2023-01-10 23:14:02 +01:00

1421 lines
50 KiB

File: NuBusFPGAHDMIAudio.c
Contains: NuBusFGPA HDMI sound output component
Written by: Romain Dolbeau
Copyright: © 2023 by Romain Dolbeau
Based upon the following reference code from 'Develop Magazine, issue 20':
File: NoiseMaker.c
Contains: Sample sound output component
Written by: Kip Olson
Copyright: © 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc.
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <SoundInput.h>
#include <Components.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include "Sound.h"
#include "SoundComponents.h"
#include "Slots.h"
#include "ROMDefs.h"
// Hardware
#define GOBLIN_BT_OFFSET 0x00900000
#define u_int32_t volatile unsigned long
//#define BT_DEBUG 1
// this is the DAC registers, not needed for audio except 'debug' is handy
struct goblin_bt_regs {
u_int32_t mode;
u_int32_t vblmask;
u_int32_t videoctrl;
u_int32_t intrclear;
u_int32_t reset;
u_int32_t lutaddr;
u_int32_t lut;
u_int32_t debug;
#define GOBLIN_CSR_OFFSET 0x00a01000
// those are the CSRs, we don't touch the VTG but the audio stuff is in there as well
struct goblin_csr {
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_hres;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_hsync_start;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_hsync_end;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_hscan;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_vres;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_vsync_start;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_vsync_end;
u_int32_t goblin_video_framebuffer_vtg_vscan;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_irqstatus;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_bufstatus;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_addr;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_size;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_addr;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_size;
u_int32_t goblin_goblin_audio_buf_desc;
#define GOBLIN_AUDIOBUFFER_SIZE 0x00002000
// we currently have 8 KiB (0x2000) of SRAM there, but perhaps we could move that to the SDRAM?
static inline unsigned long brev(const unsigned long r) {
return (((r&0xFF000000)>>24) | ((r&0xFF0000)>>8) | ((r&0xFF00)<<8) | ((r&0xFF)<<24));
// Constants
#define kDelegateComponentCall ((ComponentRoutine) -1L) // flag that selector should be delegated instead of called
#define kNoiseMakerVersion 0x00010000 // version for this sound component
#define kRequiredSndMgrMajorRev 3 // Sound Manager version required to run this component
// hardware settings
#define kSampleSizesCount 2
#define k8BitSamples 8 // 8-bit samples
#define k16BitSamples 16 // 16-bit samples
#define kSampleRatesCount 1 // 3
#define kSupportsSampleRateRange false // set to true to use sample rate range
#define kSampleRateMin 0x2B110000 // sample rate min = 11.025 kHz
#define kSampleRateMax 0xAC440000 // sample rate max = 44.100 kHz
#define kSampleRate44 0xAC440000 // 44.1000 kHz rate
#define kSampleRate22 0x56220000 // 22.050 kHz rate
#define kSampleRate11 0x2B110000 // 11.025 kHz rate
#define kChannelsCount 1 // 2
#define kNumChannelsMono 1 // mono
#define kNumChannelsStereo 2 // stereo
#define kInterruptBufferSamples GOBLIN_AUDIOBUFFER_SIZE/(4 * kNumChannelsStereo * k16BitSamples >> 3) // size of interrupt buffer in samples
// Data Structures
/* Data structure passed to some GetInfo calls */
typedef struct {
short count;
Handle handle;
} HandleList, *HandleListPtr;
/* Preferences data structure. A handle containing this data structure is stored in the
Sound Preferences file and is loaded into the sound component refcon when it is opened. */
typedef struct {
UnsignedFixed sampleRate;
short sampleSize;
short numChannels;
unsigned long volume;
} PreferencesRecord, *PreferencesPtr, **PreferencesHandle;
/* Sound component globals */
typedef struct {
// these are general purpose variables that every sound component will need
ComponentInstance self; // ourselves
ComponentInstance sourceComponent; // component to call when hardware needs more data
SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr; // pointer to source data structure
Handle globalsHandle; // handle to component globals
Boolean inSystemHeap; // true if component loaded in system heap, false if in app heap
Boolean prefsChanged; // true if preferences have changed
PreferencesHandle prefsHandle; // global preferences
// these are variables specific to this implementation
SoundComponentData hwSettings; // current hardware settings
unsigned long hwVolume; // current hardware volume
Boolean hwInterruptsOn; // true if sound is playing
Boolean hwInitialized; // true if hardware was initialized by __InitOutputDevice
SlotIntQElement *siqel;
struct goblin_bt_regs* bt; // for debug
struct goblin_csr* csr; // CSR, including audio control
u_int32_t* buf0; // primary address for first buffer (host view)
u_int32_t* buf1; // primary address for second buffer (host view)
unsigned char lastbuf;
unsigned char slot;
GlobalsRecord, *GlobalsPtr;
// Compatibility with old names (?)
typedef ComponentFunctionUPP ComponentRoutine;
// Prototypes
pascal ComponentResult main(ComponentParameters *params, GlobalsPtr globals);
ComponentRoutine GetComponentRoutine(short selector);
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentRegister(GlobalsPtr globals);
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentVersion(void *unused1);
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentCanDo(void *unused1, short selector);
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentOpen(void *unused1, ComponentInstance self);
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentClose(GlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self);
pascal ComponentResult __InitOutputDevice(GlobalsPtr globals, long actions);
pascal ComponentResult __GetInfo(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr);
pascal ComponentResult __SetInfo(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr);
pascal ComponentResult __StartSource(GlobalsPtr globals, short count, SoundSource *sources);
pascal ComponentResult __PlaySourceBuffer(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, SoundParamBlockPtr pb, long actions);
Handle NewHandleLockClear(long len, Boolean inSystemHeap);
PreferencesHandle GetPreferences(ComponentInstance self, Boolean inSystemHeap);
void SavePreferences(ComponentInstance self, PreferencesHandle prefsHandle);
OSErr SetupHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
void ReleaseHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr StartHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
void StopHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
void SuspendHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
void ResumeHardware(GlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr SetHardwareVolume(GlobalsPtr globals, unsigned long volume);
pascal void InterruptRoutine(SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand *cmd);
SoundComponentDataPtr GetMoreSource(GlobalsPtr globals);
void CopySamplesToHardware(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr);
asm pascal void irqTrampoline(void);
// Main Component Entry Point
/* =======================================================================================
The function of this routine is to dispatch to the appropriate component method. It first
calls finds the address of the method to dispatch to using the selector provided in the
what field of the parameter block. If the address is -1L, then this selector should
be delegated. If the address is nil, this selector is not supported.
======================================================================================= */
pascal ComponentResult main(ComponentParameters *params, GlobalsPtr globals)
ComponentRoutine theRtn;
ComponentResult result;
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
if (globals) {
if ((*globals).bt) {
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'MAIN';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = params->what;
} else {
(*(struct goblin_bt_regs*)0xfc900000).debug = 'MaIn';
(*(struct goblin_bt_regs*)0xfc900000).debug = params->what;
} else {
(*(struct goblin_bt_regs*)0xfc900000).debug = 'main';
(*(struct goblin_bt_regs*)0xfc900000).debug = params->what;
theRtn = GetComponentRoutine(params->what); // get address of component routine
if (theRtn == nil) // selector not implemented
result = badComponentSelector;
else if (theRtn == kDelegateComponentCall) // selector should be delegated
result = DelegateComponentCall(params, globals->sourceComponent);
result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorage((Handle) globals, params, (ComponentFunctionUPP) theRtn);
return (result);
/* =======================================================================================
The function of this routine is to return the address of the appropriate component method.
To do this, the routine must deal with 3 selector ranges:
-5 to -1 These are the standard Component Manager selectors that all components
must share. Refer to the Component Manager documentation for more info.
0 to 255 These selectors cannot be delegated. If the sound component does not implement
one of these selectors, it should return the badComponentSelector error.
256 to ° These selectors should be delegated. If the sound component does not implement
one of these selectors, it should use DelegateComponentCall() to pass
this selector on up the chain. If the sound component does implement this
selector, it should first delegate the selector, then perform the function.
======================================================================================= */
ComponentRoutine GetComponentRoutine(short selector)
void *theRtn;
if (selector < 0)
switch (selector) // standard component selectors
case kComponentRegisterSelect:
theRtn = __ComponentRegister;
case kComponentVersionSelect:
theRtn = __ComponentVersion;
case kComponentCanDoSelect:
theRtn = __ComponentCanDo;
case kComponentCloseSelect:
theRtn = __ComponentClose;
case kComponentOpenSelect:
theRtn = __ComponentOpen;
theRtn = nil; // unknown selector, so fail
else if (selector < kDelegatedSoundComponentSelectors) // selectors that cannot be delegated
switch (selector)
case kSoundComponentInitOutputDeviceSelect:
theRtn = __InitOutputDevice;
theRtn = nil; // unknown selector, so fail
else // selectors that can be delegated
switch (selector)
case kSoundComponentGetInfoSelect:
theRtn = __GetInfo;
case kSoundComponentSetInfoSelect:
theRtn = __SetInfo;
case kSoundComponentStartSourceSelect:
theRtn = __StartSource;
case kSoundComponentPlaySourceBufferSelect:
theRtn = __PlaySourceBuffer;
theRtn = kDelegateComponentCall; // unknown selector, so delegate it
return (theRtn);
// Component Manager Methods
/* ==============================================================================
Component Register
This routine is called once, usually at boot time, when the Component Manager
is first registering this sound component. This routine should check to see if the proper
hardware is installed and return 0 if it is. If the hardware is not installed,
the routine should return 1 and this component will not be registered. This is
also an opportunity to do one-time initializations and perhaps register this
component again if more than one hardware device is available. Global state information
can also be saved in the component refcon by calling SetComponentRefCon();
NOTE: The cmpWantsRegisterMessage bit must be set in the component flags of the
sound component in order for this routine to be called.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentRegister(GlobalsPtr globals)
long result;
NumVersion version;
if ((Gestalt(gestaltSoundAttr, &result) == noErr) && // snd gestalt is available
(result & (1L << gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent))) // snd dispatcher is available
version = SndSoundManagerVersion(); // get the Sound Manager version
if (version.majorRev >= kRequiredSndMgrMajorRev) // it's what we need
// Check for hardware here. We are always installed, so we return 0
OSErr ret = noErr;
SpBlock mySpBlock;
SInfoRecord mySInfoRecord;
mySpBlock.spResult = (long)&mySInfoRecord;
mySpBlock.spSlot = 0x9;
mySpBlock.spID = 0;
mySpBlock.spExtDev = 0;
mySpBlock.spCategory = catProto;
mySpBlock.spCType = 0x1001;
mySpBlock.spDrvrSW = drSwApple;
mySpBlock.spDrvrHW = 0xbeed;
mySpBlock.spTBMask = 0;
ret = SNextTypeSRsrc(&mySpBlock);
if (ret)
return 1; // oups
(*globals).slot = mySpBlock.spSlot;
(*globals).bt = (struct goblin_bt_regs*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)mySpBlock.spSlot)<<24 |
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'REGI';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'slot';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = mySpBlock.spSlot;
(*globals).csr = (struct goblin_csr*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)mySpBlock.spSlot)<<24 |
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'csr ';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = (unsigned long)(*globals).csr;
return (0); // install this sound component
return (1); // do not install component
/* ==============================================================================
Component Version
This routine is called to determine the current version of the sound component.
It should return a fixed-point value containing the version, like 0x10001
for version 1.1. The version given here must match the version stored in
the 'thng' resource.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentVersion(void *unused1)
#pragma unused (unused1)
return (kNoiseMakerVersion); // return sound component version
/* ==============================================================================
Component CanDo
This routine is called to determine if a particular selector is implemented.
It should return 1 if this is a valid selector, or 0 if the selector is not
implemented or if the selector is always delegated.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentCanDo(void *unused1, short selector)
#pragma unused (unused1)
ComponentRoutine theRtn;
theRtn = GetComponentRoutine(selector); // see if this selector is implemented
if ((theRtn == nil) || // selector is not implemented
(theRtn == kDelegateComponentCall)) // or selector is always delegated
return (0); // no can do
return (1); // selector is implemented
/* ==============================================================================
Component Open
This routine is called when the Component Manager creates an instance of this
component. The routine should allocate global variables in the appropriate heap
and call SetComponentInstanceStorage() so the Component Manager can remember
the globals and pass them to all the method calls.
Determining the heap to use can be tricky. The Component Manager will normally
load the component code into the system heap, which is good, since many applications
will be sharing this component to play sound. In this case, the components's global
variable storage should also be created in the system heap.
However, if system heap memory is tight, the Component Manager will load
the component into the application heap of the first application that plays sound.
When this happens, the component should create global storage in the application heap
instead. The Sound Manager will make sure that other applications will not try
to play sound while the component is in this application heap.
To determine the proper heap to use, call GetComponentInstanceA5(). If the value
returned is 0, then the component was loaded into the system heap, and all storage
should be allocated there. If the value returned is non-zero, the component is in
the application heap specifed by returned A5 value, and all storage should be
allocated in this application heap.
NOTE: If the component is loaded into the application heap, the value returned by
GetComponentRefCon() will be 0.
NOTE: Do not attempt to initialize or access hardware in this call, since the
Component Manager will call Open() BEFORE calling Register().
Instead, initialize the hardware during InitOutputDevice(), described below.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentOpen(void *unused1, ComponentInstance self)
#pragma unused (unused1)
Handle h;
GlobalsPtr globals;
Boolean inSystemHeap;
inSystemHeap = GetComponentInstanceA5(self) == 0; // find out if we were loaded in app heap or system heap
h = NewHandleLockClear(sizeof(GlobalsRecord), inSystemHeap); // get space for globals in appropriate heap
if (h == nil)
globals = (GlobalsPtr) *h;
(*globals).siqel = (SlotIntQElement*)NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(SlotIntQElement));
if ((*globals).siqel == nil) {
SetComponentInstanceStorage (self, (Handle) globals); // save pointer to our globals
globals->self = self; // remember ourselves
globals->globalsHandle = h; // remember the handle
globals->inSystemHeap = inSystemHeap; // remember which heap we are in
globals->prefsHandle = GetPreferences(self, inSystemHeap); // retrieve or create preferences
if (globals->prefsHandle == nil) // could create preferences
return (memFullErr); // we can't run
return (noErr);
/* ==============================================================================
Component Close
This routine is called when the Component Manager is closing the instance of
this component. If the hardware was initialized, the routine should make sure
all remaining data is written to the hardware and that the hardware is completely
turned off. It should delete all global storage and close any other components
that were opened.
NOTE: Be sure to check that the globals pointer passed in to this routine is
not set to NIL. If the Open() routine fails for any reason, the Component
Manager will call this routine passing in a NIL for the globals.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __ComponentClose(GlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self)
if (globals) // we have some globals
if (globals->hwInitialized) // hardware was initialized
ReleaseHardware(globals); // make sure the hardware is off and release it
HUnlock((Handle) globals->prefsHandle); // let prefs handle roam now
if (globals->sourceComponent) // we opened a mixer
CloseMixerSoundComponent(globals->sourceComponent); // close it
if (globals->prefsChanged) // preferences changed
SavePreferences(self, globals->prefsHandle); // save them
if (!globals->inSystemHeap) // prefs are in app heap
DisposeHandle((Handle) globals->prefsHandle); // dispose of them
DisposeHandle(globals->globalsHandle); // dispose our storage
return (noErr);
// Standard Sound Component Methods
/* ==============================================================================
This routine is called once when the Sound Manager first opens this sound component.
The routine should initialize the hardware to default values, allocate the
appropriate mixer and create any other memory that is required.
NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __InitOutputDevice(GlobalsPtr globals, long actions)
#pragma unused (actions)
ComponentResult result;
PreferencesPtr prefsPtr;
OSErr ret = noErr;
SpBlock mySpBlock;
SInfoRecord mySInfoRecord;
mySpBlock.spResult = (long)&mySInfoRecord;
mySpBlock.spSlot = 0x9;
mySpBlock.spID = 0;
mySpBlock.spExtDev = 0;
mySpBlock.spCategory = catProto;
mySpBlock.spCType = 0x1001;
mySpBlock.spDrvrSW = drSwApple;
mySpBlock.spDrvrHW = 0xbeed;
mySpBlock.spTBMask = 0;
ret = SNextTypeSRsrc(&mySpBlock);
if (ret)
return notEnoughHardware; // oups
(*globals).slot = mySpBlock.spSlot;
(*globals).bt = (struct goblin_bt_regs*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)mySpBlock.spSlot)<<24 |
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'INIT';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'SLOT';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = mySpBlock.spSlot;
(*globals).csr = (struct goblin_csr*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)mySpBlock.spSlot)<<24 |
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'CSR ';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = (unsigned long)(*globals).csr;
// Open the mixer and tell it the type of data it should output. The
// description includes sample format, sample rate, sample size, number of channels
// and the size of your optimal interrupt buffer. If a mixer cannot be found that
// will output this type of data, an error will be returned.
prefsPtr = *globals->prefsHandle; // get settings from preferences
// set to hardware defaults
globals->hwSettings.flags = 0;
globals->hwSettings.format = (prefsPtr->sampleSize == k8BitSamples) ? kOffsetBinary : kTwosComplement;
globals->hwSettings.sampleRate = prefsPtr->sampleRate;
globals->hwSettings.sampleSize = prefsPtr->sampleSize;
globals->hwSettings.numChannels = prefsPtr->numChannels;
globals->hwSettings.sampleCount = kInterruptBufferSamples * 2;
// open mixer that will output this format
result = OpenMixerSoundComponent(&globals->hwSettings, 0, &globals->sourceComponent);
if (result != noErr)
return (result);
result = SetupHardware(globals); // setup the hardware to these settings
if (result == noErr)
globals->hwInitialized = true; // hardware is ready to go
HLock((Handle) globals->prefsHandle); // lock prefs so we can use them at interrupt time
return (result);
/* ==============================================================================
This routine returns information about this output component to the Sound Manager.
A 4-byte OSType selector is used to determine the type and size of the information
to return. If the component does not support a selector, it should delegate this
call on up the chain.
NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time. However, selectors that return
a handle will not be called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __GetInfo(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID,
OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
HandleListPtr listPtr;
short *sp;
UnsignedFixed *lp;
Handle h;
PreferencesPtr prefsPtr;
ComponentResult result = noErr;
prefsPtr = *globals->prefsHandle; // get settings from preferences
switch (selector)
case siSampleSize: // return current sample size
*((short *) infoPtr) = prefsPtr->sampleSize;
case siSampleSizeAvailable: // return samples sizes available
h = NewHandle(sizeof(short) * kSampleSizesCount); // space for sample sizes
if (h == nil)
return (MemError());
listPtr = (HandleListPtr) infoPtr;
listPtr->count = kSampleSizesCount; // no. sample sizes in handle
listPtr->handle = h; // handle to be returned
sp = (short *) *h; // store sample sizes in handle
*sp++ = k8BitSamples;
*sp++ = k16BitSamples;
case siSampleRate: // return current sample rate
*((Fixed *) infoPtr) = prefsPtr->sampleRate;
case siSampleRateAvailable: // return sample rates available
h = NewHandle(sizeof(UnsignedFixed) * kSampleRatesCount); // space for sample rates
if (h == nil)
return (MemError());
listPtr = (HandleListPtr) infoPtr;
listPtr->count = kSampleRatesCount; // no. sample rates in handle
listPtr->handle = h; // handle to be returned
lp = (UnsignedFixed *) *h;
// If the hardware can support a range of sample rate values, then the
// list count should be set to zero and the min and max sample rate values
// should be stored in the handle.
if (kSupportsSampleRateRange)
listPtr->count = 0;
*lp++ = kSampleRateMin; // min
*lp++ = kSampleRateMax; // max
// If the hardware supports a limited set of sample rates, then the list count
// should be set to the number of sample rates and this list of rates should be
// stored in the handle.
//*lp++ = kSampleRate11; // store sample rates in handle
//*lp++ = kSampleRate22;
*lp++ = kSampleRate44;
case siNumberChannels: // return current no. channels
*((short *) infoPtr) = prefsPtr->numChannels;
case siChannelAvailable: // return channels available
h = NewHandle(sizeof(short) * kChannelsCount); // space for channels
if (h == nil)
return (MemError());
listPtr = (HandleListPtr) infoPtr;
listPtr->count = kChannelsCount; // no. channels in handle
listPtr->handle = h; // handle to be returned
sp = (short *) *h; // store channels in handle
//*sp++ = kNumChannelsMono;
*sp++ = kNumChannelsStereo;
case siHardwareVolume:
*((long *)infoPtr) = prefsPtr->volume;
// if you do not handle this selector, then delegate it up the chain
result = SoundComponentGetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
return (result);
/* ==============================================================================
This routine sets information about this component. A 4-byte OSType selector is
used to determine the type and size of the information to apply. If the component
does not support a selector, it should delegate this call on up the chain.
NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __SetInfo(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID,
OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
PreferencesPtr prefsPtr;
ComponentResult result = noErr;
prefsPtr = *globals->prefsHandle; // get settings from preferences
switch (selector)
case siSampleSize: // set sample size
short sampleSize = (short) infoPtr;
if ((sampleSize == k8BitSamples) || // make sure it is a valid sample size
(sampleSize == k16BitSamples))
prefsPtr->sampleSize = sampleSize; // save new size in prefs
globals->prefsChanged = true; // save prefs on close
result = siInvalidSampleSize;
case siSampleRate: // set sample rate
UnsignedFixed sampleRate = (UnsignedFixed) infoPtr;
if (kSupportsSampleRateRange) // sample rate range
if ((kSampleRateMin <= sampleRate) && (sampleRate <= kSampleRateMax)) // make sure it is a valid sample rate
prefsPtr->sampleRate = sampleRate; // save new rate in prefs
globals->prefsChanged = true; // save prefs on close
result = siInvalidSampleRate;
if (/*(sampleRate == kSampleRate11) || // make sure it is a valid sample rate
(sampleRate == kSampleRate22) ||*/
(sampleRate == kSampleRate44))
prefsPtr->sampleRate = sampleRate; // save new rate in prefs
globals->prefsChanged = true; // save prefs on close
result = siInvalidSampleSize;
case siNumberChannels: // set no. channels
short numChannels = (short) infoPtr;
if (/*(numChannels == kNumChannelsMono) ||*/ // make sure it is a valid no. channels
(numChannels == kNumChannelsStereo))
prefsPtr->numChannels = numChannels; // save new num channels in prefs
globals->prefsChanged = true; // save prefs on close
result = notEnoughHardware;
case siHardwareVolume:
prefsPtr->volume = (long) infoPtr; // save volume in prefs
globals->prefsChanged = true; // save prefs on close
result = SetHardwareVolume(globals, prefsPtr->volume);
// if you do not handle this selector, then call up the chain
result = SoundComponentSetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
return (result);
/* ==============================================================================
This routine is used to start sounds playing that are currently paused. It should
first delegate this call up the chain so the rest of the chain can prepare
to play this sound. Then, if the hardware is not already started it should be
turned on.
NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __StartSource(GlobalsPtr globals, short count, SoundSource *sources)
ComponentResult result;
// tell the mixer to start these sources
result = SoundComponentStartSource(globals->sourceComponent, count, sources);
if (result != noErr)
return (result);
// make sure hardware interrupts are running
result = StartHardware(globals);
return (result);
/* ==============================================================================
This routine is used to specify a new sound to play and conditionally start
the hardware playing that sound.It should first delegate this call up the
chain so the rest of the chain can prepare to play this sound. Then, if the
hardware is not already started it should be turned on.
NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.
============================================================================== */
pascal ComponentResult __PlaySourceBuffer(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, SoundParamBlockPtr pb, long actions)
ComponentResult result;
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'PLAY';
// tell mixer to start playing this new buffer
result = SoundComponentPlaySourceBuffer(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, pb, actions);
if (result != noErr)
return (result);
// if the kSourcePaused bit is set, then do not turn on your hardware just yet
// (the assumption is that StartSource() will later be used to start this sound playing).
// If this bit is not set, turn your hardware interrupts on.
if (!(actions & kSourcePaused))
result = StartHardware(globals);
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'YALP';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = result;
return (result);
// This routine creates a locked handle in the requested heap.
Handle NewHandleLockClear(long len, Boolean inSystemHeap) // allocate a new handle, lock it down and clear it
Handle h;
if (inSystemHeap) // we are loaded into the system heap
ReserveMemSys(len); // create it low down in system heap
h = NewHandleSysClear(len);
else // we are loaded into the app heap
h = NewHandleClear(len); // create our memory there and move it out of the way
if (h) MoveHHi(h);
if (h) HLock(h); // lock it down
return (h);
// This routine gets the preferences from the refCon or the preferences file
// or creates default preferences if it has to.
PreferencesHandle GetPreferences(ComponentInstance self, Boolean inSystemHeap)
Handle prefsHandle, componentName;
PreferencesPtr prefsPtr;
ComponentDescription componentDesc;
OSErr err;
prefsHandle = (Handle) GetComponentRefcon((Component) self); // get prefs from component refcon
if (prefsHandle)
return ((PreferencesHandle) prefsHandle); // valid prefs in refcon, so we are done
componentName = NewHandle(0); // make space for name
if (componentName == nil)
goto NewNameHandleFailed;
err = GetComponentInfo((Component) self, &componentDesc, componentName, nil, nil); // get component name and subtype
if (err != noErr)
goto InfoFailed;
prefsHandle = NewHandleLockClear(sizeof(PreferencesRecord), inSystemHeap); // create space for prefs handle
if (prefsHandle == nil)
goto NewPrefsHandleFailed;
HUnlock(prefsHandle); // don't leave prefs handle locked down forever
err = GetSoundPreference(componentDesc.componentSubType, (StringPtr) *componentName, prefsHandle); // get prefs handle from file
if (err != noErr) // no file or prefs not in file
goto GetPrefsFailed;
if (GetHandleSize(prefsHandle) != sizeof(PreferencesRecord)) // older version of preferences
goto GetPrefsFailed; // start with all new preferences
SetComponentRefcon((Component) self, (long) prefsHandle); // save prefs in refcon
return ((PreferencesHandle) prefsHandle); // we are done
/* If we end up here, it means that the preferences could not be loaded out of the
sound preferences file for some reason, so we need to generate some default preferences. */
prefsHandle = NewHandleLockClear(sizeof(PreferencesRecord), inSystemHeap); // create space for prefs handle
if (prefsHandle == nil)
return (nil);
HUnlock(prefsHandle); // don't leave prefs handle locked down forever
prefsPtr = (PreferencesPtr) *prefsHandle;
prefsPtr->sampleSize = k16BitSamples;//k8BitSamples; // initialize prefs to defaults
prefsPtr->sampleRate = kSampleRate44;//kSampleRate22;
prefsPtr->numChannels = kNumChannelsStereo;
prefsPtr->volume = (kFullVolume << 16) | kFullVolume;
SetComponentRefcon((Component) self, (long) prefsHandle); // save prefs in refcon
return ((PreferencesHandle) prefsHandle); // we are done
// This routine saves the hardware globals in the preferences file
void SavePreferences(ComponentInstance self, PreferencesHandle prefsHandle)
Handle componentName;
ComponentDescription componentDesc;
OSErr err;
componentName = NewHandle(0); // make space for name
if (componentName == nil)
goto NewNameHandleFailed;
err = GetComponentInfo((Component) self, &componentDesc, componentName, nil, nil); // get component name and subtype
if (err != noErr)
goto InfoFailed;
err = SetSoundPreference(componentDesc.componentSubType, (StringPtr) *componentName, (Handle) prefsHandle);
// Hardware-specific Methods
// Initialize the hardware. Our "hardware" just uses the Sound Manager to
// play sounds. Your hardware would probably do something completely different.
// We have to find another output component to play sound with, or the Sound Manager
// will try to use our component by default when we call SndNewChannel. We do this
// by searching for another output component, and passing that component to SndNewChannel
// with a flag set telling the Sound Manager to use this component instead of the default.
OSErr SetupHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
OSErr err = noErr;
// host view ; currently mapped to the SRAM, could be anywhere
// in fact, I'm not sure how MacOS would handle it, but it could be in host memory
// using the wishbone DMA word-by-word
// (or using a more sophisticated approach and using block request for 8/16/32/64 bytes)
(*globals).buf0 = (u_int32_t*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)(*globals).slot)<<24 |
(*globals).buf1 = (u_int32_t*)(0xF0000000 |
((unsigned long)(*globals).slot)<<24 |
(GOBLIN_AUDIOBUFFER_SIZE >> 1)); // offset by 4 KiB
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'bufX';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = (unsigned long)(*globals).buf0;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = (unsigned long)(*globals).buf1;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = brev((unsigned long)&(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_addr);
(*(*globals).bt).debug = brev((unsigned long)&(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_addr);
// HW view (internal Wishbone addresses, so w/o the slot number)
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_addr = brev((unsigned long)(0xF0000000 |
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_addr = brev((unsigned long)(0xF0000000 |
(*(*globals).siqel).sqType = sIQType;
(*(*globals).siqel).sqPrio = 6;
(*(*globals).siqel).sqAddr = irqTrampoline;
(*(*globals).siqel).sqParm = (long)globals;
SIntInstall((*globals).siqel, (*globals).slot);
return (err);
// Release the hardware.
void ReleaseHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
StopHardware(globals); // make sure hardware is off
// remove interrupt
SIntRemove((*globals).siqel, (*globals).slot);
// Turn on hardware interrupts.
OSErr StartHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
OSErr err = noErr;
if (!globals->hwInterruptsOn)
globals->hwInterruptsOn = true; // the hardware will soon be on
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = brev(0x3); // enable interrup, clear previous
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_size = brev(1); // make pretend
(*globals).buf1[0] = 0; // silence
(*globals).lastbuf = 1;
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl = brev(0x00010101); // auto-stop play buf1, this will just force an interrupt
return (err);
// Turn off hardware interrupts.
void StopHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
// stop playing
// race condition ?
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl = (*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl | brev(0x00010000); // add auto-stop
if (globals->hwInterruptsOn)
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = brev(0x2); // clear low-order bit (enable) & clear irq (second bit)
globals->hwInterruptsOn = false; // the hardware is now off
// Temporarily suspend hardware interrupts, so the interrupt routine can work in peace.
void SuspendHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
if (globals->hwInterruptsOn)
// Suspend hardware interrupts here
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = 0; // clear low-order bit (enable)
// Resume hardware interrupts after they were suspended.
void ResumeHardware(GlobalsPtr globals)
if (globals->hwInterruptsOn)
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = brev(0x1); // set low-order bit (enable)
// Set hardware volume.
OSErr SetHardwareVolume(GlobalsPtr globals, unsigned long volume)
OSErr err = noErr;
// fixme TODO
return (err);
// This routine is called every hardware interrupt to fill the hardware
// with audio data. First it should suspend interrupts so it will not
// be interrupted again. Then it should get more data from the source mixer,
// and copy the data to the hardware. On the way out, if all data was copied,
// try to get some more so it will be available immediately next interrupt.
pascal void InterruptRoutine(SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand *cmd)
#pragma unused (chan)
GlobalsPtr globals;
SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr;
globals = (GlobalsPtr) cmd->param2; // get globals from command
SuspendHardware(globals); // suspend interrupts while we are processing
sourceDataPtr = GetMoreSource(globals); // get source from mixer
if (sourceDataPtr == nil) // no more source
StopHardware(globals); // turn hardware off
CopySamplesToHardware(globals, sourceDataPtr); // fulfill hardware request
// Normally, you will want to check to see if you have run out
// of data here and get more right away so you will be ready for
// the next interrupt. This example does not have any hardware
// to copy the data to, so it leaves the data in the mixer buffer and
// thus cannot call for more until it has been played.
// if (sourceDataPtr->sampleCount == 0) // exhausted the source
// sourceDataPtr = GetMoreSource(globals); // get more for next time
ResumeHardware(globals); // resume interrupts
// This routine returns the data pointer to your mixer source. If there
// is no source or it is empty, it will call down the chain to fill it up.
SoundComponentDataPtr GetMoreSource(GlobalsPtr globals)
ComponentResult result;
SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;
if ((sourceDataPtr == nil) || (sourceDataPtr->sampleCount == 0)) // no data - better get some
result = SoundComponentGetSourceData(globals->sourceComponent, &globals->sourceDataPtr);
sourceDataPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;
if ((result != noErr) || // error getting data
(sourceDataPtr == nil) || // source has no data pointer to return
(sourceDataPtr->sampleCount == 0)) // source has no more data
return (nil); // stop the presses
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'srcd';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = sourceDataPtr->numChannels;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = sourceDataPtr->sampleSize;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = sourceDataPtr->sampleRate;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = sourceDataPtr->sampleCount;
return (sourceDataPtr); // return pointer to source
// Example-specific Methods
// These routines are only needed to make this example work and as such should not be
// used in your sound component.
static void StereoBlockMove(const void *in, void* out, const int sampleBytes, const int sampleCount) {
int i;
unsigned long data;
switch(sampleBytes) {
case 1: {
for (i = 0 ; i < sampleCount/2; i++) {
data = ((unsigned short*)in)[i];
data = ((data & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (data & 0x000000FF);
data |= (data << 8);
((unsigned long*)out)[i] = data;
if (sampleCount & 1) {
((unsigned char*)out)[2 * sampleCount - 2] = ((unsigned char*)in)[sampleCount - 1];
((unsigned char*)out)[2 * sampleCount - 1] = ((unsigned char*)in)[sampleCount - 1];
} break;
case 2: {
for (i = 0 ; i < sampleCount; i++) {
data = ((unsigned short*)in)[i];
data |= (data << 16);
((unsigned long*)out)[i] = data;
} break;
// This routine copies the data returned by the mixer to the hardware.
static void CopySamplesToHardware(GlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr)
OSErr err = noErr;
const unsigned long status = brev((*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl);
const int sampleBytes = sourceDataPtr->sampleSize >> 3;
const int sampleChannel = sourceDataPtr->numChannels;
if (status & 0x0100) {
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'cont';
// already playing, so the 'lastbuf' is empty
// and we are playing lastbuf xor 1
switch ((*globals).lastbuf) {
case 0:
if (sampleChannel == 2) {
BlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf0), sampleBytes * 2 * sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
} else if (sampleChannel == 1) {
StereoBlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf0), sampleBytes, sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_size = brev(sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
(*globals).lastbuf = 1;
//(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl = brev(0x0100); // play buf0 // redundant ?
case 1:
if (sampleChannel == 2) {
BlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf1), sampleBytes * 2 * sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
} else if (sampleChannel == 1) {
StereoBlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf1), sampleBytes, sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_size = brev(sourceDataPtr->sampleCount);
(*globals).lastbuf = 0;
//(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl = brev(0x0101); // play buf1 // redundant ?
sourceDataPtr->sampleCount = 0; // sound has been played
} else {
// not yet playing, put half of the samples in each buffer
// so that when the first buffer is empty, we'll be playing the second while reloading
const long buf0count = sourceDataPtr->sampleCount / 2;
const long buf1count = sourceDataPtr->sampleCount - buf0count;
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'new ';
(*(*globals).bt).debug = buf0count;
(*(*globals).bt).debug = buf1count;
if (sampleChannel == 2) {
BlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf0), sampleBytes * 2 * buf0count);
BlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer + sampleBytes * 2 * buf0count, (void*)((*globals).buf1), sampleBytes * 2 * buf1count);
} else if (sampleChannel == 1) {
StereoBlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer, (void*)((*globals).buf0), sampleBytes, buf0count);
StereoBlockMove(sourceDataPtr->buffer + sampleBytes * buf0count, (void*)((*globals).buf1), sampleBytes, buf1count);
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf0_size = brev(buf0count);
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf1_size = brev(buf1count);
(*globals).lastbuf = 0;
sourceDataPtr->sampleCount = 0; // sound has been played
// now play for real
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_buf_desc = brev((sourceDataPtr->sampleSize == k8BitSamples ? 0x1 : 0x0) |
(sourceDataPtr->format == kOffsetBinary ? 0x0080 : 0x0000)); // otherwise assume kTwosComplement
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_ctrl = brev(0x0100); // play buf0
// Hardware IRQ handling
short irqFct(GlobalsPtr globals);
#pragma parameter __D0 irqFct(__A1)
short irqFct(GlobalsPtr globals)
SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr;
long irqstatus;
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'irq ';
// first, is that one of ours ?
irqstatus = brev((*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqstatus);
if ((irqstatus & 1) == 0) {
// nope
return 0;
#ifdef BT_DEBUG
(*(*globals).bt).debug = 'irqA';
// yes, ours, clear & suspend it before dealing with it
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = brev(0x2);
sourceDataPtr = GetMoreSource(globals); // get source from mixer
if (sourceDataPtr == nil) // no more source
StopHardware(globals); // turn hardware off
CopySamplesToHardware(globals, sourceDataPtr); // fulfill hardware request
(*(*globals).csr).goblin_goblin_audio_irqctrl = brev(0x1); // restart interrupt
return 1;
// only save what needs to preserve, then call the 'real' function
asm pascal void irqTrampoline(void)
MOVEM.L D1-D6/A0/A2-A5,-(A7)
BSR irqFct
MOVEM.L (A7)+,D1-D6/A0/A2-A5