#!/usr/bin/env python3 # BSD 3-Clause License # # Copyright (c) 2021, akuker # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import RPi.GPIO as gpio import time pin_settle_delay = 0.01 err_count = 0 # Define constants for each of the SCSI signals, based upon their # raspberry pi pin number (since we're using BOARD mode of RPi.GPIO) scsi_d0_gpio = 19 scsi_d1_gpio = 23 scsi_d2_gpio = 32 scsi_d3_gpio = 33 scsi_d4_gpio = 8 scsi_d5_gpio = 10 scsi_d6_gpio = 36 scsi_d7_gpio = 11 scsi_dp_gpio = 12 scsi_atn_gpio = 35 scsi_rst_gpio = 38 scsi_ack_gpio = 40 scsi_req_gpio = 15 scsi_msg_gpio = 16 scsi_cd_gpio = 18 scsi_io_gpio = 22 scsi_bsy_gpio = 37 scsi_sel_gpio = 13 # Pin numbers of the direction controllers of the RaSCSI board rascsi_ind_gpio = 31 rascsi_tad_gpio = 26 rascsi_dtd_gpio = 24 rascsi_none = -1 # Matrix showing all of the SCSI signals, along what signal they're looped back to. # dir_ctrl indicates which direction control pin is associated with that output gpio_map = [ { 'gpio_num': scsi_d0_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_ack_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d1_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_sel_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d2_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_atn_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d3_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_rst_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d4_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_cd_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d5_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_io_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d6_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_msg_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_d7_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_req_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_dp_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_bsy_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_dtd_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_atn_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d2_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_ind_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_rst_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d3_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_ind_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_ack_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d0_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_ind_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_req_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d7_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_tad_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_msg_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d6_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_tad_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_cd_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d4_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_tad_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_io_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d5_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_tad_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_bsy_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_dp_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_tad_gpio}, { 'gpio_num': scsi_sel_gpio, 'attached_to': scsi_d1_gpio, 'dir_ctrl': rascsi_ind_gpio}, ] # List of all of the SCSI signals that is also a dictionary to their human readable name scsi_signals = { scsi_d0_gpio: 'D0', scsi_d1_gpio: 'D1', scsi_d2_gpio: 'D2', scsi_d3_gpio: 'D3', scsi_d4_gpio: 'D4', scsi_d5_gpio: 'D5', scsi_d6_gpio: 'D6', scsi_d7_gpio: 'D7', scsi_dp_gpio: 'DP', scsi_atn_gpio: 'ATN', scsi_rst_gpio: 'RST', scsi_ack_gpio: 'ACK', scsi_req_gpio: 'REQ', scsi_msg_gpio: 'MSG', scsi_cd_gpio: 'CD', scsi_io_gpio: 'IO', scsi_bsy_gpio: 'BSY', scsi_sel_gpio: 'SEL' } # Debug function that just dumps the status of all of the scsi signals to the console def print_all(): for cur_gpio in gpio_map: print(cur_gpio['name']+"="+str(gpio.input(cur_gpio['gpio_num'])) + " ", end='', flush=True) print("") # Set transceivers IC1 and IC2 to OUTPUT def set_dtd_out(): gpio.output(rascsi_dtd_gpio,gpio.LOW) # Set transceivers IC1 and IC2 to INPUT def set_dtd_in(): gpio.output(rascsi_dtd_gpio,gpio.HIGH) # Set transceiver IC4 to OUTPUT def set_ind_out(): gpio.output(rascsi_ind_gpio,gpio.HIGH) # Set transceiver IC4 to INPUT def set_ind_in(): gpio.output(rascsi_ind_gpio,gpio.LOW) # Set transceiver IC3 to OUTPUT def set_tad_out(): gpio.output(rascsi_tad_gpio,gpio.HIGH) # Set transceiver IC3 to INPUT def set_tad_in(): gpio.output(rascsi_tad_gpio,gpio.LOW) # Set the specified transciever to an OUTPUT. All of the other transceivers # will be set to inputs. If a non-existent direction gpio is specified, this # will set all of the transceivers to inputs. def set_output_channel(out_gpio): if(out_gpio == rascsi_tad_gpio): set_tad_out() else: set_tad_in() if(out_gpio == rascsi_dtd_gpio): set_dtd_out() else: set_dtd_in() if(out_gpio == rascsi_ind_gpio): set_ind_out() else: set_ind_in() # Main test procedure. This will execute for each of the SCSI pins to make sure its connected # properly. def test_gpio_pin(gpio_rec): global err_count set_output_channel(gpio_rec['dir_ctrl']) ############################################ # set the test gpio low gpio.output(gpio_rec['gpio_num'], gpio.LOW) time.sleep(pin_settle_delay) # loop through all of the gpios for cur_gpio in scsi_signals: # all of the gpios should be high except for the test gpio and the connected gpio cur_val = gpio.input(cur_gpio) if( cur_gpio == gpio_rec['gpio_num']): if(cur_val != gpio.LOW): print("Error: Test commanded GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " to be low, but it did not respond") err_count = err_count+1 elif (cur_gpio == gpio_rec['attached_to']): if(cur_val != gpio.LOW): print("Error: GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " should drive " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['attached_to']] + " low, but did not") err_count = err_count+1 else: if(cur_val != gpio.HIGH): print("Error: GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " incorrectly pulled " + scsi_signals[cur_gpio] + " LOW, when it shouldn't have") err_count = err_count+1 ############################################ # set the transceivers to input set_output_channel(rascsi_none) time.sleep(pin_settle_delay) # loop through all of the gpios for cur_gpio in scsi_signals: # all of the gpios should be high except for the test gpio cur_val = gpio.input(cur_gpio) if( cur_gpio == gpio_rec['gpio_num']): if(cur_val != gpio.LOW): print("Error: Test commanded GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " to be low, but it did not respond") err_count = err_count+1 else: if(cur_val != gpio.HIGH): print("Error: GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " incorrectly pulled " + scsi_signals[cur_gpio] + " LOW, when it shouldn't have") err_count = err_count+1 # Set the transceiver back to output set_output_channel(gpio_rec['dir_ctrl']) ############################################# # set the test gpio high gpio.output(gpio_rec['gpio_num'], gpio.HIGH) time.sleep(pin_settle_delay) # loop through all of the gpios for cur_gpio in scsi_signals: # all of the gpios should be high cur_val = gpio.input(cur_gpio) if( cur_gpio == gpio_rec['gpio_num']): if(cur_val != gpio.HIGH): print("Error: Test commanded GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " to be high, but it did not respond") err_count = err_count+1 else: if(cur_val != gpio.HIGH): print("Error: GPIO " + scsi_signals[gpio_rec['gpio_num']] + " incorrectly pulled " + scsi_signals[cur_gpio] + " LOW, when it shouldn't have") err_count = err_count+1 # Initialize the GPIO library, set all of the gpios associated with SCSI signals to outputs and set # all of the direction control gpios to outputs def setup(): gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) gpio.setwarnings(False) for cur_gpio in gpio_map: gpio.setup(cur_gpio['gpio_num'], gpio.OUT, initial=gpio.HIGH) # Setup direction control gpio.setup(rascsi_ind_gpio, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(rascsi_tad_gpio, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(rascsi_dtd_gpio, gpio.OUT) # Main functions for running the actual test. if __name__ == '__main__': # setup the GPIOs setup() # Test each SCSI signal in the gpio_map for cur_gpio in gpio_map: test_gpio_pin(cur_gpio) # Print the test results if(err_count == 0): print("-------- Test PASSED --------") else: print("!!!!!!!! Test FAILED !!!!!!!!") print("Total errors: " + str(err_count)) gpio.cleanup()