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from migen import *
from migen.genlib.fifo import *
from migen.genlib.cdc import *
from migen.fhdl.specials import Tristate
import litex
from litex.soc.interconnect import wishbone
class MC68030_SYNC_FSM(Module):
def __init__(self, platform, wb_read, wb_write, cd_m68k="m68k"):
# 68030
A = platform.request("A") # 32 # address, I[O]
D = platform.request("D") # 32 # data, IO
RW_n = platform.request("RW_n") # direction of bus transfer with respect to the main processor, I [three-state, high read, write low]
DS_n = platform.request("DS_n") # data strobe, I[O]
BERR_n = platform.request("BERR_n") # bus error, [I]O
HALT_n = platform.request("HALT_n") # Signal indicating that main processor should suspend all bus activity, O
SIZ_n = platform.request("SIZ") # 2 # in conjunction with processors dynamic bus sizing capabilities to indicate number of bytes remaining to be transferred during current bus cycle, I [three-state]
FC = platform.request("FC") # 3 # Function code used to identify address space of current bus cycle, I[O]
# RESET_n = platform.request("RESET_n") # Bidirectional signal that initiates system reset.
# RMC = platform.request("RMC") # identifies current bus cycle as part of indivisible read-modify-write operation, three-state
# DSACK_n = platform.request("DSACK_n") # 2 # Data transfer acknowledge, I[O]
# CBREQ_n = platform.request("CBREQ_n") # CPU burst reuqest, I ?
# CBACK_n = platform.request("CBACK_n") # CPU burst ack, w/ STERM, IO ?
#STERM_n = platform.request("STERM_n") # indicates termination of a transfer using the MC68030 synchronous cycle, [I]O
# in this version STERM is negated by the driver
STERM = platform.request("STERM") # indicates termination of a transfer using the MC68030 synchronous cycle, [I]O
CPU_AS_n = platform.request("CPU_AS_n") # address strobe, I [three-state]
# CIOUT_n = platform.request("CIOUT_n") # cache inhibit out (from cpu), I
# BR_n = platform.request("BR_n") # bus request, I
# CPU_BG_n = platform.request("CPU_BG_n") # processor bus grant, I ?
# BGACK_n = platform.request("BGACK_n") # bus grant ack, I
# IPL = platform.request("IPL") # 3 # Interrupt priority-level lines.
## DBEN_n not in PDS slot (buffer enable)
## CIIN_n not in PDS slot (cache in inhibit)
## OCS_n not in PDS slot (operand cycle start)
## ECS_n not in PDS slot (external cycle start) # is on IIfx
# not 68030
# CACHE = platform.request("CACHE")
# CLK16M not connected
# CPU_CLK = platform.request("CPU_CLK") # handled in CRG
# CPU_DISABLE_n = platform.request("CPU_DISABLE_n") # Disables the MC68030 CPU (and MC68882 FPU, if installed) on the main logic board. This signal is used by a PDS card that replaces the main processor.
# CPU_TYPE = platform.request("CPU_TYPE") # Defines bus protocol for the PDS; logical one (1) for MC68020 and MC68030, logical zero (0) for MC68040. # not in IIci
# FC3 not connected # Additional function code bit, used to indicate that the software is running in 32-bit address mode. (As in the Macintosh LC II, the software always runs in 32-bit mode.) # not in IIci
# FPU_SEL_n = platform.request("FPU_SEL_n") # Select signal for an optional MC68881 or MC68882 FPU on the card. # not in IIci
# PDS_AS not connected (16 MHz AS)
# PDS_DSACK not connected (16 MHz DSACK)
# 16MASTER not connected (grounded on board for 32 bits)
# SLOT_BG_n = platform.request("SLOT_BG_n") # Bus grant signal to the expansion card. # not in IIci
SLOTIRQ_E_n = platform.request("SLOTIRQ_n") # IRQ for (pseudo-)slot E # not in IIci
# SLOTIRQ_C_n # not supported on LCIII/LC520 # IRQ for (pseudo-)slot C # not in IIci
# SLOTIRQ_D_n # not supported on LCIII/LC520 # IRQ for (pseudo-)slot D # not in IIci
# SNDOUT not connected (Apple II-style sound) # not in IIci
# # ROMOE_n only in IIci
# # BUSLOCK_n only in SE/30, IIsi (nubus bus lock)
# # NUBUS_n only in SE/30, IIsi (signal nubus access)
# # BCLK only in SE/30, IIsi (VIA clock)
# # PFW only in SE/30, IIsi (power failure)
#card_select = Signal()
# we don't have 24-bits mode, FC3 is assumed to be 1
#self.comb += card_select.eq(A[31] & (~FC[0] | ~FC[1] | ~FC[2])) # high-order address bit set & not in CPU space
A_i = Signal(32)
#A_o = Signal(32)
#A_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
#self.specials += Tristate(A, A_o, A_oe, A_i)
A_latch = Signal(32)
self.comb += [ A_I.eq(A) ]
D_i = Signal(32)
D_o = Signal(32)
D_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
self.specials += Tristate(D, D_o, D_oe, D_i)
D_latch = Signal(32)
#DSACK_i_n = Signal(2)
#DSACK_o_n = Signal(2)
#DSACK_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
#self.specials += Tristate(DSACK_n, DSACK_o_n, DSACK_oe, DSACK_i_n)
SIZ_i_n = Signal(2)
#SIZ_o_n = Signal(2)
#SIZ_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
#self.specials += Tristate(SIZ_n, SIZ_o_n, SIZ_oe, SIZ_i_n)
self.comb += [ SIZ_i_n.eq(SIZ_n) ]
AS_i_n = Signal()
#AS_o_n = Signal()
#AS_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
#self.specials += Tristate(CPU_AS_n, AS_o_n, AS_oe, AS_i_n)
self.comb += [ AS_i_n.eq(AS_n) ]
DS_i_n = Signal()
#DS_o_n = Signal()
#DS_oe = Signal(reset = 0)
#self.specials += Tristate(DS_n, DS_o_n, DS_oe, DS_i_n)
self.comb += [ DS_i_n.eq(DS_n) ]
my_space = Signal()
self.comb += [ my_space.eq((A_i[24:31] == 0xf9) & (~FC[0] | ~FC[1] | ~FC[2])) ] # checkme
self.submodules.slave_fsm = slave_fsm = ClockDomainsRenamer(cd_m68k)(FSM(reset_state="Reset"))
If((my_space & ~AS_i_n & RW_n), # Read
wb_read.sel.eq(0xf), # always read 32-bits for cache
NextValue(A_latch, A_i[2:32]),
STERM.eq(0), # insert delay
).Elif((my_space & ~AS_i_n & ~RW_n), # Write, data not ready just yet
NextValue(A_latch, A_i[2:32]),
STERM.eq(0), # insert delay
STERM.eq(0), # insert delay
NextValue(D_latch, wb_read.dat_r),
STERM.eq(1), # ACK 32-bits for 1 cycle
D_oe.eq(1), # keep data one more cycle
STERM.eq(1), # ACK finished after 1 cycle
# assumes SIZ & A_i[0:2] are both 0 (longword, aligned), checkme
wb_write.dat_w.eq(D_i), # data available this cycle (and later)
STERM.eq(0), # wait
slave_fsm.act("FinishWrite", # unnecessary ?
STERM.eq(0), # finish ACK after one cycle