*** Settings *** Documentation Test the RaSCSI CD-ROM emulation functionality. Library OperatingSystem Resource Resources/rascsi_utils.resource Resource Resources/linux_services.resource Resource Resources/linux_scsi_utils.resource Suite Setup Run Keywords Open Connection to Rascsi and Log In ... AND The Rascsi Service is Started ... AND The RaSCSI Service Should be Running ... AND Detach all RaSCSI SCSI Devices Suite Teardown Run Keywords Detach all RaSCSI SCSI Devices ... AND Delete all SCSI devices from Linux ... AND Close All Connections Test Teardown Run Keywords Detach all RaSCSI SCSI Devices ... AND Delete all SCSI devices from Linux ... AND Delete all RaSCSI drive images *** Test Cases *** MacOS formated ISO is mounted and correct size is reported [Documentation] Mount a MacOS formatted ISO and check that its size is ... detected correctly. Note that Linux is not able to ... mount this image. Note: Marathon was chosen because ... its a reasonably small image. Large images will make ... this test take a LONG time. Given CD-ROM Drive is attached as SCSI ID 6 When Insert Removable Media marathon.iso into SCSI ID 6 Then the size of SCSI ID 6 is equal to the size of marathon.iso And the checksum of SCSI ID 6 is equal to the checksum of marathon.iso ISO-9660 formated ISO is mounted correct size is reported [Documentation] Mount a pre-made IDS-9660 formatted ISO and check ... that it is read correctly [Teardown] Unmount SCSI ID 5 Given CD-ROM Drive is attached as SCSI ID 5 When Insert Removable Media ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso into SCSI ID 5 And Mount SCSI ID 5 as ubuntu Then SCSI ID 5 has been mounted at ubuntu And the size of SCSI ID 5 is equal to the size of ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso And the filesystem type of SCSI ID 5 is iso9660 And the file pics/debian.jpg in the ubuntu directory matches the original in ISO ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso And the file install/vmlinuz in the ubuntu directory matches the original in ISO ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso CD-ROM Read Speed is as fast as expected [Documentation] Check that the read speed from the emulated CD-ROM is within ... the expected range. This should detect if a change cause the ... drive to slow down significantly Given CD-ROM Drive is attached as SCSI ID 2 When insert Removable Media ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso into SCSI ID 2 Then the measured read speed for 1 megabytes of data from SCSI ID 2 is greater than 750 KB/s Then the measured read speed for 10 megabytes of data from SCSI ID 2 is greater than 950 KB/s And the measured read speed for 100 megabytes of data from SCSI ID 2 is greater than 950 KB/s Create an ISO from a RaSCSI CD-ROM device and verify it matches [Documentation] On the RaSCSI, we'll mount an ISO, then on the host system, we ... will generate a new ISO from the emulated CD-ROM and make sure ... that it matches the original [Teardown] Remove temporary file dup_simtower.iso Given CD-ROM Drive is attached as SCSI ID 0 When Insert removable media simtower.iso into SCSI ID 0 And create an image named dup_simtower.iso from SCSI ID 0 Then local file dup_simtower.iso matches RaSCSI file simtower.iso