(4);
alias timer_b_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(5);
alias timer_a_flag : std_logic is irq_flags(6);
alias tmr_a_output_en : std_logic is acr(7);
alias tmr_a_freerun : std_logic is acr(6);
alias tmr_b_count_mode : std_logic is acr(5);
alias shift_dir : std_logic is acr(4);
alias shift_clk_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is acr(3 downto 2);
alias shift_mode_control : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is acr(4 downto 2);
alias pb_latch_en : std_logic is acr(1);
alias pa_latch_en : std_logic is acr(0);
alias cb2_is_output : std_logic is pcr(7);
alias cb2_edge_select : std_logic is pcr(6); -- for when CB2 is input
alias cb2_no_irq_clr : std_logic is pcr(5); -- for when CB2 is input
alias cb2_out_mode : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is pcr(6 downto 5);
alias cb1_edge_select : std_logic is pcr(4);
alias ca2_is_output : std_logic is pcr(3);
alias ca2_edge_select : std_logic is pcr(2); -- for when CA2 is input
alias ca2_no_irq_clr : std_logic is pcr(1); -- for when CA2 is input
alias ca2_out_mode : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is pcr(2 downto 1);
alias ca1_edge_select : std_logic is pcr(0);
signal ira, irb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal write_t1c_l : std_logic;
signal write_t1c_h : std_logic;
signal write_t2c_h : std_logic;
signal ca1_c, ca2_c : std_logic;
signal cb1_c, cb2_c : std_logic;
signal ca1_d, ca2_d : std_logic;
signal cb1_d, cb2_d : std_logic;
signal ca2_handshake_o : std_logic;
signal ca2_pulse_o : std_logic;
signal cb2_handshake_o : std_logic;
signal cb2_pulse_o : std_logic;
signal shift_active : std_logic;
irq <= irq_out;
write_t1c_l <= '1' when (addr = X"4" or addr = x"6") and wen='1' and falling = '1' else '0';
write_t1c_h <= '1' when addr = X"5" and wen='1' and falling = '1' else '0';
write_t2c_h <= '1' when addr = X"9" and wen='1' and falling = '1' else '0';
ca1_event <= (ca1_c xor ca1_d) and (ca1_d xor ca1_edge_select);
ca2_event <= (ca2_c xor ca2_d) and (ca2_d xor ca2_edge_select);
cb1_event <= (cb1_c xor cb1_d) and (cb1_d xor cb1_edge_select);
cb2_event <= (cb2_c xor cb2_d) and (cb2_d xor cb2_edge_select);
ca2_t <= ca2_is_output;
cb2_t_int <= cb2_is_output when serport_en='0' else shift_dir;
cb2_o_int <= hs_cb2_o when serport_en='0' else ser_cb2_o;
cb1_t <= cb1_t_int;
cb1_o <= cb1_o_int;
cb2_t <= cb2_t_int;
cb2_o <= cb2_o_int;
with ca2_out_mode select ca2_o <=
ca2_handshake_o when "00",
ca2_pulse_o when "01",
'0' when "10",
'1' when others;
with cb2_out_mode select hs_cb2_o <=
cb2_handshake_o when "00",
cb2_pulse_o when "01",
'0' when "10",
'1' when others;
process(irq_flags, irq_mask)
if (irq_flags and irq_mask) = "0000000" then
irq_out <= '0';
irq_out <= '1';
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if rising = '1' then
phi2_ref <= '1';
elsif falling = '1' then
phi2_ref <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(clock) then
-- CA1/CA2/CB1/CB2 edge detect flipflops
ca1_c <= To_X01(ca1_i);
ca2_c <= To_X01(ca2_i);
if cb1_t_int = '0' then
cb1_c <= To_X01(cb1_i);
cb1_c <= cb1_o_int;
end if;
if cb2_t_int = '0' then
cb2_c <= To_X01(cb2_i);
cb2_c <= cb2_o_int;
end if;
ca1_d <= ca1_c;
ca2_d <= ca2_c;
cb1_d <= cb1_c;
cb2_d <= cb2_c;
-- input registers
port_a_c <= port_a_i;
port_b_c <= port_b_i;
-- input latch emulation
if pa_latch_en = '0' or ca1_event = '1' then
ira <= port_a_c;
end if;
if pb_latch_en = '0' or cb1_event = '1' then
irb <= port_b_c;
end if;
-- CA2 logic
if ca1_event = '1' then
ca2_handshake_o <= '1';
elsif (ren = '1' or wen = '1') and addr = X"1" and falling = '1' then
ca2_handshake_o <= '0';
end if;
if falling = '1' then
if (ren = '1' or wen = '1') and addr = X"1" then
ca2_pulse_o <= '0';
ca2_pulse_o <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- CB2 logic
if cb1_event = '1' then
cb2_handshake_o <= '1';
elsif (ren = '1' or wen = '1') and addr = X"0" and falling = '1' then
cb2_handshake_o <= '0';
end if;
if falling = '1' then
if (ren = '1' or wen = '1') and addr = X"0" then
cb2_pulse_o <= '0';
cb2_pulse_o <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- Interrupt logic
irq_flags <= irq_flags or irq_events;
-- Writes --
if wen='1' and falling = '1' then
--last_data <= data_in;
case addr is
when X"0" => -- ORB
pio_i.prb <= data_in;
if cb2_no_irq_clr='0' then
cb2_flag <= '0';
end if;
cb1_flag <= '0';
when X"1" => -- ORA
pio_i.pra <= data_in;
if ca2_no_irq_clr='0' then
ca2_flag <= '0';
end if;
ca1_flag <= '0';
when X"2" => -- DDRB
pio_i.ddrb <= data_in;
when X"3" => -- DDRA
pio_i.ddra <= data_in;
when X"4" => -- TA LO counter (write=latch)
timer_a_latch(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when X"5" => -- TA HI counter
timer_a_latch(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
timer_a_flag <= '0';
when X"6" => -- TA LO latch
timer_a_latch(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when X"7" => -- TA HI latch
timer_a_latch(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
timer_a_flag <= '0';
when X"8" => -- TB LO latch
timer_b_latch(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when X"9" => -- TB HI counter
timer_b_flag <= '0';
when X"A" => -- Serial port
serial_flag <= '0';
when X"B" => -- ACR (Auxiliary Control Register)
acr <= data_in;
when X"C" => -- PCR (Peripheral Control Register)
pcr <= data_in;
when X"D" => -- IFR
irq_flags <= irq_flags and not data_in(6 downto 0);
when X"E" => -- IER
if data_in(7)='1' then -- set
irq_mask <= irq_mask or data_in(6 downto 0);
else -- clear
irq_mask <= irq_mask and not data_in(6 downto 0);
end if;
when X"F" => -- ORA no handshake
pio_i.pra <= data_in;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
-- Reads - Output only --
data_out <= X"00";
case addr is
when X"0" => -- ORB
--Port B reads its own output register for pins set to output.
data_out <= (pio_i.prb and pio_i.ddrb) or (irb and not pio_i.ddrb);
if tmr_a_output_en='1' then
data_out(7) <= timer_a_out;
end if;
when X"1" => -- ORA
data_out <= ira;
when X"2" => -- DDRB
data_out <= pio_i.ddrb;
when X"3" => -- DDRA
data_out <= pio_i.ddra;
when X"4" => -- TA LO counter
data_out <= timer_a_count(7 downto 0);
when X"5" => -- TA HI counter
data_out <= timer_a_count(15 downto 8);
when X"6" => -- TA LO latch
data_out <= timer_a_latch(7 downto 0);
when X"7" => -- TA HI latch
data_out <= timer_a_latch(15 downto 8);
when X"8" => -- TA LO counter
data_out <= timer_b_count(7 downto 0);
when X"9" => -- TA HI counter
data_out <= timer_b_count(15 downto 8);
when X"A" => -- SR
data_out <= shift_reg;
when X"B" => -- ACR
data_out <= acr;
when X"C" => -- PCR
data_out <= pcr;
when X"D" => -- IFR
data_out <= irq_out & irq_flags;
when X"E" => -- IER
data_out <= '1' & irq_mask;
when X"F" => -- ORA
data_out <= ira;
when others =>
end case;
-- Read actions --
if ren = '1' and falling = '1' then
case addr is
when X"0" => -- ORB
if cb2_no_irq_clr='0' then
cb2_flag <= '0';
end if;
cb1_flag <= '0';
when X"1" => -- ORA
if ca2_no_irq_clr='0' then
ca2_flag <= '0';
end if;
ca1_flag <= '0';
when X"4" => -- TA LO counter
timer_a_flag <= '0';
when X"8" => -- TB LO counter
timer_b_flag <= '0';
when X"A" => -- SR
serial_flag <= '0';
when others =>
end case;
end if;
if reset='1' then
pio_i <= pio_default;
irq_mask <= (others => '0');
irq_flags <= (others => '0');
acr <= (others => '0');
pcr <= (others => '0');
ca2_handshake_o <= '1';
ca2_pulse_o <= '1';
cb2_handshake_o <= '1';
cb2_pulse_o <= '1';
timer_a_latch <= latch_reset_pattern;
timer_b_latch <= latch_reset_pattern;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- PIO Out select --
port_a_o <= pio_i.pra;
port_b_o(6 downto 0) <= pio_i.prb(6 downto 0);
port_b_o(7) <= pio_i.prb(7) when tmr_a_output_en='0' else timer_a_out;
port_a_t <= pio_i.ddra;
port_b_t(6 downto 0) <= pio_i.ddrb(6 downto 0);
port_b_t(7) <= pio_i.ddrb(7) or tmr_a_output_en;
-- Timer A
tmr_a: block
signal timer_a_reload : std_logic;
signal timer_a_toggle : std_logic;
signal timer_a_may_interrupt : std_logic;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if falling = '1' then
-- always count, or load
if timer_a_reload = '1' then
timer_a_count <= timer_a_latch;
if write_t1c_l = '1' then
timer_a_count(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
end if;
timer_a_reload <= '0';
timer_a_may_interrupt <= timer_a_may_interrupt and tmr_a_freerun;
if timer_a_count = X"0000" then
-- generate an event if we were triggered
timer_a_reload <= '1';
end if;
--Timer coutinues to count in both free run and one shot.
timer_a_count <= timer_a_count - X"0001";
end if;
end if;
if rising = '1' then
if timer_a_event = '1' and tmr_a_output_en = '1' then
timer_a_toggle <= not timer_a_toggle;
end if;
end if;
if write_t1c_h = '1' then
timer_a_may_interrupt <= '1';
timer_a_toggle <= not tmr_a_output_en;
timer_a_count <= data_in & timer_a_latch(7 downto 0);
timer_a_reload <= '0';
end if;
if reset='1' then
timer_a_may_interrupt <= '0';
timer_a_toggle <= '1';
timer_a_count <= latch_reset_pattern;
timer_a_reload <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
timer_a_out <= timer_a_toggle;
timer_a_event <= rising and timer_a_reload and timer_a_may_interrupt;
end block tmr_a;
-- Timer B
tmr_b: block
signal timer_b_reload_lo : std_logic;
signal timer_b_oneshot_trig : std_logic;
signal timer_b_timeout : std_logic;
signal pb6_c, pb6_d : std_logic;
variable timer_b_decrement : std_logic;
if rising_edge(clock) then
timer_b_decrement := '0';
if rising = '1' then
pb6_c <= To_X01(port_b_i(6));
pb6_d <= pb6_c;
end if;
if falling = '1' then
timer_b_timeout <= '0';
timer_b_tick <= '0';
if tmr_b_count_mode = '1' then
if (pb6_d='1' and pb6_c='0') then
timer_b_decrement := '1';
end if;
else -- one shot or used for shift register
timer_b_decrement := '1';
end if;
if timer_b_decrement = '1' then
if timer_b_count = X"0000" then
if timer_b_oneshot_trig = '1' then
timer_b_oneshot_trig <= '0';
timer_b_timeout <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if timer_b_count(7 downto 0) = X"00" then
case shift_mode_control is
when "001" | "101" | "100" =>
timer_b_reload_lo <= '1';
timer_b_tick <= '1';
when others =>
end case;
end if;
timer_b_count <= timer_b_count - X"0001";
end if;
if timer_b_reload_lo = '1' then
timer_b_count(7 downto 0) <= timer_b_latch(7 downto 0);
timer_b_reload_lo <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if write_t2c_h = '1' then
timer_b_count <= data_in & timer_b_latch(7 downto 0);
timer_b_oneshot_trig <= '1';
end if;
if reset='1' then
timer_b_count <= latch_reset_pattern;
timer_b_reload_lo <= '0';
timer_b_oneshot_trig <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
timer_b_event <= rising and timer_b_timeout;
end block tmr_b;
ser: block
signal trigger_serial: std_logic;
signal shift_clock_d : std_logic;
signal shift_clock : std_logic;
signal shift_tick_r : std_logic;
signal shift_tick_f : std_logic;
signal shift_timer_tick : std_logic;
signal cb2_c : std_logic := '0';
signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to 7;
signal shift_pulse : std_logic;
process(shift_active, timer_b_tick, shift_clk_sel, shift_clock, shift_clock_d, shift_timer_tick)
case shift_clk_sel is
when "10" =>
shift_pulse <= '1';
when "00"|"01" =>
shift_pulse <= shift_timer_tick;
when others =>
shift_pulse <= shift_clock and not shift_clock_d;
end case;
if shift_active = '0' then
-- Mode 0 still loads the shift register to external pulse (MMBEEB SD-Card interface uses this)
if shift_mode_control = "000" then
shift_pulse <= shift_clock and not shift_clock_d;
shift_pulse <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if rising_edge(clock) then
cb2_c <= To_X01(cb2_i);
if rising = '1' then
if shift_active='0' then
if shift_mode_control = "000" then
shift_clock <= To_X01(cb1_i);
shift_clock <= '1';
end if;
elsif shift_clk_sel = "11" then
shift_clock <= To_X01(cb1_i);
elsif shift_pulse = '1' then
shift_clock <= not shift_clock;
end if;
shift_clock_d <= shift_clock;
end if;
if falling = '1' then
shift_timer_tick <= timer_b_tick;
end if;
if reset = '1' then
shift_clock <= '1';
shift_clock_d <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
cb1_t_int <= '0' when shift_clk_sel="11" else serport_en;
cb1_o_int <= shift_clock_d;
ser_cb2_o <= shift_reg(7);
serport_en <= shift_dir or shift_clk_sel(1) or shift_clk_sel(0);
trigger_serial <= '1' when (ren='1' or wen='1') and addr=x"A" else '0';
shift_tick_r <= not shift_clock_d and shift_clock;
shift_tick_f <= shift_clock_d and not shift_clock;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if reset = '1' then
shift_reg <= X"FF";
elsif falling = '1' then
if wen = '1' and addr = X"A" then
shift_reg <= data_in;
elsif shift_dir='1' and shift_tick_f = '1' then -- output
shift_reg <= shift_reg(6 downto 0) & shift_reg(7);
elsif shift_dir='0' and shift_tick_r = '1' then -- input
shift_reg <= shift_reg(6 downto 0) & cb2_c;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- tell people that we're ready!
serial_event <= shift_tick_r and not shift_active and rising and serport_en;
if rising_edge(clock) then
if falling = '1' then
if shift_active = '0' and shift_mode_control /= "000" then
if trigger_serial = '1' then
bit_cnt <= 7;
shift_active <= '1';
end if;
else -- we're active
if shift_clk_sel = "00" then
shift_active <= shift_dir; -- when '1' we're active, but for mode 000 we go inactive.
elsif shift_pulse = '1' and shift_clock = '1' then
if bit_cnt = 0 then
shift_active <= '0';
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if reset='1' then
shift_active <= '0';
bit_cnt <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end block ser;
end Gideon;