""" Module for methods reading from and writing to the file system """ import logging import asyncio from os import walk, path from pathlib import PurePath, Path from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from json import dump, load from shutil import copyfile from urllib.parse import quote from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from re import search import requests from piscsi.common_settings import ( CFG_DIR, CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX, PROPERTIES_SUFFIX, RESERVATIONS, SHELL_ERROR, ) from piscsi.piscsi_cmds import PiscsiCmds from piscsi.return_codes import ReturnCodes from util import unarchiver FILE_READ_ERROR = "Unhandled exception when reading file: %s" FILE_WRITE_ERROR = "Unhandled exception when writing to file: %s" URL_SAFE = "/:?&" class FileCmds: """ class for methods reading from and writing to the file system """ def __init__(self, piscsi: PiscsiCmds): self.piscsi = piscsi # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def list_config_files(self): """ Finds files with file ending CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX in CFG_DIR. Returns a (list) of (str) files_list """ files_list = [] for _root, _dirs, files in walk(CFG_DIR): for file in files: if file.endswith("." + CONFIG_FILE_SUFFIX): files_list.append(file) return files_list # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def list_subdirs(self, directory): """ Finds subdirs within the (str) directory dir. Returns a (list) of (str) subdir_list. """ subdir_list = [] # Filter out file sharing meta data dirs excluded_dirs = ("Network Trash Folder", "Temporary Items", "TheVolumeSettingsFolder") for root, dirs, _files in walk(directory, topdown=True): # Strip out dirs that begin with . dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d[0] != "."] for dir in dirs: if dir not in excluded_dirs: dirpath = path.join(root, dir) subdir_list.append(dirpath.replace(directory, "", 1)) subdir_list.sort() return subdir_list # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def delete_file(self, file_path): """ Takes (Path) file_path for the file to delete Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg, (dict) parameters """ parameters = {"file_path": file_path} if file_path.exists(): try: file_path.unlink() except OSError as error: logging.error(error) return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.DELETEFILE_UNABLE_TO_DELETE, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.DELETEFILE_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.DELETEFILE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "parameters": parameters, } # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def rename_file(self, file_path, target_path, overwrite_target=False): """ Takes: - (Path) file_path for the file to rename - (Path) target_path for the name to rename - optional (bool) overwrite_target Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg, (dict) parameters """ parameters = {"target_path": target_path} if not target_path.parent.exists(): target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) if overwrite_target or not target_path.exists(): try: file_path.rename(target_path) except OSError as error: logging.error(error) return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.RENAMEFILE_UNABLE_TO_MOVE, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.RENAMEFILE_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_COULD_NOT_OVERWRITE, "parameters": parameters, } # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def copy_file(self, file_path, target_path, overwrite_target=False): """ Takes: - (Path) file_path for the file to copy from - (Path) target_path for the name to copy to - optional (bool) overwrite_target Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg, (dict) parameters """ parameters = {"target_path": target_path} if not target_path.parent.exists(): target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) if overwrite_target or not target_path.exists(): try: copyfile(str(file_path), str(target_path)) except OSError as error: logging.error(error) return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_COULD_NOT_WRITE, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_COULD_NOT_OVERWRITE, "parameters": parameters, } def create_empty_image(self, target_path, size, overwrite_target=False): """ Creates a new empty binary file to use as image. Takes: - (Path) target_path - (int) size in bytes - optional (bool) overwrite_target Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg, (dict) parameters """ parameters = {"target_path": target_path} if not target_path.parent.exists(): target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) if overwrite_target or not target_path.exists(): try: with open(f"{target_path}", "wb") as out: out.seek(size - 1) out.write(b"\0") except OSError as error: logging.error(error) return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_COULD_NOT_WRITE, "parameters": parameters, } return {"status": True, "msg": ""} return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_COULD_NOT_OVERWRITE, "parameters": parameters, } def extract_image(self, file_path, members=None, move_properties_files_to_config=True): """ Takes (str) file_path, (list) members, optional (bool) move_properties_files_to_config file_name is the path of the archive file to extract, relative to the images directory members is a list of file paths in the archive file to extract move_properties_files_to_config controls if .properties files are auto-moved to CFG_DIR Returns (dict) result """ server_info = self.piscsi.get_server_info() if not members: return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.EXTRACTIMAGE_NO_FILES_SPECIFIED, } try: extract_result = unarchiver.extract_archive( f"{server_info['image_dir']}/{file_path}", members=members, output_dir=server_info["image_dir"], ) properties_files_moved = [] if move_properties_files_to_config: for file in extract_result["extracted"]: if file.get("name").endswith(f".{PROPERTIES_SUFFIX}"): prop_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / file["name"] if self.rename_file( Path(file["absolute_path"]), prop_path, overwrite_target=True, ): properties_files_moved.append( { "status": True, "name": file["path"], "path": str(prop_path), } ) else: properties_files_moved.append( { "status": False, "name": file["path"], "path": str(prop_path), } ) return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.EXTRACTIMAGE_SUCCESS, "parameters": { "count": len(extract_result["extracted"]), }, "extracted": extract_result["extracted"], "skipped": extract_result["skipped"], "properties_files_moved": properties_files_moved, } except unarchiver.UnarNoFilesExtractedError: return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.EXTRACTIMAGE_NO_FILES_EXTRACTED, } except ( unarchiver.UnarCommandError, unarchiver.UnarUnexpectedOutputError, ) as error: return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.EXTRACTIMAGE_COMMAND_ERROR, "parameters": { "error": error, }, } # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def partition_disk(self, file_name, volume_name, disk_format): """ Creates a partition table on an image file. Takes (str) file_name, (str) volume_name, (str) disk_format as arguments. disk_format is either HFS or FAT Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg """ server_info = self.piscsi.get_server_info() full_file_path = Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / file_name # Inject hfdisk commands to create Mac partition table with HFS partitions if disk_format == "HFS": partitioning_tool = "hfdisk" commands = [ "i", # Initialize partition map "", # Continue with default first block "C", # Create 1st partition with type specified next) "", # Continue with default "32", # 32 block (required for HFS+) "Driver_Partition", # Partition Name "Apple_Driver", # Partition Type "C", # Create 2nd partition with type specified next "", # Continue with default first block "", # Continue with default block size (rest of the disk) volume_name, # Partition name "Apple_HFS", # Partition Type "w", # Write partition map to disk "y", # Confirm partition table "p", # Print partition map (for the log) ] # Inject fdisk commands to create primary FAT partition with MS-DOS label elif disk_format == "FAT": partitioning_tool = "fdisk" commands = [ "o", # create a new empty DOS partition table "n", # add a new partition "p", # primary partition "", # default partition number "", # default first sector "", # default last sector "t", # change partition type "b", # choose W95 FAT32 type "w", # write table to disk and exit ] try: process = Popen( [partitioning_tool, str(full_file_path)], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, ) for command in commands: process.stdin.write(bytes(command + "\n", "utf-8")) process.stdin.flush() try: outs, errs = process.communicate(timeout=15) if outs: logging.info(str(outs, "utf-8")) if errs: logging.error(str(errs, "utf-8")) if process.returncode: self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": errs} except TimeoutExpired: process.kill() outs, errs = process.communicate() if outs: logging.info(str(outs, "utf-8")) if errs: logging.error(str(errs, "utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": errs} except (OSError, IOError) as error: logging.error(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} return {"status": True, "msg": ""} # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def format_hfs(self, file_name, volume_name, driver_path): """ Initializes an HFS file system and injects a hard disk driver Takes (str) file_name, (str) volume_name and (Path) driver_path as arguments. Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg """ server_info = self.piscsi.get_server_info() full_file_path = Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / file_name try: run( [ "dd", f"if={driver_path}", f"of={full_file_path}", "seek=64", "count=32", "bs=512", "conv=notrunc", ], capture_output=True, check=True, ) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as error: logging.warning(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} try: process = run( [ "hformat", "-l", volume_name, str(full_file_path), "1", ], capture_output=True, check=True, ) logging.info(process.stdout.decode("utf-8")) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as error: logging.error(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} return {"status": True, "msg": ""} # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def format_fat(self, file_name, volume_name, fat_size): """ Initializes a FAT file system Takes (str) file_name, (str) volume_name and (str) FAT size (12|16|32) as arguments. Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg """ server_info = self.piscsi.get_server_info() full_file_path = Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / file_name loopback_device = "" try: process = run( ["kpartx", "-av", str(full_file_path)], capture_output=True, check=True, ) logging.info(process.stdout.decode("utf-8")) if process.returncode == 0: loopback_device = search(r"(loop\d\D\d)", process.stdout.decode("utf-8")).group(1) else: logging.info(process.stdout.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": process.stderr.decode("utf-8")} except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as error: logging.warning(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} args = [ "mkfs.fat", "-v", "-F", fat_size, "-n", volume_name, "/dev/mapper/" + loopback_device, ] try: process = run( args, capture_output=True, check=True, ) logging.info(process.stdout.decode("utf-8")) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as error: logging.warning(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} try: process = run( ["kpartx", "-dv", str(full_file_path)], capture_output=True, check=True, ) logging.info(process.stdout.decode("utf-8")) if process.returncode: logging.info(process.stderr.decode("utf-8")) logging.warning("Failed to delete loopback device. You may have to do it manually") except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as error: logging.warning(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.delete_file(Path(file_name)) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} return {"status": True, "msg": ""} def download_file_to_iso(self, url, *iso_args): """ Takes (str) url and one or more (str) *iso_args Returns (dict) with (bool) status and (str) msg """ server_info = self.piscsi.get_server_info() file_name = PurePath(url).name iso_filename = Path(server_info["image_dir"]) / f"{file_name}.iso" with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_full_path = Path(tmp_dir) / file_name req_proc = self.download_to_dir(quote(url, safe=URL_SAFE), tmp_full_path) logging.info("Downloaded %s to %s", file_name, tmp_dir) if not req_proc["status"]: return {"status": False, "msg": req_proc["msg"]} if is_zipfile(tmp_full_path): if "XtraStuf.mac" in str(ZipFile(str(tmp_full_path)).namelist()): logging.info( "MacZip file format detected. Will not unzip to retain resource fork." ) else: logging.info( "%s is a zipfile! Will attempt to unzip and store the resulting files.", tmp_full_path, ) unzip_proc = asyncio.run( self.run_async( "unzip", [ "-d", str(tmp_dir), "-n", str(tmp_full_path), ], ) ) if not unzip_proc["returncode"]: logging.info( "%s was successfully unzipped. Deleting the zipfile.", tmp_full_path, ) tmp_full_path.unlink(True) process = self.generate_iso(iso_filename, Path(tmp_dir), *iso_args) if not process["status"]: return {"status": False, "msg": process["msg"]} return { "status": True, "return_code": process["return_code"], "parameters": process["parameters"], "file_name": process["file_name"], } def generate_iso(self, iso_file, target_path, *iso_args): """ Takes - (Path) iso_file - the path to the file to create - (Path) target_path - the path to the file or dir to generate the iso from - (*str) iso_args - the tuple of arguments to pass to genisoimage """ try: run( [ "genisoimage", *iso_args, "-o", str(iso_file), str(target_path), ], capture_output=True, check=True, ) except CalledProcessError as error: logging.warning(SHELL_ERROR, " ".join(error.cmd), error.stderr.decode("utf-8")) return {"status": False, "msg": error.stderr.decode("utf-8")} return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.DOWNLOADFILETOISO_SUCCESS, "parameters": {"value": " ".join(iso_args)}, "file_name": iso_file.name, } # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def download_to_dir(self, url, target_path): """ Takes (str) url, (Path) target_path Returns (dict) with (bool) status and (str) msg """ logging.info("Making a request to download %s", url) try: with requests.get( quote(url, safe=URL_SAFE), stream=True, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, ) as req: req.raise_for_status() try: with open(str(target_path), "wb") as download: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): download.write(chunk) except FileNotFoundError as error: return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error: logging.warning("Request failed: %s", str(error)) return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} logging.info("Response encoding: %s", req.encoding) logging.info("Response content-type: %s", req.headers["content-type"]) logging.info("Response status code: %s", req.status_code) parameters = {"target_path": str(target_path)} return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.DOWNLOADTODIR_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } def write_config(self, file_name): """ Takes (str) file_name Returns (dict) with (bool) status and (str) msg """ file_path = f"{CFG_DIR}/{file_name}" try: with open(file_path, "w", encoding="ISO-8859-1") as json_file: version = self.piscsi.get_server_info()["version"] devices = self.piscsi.list_devices()["device_list"] for device in devices: # Remove keys that we don't want to store in the file del device["status"] del device["file"] # It's cleaner not to store an empty parameter for every device without media if device["image"] == "": device["image"] = None # PiSCSI product names will be generated on the fly by PiSCSI if device["vendor"] == "PiSCSI": device["vendor"] = device["product"] = device["revision"] = None # A block size of 0 is how PiSCSI indicates N/A for block size if device["block_size"] == 0: device["block_size"] = None # Convert to a data type that can be serialized device["params"] = dict(device["params"]) reserved_ids_and_memos = [] reserved_ids = self.piscsi.get_reserved_ids()["ids"] for scsi_id in reserved_ids: reserved_ids_and_memos.append( {"id": scsi_id, "memo": RESERVATIONS[int(scsi_id)]} ) dump( { "version": version, "devices": devices, "reserved_ids": reserved_ids_and_memos, }, json_file, indent=4, ) parameters = {"target_path": file_path} return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } except (IOError, ValueError, EOFError, TypeError) as error: logging.error(str(error)) self.delete_file(Path(file_path)) return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} except Exception: logging.error(FILE_WRITE_ERROR, file_name) self.delete_file(Path(file_path)) raise def read_config(self, file_name): """ Takes (str) file_name Returns (dict) with (bool) status and (str) msg """ file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / file_name try: with open(file_path, encoding="ISO-8859-1") as json_file: config = load(json_file) # If the config file format changes again in the future, # introduce more sophisticated format detection logic here. if isinstance(config, dict): self.piscsi.detach_all() for scsi_id in range(0, 8): RESERVATIONS[scsi_id] = "" ids_to_reserve = [] for item in config["reserved_ids"]: ids_to_reserve.append(item["id"]) RESERVATIONS[int(item["id"])] = item["memo"] self.piscsi.reserve_scsi_ids(ids_to_reserve) for row in config["devices"]: kwargs = { "device_type": row["device_type"], "unit": int(row["unit"]), "vendor": row["vendor"], "product": row["product"], "revision": row["revision"], "block_size": row["block_size"], "params": dict(row["params"]), } if row["image"]: kwargs["params"]["file"] = row["image"] self.piscsi.attach_device(row["id"], **kwargs) # The config file format in RaSCSI 21.10 is using a list data type at the top level. # If future config file formats return to the list data type, # introduce more sophisticated format detection logic here. elif isinstance(config, list): self.piscsi.detach_all() for row in config: kwargs = { "device_type": row["device_type"], "image": row["image"], "unit": int(row["un"]), "vendor": row["vendor"], "product": row["product"], "revision": row["revision"], "block_size": row["block_size"], "params": dict(row["params"]), } if row["image"]: kwargs["params"]["file"] = row["image"] self.piscsi.attach_device(row["id"], **kwargs) logging.warning("%s is in an obsolete config file format", file_name) else: return { "status": False, "return_code": ReturnCodes.READCONFIG_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE_FORMAT, } parameters = {"file_name": file_name} return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.READCONFIG_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } except (IOError, ValueError, EOFError, TypeError) as error: logging.error(str(error)) return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} except Exception: logging.error(FILE_READ_ERROR, str(file_path)) raise def write_drive_properties(self, file_name, conf): """ Writes a drive property configuration file to the config dir. Takes file name base (str) and (list of dicts) conf as arguments Returns (dict) with (bool) status and (str) msg """ file_path = Path(CFG_DIR) / file_name if not file_path.parent.exists(): file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) try: with open(file_path, "w") as json_file: dump(conf, json_file, indent=4) parameters = {"target_path": str(file_path)} return { "status": True, "return_code": ReturnCodes.WRITEFILE_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, } except (IOError, ValueError, EOFError, TypeError) as error: logging.error(str(error)) self.delete_file(file_path) return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} except Exception: logging.error(FILE_WRITE_ERROR, str(file_path)) self.delete_file(file_path) raise # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def read_drive_properties(self, file_path): """ Reads drive properties from json formatted file. Takes (Path) file_path as argument. Returns (dict) with (bool) status, (str) msg, (dict) conf """ try: with open(file_path) as json_file: conf = load(json_file) parameters = {"file_path": str(file_path)} return { "status": True, "return_codes": ReturnCodes.READDRIVEPROPS_SUCCESS, "parameters": parameters, "conf": conf, } except (IOError, ValueError, EOFError, TypeError) as error: logging.error(str(error)) return {"status": False, "msg": str(error)} except Exception: logging.error(FILE_READ_ERROR, str(file_path)) raise # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic async def run_async(self, program, args): """ Takes (str) cmd with the shell command to execute Executes shell command and captures output Returns (dict) with (int) returncode, (str) stdout, (str) stderr """ proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( program, *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() logging.info( 'Executed command "%s %s" with status code %d', program, " ".join(args), proc.returncode, ) if stdout: stdout = stdout.decode() logging.info("stdout: %s", stdout) if stderr: stderr = stderr.decode() logging.info("stderr: %s", stderr) return {"returncode": proc.returncode, "stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr}