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2023-01-09 02:04:49 +00:00
// SCSI Target Emulator RaSCSI (*^..^*)
// for Raspberry Pi
// Copyright (C) 2001-2006 (ytanaka@ipc-tokai.or.jp)
// Copyright (C) 2014-2020 GIMONS
// Copyright (C) akuker
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
// See LICENSE file in the project root folder.
// [ SCSI NEC "Genuine" Hard Disk]
#include "scsihd_nec.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
SCSIHD_NEC::SCSIHD_NEC(const set<uint32_t>& sector_sizes) : SCSIHD(sector_sizes, false)
// Work initialization
cylinders = 0;
heads = 0;
sectors = 0;
// Extract words that are supposed to be little endian
static inline WORD getWordLE(const BYTE *b)
return ((WORD)(b[1]) << 8) | b[0];
// Extract longwords assumed to be little endian
static inline DWORD getDwordLE(const BYTE *b)
return ((DWORD)(b[3]) << 24) | ((DWORD)(b[2]) << 16) | ((DWORD)(b[1]) << 8) | b[0];
void SCSIHD_NEC::Open(const Filepath& path)
// Open as read-only
Fileio fio;
if (!fio.Open(path, Fileio::ReadOnly)) {
throw file_not_found_exception("Can't open hard disk file");
// Get file size
off_t size = fio.GetFileSize();
// NEC root sector
BYTE root_sector[512];
if (size >= (off_t)sizeof(root_sector)) {
if (!fio.Read(root_sector, sizeof(root_sector))) {
throw io_exception("Can't read NEC hard disk file root sector");
// Effective size must be a multiple of 512
size = (size / 512) * 512;
int image_size = 0;
int sector_size = 0;
// Determine parameters by extension
const char *ext = path.GetFileExt();
// PC-9801-55 NEC genuine?
if (!strcasecmp(ext, ".hdn")) {
// Assuming sector size 512, number of sectors 25, number of heads 8 as default settings
disk.image_offset = 0;
image_size = size;
sector_size = 512;
sectors = 25;
heads = 8;
cylinders = (int)(size >> 9);
cylinders >>= 3;
cylinders /= 25;
// Anex86 HD image?
else if (!strcasecmp(ext, ".hdi")) {
disk.image_offset = getDwordLE(&root_sector[8]);
image_size = getDwordLE(&root_sector[12]);
sector_size = getDwordLE(&root_sector[16]);
sectors = getDwordLE(&root_sector[20]);
heads = getDwordLE(&root_sector[24]);
cylinders = getDwordLE(&root_sector[28]);
// T98Next HD image?
else if (!strcasecmp(ext, ".nhd")) {
if (!memcmp(root_sector, "T98HDDIMAGE.R0\0", 15)) {
disk.image_offset = getDwordLE(&root_sector[0x110]);
cylinders = getDwordLE(&root_sector[0x114]);
heads = getWordLE(&root_sector[0x118]);
sectors = getWordLE(&root_sector[0x11a]);
sector_size = getWordLE(&root_sector[0x11c]);
image_size = (off_t)cylinders * heads * sectors * sector_size;
else {
throw io_exception("Invalid NEC image file format");
// Image size consistency check
if (disk.image_offset + image_size > size || (image_size % sector_size != 0)) {
throw io_exception("Image size consistency check failed");
// Calculate sector size
for (size = 16; size > 0; --size) {
if ((1 << size) == sector_size)
if (size <= 0 || size > 16) {
throw io_exception("Invalid NEC disk size");
// Number of blocks
SetBlockCount(image_size >> disk.size);
FinalizeSetup(path, size);
int SCSIHD_NEC::Inquiry(const DWORD *cdb, BYTE *buf)
int size = SCSIHD::Inquiry(cdb, buf);
// This drive is a SCSI-1 SCCS drive
buf[2] = 0x01;
buf[3] = 0x01;
return size;
void SCSIHD_NEC::AddErrorPage(map<int, vector<BYTE>>& pages, bool) const
vector<BYTE> buf(8);
// The retry count is 0, and the limit time uses the default value inside the device.
pages[1] = buf;
void SCSIHD_NEC::AddFormatPage(map<int, vector<BYTE>>& pages, bool changeable) const
vector<BYTE> buf(24);
// Page can be saved
buf[0] = 0x80;
// Make the number of bytes in the physical sector appear mutable (although it cannot actually be)
if (changeable) {
buf[0xc] = 0xff;
buf[0xd] = 0xff;
pages[3] = buf;
if (IsReady()) {
// Set the number of tracks in one zone (PC-9801-55 seems to see this value)
buf[0x2] = (BYTE)(heads >> 8);
buf[0x3] = (BYTE)heads;
// Set the number of sectors per track
buf[0xa] = (BYTE)(sectors >> 8);
buf[0xb] = (BYTE)sectors;
// Set the number of bytes in the physical sector
int size = 1 << disk.size;
buf[0xc] = (BYTE)(size >> 8);
buf[0xd] = (BYTE)size;
// Set removable attributes (remains of the old days)
if (IsRemovable()) {
buf[20] = 0x20;
pages[3] = buf;
void SCSIHD_NEC::AddDrivePage(map<int, vector<BYTE>>& pages, bool changeable) const
vector<BYTE> buf(20);
// No changeable area
if (!changeable && IsReady()) {
// Set the number of cylinders
buf[0x2] = (BYTE)(cylinders >> 16);
buf[0x3] = (BYTE)(cylinders >> 8);
buf[0x4] = (BYTE)cylinders;
// Set the number of heads
buf[0x5] = (BYTE)heads;
pages[4] = buf;