//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SCSI Target Emulator PiSCSI for Raspberry Pi // Loopback tester utility // // Copyright (C) 2022 akuker // // [ Loopback tester utility ] // // For more information, see: // https://github.com/PiSCSI/piscsi/wiki/Troubleshooting#Loopback_Testing // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "hal/log.h" #include "shared/piscsi_version.h" #include "shared/piscsi_util.h" #include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h" #include "scsiloop/scsiloop_core.h" #include "scsiloop/scsiloop_cout.h" #include "scsiloop/scsiloop_gpio.h" #include "scsiloop/scsiloop_timer.h" #include #include #if defined CONNECT_TYPE_STANDARD #include "hal/connection_type/connection_standard.h" #elif defined CONNECT_TYPE_FULLSPEC #include "hal/connection_type/connection_fullspec.h" #elif defined CONNECT_TYPE_AIBOM #include "hal/connection_type/connection_aibom.h" #elif defined CONNECT_TYPE_GAMERNIUM #include "hal/connection_type/connection_gamernium.h" #else #error Invalid connection type or none specified #endif using namespace std; using namespace spdlog; string current_log_level = "unknown"; // Some versions of spdlog do not support get_log_level() void ScsiLoop::Banner(const vector &args) const { cout << piscsi_util::Banner("(SCSI Loopback Test)"); cout << "Connection type: " << CONNECT_DESC << '\n' << flush; if ((args.size() > 1 && strcmp(args[1], "-h") == 0) || (args.size() > 1 && strcmp(args[1], "--help") == 0)) { cout << "\nUsage: " << args[0] << " [-L log_level] ...\n\n"; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } bool ScsiLoop::SetLogLevel(const string &log_level) { if (log_level == "trace") { set_level(level::trace); } else if (log_level == "debug") { set_level(level::debug); } else if (log_level == "info") { set_level(level::info); } else if (log_level == "warn") { set_level(level::warn); } else if (log_level == "err") { set_level(level::err); } else if (log_level == "critical") { set_level(level::critical); } else if (log_level == "off") { set_level(level::off); } else { return false; } current_log_level = log_level; LOGINFO("Set log level to '%s'", current_log_level.c_str()) return true; } void ScsiLoop::TerminationHandler(int signum) { exit(signum); } bool ScsiLoop::ParseArgument(const vector &args) { string name; string log_level; const char *locale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, ""); if (locale == nullptr || !strcmp(locale, "C")) { locale = "en"; } opterr = 1; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(static_cast(args.size()), args.data(), "-L:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'L': log_level = optarg; continue; default: return false; } if (optopt) { return false; } } if (!log_level.empty()) { SetLogLevel(log_level); } return true; } int ScsiLoop::run(const vector &args) { // added setvbuf to override stdout buffering, so logs are written immediately and not when the process exits. setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); // Output the Banner Banner(args); // ParseArgument() requires the bus to have been initialized first, which requires the root user. // The -v option should be available for any user, which requires special handling. for (auto this_arg : args) { if (!strcasecmp(this_arg, "-v")) { cout << piscsi_get_version_string() << endl; return 0; } } // Create a thread-safe stdout logger to process the log messages const auto logger = stdout_color_mt("scsiloop stdout logger"); set_level(level::info); current_log_level = "info"; vector error_list; if (!ParseArgument(args)) { return -1; } // Signal handler to detach all devices on a KILL or TERM signal struct sigaction termination_handler; termination_handler.sa_handler = TerminationHandler; sigemptyset(&termination_handler.sa_mask); termination_handler.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &termination_handler, nullptr); sigaction(SIGTERM, &termination_handler, nullptr); // This must be executed before the timer test, since this initializes the timer ScsiLoop_GPIO gpio_test; // int result = ScsiLoop_Timer::RunTimerTest(error_list); int result = gpio_test.RunLoopbackTest(error_list); if (result == 0) { // Only test the dat inputs/outputs if the loopback test passed. result += gpio_test.RunDataInputTest(error_list); result += gpio_test.RunDataOutputTest(error_list); } ScsiLoop_Cout::PrintErrors(error_list); gpio_test.Cleanup(); return 0; }