import os import json import inspect from shutil import which from sysconfig import get_platform from migen import * from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import CSRStatus from import generated_banner from litex.soc.doc.rst import reflow from litex.soc.doc.module import gather_submodules, ModuleNotDocumented, DocumentedModule, DocumentedInterrupts from litex.soc.doc.csr import DocumentedCSRRegion from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import _CompoundCSR #from litex.soc.integration.export import _get_rw_functions_c # for generating a timestamp in the description field, if none is otherwise given import datetime import time ### _get_rw_functions_c( reg_name, reg_base, nwords, busword, alignment, read_only, with_access_functions): def _get_rw_functions_c(name, csr_name, reg_base, area_base, nwords, busword, alignment, read_only, with_access_functions): reg_name = name + "_" + csr_name r = "" addr_str = "CSR_{}_ADDR".format(reg_name.upper()) size_str = "CSR_{}_SIZE".format(reg_name.upper()) r += "#define {} (CSR_{}_BASE + {}L)\n".format(addr_str, name.upper(), hex(reg_base - area_base)) r += "#define {} {}\n".format(size_str, nwords) size = nwords*busword//8 if size > 8: # downstream should select appropriate `csr_[rd|wr]_buf_uintX()` pair! return r elif size > 4: ctype = "uint64_t" elif size > 2: ctype = "uint32_t" elif size > 1: ctype = "uint16_t" else: ctype = "uint8_t" stride = alignment//8; if with_access_functions: r += "static inline {} {}_read(uint32_t a32) {{\n".format(ctype, reg_name, name) if nwords > 1: r += "\t{} r = __builtin_bswap32(*((volatile {}*)(a32 + {})));\n".format(ctype, ctype, addr_str) for sub in range(1, nwords): r += "\tr <<= {};\n".format(busword) r += "\tr |= __builtin_bswap32(*((volatile {}*)(a32 + {} + {})));\n".format(ctype, addr_str, (sub*stride)) r += "\treturn r;\n}\n" else: r += "\treturn __builtin_bswap32(*((volatile {}*)(a32 + {})));\n}}\n".format(ctype, addr_str) if not read_only: r += "static inline void {}_write(uint32_t a32, {} v) {{\n".format(reg_name, ctype) for sub in range(nwords): shift = (nwords-sub-1)*busword if shift: v_shift = "v >> {}".format(shift) else: v_shift = "v" r += "\t*((volatile {}*)(a32 + {} + {})) = __builtin_bswap32({});\n".format(ctype, addr_str, (sub*stride), v_shift) r += "}\n" return r def get_csr_header_split(regions, constants, csr_base=None, with_access_functions=True): alignment = constants.get("CONFIG_CSR_ALIGNMENT", 32) ar = dict() for name, region in regions.items(): r = generated_banner("//") r += "#ifndef __GENERATED_{}_CSR_H\n#define __GENERATED_{}_CSR_H\n".format(name.upper(), name.upper()) csr_base = csr_base if csr_base is not None else regions[next(iter(regions))].origin origin = region.origin - csr_base r += "\n/* "+name+" */\n" r += "#ifndef CSR_BASE\n" r += "#define CSR_BASE {}L\n".format(hex(csr_base & 0x00FFFFFF)) r += "#endif\n" r += "#ifndef CSR_"+name.upper()+"_BASE\n" r += "#define CSR_"+name.upper()+"_BASE (CSR_BASE + "+hex(origin)+"L)\n" if not isinstance(region.obj, Memory): for csr in region.obj: nr = (csr.size + region.busword - 1)//region.busword r += _get_rw_functions_c(name = name, csr_name =, reg_base = origin, area_base = region.origin - csr_base, nwords = nr, busword = region.busword, alignment = alignment, read_only = getattr(csr, "read_only", False), with_access_functions = with_access_functions) origin += alignment//8*nr if hasattr(csr, "fields"): for field in csr.fields.fields: offset = str(field.offset) size = str(field.size) r += "#define CSR_"+name.upper()+"_""_""_OFFSET "+offset+"\n" r += "#define CSR_"+name.upper()+"_""_""_SIZE "+size+"\n" if with_access_functions and csr.size <= 32: # FIXME: Implement extract/read functions for csr.size > 32-bit. reg_name = name + "_" + field_name = reg_name + "_" + r += "static inline uint32_t " + field_name + "_extract(uint32_t a32, uint32_t oldword) {\n" r += "\tuint32_t mask = ((1 << " + size + ")-1);\n" r += "\treturn ( (oldword >> " + offset + ") & mask );\n}\n" r += "static inline uint32_t " + field_name + "_read(uint32_t a32) {\n" r += "\tuint32_t word = " + reg_name + "_read(a32);\n" r += "\treturn " + field_name + "_extract(a32, word);\n" r += "}\n" if not getattr(csr, "read_only", False): r += "static inline uint32_t " + field_name + "_replace(uint32_t a32, uint32_t oldword, uint32_t plain_value) {\n" r += "\tuint32_t mask = ((1 << " + size + ")-1);\n" r += "\treturn (oldword & (~(mask << " + offset + "))) | (mask & plain_value)<< " + offset + " ;\n}\n" r += "static inline void " + field_name + "_write(uint32_t a32, uint32_t plain_value) {\n" r += "\tuint32_t oldword = " + reg_name + "_read(a32);\n" r += "\tuint32_t newword = " + field_name + "_replace(a32, oldword, plain_value);\n" r += "\t" + reg_name + "_write(a32, newword);\n" r += "}\n" r += "#endif // CSR_"+name.upper()+"_BASE\n" r += "\n#endif\n" ar[name] = r return ar