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*** Settings ***
Documentation Test that the RaSCSI service can be started and stopped.
Library OperatingSystem
Resource Resources/rascsi_utils.resource
Resource Resources/linux_services.resource
Suite Setup Open Connection to Rascsi and Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
*** Test Cases ***
RaSCSI Service Can be Started as a Service
[Documentation] Start the Rascsi service and make sure it stays running
When The Rascsi Service is Started
Then The RaSCSI Service Should be Running
RaSCSI Service Can be Stopped as a Service
[Documentation] Stop the Rascsi service and make sure it stays stopped
When the Rascsi Service is Stopped
Then the RaSCSI Service should be Stopped
RaSCSI Service Can be Restarted as a Service
[Documentation] Restart the Rascsi service and make sure it stays running
Given The RaSCSI Service is Started
When The Rascsi Service is Restarted
Then the Rascsi Service should be Running