* Correct German translation for Key
* Web UI: Rework the Attach Device section to be universal
* Web UI: Warn when working dirs are missing
* Refactor tests to use global endpoint constants
* Add fallback for unknown disk type devices
* Rearrange the index page sections
* Move Macproxy help text to admins page
* Remove image list exception for SCHD
* Show Settings button when auth is diabled
* Tweak CSS styles for both themes
* Move Eject action next to the file name, and improve UI labels
- Fixed ignore patterns in .dockerignore
- Added healthchecks to backend and web containers
- Reduced Docker image sizes
- Removed RaSCSI references in various areas (e.g. rascsi -> backend)
- Added compilation-only step to easyinstall.sh
- Moved apt package lists to variables
- Revert to triggering GitHub Actions runs on push
- Updated web/frontend_checks workflow to run black and flake8 against all Python sources
- Capture log files from backend/web containers
- Fix None to float conversion bug when user agent is absent or unrecognised
* Dockerize Pytest
* Fix auto-delete warning in delete file test
* Allow tests to be executed with a non-default home dir
* Use hostname for Docker container only if tests executed in Docker
* Update container entrypoint to pytest
* Re-format tests with black
* Define if the execution environment is a Docker container in env fixture
* Skip unsupported host bridge attachment test in Docker