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// QuadrATX fan speed controller //
// The Apple Chronicles //
// v0.45 //
// set board to 8MHz!!!
// configure Arduino as ISP
// variables declaration
int SensorPin = A1; // pin 7
int PWMPin = PB0; // pin 5
int PotPin = A2; // pin 3
int LEDPin = PB1; // pin 6
int SensorVal; // "temperature" from NTC
int PWMVal; // fan PWM output "speed"
int PotVal; // real potentiometer value, to define the cold/normal operation fan speed.
int PotValmapped; // lowest position shall correspond to the absolute minimum speed (see below) and not OFF, new potentiometer value
int MinSpeed=64; // absolute minimum speed, 0=0% and 255=100%, currently set to 25%, corresponds to lowest pot value
// Calibration variables
int NTCcold=512; // corresponds to ambient temperature, 10K for a 10k NTC @25°C
int NTChot=110; // corresponds to highest temperature before LED lights up, about 1.3K for a 10k NTC @80°C
int PotMin=0; // corresponds to lowest position on potentiometer
int PotMax=1023; // corresponds to highest position on potentiometer
// setup code, to run once
void setup() {
// avoid fan stall at startup
//set PWM frequency of PB0 (Pin 5, ATTiny85, fan output) to 31,250 Hz.
TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111000 | 0b001;
// define pin modes ATTiny85
pinMode(SensorPin, INPUT);
pinMode(PotPin, INPUT);
pinMode(PWMPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
// Set fan to full speed for one second at startup (prevents stall)
analogWrite(PWMPin, 255);
// main code, to run repeatedly
void loop() {
//read NTC sensor value
SensorVal = analogRead(SensorPin);
if( (SensorVal > NTCcold) && (SensorVal < 1000) ){ // in case ambient temperature is lower than 25°C
SensorVal = NTCcold;}
if( (SensorVal > NTCcold) && (SensorVal > 1000) ){ // NTC failure (open circuit)
SensorVal = NTChot-1;}
//read pot value
PotVal = analogRead(PotPin);
// map and assign pot/pwm values. 0 to 255 corresponds to 0 to 100%
PotValmapped = map(PotVal, PotMin, PotMax, MinSpeed, 254); // change potentiometer characteristic, lowest position corresponds to absolute minimum speed
PWMVal = map(SensorVal, NTCcold, NTChot, PotValmapped, 255); // linear fan curve from ambient to LED lighting up. PotValmapped is the minimum fan speed set by the potentiometer
// Overheating indicator
if (SensorVal<NTChot){
PWMVal=255; // full speed
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH); // LED ON
else {
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW); // LED OFF
//write the PWM value to the pwm output pin
analogWrite(PWMPin, PWMVal);
delay(1000); // updates every second